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The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.

JW Insider

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22 hours ago, César Chávez said:

China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat.

Chivchalov made a similar point about Russia. ‘Why doesn’t the outcry of human rights organizations have more effect to alleviate the persecution of our people?” I asked him. “Because they [Russian human rights people] are too few, and besides, Russia views human rights organizations as largely a tool of Western meddling, he said.

On 8/11/2020 at 10:56 AM, Arauna said:

Those stories coming out of Russia about the horrible beatings of JWs 

In the end, these have the most credibility to us, and from this one may extrapolate into situations not involving JWs. Any other testimony from any other source is subject to revisionists claiming it was faked or skewed or misleading or incomplete—it may or may not be true—but with JWs that will not be the case. Why? Essentially, it is because we know the integrity of our people. We know that when they tell of what happened to them, it happened to them. We know of their indifference to politics. We know how they interact with the governments of whatever country they are in: “Find out what the king wants for social order, and then do it. That way, he will leave us in peace to worship God.” Witnesses don’t care about changing the government, and everyone knows it.

For the most part, this works well in all countries except for authoritarian ones. “We are not in America,” the cops told our brothers while beating them.” (I think it was in Surgut) When our own human rights are treated with such disdain, I can accept that it happens to others, even if political biases may skew reports this way or that.

With regard to communism, I’ve no doubt that human rights groups do not identify with “the good that we are trying to achieve here” and in some cases, have achieved  They focus on “Bill of Rights“ type of human rights—freedom of speech, of worship, of assembly, of press, of protection from search and seizure.” They do not call out the West for manipulative or predatory economic policy. But then, to my knowledge, they don’t do that to the East, either. It is not the type of rights violation that they are into. Maybe they should be, so as to be more “even-handed,” but they don’t. To that extent, I guess it is fair to say that they do have Western leaning. 

‘The group is more important than the individual,‘ is the Eastern mentality going back thousands of years, grounded in Confucianism. The individual rights, even needs, are subservient to the group in such a culture. In the West, it has been the opposite—rights and needs of the individual override that of the group—and human rights groups identify with the latter orientation

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The group is more important than the individual,‘ is the Eastern mentality

Actually it is also taught in communism.... so this social engineering into a form of collectivism is not called cultural communism for nothing. The greater good of all is more important than the individual.  So a central government can force any law on you for the greater good of society.  

I believe in self-sacrificing love but natural law says - I must give it willingly.  Willingly give up my material stuff and willingly sacrifice myself for the greater good of all.  It must not be forced on me by someone who thinks they have a higher morality than God himself. 

Our natural rights come from Jehovah. Just being born gives it to you.  The right to own your own body and choose what goes into it and the freedom to choose whom you will serve (spiritually) in your home. I will obey the government whatever they ask (even share my stuff) but I will not allow them to put blood or any other substance which could change my mental capacity into my body.  No-one will force me to vote or show allegiance to a political party or its symbolism.  This, I think will become an issue under UN and its allies. 

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2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Yes definitely the GB of the CCJW.

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

I didn't realise that the CCJW was grounded in Confucianism The Org is more important than the individual. 

May I assume that you have misunderstood the topic again, @4Jah2me?

There are many reasons to discuss religion when discussing the problems of socialist and communist countries. There may even be space to discuss personal or religious beliefs about how China/Russia/etc, might fit into Bible prophecy, because this has been one of the ways that religious believers tie China and Russia into their worldview. Also, China and Russia have been notorious for their persecution and restrictions placed on several different Christian-oriented religions (JWs and others).

But just because you happen to know that @Arauna, for example, is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, it actually is "trolling" behavior to follow her comments, often only to pick out specific words as a means to insult her religion.

In case you still question what "trolling" means in the context of posting, I just googled it:

noun:   a person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post.
a deliberately offensive or provocative online post.
verb:   make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

If you wish to comment about JWs or the GB, comment about what they have said about China, or experiences of JWs in China or Russia. If your goal is merely to find what you consider hypocritical statements, then make a topic about that. Or make a topic about all the clever ways you have found to take posts on various topics and used the information to insult Jehovah's Witnesses.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is not the type of rights violation that they are into. Maybe they should be, so as to be more “even-handed,” but they don’t. To that extent, I guess it is fair to say that they do have Western leaning.

