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The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.

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On 8/16/2020 at 12:25 PM, César Chávez said:

Just keep in mind that I don't quote from google books that I have not acquired in full.

That can be a good thing. And it's good to know. Because I really wanted to know the source of footnote 5 which immediately followed the 3 sentences you bolded. I don't have the book, and don't plan to look for it. But I find the content very interesting, and obviously a biased promotion of the separatist movement which are know for calling the region "East Turkistan."

Although I should mention that, on this forum some time back, I already explained a 'hack' to easily get content from many (and in some cases all) of those skipped pages that are not displayed by Google. And, yes, I also have full access to the content on all the particular pages you showed. I had already done this simple 'hack' to display the undisplayed footnote, which was how I knew that the writer of the article you quoted had given a very biased and ill-informed version of events:


The NY Times article admitted that the scientific sampling showed that the Uyghur claims were evidently false:

"And the region’s Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking Muslim people, have hailed the discovery of these non-East Asian mummies as proof of their own historical claims. There is a separatist movement of Uighurs;  . . . But the DNA and cultural analysis support neither opposing claim. (Nor would it matter if they did.)"

On 8/16/2020 at 12:25 PM, César Chávez said:

This suggests I use certain information from google books to make a point. I encourage everyone to have a good library.

By giving away the link to the section you quoted, I was not trying to make it look like you only use Google Books, and I was not claiming that you don't have full access to the book yourself. I was only providing the evidence that the bolding of those sentences was not in the original book, but something you added. And I don't have any problem at all with you, me, or anyone else, using certain information from Google Books to make a point. I think it's great.

On 8/16/2020 at 12:25 PM, César Chávez said:

Therefore, I don't have a library to view the politics of nations, I use my intelligence in search of history, and what I can learn from that history that may have a bearing in prophecy. Let me make that abundantly clear for you and TTH. 

Sounds like a good perspective.


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12 hours ago, César Chávez said:

I just need everyone to understand, the banner of Jehovah Witness still exist on top, and the name Jehovah should not play in anyone's mind when dealing with politics.

Actually, it doesn't. I purposely started this topic in a non-Jehovah's Witnesses area of the forum. And no one has moved it to a JW area, even though several people kept bringing up JW beliefs here.

But I do agree that it should be clarified for everyone that this is just a discussion of politics. As far as I am concerned it's just another area where we can learn about history, geopolitics, and political biases. I never came at this topic from a religious perspective. (Just as when I post something about a singer or musician, I don't come at it from a religious perspective.) Things that catch my attention in this area often start from noticing the bias in the way things are worded in the news, or the way reports and statistics can be so easily skewed. I've probably already mentioned that my first full-time job started out from an internship after I took a course called "Statistics in the Social Sciences." The Computer Science degree required at least one course to be from that department. It turned into an internship with the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) which was highly political. That turned into a few years with A.D.Little where the statistics were used to promote policy. I even worked on the Trump account, when D.Trump was still more of a "player" and not so political yet. But, even here, it turned more and more political in pushing a landlord-supportive policies on NYC. I tried to get less political accounts, but it turned out that A.D.Little was geared to this kind of thing, so I left it to do IT and ROI projection work for a global financial company, and kept that job for nearly 30 years before retiring. But my interest is still piqued when I hear the common patterns of statistical skewing and the patterns of "spin" that the media is famous for.

So studying some historical politics and geopolitics is just something triggered by reading the news. Also, one of my sons went to school with several Chinese students, and is becoming more proficient in the Chinese language, and has several acquaintances from all parts of China with whom he writes and speaks in Chinese. (Before graduation, he had an offer to do physics research in China for a semester.) That, coronovirus, and my Chinese boss before my retirement, have all influenced my more recent interest in China.

