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2 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

i have no objections to God or Christ. No one should have. But i do object to 8 men who pretend they are the F&DS and deliberately mislead millions of people and stumble many more. 

I am surprised you are not American. You don't seemed bothered by the large amount of Victims of Child Sexual Abuse within the CCJW. And you don't seem bothered that the GB refuse to pay compensation to those Victims. You also don't seem bothered about the GB's lawyers telling lies in court rooms, which has been proven. But then if you don't look into these things you will never believe them. Hence I say you deliberately blind yourself. 

Jesus taught the complete opposite of the things the GB do. 

That's not been my experience so I don't recognise what you're saying as factual.

There are many, many JW's that have been sexually abused by non-JW's.  Do not confuse an acceptance of human imperfection with not being bothered about anything, that's you, not me and as such is a projection of your take on things and again, not factual.

Jesus taught that we should remove the rafter from our own eyes before trying to remove the splinter from others.

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4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

One of Tom's biggest problems is that he lumps everyone together because he is frightened of individuals. I quote him...They are going after Jehovah’s organization with a machete.

Rats! Caught in the act once more!

Very well. My bluster got the better of me. To clarify, only Srecko is going after God’s people with a machete. 4Jah is using a knife. And Witness, appropriately enough, is using a battle axe 

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8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Rats! Caught in the act once more!

Very well. My bluster got the better of me. To clarify, only Srecko is going after God’s people with a machete. 4Jah is using a knife. And Witness, appropriately enough, is using a battle axe 

They're very hurt and angry.  I feel sad that my brothers and sisters have lost their way and hope they come back. No matter what other humans do or say, that is not Jehovah, and we are taught to "keep putting up with one another" which is an indication that things are not going to be perfect. The counsel to the congregations given in Revelation also is evidence that things were not what they should be yet Jehovah didn't abandon them, he counselled them.  Expectation postponed is making the heart sick in this instance too it seems.  Let it go and return to your God for he forgives in a large way.  Stop expecting perfection when Jehovah Himself doesn't expect it.

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2 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

Stop expecting perfection when Jehovah Himself doesn't expect it.

I am not sure that the principles you cite are the truly relevant ones here.

On the other hand, it certainly is true that they are not behaving perfectly. And it is certainly true that I am not exactly saying “Let Jehovah rebuke you” to them.

3 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

The counsel to the congregations given in Revelation also is evidence that things were not what they should be yet Jehovah didn't abandon them, he counselled them.

Are you really saying that you think these characters are yet part of the congregation?

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I am not sure that the principles you cite are the truly relevant ones here.

On the other hand, it certainly is true that they are not behaving perfectly. And it is certainly true that I am not exactly saying “Let Jehovah rebuke you” to them.

Are you really saying that you think these characters are yet part of the congregation?

You are free to come to that conclusion.

Who behaves perfectly...not a one because we are not yet in a state of perfection.

All have time to repent and be forgiven, at the moment.

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16 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

Jehovah said He would feed His sheep using His organisation, that is what He is doing and through a feeding programme using literature, I have no problem understanding that at all.

You won't be able to wipe out Jehovah's organisation, many have tried and failed and if you know anything about the end times, you will know that a coalition of nations will eventually turn on us and that that will be the trigger for Armageddon when the nations will know that Jehovah is who He is.  Until then He works with imperfect people to carry out His will.


God’s dwelling since Moses, was the tabernacle – a mobile tent. (Exod 25:8,9)  He then acquiesced to allowing a temple to be built for Him. (1 Kings 6:1)  Christ comes to earth, and announced that the physical temple is no longer to be God’s dwelling, but that it will be his spiritual Body, built with “living stones”. (Isa 60:14,13; John 2:19-21; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22)  

This is how it has been since the first century, and it still is in those faithful to Christ as their Head. The spiritual temple/dwelling of God - New Jerusalem/Holy City, has replaced the physical temple. (Heb 12:22,23; Rev 14:1)

 Where does your physical organization fit in?  God never had an “organization” on earth, but a nation of people, with many foreigners joining in with them.  They worshiped God, firstly through His tabernacle, and then through the temple.  It was the only avenue to worship God, where His appointed priesthood served God as ministers and judges for the people. (Deut 17:9; Lev 10:10,11;Ezek 44:24) With Christ, God established the foundation of His new House/Temple (also mobile) in the apostles and prophets, and it has grown throughout years with added, sealed, “living stones”.  (Eph 2:20-22)

But right when the anointed remnant shows up, a change is made – at the time when the Great Tribulation/Armageddon, is destined to occur.  No longer is the spiritual Temple of God the focal point, but it is an EARTHLY, PHYSICAL organization that dares to call itself, God’s House.  I don’t remember anything in the scriptures about Jesus saying God’s Temple would be set aside for an organization, built with riches that Satan has been given authority over.   But I do know, that a “man of lawlessness” rules over God’s Temple in the last days, and exalts itself far above the “living stones”. (Dan 8:25;11:36; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3) 

