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We are sitting during the first lock-down which may last at least till march next year but there is talk that it will last until all are vaccinated. By that time the world economy will be restarted in a new format to suit UN agenda 2030. 

Millions will die of hunger, suicide, job losses all over the world.  A controlling form of scientific (technocratic) UN government will later take over and lead us to the wonderful situation where they can call peace and security.

The next milestones for agenda 21 and 2030 is a new money system by 2022;  2025, and 2030 dates they have set for certain goals/ milestones.  By 2050 they want the 4th industrial revolution to be complete.  Hopefully Jehovah will intervene before then. 

Jehovah is allowing them to go the whole way with their new god of science and what I think is the 'god of fortresses' - a world database (including DNA) of all people which will secure every person within the grasp of the authorities.  Anyone who does not do as told will find themselves outside the system and will struggle to survive. 

The plans they have is anti-human .... so I really hope it happens before the 2030 milestone (by which time I will be close to 80 and my chances are not great of being around.)  I feel for the youth living now  (70 CE) and know that Jehovah will resurrect all those who die from hunger and suffering before His Great Day - that is my comfort.

I suspect that this lock-down will be like the first lock-down in Jerusalem. Once they open up it may be 3 and half years before they lock us down for the next phase of agenda 21 - the 2030 plans.   By this time many will  have died and the vaccinations (which will be administered regularly according to new indications) may have unprecedented side effects. 

The final lock-down will see them in total control and they will destroy all religion -  If I am around I will walk in the streets like Jonah and be glad to shout that the time for their destruction is here.  May Jehovah grant me the power and courage to do so.......

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Oh dear, as someone here would say. I don’t know whether it is worth your time or not but I do know I will miss you if you leave. As for me, I’ve tried to leave numerous times but the old hen alw

*** w20 November pp. 14-15 Take Courage—Jehovah Is Your Helper *** HELP FROM INDIVIDUALS IN AUTHORITY ... 13 What help do we receive? When it is in harmony with his purpose, Jehovah may use his

No. I never saw any evidence provided by the UN with respect to this man from Ethiopia. I never saw any evidence from you either. Just a claim with no evidence. Your assumption and judgment are

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6 hours ago, Arauna said:

We are sitting during the first lock-down which may last at least till march next year but there is talk that it will last until all are vaccinated. By that time the world economy will be restarted in a new format to suit UN agenda 2030. 

Millions will die of hunger, suicide, job losses all over the world.  A controlling form of scientific (technocratic) UN government will later take over and lead us to the wonderful situation where they can call peace and security.

The next milestones for agenda 21 and 2030 is a new money system by 2022;  2025, and 2030 dates they have set for certain goals/ milestones.  By 2050 they want the 4th industrial revolution to be complete.  Hopefully Jehovah will intervene before then. 

Jehovah is allowing them to go the whole way with their new god of science and what I think is the 'god of fortresses' - a world database (including DNA) of all people which will secure every person within the grasp of the authorities.  Anyone who does not do as told will find themselves outside the system and will struggle to survive. 

The plans they have is anti-human .... so I really hope it happens before the 2030 milestone (by which time I will be close to 80 and my chances are not great of being around.)  I feel for the youth living now  (70 CE) and know that Jehovah will resurrect all those who die from hunger and suffering before His Great Day - that is my comfort.

I suspect that this lock-down will be like the first lock-down in Jerusalem. Once they open up it may be 3 and half years before they lock us down for the next phase of agenda 21 - the 2030 plans.   By this time many will  have died and the vaccinations (which will be administered regularly according to new indications) may have unprecedented side effects. 

The final lock-down will see them in total control and they will destroy all religion -  If I am around I will walk in the streets like Jonah and be glad to shout that the time for their destruction is here.  May Jehovah grant me the power and courage to do so.......