The Western leaning is often subtle, but not at all surprising. Human rights organizations in the United States are full of idealistic persons who want to publicize what is going wrong in many different places. There are areas where, if one can't get close enough to the situation, one can only expect the outrage to align with the most common version of the story. Hutu and Tutsi, Ukraine and Ukraine/Crimea, Myanmar, Milosevic, Assad/Syria, Bolivia, Libya, Venezuela, China. And, of course, most of the human rights issues that the US is responsible for are often handled through proxies and puppets, or are not seen unless pictures or documents leak (Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Libya, Syria).

But another problem is a less perceptible method following of the West's policies. HRW and Amnesty International once included major sections on economic and labor rights, but these have nearly disappeared from their websites. Especially as the West (with EU and UN support) has increased the use of economic sanctions. Back before the US invasion of Iraq (Libya, etc) there were discussions of violence imposed on other countries, citing appropriate UN Security Council Resolutions. Now, there have been statements (interviews) to the effect that these organizations don't get involved in the causes or stated reasons for war or conflict, but only concern themselves with the conduct of those prosecuting and/or defending the ensuing conflict.

Another point of comparison will get lost due to the ability to hide abuses that are considered "expected" but relatively minor exceptions to the rule. For example, even if it were true that ALL those suspected facilities in China were actually jails of some sort for a million Uyghurs, then even with the this number, the United States still out-imprisons its people at a much higher rate than China.

Prison guards, prison officers, soldiers and military officers, and police officers often get caught abusing human rights. I'm sure this happens everywhere. Russia, China, United States. One can reasonably assume that much of this abuse never gets caught. The United States has military bases all around the world, more than most other countries combined. And more soldiers based outside the country than anyone else. The United States has more prison guards than anywhere else, and a larger police force than China per capita. So most abuses will likely be considered a few bad apples hidden in the millons of bushels of generally good apples. Therefore few people think to roll those numbers up to compare all the "bad apples" to any other country's "bad apples." [Now compare this idea with the statistics released by reporters who have admitted that they learned of a bad report coming out of a specific city or region, and then merely multiplied that bad report by a specific factor because they assumed it must also be happening in all other parts of the country in question.]

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7 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Western leaning i

I would say the press is more sympathetic to cultural communist ideas.  I see too much evidence of it.

While our prisons are every inch as bad as any other due to privatization, so far the constitution still protects our right to freedom of religion - I guess not for long - because the constitution has been eroded over the past 25 years by congress with many laws which have taken away our personal liberties. Patriot Act is one of them.  They can put JWs in jail under this law without due process - just for being a perceived threat. Congress acts as if the constitution does not exist any longer which means our freedom of religion can come under threat.

USA has been in a war and did not even know it. They have been like innocent babies and not vigilant. USA does not have long term plans as does Russia and China. In Russia, the writings of Alexander Dugin has influenced the ruling class in Russia.  Attached is an insightful document of this man and his power and ideas in Russia. : https://demokratizatsiya.pub/archives/Geopolitics.pdf

Russia's long-term plans were influenced by this man, Dugan's geopolitics. He is a regular commentator on TV etc.

Same with China - while USA was sleeping and helping to build the Chinese empire with its outsourcing of factories etc, to China, China had their own plan to rule the world economically and take the reigns from USA. They were quietly working towards it with long term plans. Subversion and infiltration etc.  They do it with totalitarian vigor/zeal.

As we know, human plans all eventually fail.... but it has brought a nasty, critical situation in the world which we, at the end of time, must deal with. The world is not just in a battle between powers- it is in a battle of ideas/human ideologies.  Half the population have been convinced by now that capitalism does not bring wealth to all and enriches a few super rich people in the world to manipulate governments. The tide is changing and they are leaning towards communistic economic ideas  What they do not know is that far-right ideas in Russia itself is ruling the minds of people there.  Most people forget the word socialism in the word: national-socialism. They just focus on nationalism but in socialism the greater good of the collective is considered and individual rights disappear. The right to freedom of religion could be a casualty.

Labor rights or even human rights are being eroded in the present world, (there never was much in totalitarian states) but now in the west as well.  Humans rights organization at UN is a shell of what it once was with corrupt people running the entire organization - chosen for their communist loyalties and not their expertise.  In my thinking -  western governments and their press are leaning more to communist ideas now with what is termed  - far-right oppositions.