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Above, I mentioned Ajit Singh, a journalist and author who offers a 28 page document full of links to reputable sites that help expose the anti-Chinese bias. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16iw83noTdWvDiECaITX83rGhP_lros8QdBTrNnCoe6c/edit#heading=h.1x3j818zcp4p

Here's a recent story from the day before yesterday, related to Ajit Singh, that should embarrass the West, but will likely get very little press. There is an anti-China, pro-West, pro-Hong Kong newspaper called the South China Morning Post (scmp.com). Even this paper had to finally agree with Ajit Singh, who had for years already exposed one of the most prolific anti-China, Hong Kong activists as a fake. Turns out that the activist was an American, even faking a Hong Kong accent to record interviews with himself. He has authored three books on the HK protests.

No one believed Singh, of course, because it seems nothing is really "true" until a reputable news outlet says so. (The American finally had to admit he was fake.) Here's the headline:


Hong Kong activist, writer ‘Kong Tsung-gan’ confirms that’s only a pen name; website says he’s really Brian Kern, an American

  • Prolific writer of columns, tweets, books on social unrest concealed true identity for five years

  • Former Amnesty International staffer Kern taught at Hong Kong school, took part in protests

For more than five years, Kong Tsung-gan was a name that turned up regularly as a Hong Kong protest activist and writer quoted frequently by foreign media.

Now, the revelation that “Kong” is in fact a pen name of possibly an American named Brian Kern has ignited debate over the legitimacy of using a pseudonym in Hong Kong’s highly charged political environment.

The controversy was sparked recently by an American alternative news website that accused Kern of adopting a fictitious identity as an ethnic Chinese grass roots activist as a “deceptive ploy” to “disseminate anti-China propaganda”.


On August 8, news website The Grayzone reported that Kong was in fact Brian Kern, an American who worked with human rights group Amnesty International before moving to Hong Kong to teach.

The site, run by American journalist and author Max Blumenthal, accused Kern of using his fake identity to spread anti-China propaganda through his writing.

I should add that I have long been impressed with the exposure of bias by Max Blumenthal, and have mentioned him previously. I did not know he had a website.

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Also, just to show how most American headlines might differ from non-Western headlines due to bias and perspective, imagine how Iranian or Venezuelan newspapers would react to American acts of piracy on the sea, boarding ships, to steal medical supplies going to Iran, or Iranian oil going to Venezuela, for example. Yesterday there was a headline on CNBC, and I heard it in the car when another news station was on yesterday.

U.S. seizes multimillion-dollar Iranian fuel shipment bound for Venezuela, largest ever of its kind, DOJ says


This was reported widely a couple days ago, on channels and sites that are pro-US, so it was not a revealed "secret." The DOJ and the administration were proud of it. It's because there are sanctions on Venezuela because the United States has been pushing for a regime change to swap out a democratically elected president for one who was not elected (Juan Guaido). Also, even though the US government has sponsored and supported much more international terrorism than Iran ever has, the USA has listed an Iranian group and tied them to the shipment of oil to Venezuela.

The article in CNBC explains:

The U.S., with the assistance of foreign partners, confiscated a total of 1.1 million barrels of petroleum from four foreign-flagged oil tankers, as Tehran and Caracas attempt to sidestep U.S. sanctions.


“We are seeing more and more global shipping fleets avoiding the Iran-Venezuela trade due to our sanctions implementation and enforcement efforts,” State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus wrote in a statement. “The United States remains committed to our maximum pressure campaigns against the Iranian and Maduro regimes,” she added.

In June, five Iranian oil tankers brought approximately 1.5 million barrels to gas-starved Venezuela, which was once a prominent fuel exporter. ...

Venezuela — once the crown jewel of Latin America’s developing economy — has hit dire straits in recent years.

That last quoted sentence might give an idea of the real reason behind the US economic attacks on Venezuela. The United States learned how quickly a poor country like the Soviet Union became a world competing economy in just a few short years after being devastated in WW2. The economy was finally ruined by talks convincing them to drop communism. China, under its form of socialism, was an even poorer country, and has already moved more persons out of poverty than the rest of the world combined. The real fear by the West is that socialism will raise people out of poverty unless it is attacked and sabotaged everywhere.