I talked to a friend who says the lock downs at Patterson Bethel are very depressing. He is not someone who would have any influence on teachings but he says that there are many whispers of this type of thinking that you (@Arauna) have shared. How could all the Bethel be in lockdown (earthwide) without something really big about to happen? He only gets about an hour outside his room every day, and he thinks there is something big planned for the first of October. Perhaps a big meeting. Some think it's an exciting announcement, and some think it's a hint that they are letting people go. As it is, he has very little to do. All Caleb/Sophia videos have been completed up through the end of next year, and he and several others literally have nothing to do right now. Just waiting. He says that brothers in the legal department (some still sharing space there) are saying that KH's up for sale just aren't selling, and that big checks go out daily for "you know what," but with a lot less contributions coming in already. Brothers and sisters are beginning to (unofficially) shift their congregations through Zoom to join congregations half-way across the country, which they had moved away from for employment, etc. "This must be it!" he says.

And of course, I'm all for it. Whenever it is Jehovah's time, he will move things in his own way. Of course, I still think that what happens does not need to wait on anything more specific "coming upon all those dwelling upon the face of the whole earth." We already say that what happened in 1914 came upon all those dwelling upon the face of the whole earth, in the sense of a change in the direction of history: "the year that changed the world." But I'm still of the opinion that what comes upon the face of the whole world needn't wait for anything specific beforehand. All these things might happen, but there is no reason to claim that such things must happen. The actual end comes upon the whole earth as a surprise, even if we are sure this must be the season.

Anyway, I tried to cheer him up by telling him how each congregation has a different personality, and that I have seen a lot of joy come through the use of Zoom in the congregations. I attended a couple "funerals" recently that were attended by brothers and sisters from all over the country, who would never have been able to attend otherwise. And in each case the Zoom was left on for about 45 minutes after the memorial talk and small, "break-out" groups of us chatted and reminisced and got to see others we hadn't seen in many years. Some congregations are losing "headcount" but others, like ours, had a new peak in auxiliary pioneers (special hours for CO visit, and circuit assembly months). Everybody wants to see one another, which is great, but so far we are doing fine in our congregation.


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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

but so far we are doing fine in our congregation.

 Our congregation is fine too but there are individuals who have lost their jobs and have some depression. Others have to live with unbelievers and the houses are very crowded here in Rep of Georgia. Across the world suicides are sky-rocketing and child abuse, families are in each others hair all the time.

Knowing what I know and with the heavy lock-down here I was feeling it too about 2 months ago as I am a very tactile person and need people around me.  But I have adjusted and thanks to Jehovah I feel upbeat.  Uncertainty is a terrible master and the younger you are the more it affects one. One of our brothers here started pioneering..... really innovative ways to preach.

Even if the end drags on - panting to the end - and we face ridicule for waiting for it......  the downward spiral has started .... of this I am certain.  The economic analyzers are going bonkers....... nothing makes sense except for those who understand the "reset" and they want to use some gold again to back the new monetary system ........ but when they turn against religion all of them will be crying and their gold will not mean much.  

At present time they (technocrats) are very confident everything is working out the way they want it - no matter how many people may suffer. They are working behind the scenes on the logarithms and strengthening people's bias' on the internet. People are becoming more and more radicalized. I have also slacked in my contributions and was thinking about it today.... so I better do the right thing.

We are refugees as well.  I am busy packing so that we can leave here as soon as the borders open up.  Corona has caused problems for this government and they are set to change the requirements to live here.  So we are leaving soon.... we will watch for the right time to leave. It is great here - we do not want to leave but we need more security. We are going closer to Italy..... in the Balkans.  Will give my new location when my husband and I are both safe.  We were planning to face death or Armageddon here in Rep Georgia but now we will go die in another place or (if Jah wills) face Armageddon there. 


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24 minutes ago, Arauna said:

We are refugees as well.  I am busy packing so that we can leave here as soon as the borders open up.  Corona has caused problems for this government and they are set to change the requirements to live here.