This “man of lawlessness”, your elder body, has been given authority  by your leaders, to judge and mark them - God’s priesthood -  as spiritually “dead”. When does this happen? It happens when they reject the organization, and turn back to God’s Temple, and their Head, Jesus Christ.   (John 16:2; Heb 13:13; Rev 13:15; 11:1-3,7)

God’s people “Israel” are the “chosen”/special possession, anointed to fulfill their role as priests. (Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9) Yet, many JWs say just as you have, “Of course I'm aware of who the anointed are, I personally knew 2 of them, lovely sisters, so humble and it makes me smile to think of them in their heavenly role"...without realizing that your organization has trampled down God’s priesthood. Their "role" is to be active while they are on earth, just as the apostles, and those who followed them throughout the centuries.  They were sent by Christ to preach Truth.  Instead, in your organization, they are told to keep silent, and not to gather as a priesthood, because your organization has chosen its own priesthood to fill its own role.   (John 13:20; Matt 28:16-20)  This priesthood baptizes people into the organization.  It doesn't follow Christ's words given to his disciples, in any manner.  It baptizes people into darkness, not into the light of Christ.  When I see elders baptizing at conventions wearing black shirts, I think how fitting a symbol, for the lawlessness they represent. 

Since 1 Cor 3:16 states that the anointed are the dwelling of God in Spirit, we have a problem with this comparatively young organization calling itself, God’s House.    Which do you choose to accept as God’s House?  An organization that suffers in the court systems, refusing to follow court orders (since money is involved); suffers in various governments in the world, and that has a history of failed, false teachings?   Or, do you accept what the scriptures show us that God’s “organized” Temple built on Jesus Christ, is His anointed priesthood and the only dwelling that God has chosen?

You said...

I read all of our beautiful Watchtowers and Awakes and savour every word, here is purity in it's finest form.

In light of past false teachings, how can you say their spiritual food is “pure”?  I seriously hope you do your homework.

Tabernacle – Solomon’s Temple – 2nd Temple – God’s spiritual Temple in Christ – followed by a corrupt organization at the last minute?  Blasphemy and deceit. (Rev 13:1,4,5-8) 

If anyone perceives the “man of lawlessness”/disgusting thing – the elder body – “sitting” in the Temple of God, they are to flee from  the organization.  Mat 24:15-22






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@Emma Rose and @TrueTomHarley  are now a comedy duo it seems :) :) Well done ! 

Dear Emma seems naive but it could just be a ploy. And Tom, well he is as he is. He cannot find true answers to anything so he makes, what he thinks, are jokes. He is funny some times though and bit of humour is good. 

The scripture Emma semi-quotes from Colossians 3 v 13 is spoken to the Anointed / Chosen Ones as can be seen in verse 12. And in my opinion the whole of the Greek Scriptures are written for those True Anointed Ones. However I actually have that scripture on a piece of paper hanging above my computer monitor, hence i knew what it was immediately. It does help in certain not too serious circumstances, but should not be used to cover over serious sins.

Now Emma says "They're very hurt and angry." Lets note here that she is like Tom, and she lumps everyone together with that word 'they' / they are. It seems to be a problem with JWs, maybe because they are all one big congregation, that they cannot cope with individuals. Emma, every one of us is different and many of those that leave the CCJW have not 'lost their way'.  If you personally do not mind being part of a Pedophile protecting and Pedophile hiding Organisation, that is of course your own choice. And if you are prepared to turn your back on the Victims of Child Sexual Abuse just to please the GB and you Elders, that is also your choice. 

I for one left the CCJW because my Christian based conscience would not allow me to continue to be part of such an immoral organisation and I could no longer encourage families to gather together in such a dangerous place as a Kingdom Hall or to gather with JWs that could possibly cause harm to children. Once the abuse has happened there is no turning the clock back. The damage is done permanently. 

But the CSA / Pedophilia problem is just one of many problems in the CCJW.


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20 minutes ago, Witness said:

Their "role" is to be active while they are on earth, just as the apostles, and those who followed them throughout the centuries.  They were sent by Christ to preach Truth.

And they are! All the anointed I have ever known were very active in the ministry and still are. That was their focus. The sisters taking the lead with the younger ones, and the brothers helping the congregation to shepherd the flock as elders. When you were in the congregation, were you not active in the work that Christ commissioned you with, to preach and make disciples?

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@Emma Rose  I thought I'd return to this that you wrote. Quote 

 Kind David had an illicit affair with a married woman and then sent her husband to the front line in order for him to be killed, he also numbered the people when he shouldn't have.  Jehovah did not depart from using King David to carry out His will.  Jehovah is also aware of the effects of sin and if His people are repentant, He forgives them,

Now, did everyone in the Nation of Israel think King David was doing right when he committed those sins ? I would think that any person of that Nation that had a good relationship with God, would of hated the things King David was doing. The problem for those people was that they were 'of that Nation'. They had no choice but to remain 'of that Nation'. So there is no comparison between those people of the Nation of Israel (born into and belonging to that nation) with JWs that voluntarily remain part of the CCJW. 

JWs still worship their GB and find no fault in them, even though the GB continue to sin.

