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North Staffordshire sex beast finally jailed more than 30 years after Jehovah's Witness elders 'covered up' his crimes

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Sex beast Mark Longshaw has finally been jailed for inappropriately touching two children - more than three decades after his crimes were 'brushed under the carpet' by Jehovah’s Witness elders.

Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard he inappropriately touched two children and made them touch him. Elders became aware of the incidents and helped the defendant to ‘cover it up’.

“He has had no offences since this came to a conclusion and was disclosed to the church elders at the time. He accepts they helped to brush it under the carpet.”

But blind JWs will say it's all lies and will say how wonderfully safe the CCJW is. If they could hide it then what stops them hiding it now ? 

And, just think that the GB gives more power to those Elders than to the True Anointed ones. Some things really do have to change in that Org. 

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https://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/news/stoke-on-trent-news/north-staffordshire-sex-beast-finally-4401250 Sex beast Mark Longshaw has finally been jailed for inappropriately touching two children -

@John Houston Am I of the Anointed you ask.  I don't think I am, but it does seem I have more of a Christian Bible trained  conscience than most JWs have.  It is only your opinion that I have 'an

The thing about it is I agree mostly with much of your arguments, but not the fluff that comes with it. Yes, the mistakes will be taken care of by the One who this earthly administration part belongs

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I must assume that you YOU are of this 'anointe' class of people, correct? Because when I read from your comments on anything concerning this organization you have anger and frustration, much like the conversation the apostles had among themselves wanting the greater of position, not having a humble heart as Jesus tried to teach them. Could you have done a better job with this matter of child abuse if you had the authority? Because one would have to have judicial authority in these matters, is that you? The 'anointed' would be judges, correct? But not now in this system right? The guidance here is the same as when Moses was leader, some chaffed against his leadership at times, not knowing the ins and whys. The men who are in those positions have to answer to a higher authority that will exact justice, if they are indeed woefully immoral as you state. Jesus knew the Jewish system was a failure, but while here he did not rise against it, because it was not time. Calm down and watch Jehovah work. He may surprise you. Agape, my friend.

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@John Houston Am I of the Anointed you ask.  I don't think I am, but it does seem I have more of a Christian Bible trained  conscience than most JWs have. 

It is only your opinion that I have 'anger and frustration'. Though do tell me what hating immorality has to do with " wanting the greater of position, not having a humble heart as Jesus tried to teach them.". Using your idea here it would look as if Jesus didn't have a humble heart because he certainly told the Pharisees their faults.

Your question "Could you have done a better job with this matter of child abuse if you had the authority?"

Yes I could have done a better job, and i would have done a better job at it too. I wouldn't have hid any of it. Do you remember the Apostle Paul making it clear about the man that was having sex with his own father's wife. And he told the congregation to sort it out. Paul didn't mince his words and didn't hide anything either. 

Your questions " The 'anointed' would be judges, correct? But not now in this system right?

Actually I think the True Anointed (which does not include the GB) should be judges now in some capacity.  BUT, instead the ELDERS and the Circuit Overseers act as judges now. Who is it that disfellowships congregants ? THEY are the ones who are acting as judges now. BUT it is not the Anointed doing it, it is the Elders who act as judges now. And do you think the Elders are closer to God and Christ than the Anointed ?  So that the Elders should be judges ? 

And unfortunately you copy all other JWs with this wrong idea about Moses. MOSES was INSPIRED OF GOD. Your GB, their helpers, the Elders et al, are NOT Inspired by God. 

Those MEN in authority in the CCJW / Watchtower Soc' are put in place by other men. It is all the work of MEN. None of them are inspired. None of them are spirit led.  How can i tell ? By Their Works You Will Know Them.

Your words "Jesus knew the Jewish system was a failure, but while here he did not rise against it, 

The Jewish System was put in place by GOD. And in fact Jesus was put to death because HE did rise against it. Jesus made clear its faults. Jesus made clear those whom were not serving God properly. Jesus started the NEW way of serving God.  BUT the CCJW / Watchtower does not compare to the Jewish system of things. Looking at the history of the 'Org' it has told lies from the very beginning. It has made false 'predictions' and spread false prophecies. It has used fear to almost force people to serve the Organisation. The ongoing threat that "Unless you are a baptised JW you will die at Armageddon".  The GB exalting themselves to the position of being the Faithful and Discreet Slave, and then telling other Anointed not to meet together or they would be 'working against he holy spirit'. If you cannot see all that as wrong then you seem to have lost your direction. Maybe you are in your comfort zone. 

Almighty God, working through Christ, will surprise all JWs quite soon I believe. God and Christ have two choices. They can either cleanse the CCJW, or, they can start a new organisation using the True Anointed. If they cleanse the CCJW it would seem the GB would have to be removed and replaced with True Anointed ones. The new Anointed Servants may well come from around the Earth, not from America. 