My sister lived with her Danish husband in a beautiful island about an hour's (expensive) commute from Copenhagen, where his family has lived for many generations. She had 10 years of Danish lessons before she could get citizenship. But they are back in the United States now, and moved to the Seattle area, of all places, just in time for Corona and riots. His work for telecommunications companies has always been solid, and has easily moved jobs among big telcoms. But he says people are being laid off right in the middle of the biggest telcom changes, when big upgrades are needed more than ever. Necessary upgrade projects are being put on hold.

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@JW Insider  Are you feeling ok ?  Are you under strain or depression ? I hope you are ok.

You above comment sounds too serious to be a joke, but it reads like a joke. Quote 

How could all the Bethel be in lockdown (earthwide) without something really big about to happen? 

He says that brothers in the legal department (some still sharing space there) are saying that KH's up for sale just aren't selling, and that big checks go out daily for "you know what," but with a lot less contributions coming in already. 

Almighty God has punished His chosen people many times before now. IF, the CCJW is God's chosen Org, then maybe God is punishing it for many reasons. Maybe God is starting to clean out the CCJW. 

Quote ;

And of course, I'm all for it. Whenever it is Jehovah's time, he will move things in his own way

Yes indeed God will move things on in His own way. But maybe it will not be the way that most JWs want. 

Maybe it will be a big test of faith in God through Christ, not through the GB or the CCJW. And maybe many will be removed and many others may rejoin when the Org is clean. 

Something big in October eh ? :)  I won't hold my breath. 

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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

You above comment sounds too serious to be a joke, but it reads like a joke. Quote 

How could all the Bethel be in lockdown (earthwide) without something really big about to happen?

This was his opinion. Mine is that something big could be about to happen at any time, with or without a lockdown. It could happen in dire times, or during times when people are taking note of relative peace and security.

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17 hours ago, Arauna said:

Jehovah is allowing them to go the whole way with their new god of science and what I think is the 'god of fortresses' - a world database (including DNA) of all people which will secure every person within the grasp of the authorities.  Anyone who does not do as told will find themselves outside the system and will struggle to survive. 

You do know that in Dan 11:38, where it states “he will honor a god of fortresses”, it is speaking about the King of the North?  According to your organization, that would be Russia.  Most JWs may believe in 1914 as you say, but do you believe what your leaders teach you, about the King of the North?  Or, do you have your own opinion?

I’m glad you have your own opinion.  Just realize that the “armed forces” of the King of the North, “desecrates the temple fortress” and abolishes the daily sacrifice”.  (Dan 11:31)

It is the “man of lawlessness”, who “honors a god of fortresses”, setting up the “abomination of desolation”, which means that the temple of God is desolated by an idol – a “god of fortresses”.  Matt 24:15

Who comprise the Temple of God?  1 Cor 3:16,17; 2 Cor 6:16; Eph 2:20-22

“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthoodoffering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 

 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

Who is it, that represents the royal priesthood”, replacing their "daily sacrifices" as well?

Who is it, that keeps the organization moving forward in all aspects?  The GB?  Not for long. (Rev 17:12,13,16,17)   It is the elder body – a large army of men – “armed forces”. (Dan 11:31)

And who is it, that cannot meet together as a holy priesthood” and offer their spiritual “daily sacrifices”? 

I think you know.

JWs honor the same god of fortresses, as the King of the North. 

 A fortress is a haven of safety, providing security from the enemy.

“Our spiritual heritage can also infuse in us a deep sense of spiritual security that can be enjoyed only within Jehovah’s organization.” w05 2/15 pp. 17-22

“They have fallen into the deep hole of this system of things and are desperately trying to crawl out and return to the haven of Jehovah’s organization.  w92 8/1 p. 28

A fortress provides peace of mind for those who believe they are safe within it. 

“And come they have by the hundreds and thousands—happy, lovable people who have found rest and peace in Jehovah’s organization.  yb82 pp. 34-112


You said, "Jehovah is loving, and gives us signs.  He does not do anything without warning us".

Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” 1 Thess 5:2,3


Our only “fortress”,  should be God, who's Spirit resides in His Temple.

“When you cry for help, let those idols of yours save you! (that god of fortresses, that mighty army of elders)

 A puff of wind will carry them off! (2 Thess 2:8)

 But those who trust in Me will live in the land and will worship Me in my Temple.” Isa 57:13

…not in, “Jehovah’s organization”






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1 hour ago, Witness said:

where it states “he will honor a god of fortresses”, it is speaking about the King of the North? 

Totally in agreement with you.  Read Daniel 11 and you will see the King of north is the one who honors the God of the fortress. However, the king of the North (Russia) has totalitarian alliances such as China, Iran, Libya, and North Korea is assisted in every way by China etc. So they are ones who are secretive about government (closed behind their fortress walls) and who control everything about their citizens. Electronic surveillance is being rolled out in areas that are not yet surveiled and controlled.

However, the world does not exist in a vacuum and that is why I see that UN (who uses China as their model) like the control aspect and are using China as a model.  They want to roll out this surveillance all over the world with either facial recognition or other more advanced means.  The algorithms will do the work.  Algorithms have no sympathy for humans or a capacity to listen to humans.... you become a number and the justice is black or white.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

desecrates the temple fortress” and abolishes the daily sacrifice

These totalitarian governments such as china have already abolished all religion (even its traditional religions) and of course we are waiting for the UN - when it gets into power - it will turn against a strong religion like Islam (all religions) when it has served its purpose.  Islam is totalitarian but of course when UN comes in it (UN) will desecrate all gods and be a god itself. All hell will break lose because I understand Islam....... lol. 

Our daily sacrifices to Jehovah will be illegal by law  but we will not riot or accept as other religions will - so we may go unnoticed for a while when the financial system totally collapses. When we start to preach a final message openly and with courage - and in fear of our life - the final persecution on us will ensue.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

man of lawlessness”

The 'man of lawlessness' is false religion - who has not taught the morality of Jehovah (taught lawlessness and act without regard for god's laws). They have a veneer of religion but allow abortions, LGBTQ etc.   False Christians are already being exposed as we speak because they are going along with the 'beast' of this world  by teaching LGBTQ and soon to add P.... there is a open drive by UN to promote this.  They are heavily compromised by the "beast" political system.  The pope is promoting agenda 2030 everywhere he goes! Sustainable development.... 

2 hours ago, Witness said:

JWs honor the same god of fortresses, as the King of the North. 

 That is false because you yourself have not identified the king of the north. We do not participate in any political drives of the king of the north and have no political aspirations.  We do not vote or take sides.  Just watch from the sidelines and some of us (like me) speculate how things may move along. We expect to be imprisoned by them ad we are already being imprisoned. 


I agree with you that Jehovah is our hiding place - our fortress - our crag - our rock.  We put NO trust in anything this system has to offer and live by the morals in the bible.  Not all of us are perfect...... but that is what the ransom sacrifice is for.

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36 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

final part' is just scare mongering,

I think you are the one that is not understanding.... I had a stronger word in there but decided to change it..... We are in a lock-down.... not just in one part of the world but all over!  And you still think things are normal...... wow... it is not. 

People who have lost their jobs are getting unemployment for 6 months and already many people are abandoning the payment of their homes.  Insurance companies are starting to refuse to pay out...... there are high-jacking of trucks with food on board etc etc.  Soon more riots and anarchy will start up so we may see Martial law being rolled out later.  And voting will bring more problems with leaders refusing to concede (on both sides).

World-wide famine is on the cards with food becoming very expensive..... so I think you are the one doing  mongering.....


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On 9/10/2020 at 9:32 PM, Arauna said:

Our daily sacrifices to Jehovah will be illegal by law 

The “daily sacrifices” were, and are to be, administered by God’s priests.  Are you a priest of “Israel”? 