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23 hours ago, Arauna said:

He worked for NSA and other organizations linked to CIA which made predatory loans to countries which had resources such as oil etc... which USA wanted the control of.

I have not read the 2005 version nor the 2016 version of this book (Confessions of an Economic Hitman, by John Perkins), but I have heard people for years corroborate and document exactly what he claims has been done. I have no idea if he himself was personally involved in so much of it, of course, but this has been documented for years.

23 hours ago, Arauna said:

America was doing this since the fall of the Iranian government and putting the Shah in his place. ….CIA did this everywhere....also in countries they did not have cooperative regimes.

I once listened to many hours of the "secret recordings" from the White House phone of Lyndon Johnson. These were once aired on a Cable C-Span channel maybe 20 years ago? I heard some things on those recordings that first made me think that this type of predatory lending was being used "effectively" in the 1960's and prior. I remember having the channel on just as background noise while doing something else, and then I heard the name of a person I had known. In fact, for many years I attended the Congregation Bible Study in his home down the street from 124 Columbia Heights. I also visited and stayed overnight in his home in Southampton, NY, for  weekend summer "vacations" from Bethel. Although the wife and children and some grandchildren were active Witnesses, he himself was not active.

He had been the best-known president of the World Bank, and special financial consultant to the United Nations, after which he became special adviser to the ruler of Kuwait. His obit in the NYT says that "He also brought a bluntness that disabused heads of state and finance ministers of any notion that he was an international Santa Claus." It also quoted him as saying: "He sought to engender an international social conscience -- a feeling that extreme differences of poverty and wealth were intolerable among nations." And: "I don't think you can combat Communism, no matter how much money you give, unless the money is properly spent." 

Even though he died in 1992 and his wife died in 2001, for the sake of the grandchildren's privacy (they are friends) I don't want to use the names here. If anyone really wants to know, LBJ finally appointed him to a post, and he was under consideration to work on an "oil deal" with Kuwait, Algeria, UAR, and Iraq after a shipping stoppage. Editorial Note #180 here: https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xix/28058.htm

What else caught my attention was the context, that LBJ was wanting to nominate him for a position with Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, and the Secretary of Defense, Robert MacNamara. Later LBJ ended up appointing him to start up a special UN-backed development bank for South East Asia to counterbalance the Vietnam fiasco. Encyclopedia.com says:

In April 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson chose [him] to create a United Nations—sponsored multinational Asian Development Bank to provide investment funds and research staff to Southeast Asian nations, an attempt to deflect criticism of American involvement in Vietnam.

And guess who got the job as president of the World Bank after retiring as Secretary of Defense? Robert MacNamara himself, of Vietnam-era infamy.

Anyway, it's well documented what the World Bank, the IMF, and USAID, and others have been doing.

USAID, by the way, is often presented as non-political by most media outlets, but it's so full of CIA spies and propagandists that many countries prefer to just send them away and not allow them to bring aid into their country. I'll have to look it up again, but I believe that it was a FOXNews or similar reporter was interviewing a State Dept retiree last year, and she was laughing off China's claim that the US was interfering by inciting riots in Hong Kong. She expected him to play along, but the State Dept man --I'll look up his name later if needed-- went off script and said something like, "No. They're right, we are there in Hong Kong. We have USAID there, . . . ."  [and he named a few other entities]. She dropped it quickly, probably for fear he was having a senior moment, and might end up revealing CIA ops.

Also, I heard John Bolton in an interview upset that China was giving interest-free loans in Africa, employing a lot of local African people, and doing things that were building up friendly relations that made it difficult for us (the US) to make the same inroads in Africa, because their style is so different.

You can read a lot between the lines here, especially when you know the bullying, imperialist methods that the United States has regularly backed.

Bolton must be even angrier now at headlines like this: https://www.cfr.org/blog/africa-faces-covid-19-chinese-debt-relief-welcome-development

As Africa Faces COVID-19, Chinese Debt Relief is a Welcome Development

This has been a common theme for years as China's economy has been growing. Except in the West, they are not generally known to the rest of the world for using debt as a weapon the way the US and the EU (mostly German banks) have done. You can see this as buying good relationships with countries, but in practice, that is still better than forcing the hiring of US corporations, creating complex infrastructure that requires an ongoing US presence, and then using debt default as leverage in exchange for building a military base, leveraging UN votes, etc. (Western media is always reporting about non-existent Chinese military bases, too, which is another form of projection.)