Of course, think about what would happen if another country did this to the USA. It would be an act of terrorism or an act of war. Even if another non-Western country attempted sanctions on another country to starve its economy (and ultimately starve its people, or force migrations) it would be considered an act of war. The United States has often gone much further than sanctions and added bombings, coup attempts, promotion of civil war, attacks on civilian water sources, attacks on electricity production, bridges, airports, ship ports, etc. Often these are done through pro-Western proxies. When you add it up, this has resulted in millions of civilian deaths of Iranians, Yemeni, Libyans, Syrians, Afghani, etc., etc.

But it's not funny how these reports are quickly forgotten in the United States. Here are two more:


At least 5 countries — including a small Caribbean island — are accusing the US of blocking or taking medical equipment they need to fight the coronavirus


US works to assure allies, deny allegations of seizing supplies in 'mask wars'

In this case, and in spite of the headline, look who was accusing the United States of diverting, bribing, pirating and stealing:

In particular, the accusations have revealed some sharp divides between the U.S. and key Western allies that have been exacerbated during Trump's presidency and the growing every-country-for-itself mentality around the world amid dire shortages that has fueled distrust. ...

In France, regional officials, including the presidents of the Paris and Grand Est regional councils, said Americans paid cash on airport tarmacs to secure masks shipped from China to France.

"On the tarmac, the Americans arrive, take out cash, and pay three or four times more for the orders we have made, so we really have to fight," Grand Est president Jean Rottner told RTL, a French radio broadcaster. . . .

In Germany, a senior Berlin official specifically accused the U.S. on Friday of confiscating 200,000 masks that were in transit from a manufacturer in China to Berlin through Bangkok, Thailand.

"We view this as an act of modern piracy," said Andreas Geisel, interior minister of Berlin's city government. "Such wild west methods can't dominate, even in a time of global crisis."

So much for free trade.

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On 8/16/2020 at 2:33 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Did he really say that? One time I called him out on how it is not much of a “last days” if it began in 33 and he said that as far as he was concerned, Armageddon might come in the next 5 minutes.

I appreciated that Arauna was "addressing" me obliquely rather than through direct accusations. This is good manners on a forum, because the person will "know" he or she is being addressed, and can consider the merit of the accusation, but not feel threatened or feel a need to take it personally. You yourself have also been thoughtful and diplomatic in counseling me without direct confrontation. Of course, I know for a fact that some people seem to get even more irritated and defensive from this oblique manner than if they were accused directly. I'll take it either way.

And to your defense of me, thanks. That's my view. I've seen quite a bit of political "sign-watching" that ends up with the idea that, for example: "It kind of prepares us for what we can expect in future." (Not very oblique.) This is a valid opinion, but I notice the sheer magnitude of some of these expectations: like implementing a new world currency, or implementing and enforcing UN directives or "agenda" on a global scale which are slated for many years in the future. These types of things might very well happen, but thinking things like this must happen before the end can easily lull others into thinking that the real Global Government solution must be at least 5 to 10 years' off.

On 8/16/2020 at 2:33 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Far more likely, I think, nobody reads this thread—I note that my invitation to respond in any way, with either an upvote or downvote, has attracted only two hits.

I was the first to bother, but only flippantly, to see if I could safely predict the following outcome:


Exactly!!! It was too easy. You probably don't even need names to know who was who.

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4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

but thinking things like this must happen before the end can easily lull

I have often said - these Agenda 2030 plans are on the table - and as we speak they are implementing their plans.  How far it will go - we do not know….. but the bible is clear...…. the image of the beast will rule for a short while (because others will give it their authority - by trickery or willingly - we do not know) and then go into oblivion.  Those people with its political mark will NOT get everlasting life... the bible is clear. Many people will be forced to have its mark because it is Satan's intention to deceive or force people to get this political mark..... they will face tests if they refuse it.

