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Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden

Srecko Sostar

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google translation from article in Sweden, - https://www.expressen.se/dinapengar/jehovas-vittnen-kraver-25-miljoner-av-staten/

25 000 000 SEK = cca 2.400.000,00 EUR (2.800.000,00 US Dollar)


Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state

Published 9 Jul 2020 at 17.00


Jehovah's Witnesses have been denied state funding for several years. 

Last year, the government overturned the decision - and now the organization is demanding SEK 25 million in compensation. 

After being denied state subsidies twelve years in a row, the government last year approved the organization as eligible to receive grants for denominations. 

The reason was a ruling by the Supreme Administrative Court which ruled that the practices of Jehovah's Witnesses - such as denying blood transfusions - do not in themselves constitute sufficient grounds for denying state subsidies. 

Requires SEK 25 million

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that their rights under the European Convention have been violated. 

Jehovah's Witnesses are now applying for damages of nearly 25 million in compensation for the years without support, as evidenced by documents produced by News Agency Siren. 

The claim, which has been sent to the Chancellor of Justice, applies to both financial and non-pecuniary damage. Jehovah's Witnesses also include legal costs to claim their case.

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Well? Of course. The only verb that has probably been added is “demand.” Change it to “asserted that the consequences of the wrong classification should be addressed” and one could not expect anything

What I remember is Ronald J Sider’s book ‘The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience—Why are Christians Living Just Like the Rest of the World.’ After reviewing dozens of verses on conduct, he say

No, you don’t have to explain anything; although you’ve just cemented the fact that no Holy Spirit is needed to run the WT.  It only needs people.  And money.  Just like all the other “worldly” religi

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Jehovah's Witnesses have been denied state funding for several years. ...Last year, the government overturned the decision - and now the organization is demanding SEK 25 million in compensation. 

Well? Of course. The only verb that has probably been added is “demand.” Change it to “asserted that the consequences of the wrong classification should be addressed” and one could not expect anything else.

Maybe no religions should get state funding. Maybe no charitable organizations should. That is a separate issue. 

But if they do, and JWs alone were excluded due to a prior incorrect classification, then of course that should be rectified.

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7 minutes ago, Arauna said:

They are, I think, just asking what was due to them including costs.

They did the same in France, when that country’s 60% tax on JW donations was ruled discriminatory by the ECHR. France had to make amends, just as Russia will have to if we can imagine Russia heeding the rulings of outside courts.

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No part of the world but demanding the world's money. Typical hypocrisy of the GB and it's Lawyers.

Most religions 'allow' their congregants to fight on behalf of their country. 

Most religions 'allow' their congregants to vote for politicians / governments. 

Most religions 'allow' their congregants to give blood and to accept vaccines.

In other words, most religions are part of that world. Hence those religions support the country and then the country supports that religion.  That all make sense in a practical way. (Wrong in a spiritual way of course) 

BUT, the CCJW is supposed to be no part of this world. So it does not 'allow' it's congregants to fight on behalf of the country, it does not allow its congregants to vote and it does not allow its congregants to give blood or accept some vaccines. So therefore it contributes nothing to the safety or upbuilding of the country, so why should such countries support the CCJW ? 

The CCJW shouldn't want money from the country.  Jesus and the Apostles didn't ask for money from the Jews or the Romans. They worked to support themselves and received help from those they ministered to. 

Jesus said render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. Jesus didn't say take from Caesar or expect Caesar to give.  The GB prove themselves not to be serving God or Christ, more and more each day. 

But if they do get the money, what will they have to do in return ? 


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Why in the world would anyone downvote the 2nd-above post? A 60% tax on religious donations is just?

It is worth pointing out also that this situation in France began decades ago, long before anyone’s favorite issue arose front and center.

If religious exemption is cut off for everyone there will be no objection here. But as long as it exists, JWs are entitled to it as much as any other faith. Probably more so, in fact, since such exemption is founded on the premise that religious faith makes for more upright people, thus improving overall society and saving the state much policing work. JW’s, though they may not bat 100%, given human imperfection, do fit the bill on this. Most religions consist of members whose conduct is indistinguishable from the overall world.