After the EU bludgeoned Greece, and threatens Italy and Spain over economic debt, China has even stepped in here. And this is not just a recent development, but goes back to at least 2009. Note: https://theconversation.com/chinas-relationships-with-greece-and-italy-are-deepening-eu-is-reaping-exactly-what-it-sowed-127087

China’s relationships with Greece and Italy are deepening – EU is reaping exactly what it sowed

You can watch YouTube interviews with Greek leaders praising China. They have stepped in to help Greece out, for free. And the EU is therefore mad at Greece for not joining them in condemning China on human rights.

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5 minutes ago, Arauna said:

China had their own plan to rule the world economically and take the reigns from USA. They were quietly working towards it with long term plans. Subversion and infiltration etc.

They were actually very open about it. Western countries could share in the Chinese market, and make use of Chinese labor and factories and supply chains only if they agreed to turn over their technology and/or give up much of their long term profits. Capitalists often think in the short term. As you say they aren't good with long term plans. The financial services company I worked for for 20-some years wanted to open up offices in China and we had to consider their offers. (I had to work on statistics and projections for the crossover point of profitability and yearly ROI.) But we knew we had to agree to their terms of giving up our "secrets" so that China could run the same type of company on their own terms, and might even compete with our own company, or more likely, kick us out in less than 10 years and copy what we were doing. In the meantime, of course, we were hiring so many consultants from India, that the two largest consulting companies in India were already using our "secrets" in their own country and with other competing companies in the US where the same consulting companies from India had been hired. (After an Indian company we were using made a big presentation and proposal for some product changes, I caught a glimpse of another company's name in the footer of a page of the proposal. On a shared drive I found several documents from another company where they had worked.)

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5 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

China's claim that the US was interfering by inciting riots in Hong Kong

While I agree with you - the CIA atrocities and mingling in affairs of other countries is beyond our imagination - crooked and evil. 

BUT China are spinning the above tale to their own people.  The propaganda inside china is now in top gear.  Everything in the west is bad.... just like the propaganda in the mosques. USA is the source of all problems in the world. (while I am sure they are - their exploitive behavior was also the source of China's wealth until now - especially when making Apple computers etc for the world.)  While China's people worked like slaves in the new factories outsourced to China...… the western companies took advantage of the  low wages and non-existent  labor protections in china..... it is horrible fact- due to the little human rights in China ….other countries could exploit it..... While not condoning the exploitation -   it did bring many Chinese families out of extreme poverty. 

There is good reason for people to riot in Hong Kong.  The law that has been changed in Hong Kong is going to bring the same rules into this city as has been in China.  Many have family members in China and KNOW first-hand what is awaiting them.  China does not tolerate any ideas of freedom of speech or freedom of religion etc.  They will send these people to -re-education camps of they could face death as spies... which some of them will be accused of.

15 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

China was giving interest-free loans in Africa, employing a lot of local African people, and doing things that were building up friendly relations that made it difficult for us (the US) to make the same inroads in Africa, because their style is so different.

I know of a couple of African countries who had to sign over their airports and harbors to China - so interest-free-is a myth.  In south Africa the government has been taking farms without compensation.... well know fact.   Well, it turns out that many farms that were taken away from farmers in Limpopo region, all of them lay next to the famous wild life park - the Kruger national park... well-known in the world for Rhino, elephant, lion, buffalo, cheetah. leopard and many kinds of antelope.  The threat to this park is that people can now kill these animals (seems like government does not care any longer).   The government also received bribes from China.....   the mineral rights on these farms are now in the hands of china to start mining it for themselves. They bring their own laborers because the labor laws in south Africa protect the African workers.  They whole group riots if one fires one person on the job.... even if the stole from the company.  It is impossible to fire a black person in SA.... even if they deserve it. 


I quote from your article link:  Interest-free loans account for less than 5 percent of Africa’s rapidly mounting debt to China, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University. The announcement also came a full two months after the World BankIMF, and G-20 had begun their own emergency financing operations continent-wide.  -   

The other 95% loans are all predatory.  it is smart to give one small free loan and then offer bribes and large predatory loans. The other banks have lent money to south Africa that will never be paid back because S Africa was on the brink of collapse before Covid 19.  Its power stations were providing 4 hours electricity a day and factories were closing. A few foreign companies that were still there are leaving in droves.  The money status is junk status.  The new UN loans come with large attachments...… and the money has already been stolen by the elite in south Africa.  I keep abreast of conditions there.  The poor always lose. UN also does predatory loans.... for their own purpose to control these nations.