Why am I bringing this up - because it is already under our noses and can happen very quickly...… never ever have I indicated that it is far off in any way.   Hunger is at the doorstep of the entire world with this Covid 19 bankruptcies everywhere. It is not my fanciful thinking...…. it is already here. A very high percentage of home owners in USA defaulted on their home payments last month (if I remember correctly it is 37%).  When government help stops we will see wide-spread hunger, looting and upheaval - unless the government uses stronger measures to keep people contained...….   a totalitarian type of control will ensue....

5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

It kind of prepares us for what we can expect in future."

If one does not foresee something it is very hard to deal with. Easier to know... at least for me personally.  There are the type of personalities that prefer to know nothing at all..... and just go unprepared into what is coming...… although I doubt one can prepare oneself for what is really coming.  However, I cannot unknow what I know.  Sometimes I do wish I had a less inquisitive nature. 

16 hours ago, JW Insider said:

US government has sponsored and supported much more international terrorism than Iran ever has,

Agreed USA is a dragon and acting as a "prophet."  The CIA operations and propaganda and funds they throw around has been the same since the cold war - overthrowing many regimes.

Regarding the terrorism, I wish to bring to your attention that Iran is an extremely aggressive regime.  It has funded most of the conflicts in the middle east  - but I am not here to talk politics but would like to mention my knowledge of islam and the battles within it. 

My knowledge of the conflict in Yemen and the starving of children (Shia Islam inspired) and my knowledge of the problems in Lebanon with Hezbollah-funded insurgencies from Iran ….. even the conflict in Syria.   The brand of Islam that Assad follows in an offshoot of Shia - Islam.  Saddam Hussain was also pro-shia….. a minority ruling over the majority Sunni.   The conflicts in Middle east is between branches of Islam.  And ALL branches of Islam are conquerors, when the time is right, because Mohammad was waging war every two months to expand his empire...until his unexpected death...... This expansion was carried forward after his death and is called the "golden age of Islam" under the caliphates who waged the wars. The third caliph had the Quran written down 21 years after the death of  " the prophet" because so many men who learnt the verses by rote were dying in the battles According to Islam history written 200 years after his death).  They gathered all the stones etc the Quran was written on and wrote it down and burnt the rest of the writings which differed from those that seemed to be true. Caliph Uthman was also a masterful soldier and took on Persia, Afghanistan etc.  Later they took Africa and the conquest only ended when they were stopped in Tours - France, by a Frankish king. 150 years after Mohammad's death most of the present Islamic world was already been captured (except for Constantinople)  and soldiers paid with booty and slaves..  The split between Shia and Sunni came after the 3rd caliph in time of Ali.... disputes about succession.

Iran wants 'Dabiq' which is in Saudi Arabia territory and constantly undermines it - as I explained before.  This features in their final day prophecies and they have to fight a war on this territory against the Anti-Christ which will be a battle against the one-eyed JEW and his followers...…. now you know where some of their hate against Israel comes from. They are against USA not just because they are allies of S Arabia .... but because of the eschatological prophecies.  The alliance between Israel and S Arabia makes sense.  Israel knows about Iran's plans, and know what is going on because  their intelligence is the best in the world.  In the end Armageddon will bring all these groups who hate each other to conflict - brother against brother. 

I am not taking political sides - just saying what is driving most of these conflicts in middle east - is terrorist religion. S Arabia bombing civilians in Yemen...… a human catastrophe.  Yet we see that Iran is working with other totalitarian states such as China and Russia - even doing military maneuvers together.  Last week China provoked Taiwan by doing military maneuvers in their ocean waters.

What does this prove?  That things are moving forward in the direction we expect it to go and it can develop into something very dangerous very quickly.  The ongoing tensions remind me of the time before both the first and second world war when no-one wanted to go to war but it was sparked by some incident.  Wilhelm 2 was aggressive and building up weapons before WW1. Same with WW2.