'World conditions' are obviously getting much worse. Armageddon must be getting closer day by day. So I cannot see God or Christ letting the CCJW carry on as they are for much longer. The scripture at Luke 17 v 1&2

Then he said to his disciples: “It is unavoidable that causes for stumbling should come. Nevertheless, woe to the one through whom they come!  It would be more advantageous for him if a millstone were hung from his neck and he were thrown into the sea than for him to stumble one of these little ones.

Th GB and their helpers are the 'causes for stumbling'. The Child Sexual Abuse / Paedophilia in the CCJW is a cause for stumbling. The lack of apology and not wanting to give compensation is a cause of stumbling. The GB telling the Anointed not to spend time together is a cause for stumbling. The GB stating that the Anointed would be 'working against the holy spirit' is a cause for stumbling and probably an insult to God and Christ. 

I think you are too close to the 'Org' to see its faults. I think JWs are blind to God's standards because JWs follow the GB's rules and standards. Just take a hour of your time to stand back and see the reality. Do research and see what people are saying. 

(I wonder if the Librarian will make this a new topic)




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On 8/10/2020 at 12:05 PM, John Houston said:

I must assume that you YOU are of this 'anointe' class of people, correct?

Thank goodness he does not make that claim. And the “true anointed” is a figment of his imagination.

From the story: 

If the judge said “that he had no option but to jail” the man, since his “past has finally caught up with you,” then justice is served. He betrayed a trust, and two kids were scarred. Still, even in CSA, all things are relative. One would think that Epstein & Maxwell would have served to teach the Sentinel what a “sex beast” is.

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@TrueTomHarley Why would i claim to be Anointed ? Surely that would be a type of blasphemy. I am not Anointed and do not expect to be. 

And there has to be a True Anointed as even your GB say there are 'false' Anointed ones. Ones with mental issues according to your GB. 

But only time will tell Tom. You can carry on following your GB without question if it pleases you. I for one, will look for a much better, cleaner, spiritual Anointed, that truly serve God. 

As for 'sex beasts'. All Paedophiles are sex beasts, even the ones hidden in the CCJW. 

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The thing about it is I agree mostly with much of your arguments, but not the fluff that comes with it. Yes, the mistakes will be taken care of by the One who this earthly administration part belongs to. And those 'anointed' are not judging anything or anyone now in this system of things. Jesus' death was not caused by his rising up against the religious system that had failed Jehovah. It's failure which Jesus brought out showed them their own misgivings, and the way and the truth and the life which they missed totally! Yes, our organization has faults, the people are imperfect still, being anointed has not taken that away. When this began there were only 11, then some 3000 were baptized, were each of them chosen by Jehovah to be part of the heavenly class that day? Or were they selected out of the world different than those who believed the gods of this world, making a distinction as the congregation grew and the selection as scripture teaches is by Jehovah, 144,000 since 33 CE? My organization is imperfect, I am imperfect, but so was Noah, would I hold that against him and not get aboard the ark? Leave because of their imperfections? This is not their organization, it is run by Jesus for Jehovah. When Eli's sons were doing their dirt, Samuel was aware of all that was going on, who brought an end to it? The same will happen today. If what you rant about is true then the words of the prophet Micah should hold true, it does for me at 7:7,  "But as for me, it is for Jehovah that I shall keep on the lookout. I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me." That is my mantra. Always!  Like Koran rises up against the man, forgetting he was anointed, inspired by the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. The same is true here. If these men, whom you so disdain are wanting, Jehovah will remove them forever, you will be right. But if you are incorrect.........my,my,my!

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@John Houston You are a true JW it seems. You use all those same old, same old, arguments. 

Noah, Moses et al. But you and I know that those men were inspired by God's Holy spirit. 

The GB call themselves the Faithful and Discreet Slave, whilst admitting that they are NOT inspired. 

You say "Leave because of their imperfections?"  Answer, NO, leave because of the immorality in the CCJW and the false teachings. It amounts to the GB being the cause of most of the problems but i left because my Christian trained conscience would not let me continue to be part of such immorality and lies. 

Having said that it proves to me that the CCJW / Watchtower is NOT "run by Jesus for Jehovah". 

I do not think that Almighty God and Jesus Christ want 'Collateral Damage' in an organisation which they would approve of and support.  The GB ARE the cause of much stumbling. The GB have made rules that hide Paedophiles in the CCJW.  The GB have stumbled the True Anointed.  The GB have brought shame on Almighty God and Jesus Christ.

I am in opposition to the GB, the Child Sexual Abuse, the hiding of Paedophiles in the CCJW, the beating of their 'fellow slaves' (mentioned in Matthew) that is the True Anointed, and the stumbling of many that would otherwise search for God. 

I am not in opposition to Almighty God and Jesus Christ. In fact my faith is that they will either clean out the CCJW or form another way for humans to serve God properly. 

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