The only thing that is lacking is that a penalty or fine might be levied upon whoever fed the government the faulty information that caused them to classify the Witness organization wrongly In the first place. Wouldn’t that be an appropriate thing? Then a certain yo-yo would be saying: “Oh dear. Oh dear. It’s looks like my side is getting its head handed to it on a platter by the CCJW.”

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The down vote was simply because TTH was trying to justify the GB and its Lawyers money grabbing from the world. The world that they pretend to be no part of. 

And my explanation as to why other religions should get monetary help but the CCJW shouldn't is clear enough for a five year old child to understand. But Tom chooses not to see it. 

To quote @TrueTomHarleyIt is worth pointing out also that this situation in France began decades ago, long before anyone’s favorite issue arose front and center.   

Please be aware that it is TOM that is now bringing up the CSA issue here, but slyly. 

As Tom is referring to CSA, well I think CSA 'arose' well over 50 years ago in the American part of the JW organisation. If Australia had CSA information from 50 years ago I'm sure USA has CSA information going back further.  Sorry that Tom had taken us off topic here. 

Quote Tom "since such exemption is founded on the premise that religious faith makes for more upright people, thus improving overall society and saving the state much policing work. JW’s, though they may not bat 100%, given human imperfection, do fit the bill on this. Most religions consist of members whose conduct is indistinguishable from the overall world."

The conduct of many JWs is no better that that of other religions right now, but JWs fail to see it. And members of other religions seem to be more helpful to the community as a whole. Plus the things I mentioned previously, such as defending the country at war and participating in elections of governments. Things that a worldly government would be looking at.  

As for anyone taking sides, I've no idea. BUT I do like to see things from both sides. 

And I notice that Tom is calling me names again. Him and C.C are definitely part of the same club. :) Those people have to make it all so personal. 

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Probably more so, in fact, since such exemption is founded on the premise that religious faith makes for more upright people, thus improving overall society and saving the state much policing work. JW’s, though they may not bat 100%, given human imperfection, do fit the bill on this. Most religions consist of members whose conduct is indistinguishable from the overall world.

This statement is very telling in that you live in a very small world and have never been inside another church. I remember the old saying, 'if everyone in the world was a jehovahs witness, there would be no crime, no war, etc.' On the other hand there would be no charity, millions of people would die every year due to refusing blood transfusions, and there would literally be at least 1 billion child molesters with free reign to do what they want.

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The only verb that has probably been added is “demand.”

Jehovas vittnen kräver 25 miljoner av staten


Synonymer till kräva - https://www.synonymer.se/sv-syn/kräva


(zool.) säcklik del av matstrupe (hos fåglar), matstrupssäck


1. fordra, begära, yrka på, påyrka, äska, framföra krav på; tarva, behöva, erfordra, framtvinga, göra nödvändig

2. infordra, utkräva, avkräva, avfordra

3. kosta, skörda


Synonyms for require ........................... google translator

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10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that their rights under the European Convention have been violated. 


10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

But if they do, and JWs alone were excluded due to a prior incorrect classification, then of course that should be rectified.

Does God, who supposedly guides this organization need any monetary rectification or equality with other religions?  Or, is it men who demand rectification and equality?    

When did Christ’s kingdom become part of the world? 

 “My kingdom doesn’t belong to this world. If my kingdom belonged to this world, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. My kingdom doesn’t have its origin on earth.”  John 18:36

The “followers” of the organization which has its origin on earth, fight for the organization - on all levels.  They are not fighting for Christ, who has no interest in material possessions, including money.  So, why is this fight by “Jehovah’s organization”, for worldly funds from a government, a positive action?  JWs will reason that its rights as an organization must be upheld.  That’s fine, for an organization in the world.  But Christ and the Father cannot be linked to the world, no matter what the GB might tell their "sheep".  

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, 16 because everything that is in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the arrogance of material possessions—is not from the Father, but is from the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.”  1 John 2:15-17

To the WT organization, money carries more clout than Holy Spirit.  



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