42 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

As Africa Faces COVID-19, Chinese Debt Relief is a Welcome Development.   

This is the propaganda headlines which China gets at the beginning of each new project.  They lend the money and then come and build the port to their specifications - so they can later use it.  Some have complained about the shoddy workmanship or facilities that they cannot use - but china can and does take it over.  I read a recent article about the Greek shipping that used to dominate the world.  China made agreements about this port - they will be the one using this major port into Europe - part of the 20 year plan to dominate all shipping lanes. 

The author of " I was a predatory hitman (conman)" indicates how much good newspaper headlines he got for his predatory loans.  China is doing the same.  China is NOT altruistic - they view themselves as superior...…. and want to dominate the world economically.  These loans do not come with austere attachments because this easy-come-easy-go contracts have an ulterior motive. Nothing China does is for free..... even the bribes.  I listened to a talk about the morality in China.  Since no religion is allowed the people in China have become very corrupt - everyone is out to make a buck and will steal if they can get away with it.  Caring for another human has gone out of collective memory.

Corruption in China is rife and heavy handed treatments of its citizens by governors.  If CCP want to get rid of an official - because you are doing too well and are a threat - then they charge you on false corruption charges to get you out of the way. … but while you are doing their dirty work you are fine.

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6 hours ago, Arauna said:

Since no religion is allowed the people in China have become very corrupt

And to think that Utopia, the Thomas More book of the 1500s that coined the word, describes a society in which religion is integral, with the Christian (Catholic) faith preferred as the most reasonable.

6 hours ago, Arauna said:

S Africa was on the brink of collapse before Covid 19.  Its power stations were providing 4 hours electricity a day and factories were closing. A few foreign companies that were still there are leaving in droves. 

I didn’t know that about S Africa. Any thoughts on ‘Cry the Beloved Country’—a favorite of mine? I was surprised many years later to discover that the author opposed the ending of apartheid.

7 hours ago, Arauna said:

China had their own plan to rule the world economically and take the reigns from USA. They were quietly working towards it with long term plans. Subversion and infiltration etc.  They do

To a friend from Europe years ago, a more naive me mentioned how now that China has come into money it is playing the part of a great nation—words to that effect. He told me that China has always thought of itself as a great nation, only its greatness was short-circuited for a couple hundred years by Western interference. 

7 hours ago, JW Insider said:

visited and stayed overnight in his home in Southampton...best-known president of World Bank...financial consultant to the United Nations, after which...full of CIA spies and propagandists

Sigh...Most of my knowledge of the CIA comes from watching episodes of ‘Chuck.’

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

author opposed the ending of apartheid

Apartheid means segregation. We mingled in the day and worked together but each night we went home to our own towns. There were many terrorist incidents and demonstrations in 1976 which ended in a shooting of rioters. Steve Biko was held in custody and then died - similar to events now in USA. There was police brutality against an ethnic majority (they were the majority) because they were feared....by the whites. The whites did not want to relinquish to the majority vote because they feared what is now happening. They saw what happened in the rest of Africa with communist dictators receiving help from Russia and Gaddafi. 

There was a small group of white police criminals who did kill some black leaders in secret - as many governments do. This came out in the Reconciliation Commission which was held after apartheid.  All the sins of the white regime came out. My brother went to prison because he refused to help them with poisons. He was called up for military duty and then targeted.  He has bad eyes and was exempted for his eyes but was then recalled and badly illtreated. Most of the JW brothers who served a 3 year sentence were illtreated and still have a police record until today.

Our government was very advanced but one had to play along or find yourself on the fringes of society.  Most whites called the JWs communists because we did not help fight on the borders.  They hated us - traitors. Instead we preached on the borders.  I knew a circuit overseer who worked at the most northern border. The communists were on all our borders and we were fighting wars against them.