We presently see a lot of posturing while people will soon be starving as crops all over the world are failing and Covid 19 has broken supply chains and decimated farming industries......

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Is it true that North Korea are killing pet dogs and eating them as they are starving due to flooding of their crops ?

And is it true that somewhere, I think it is India, they have said that their people will not be able to buy, sell or work if they don't have some kind of paperwork or card ? 

Things 'flash up' on my Facebook and i read them, but when i go back to find them they seem to be gone. 


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I would just like to bring to your attention that so much 'good headlines' and press in the west has been paid for by the Chinese CCP. I see recently that new York times has broken off all ties. They used to put in long articles which were written by the almost 200 journalists working for the CCP - most probably the military wing... and paid for by them. Yes, CCP has a propaganda press core. They flood social media with good stories.... At least people are now waking up to the deception. Rather look at what they are doing to Jehovah's witnesses and take note. Their Human Rights are so wonderful that they deserve a high position in the UN Human Rights Council together with all the other Muslim delegates from countries who kill 'unbelievers". They vote each other in high positions and most of them have been bribed and get these positions because of corruption.

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1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

Most definitely, you two are too predictable, especially when you are being called out on your narratives.

Everyone here is predictable.

1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

Opinions are no more than opinions no matter how high one regards themselves

Everyone here is fond of their opinions. That doesn’t mean they regard themselves too highly.

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12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Everyone here is fond of their opinions.

True.… but time will tell who had read the signs (and I am talking Biblical signs) and who did not.

20 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Things 'flash up' on my Facebook and i read them, but when i go back to find them they seem to be gone. 

Because the billion dollar Teck companies are censoring all information the UN does not want you to see. As soon as it is uploaded it is taken down.  Doctors and researchers who are going against the WHO narrative to ban the use of hydroxychloroquine and publicly say that it really works are REMOVED from all internet outlets.... and they lose their jobs.  It is blatant medical persecution. (UN Migration compact has a clause wherein journalists need to go for re-training if the do not tow the UN-line).  Member nations willingly comply. 

This deliberate negation of common sense (which is leading to many deaths of the elderly) -  is to me a sign that we are already going the way of China where information contrary to the state narrative is removed and where respect for life no longer exists. The propaganda regarding the worship of the state and what the state (UN) only believes is 'good or bad' will be the only information you may see soon.  They are currently tabling a law in USA (under the auspices of the pharmaceutical industry) to no longer allow natural health products (certain labels) where people could make their own decisions on what medicine they allow into their body and keep themselves informed of the health industry. Independent health (medical) doctors who sell these products are under attack.  They treat us all like ignorant babies so they can make the bucks when you go to see them.  I only use natural products or nothing... but used hydroxychloroquine for Corona.

My father was a naturopath, homeopath and osteopath - so I know quite a bit and keep abreast of things.  To me it is a great pity that these super rich corporations (the pharmaceutical industrial complex) want to control everything and just give vaccinations for everything.  New research is not done any longer.... it is easier just to throw together a vaccination for which they (by protective law) cannot be taken to court and need not provide extensive testing.  It is all a rouse these tests.  The recent court case in USA (which  received NO ATTENTION in the media) indicates that the FDA received NO conclusive testing for any of the vaccines that they have been mandating for our children for the past 20 years. There are a few states who have already brought in laws (something like 49 vaccinations before the age of 12 and a few more before the age of 18..... even if you homeschool your children.....draconian? 

When they start playing with your blood and your DNA - this is a problem for me..... similar to the conditions before the flood when human DNA was mixed with that of angels, they are now messing with our DNA/RNA replication and there are NO laws to protect humans against medical abuse.

Similar to China - those who do not comply  - may soon find themselves in re-education camps or something more sinister.   The world is NO LONGER NORMAL...….  

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