“To offer burnt offerings to the LORD on the altar of the burnt offering continually morning and evening, and to do according to all that is written in the law of the LORD, which he commanded Israel”  1 Chron 16:40

“you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”  1 Pet 2:5

Korah wanted to be a priest, but he was killed for coveting the priesthood.  Num 16:16-21

No, God’s priesthood in the organization cannot offer their “daily sacrifices” of truth, since they have been replaced by the elder body.  Should other men not anointed, step in as if acting as the priesthood's "high priest" and regulate what God's people are to do and offer as spiritual sacrifices?  That is exactly what the elder body does.    Apparent “truth” comes out of the mouth of men who have told too many stories that proved to be a lie.  This story-making is offered to you and all JWs by those who have taken up position in God’s Temple/priesthood.   (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17) (2 Pet 2:3)

On 9/10/2020 at 9:32 PM, Arauna said:

The 'man of lawlessness' is false religion - who has not taught the morality of Jehovah (taught lawlessness and act without regard for god's laws).

God’s “laws” regarding His priesthood are trampled down by the “man of lawlessness”.  Remember, the anointed cannot BOND together; otherwise it will compromise the unity of your organization.  So, what appears to have taken preference,  God’s laws concerning what His priests are to carry out, or the laws of men who  need to make their organization run well in Satan’s world?

It is the second choice, isn't it.  Thus, a great army of elders keeps everyone in line, including God's anointed priests.

  • “The shepherds and dukes (or, “princes,” NEB) in this implausible army are the congregation elders.” w13 11/15 pp. 16-20
On 9/10/2020 at 9:32 PM, Arauna said:

That is false because you yourself have not identified the king of the north.


On the contrary, I did.  The King of the North and “his” army, is the “man of lawlessness”.  The “army” that has come against the anointed priests/Temple, is the elder body. 

“The invader will do as he pleases; no one will be able to stand against him. He will establish himself in the Beautiful Land (God’s land/field/chosen people)  and will have the power to destroy it.”  Dan 11:16

“He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.”  Dan 11:45

There is only one “beautiful holy land/mountain” – that is Zion/Temple of God. Heb 12:22; Rev 14:1  No one in politics and in other religions of the world, can recognize who comprise the Temple of God.


  On 9/10/2020 at 7:15 PM, Witness said:  desecrates the temple fortress” and abolishes the “daily sacrifice

On 9/10/2020 at 9:32 PM, Arauna said:

These totalitarian governments such as china have already abolished all religion (even its traditional religions) and of course we are waiting for the UN - when it gets into power - it will turn against a strong religion like Islam (all religions) when it has served its purpose.  Islam is totalitarian but of course when UN comes in it (UN) will desecrate all gods and be a god itself. All hell will break lose because I understand Islam....... lol. 

I believe you understand many other religions.  But, you don't understand who the spiritual nation of "Israel" is, and its importance in the outcome of Armageddon.  

The “temple fortress” isn’t referring to all religions, but only to God’s Temple of “living stones”.   The “man of lawlessness” comes against His people who comprise the Temple!

It's very, very clear in 2 Thess 2:3,4:

“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness  is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.”  

The elder body has blasphemed God’s Temple by “representing the royal priesthood”.  This “man of lawlessness” stands, “where it does not belong”.  (Rev 13:5-7)

“When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation’ standing where it does not belong—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” Mark 13:17 

It is your opinion, but you are so wrapped up in the world of politics and religion, that Christ will arrive and you will not have seen what is coming upon all of you in the WT.  It is a choice one makes, to revere an organization, or to revere God, His Son and look to His Temple for truth.  (Joel 3:14) (2 Thess 2:9-12)  I know you say that God is our only Rock, but I see it is pretty obvious that you could never disconnect from the organization.  The "mountainlike organization" means more to you than you realize.  (Rev 8:8)





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