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When i strongly criticize WTJWorg + GB + Helpers, why is this same to you as criticizing God?


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12 hours ago, Anna said:

... rules and regulations of the country. In America, it seems these are extra complex. 

I think how "papers and administration" are complicated almost everywhere in the world. :)) 

12 hours ago, Anna said:

Everything in the first century was so much simpler because there were not as many problems as we see in modern American society.


12 hours ago, Anna said:

As for the complexity internally, well don't forget modern society is a lot more complex. You cannot organize things the same way as in the first Century. What worked well then, would be inefficient today.

From this, should we, could we conclude how Bible is not enough for WTJWorg Administration today, to manage things about "God's earthly mountain-like organization" on 1st century Christian Congregation foundation and example??

And next, if "inspired by holy spirit" was only thing what make 1st century Christian Congregation to be successful and according to God's will and inside Jesus' teachings, don't we have problem today, because people in Management of this organization (GB+Helpers+Lawyers+Elders) are just "guided by spirit"?? According to WT publications "guided by spirit" means plenty of err doctrines and instructions.

If we add, as you said; complexity internally, modern society is a lot more complex,  cannot organize things the same way, would be inefficient today -  what guaranties JW members have that their's organization is in harmony with principles established by Jesus and how this modern organization is copy-paste (type-antitype) of 1st Congregation as role model, despite fact how all was drastically changed after almost 2000 years? Do not forget how 1st Congregation made, not just mistakes in teachings and guiding members, but ended in apostasy. If these happened to people who was "inspired by spirit", how much worst it can be for people who are lower on that "spiritual scale" - namely "guided by spirit"?

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1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

Exodus 17:4

People were thirsty and needed water, and they asked for water. They asked for water from Moses as God representative on Earth. In Bible there are a verses that said how we can ask from Father whatever we want and He will give us. Perhaps something else was behind Moses statement and his fear for life. Or as chapter 16 said; In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions. 

This testings (of people and leadership) of all sorts are very common and often in Bible.  

1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

Then Jesus expands Gods earthy spiritual power to others

Preach me more about this and "earthly spiritual power".

1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

At what point do you believe Jesus superseded the secular power of Rome that can be applied in today's world?

Not so sure what is issue here, because of my English. 


Jesus said that he has nothing with this world. In that respect Jesus done nothing to "superseded" Roman power. Roman power belonged to "secular authorities" as God's servant, so i don't see what and why Jesus would have to done to "supersede" Roman or any other secular government in past or even today.

Today, these "secular governments" doing same task as in the past, when Epistle to the Romans was written.

Another issue is "theocratic government".

1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

The power and authority belongs to God. By questioning how earthly structure should be to satisfy the needs and wants of the people will ultimately be applied by God. That is accepted by a true Christian. Anyone questioning it is once again questioning God himself regardless if its from a point of view coming from the outside looking in, or from inside looking at it from a worldly perspective.

Very good. Then why WTJWorg GB with own "theocratic structure of power" are not in subjection to "secular structure of power" and give CSA documentation to the Courts and other Institutions that investigate this problem, this crime (Australian Branch is exception)?  

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@César Chávez In all your talk about Moses and Jesus do you forget how they both were inspired of God's holy Spirit ? 

I think that you are deliberately avoiding the point that the GB / Watchtower / CCJW are not inspired by Holy Spirit and are not even 'spirit led'. 

I think you also deliberately avoid the fact that the Apostle Paul was 'contacted directly by Jesus  Acts 9 v 3-5

  Now as he was traveling and getting near Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him,  and he fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”  He asked: “Who are you, Lord?” He said: “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.

And Paul did not go up to Jerusalem for the first THREE YEARS of his missionary work. 

Add to that the point that it was the Apostle Paul, who was not one of the Twelve, that wrote all the letters to the congregations, that we have in the Scriptures now.  

If you really think there was a 1st Century GB, then why weren't the letters written to the congregations from THEM ? 

As for questioning the CCJW / Watchtower, well all organisations have to be questioned. If a person is seriously looking to serve God properly then they will of course question / investigate / research any organisation / religion that they may be thinking of joining. 

And, just as importantly, if a person has information, good or bad, about an organisation, then it is right that they should make such information known publicly as a help to other people. 


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18 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Where in scripture do you find God spoke directly to the people?

Do you try to make joke of me or of yourself? :))

21 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Where in scripture can I find Jesus had no interaction with Rome and its laws?

We two, both have interactions here. Does this mean how you have intend to "replace" me with someone else? Who said Jesus had no "interactions" with people and institutions around him? :)) 

31 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Have you fully understood what that secular structure entails?

Perhaps not, but my position in that issue does not diminish the stated fact about other issue - secular structure, namely Court, asked WTJWorg for documents about CSA, and GB decided to not give documentation and help victims to find some sort of "justice and truth". 

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2 hours ago, César Chávez said:

I thought we agreed you weren't going to waste my time. I guess you word needs to be considered.

Wow CC that is such an intelligent answer. But I don't expect any better from a worshiper of the GB. Keep serving your GB because they don't have long left in power. They will be replaced you know. 

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 2 hours ago, César Chávez said:  Where in scripture do you find God spoke directly to the people?
Maybe here. I say maybe and I will start a new topic. 

Matthew 3 v 16& 17.

After being baptized, Jesus immediately came up from the water; and look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw God’s spirit descending like a dove and coming upon him. 17  Look! Also, a voice from the heavens said: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.”


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1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

did God speak "directly" to the people or did he speak to Moses personally.

Please, define "directly" and define "personally". What this mean to you? Or/and to JW religion interpretation. Is it your and JW official interpretation the same? 

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@César Chávez It could not be more of a misconception than your idea that Moses and your GB have anything in common. 

We know that God spoke directly to Moses but we also know that God does not speak directly or even indirectly to your GB.  If God spoke directly to the GB then the GB would not err spiritually in spoken or written word. Unfortunately your GB err many times and so do their helpers. 

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