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David Splane's 2020 Convention Talk: ....''Jehovah has to come first''

Jack Ryan

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Screen Shot 2020-09-18 at 7.14.16 PM.png

''Has your desire to put Jehovah first been tested during this pandemic? You lost your job and you searched for another one. Finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would require you to miss all your meetings and field service. What a temptation to take that job! You've been out of work for months. You felt helpless because a family member is supposed to provide for his family. It would take a lot of faith for you to refuse that job. Pray to Jehovah and then wait. Hold on a little longer to see what Jehovah would work out for you.''


"Lost your job, brothers? Keep praying! Whatever you do, don't miss a meeting and keep donating so we have a comfy place to live at your expense."

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Yes, the GB is well taken care of. Whereas this woman, who faces an empty refrigerator in the picture below, has been told to ‘put the kingdom first’.  So, she gives her last bit of money, which helps

This reminded me on tropical disaster in Philippine in 2014. i think. And JWorg video showed one JW family who, instead of food, were put WT publications in it.    

''Has your desire to put Jehovah first been tested during this pandemic? You lost your job and you searched for another one. Finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would req

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David Splane's "spiritual food" have elements of contradiction and is questionable as advice (for simple members).

In the meantime, world's sellout of WT properties, real estates is enough to ensure a good life for the top administration for quite some time to come, even with less donations. 

Unfortunately, GB has enough money not to worry about it at the moment. They are now concerned about the possibility of losing influence, managing (corporate governance the flock) the herd.

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On 9/18/2020 at 10:08 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

David Splane's "spiritual food" have elements of contradiction and is questionable as advice (for simple members).

In the meantime, world's sellout of WT properties, real estates is enough to ensure a good life for the top administration for quite some time to come, even with less donations. 

Unfortunately, GB has enough money not to worry about it at the moment. They are now concerned about the possibility of losing influence, managing (corporate governance the flock) the herd.

Yes, the GB is well taken care of. Whereas this woman, who faces an empty refrigerator in the picture below, has been told to ‘put the kingdom first’.  So, she gives her last bit of money, which helps stock the fridge of the 8 men who live in luxury.  She has misguided faith that soon, God will also fill her fridge as well…“all these things will be added to you”. Matt 6:33.  Isn’t that how JWs perceive the perks of the “preaching work”?

My husband and I thought the same thing.  If we would go out in service regularly, and dedicate our energy to the organization, the rest of our material needs would be provided for, and relationships would go well.

We were very wrong.  Putting faith in an earthly organization with a flawed foundation built with lies, led to further cracks that eventually became large painful crevasses that we faced.  We foolishly had put our trust and faith, that “Jehovah’s organization” could promise not only our spiritual security, but earthly security to live in this world.   Matt 7:24-27

Before Jesus made the statement above, he said,

 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rustdestroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

The woman in the picture believes that by serving the needs of an organization, that cannot exist without money, (what JW can refute that?), she is serving God as well. 

 No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”  Matt 6:19-21,24

Shouldn’t the picture be portrayed as the organization/GB giving money to the woman?  Isn’t that what a typical charity in the world does?  By looking at Matt 6:24, it is clear it isn’t God that is being served first by any JW, but it is the needs of an idol in a world that without money, would die. 


I first learned of this picture on another forum, taken from the 1/2017 Wt.



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If the governing bodies faith was so strong, they wouldn't solicit for funds, set up donation arrangements, sell real-estate like hotcakes. That picture is disgusting and in my opinion is slight elderly abuse, as they are insisting elderly people should starve for the sake of giving their last quarter to the watchtower.

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On 9/18/2020 at 7:15 PM, Jack Ryan said:

''Has your desire to put Jehovah first been tested during this pandemic? You lost your job and you searched for another one. Finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would require you to miss all your meetings and field service. What a temptation to take that job! You've been out of work for months. You felt helpless because a family member is supposed to provide for his family. It would take a lot of faith for you to refuse that job. Pray to Jehovah and then wait. Hold on a little longer to see what Jehovah would work out for you.''

In other words, your dedication to the organization,  your “vow” that you must keep as slaves to men, comes first.  (Gal 1:10) There is no “vow” that we make to God that requires turning down a job which will support a family.  JWs, can’t you see how easy it is for him to say this, a man who has all his needs fulfilled?    Can’t you see how cold-hearted it is to expect a family in need to put an earthly organization’s wants, ahead of one’s family?

“For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.  Matt 23:4



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