My present  husband (married him after the death of my husband) was listening in on the Russians at that time because he had security clearance. SA weaponry (and mine-proof vehicles ) were exported all over the world and also to America. I think Sadam used our long range guns in the first Iraq war. he had bought them years earlier.  We had the atom bomb but this was dismantled before the government was given over to the ANC when majority vote brought in Mandela as president. My daughter survived a full day operation for cancer at age of 9 months.  Our heart surgery etc was tops.  Infrastructure was excellent and houses (albeit smaller houses) were built for the black people in their townships.  But their population was exploding and we could not keep up with providing minimal cost housing.  Shanty towns existed and the crime rate was high there. Unfortunately - the situation is now 100 times worse because the present ANC government has stolen S Africa bare (all the money in overseas private accounts) and very little infrastructure was replaced or built and government housing was not provided. 

Now the opposite is happening but on mega scale. Reversed racism which has godless spiritism to fire the zeal for killing. The new generation which is now 22 years old (born after apartheid) still blame apartheid or whites for everything that goes wrong even though they never lived under apartheid.  Whites still pay most of the taxes and have to give 51% percent of their business to a black owner otherwise they cannot get any contracts and by law they have to employ black people - even if they do not have the skills..... so many businesses fail due to this.

Whites cannot get in at universities now (very hard) but a 30 percent pass rate has produced people who cannot do the job.  So university is worthless. SA qualifications are worth nothing any longer.  My one brother who has 5 degrees refused to teach at the university after he closed up his engineering business. He was afraid to sign off on jobs which BEE built because he was afraid he would go to prison for shoddy work which he was not responsible for.  He has been retired for 22 years. He was a member of the American engineering Society. he only does consulting work for free.

Before becoming a JW, I was glad I was white because our education was very good and discipline in our schools were very high.  University standards were very high when I was there.  I was privileged due to my skin color.... just by luck of birth. Now schools are mixed and terrible rapes, corruption  etc going on.....

JW education is needed to improve people's lives and to get them to ditch bad practices such as spiritism.  Unfortunately, this will only happen in the new system.  The brothers in south Africa are tight knit and the love in all congregations abound..... thanks to the education of Jehovah. The racial divide in USA is now getting murderous …… but not yet as bad as in the general population in SA. 

Thought I will give you my opinion. I hope nothing in here is offensive.  It is a very racist country...….. on both sides of the divide. 

2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

China has always thought of itself as a great nation

In the schools they are now focusing on the history of the Opium wars - to create a hate for the west and loyalty to CCP.

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Ajit singh, Chinese inv popular, small in comparison to debts africa owes to the west, building much needed infrastructure, jobs for chinese, ... 5g in italy. US is trying  ... aainst free market... if us doesn't want competition, crushes by sanctions.

Soviet Union unfree .. ? US goes around interfering in other countries. Marshall plan.

On 8/14/2020 at 1:31 AM, Arauna said:

I quote from your article link:  Interest-free loans account for less than 5 percent of Africa’s rapidly mounting debt to China, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University.

This might be confusing. To make a point, I often try to quote admissions by those whose general goal appears to denigrate China. It's like quoting a kid in a schoolyard who was just bested in some athletic match-up, who says, "As you know, I've always hated Shawna, but I have to admit that at least she played fair." My takeaway from such a statement is that this provides more evidence that Shawna played fairly than if Shawna herself had said she played fairly.

I saw this chart below re-quoted once with the heading, "Guess which color is China ?"



The link to sais-cari.org (China Africa Research Initiative) in the charts footnote, is related to the same link you would get if you clicked on the words "5 percent" in the portion of the link content that you quoted from. (Actually that particular link is dead in my browser, but you can still find the intended document on Google here. Perhaps it's an update.) It's a document called Debt Relief with Chinese Characteristics by Kevin Acker, Deborah Brautigam, and Yufan Huang. This is the major source for the article in the Foreign Relations site, that I cited above.

At issue is not the amount of interest free loans, but the amount of loans undergoing a much restructuring and outright forgiveness. The article mentions the much "friendlier" methods used by China vs. the methods of the World Bank/IMF/G-20. Also, it's odd that with such a small footprint of investment, they are still the largest investors in real infrastructure. What are the debts from the other countries for? And, of course, I don't think China is being altruistic, but they are giving that impression.

A journalist named Ajit Singh has said: "About that so-called "debt trap": China is a tiny source of African debt, yet the U.S. and West endlessly fear-monger about this. It is the cynical propaganda of imperialists who are afraid of losing their stranglehold on the continent." Singh has collected a huge list of links here, although below I will only include those on Africa in general, not the projects listed by specific country.

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