Your GB do not seem to be repentant. If they were they would stand down and let the True Anointed lead the CCJW. How can God forgive the GB when the GB have exalted themselves above all others, and the GB tread down the True Anointed Ones.

The only thing the GB have done, after many years of lying, is to now admit that they are not Inspired of God's Holy Spirit. So your GB now admit that anything they say or write is just the words of 'men'. Please remember that, you are following the 'words of men'. 

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17 minutes ago, Anna said:

And they are! All the anointed I have ever known were very active in the ministry and still are. That was their focus. The sisters taking the lead with the younger ones, and the brothers helping the congregation to shepherd the flock as elders. When you were in the congregation, were you not active in the work that Christ commissioned you with, to preach and make disciples?

The only ministry JWs teach are the 'words of men', uninspired men.  The ministry is just a delivery service for the books and Watchtower magazines written and guided by your GB. Yes I do know, Yes I've had first hand experience of it. "Do not give your own opinion" Always research what the GB / Org says is right. 

And as for anointed brothers "helping the congregation to shepherd the flock as elders." Yes 'Shepherd the flock' from a rule book written by MEN. Once again the GB is in full control.  

If you cannot understand how the True Anointed have been and still are being beaten by the Evil slave (GB) then you have a very serious problem with your spiritual understanding of God's requirements. But God has patience, and He will act when He is ready, or maybe He will leave it to Christ to act, as Christ as been giver 'all authority'.

I'm just sitting on the sidelines waiting for something big to happen in the CCJW, or waiting for 'New True Light' :) 


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1 hour ago, Witness said:

God’s dwelling since Moses, was the tabernacle – a mobile tent. (Exod 25:8,9)  He then acquiesced to allowing a temple to be built for Him. (1 Kings 6:1)  Christ comes to earth, and announced that the physical temple is no longer to be God’s dwelling, but that it will be his spiritual Body, built with “living stones”. (Isa 60:14,13; John 2:19-21; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22)  

This is how it has been since the first century, and it still is in those faithful to Christ as their Head. The spiritual temple/dwelling of God - New Jerusalem/Holy City, has replaced the physical temple. (Heb 12:22,23; Rev 14:1)

 Where does your physical organization fit in?  God never had an “organization” on earth, but a nation of people, with many foreigners joining in with them.  They worshiped God, firstly through His tabernacle, and then through the temple.  It was the only avenue to worship God, where His appointed priesthood served God as ministers and judges for the people. (Deut 17:9; Lev 10:10,11;Ezek 44:24) With Christ, God established the foundation of His new House/Temple (also mobile) in the apostles and prophets, and it has grown throughout years with added, sealed, “living stones”.  (Eph 2:20-22)

But right when the anointed remnant shows up, a change is made – at the time when the Great Tribulation/Armageddon, is destined to occur.  No longer is the spiritual Temple of God the focal point, but it is an EARTHLY, PHYSICAL organization that dares to call itself, God’s House.  I don’t remember anything in the scriptures about Jesus saying God’s Temple would be set aside for an organization, built with riches that Satan has been given authority over.   But I do know, that a “man of lawlessness” rules over God’s Temple in the last days, and exalts itself far above the “living stones”. (Dan 8:25;11:36; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3) 

This “man of lawlessness”, your elder body, has been given authority  by your leaders, to judge and mark them - God’s priesthood -  as spiritually “dead”. When does this happen? It happens when they reject the organization, and turn back to God’s Temple, and their Head, Jesus Christ.   (John 16:2; Heb 13:13; Rev 13:15; 11:1-3,7)

God’s people “Israel” are the “chosen”/special possession, anointed to fulfill their role as priests. (Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9) Yet, many JWs say just as you have, “Of course I'm aware of who the anointed are, I personally knew 2 of them, lovely sisters, so humble and it makes me smile to think of them in their heavenly role"...without realizing that your organization has trampled down God’s priesthood. Their "role" is to be active while they are on earth, just as the apostles, and those who followed them throughout the centuries.  They were sent by Christ to preach Truth.  Instead, in your organization, they are told to keep silent, and not to gather as a priesthood, because your organization has chosen its own priesthood to fill its own role.   (John 13:20; Matt 28:16-20)  This priesthood baptizes people into the organization.  It doesn't follow Christ's words given to his disciples, in any manner.  It baptizes people into darkness, not into the light of Christ.  When I see elders baptizing at conventions wearing black shirts, I think how fitting a symbol, for the lawlessness they represent. 

Since 1 Cor 3:16 states that the anointed are the dwelling of God in Spirit, we have a problem with this comparatively young organization calling itself, God’s House.    Which do you choose to accept as God’s House?  An organization that suffers in the court systems, refusing to follow court orders (since money is involved); suffers in various governments in the world, and that has a history of failed, false teachings?   Or, do you accept what the scriptures show us that God’s “organized” Temple built on Jesus Christ, is His anointed priesthood and the only dwelling that God has chosen?

You said...

I read all of our beautiful Watchtowers and Awakes and savour every word, here is purity in it's finest form.

In light of past false teachings, how can you say their spiritual food is “pure”?  I seriously hope you do your homework.

Tabernacle – Solomon’s Temple – 2nd Temple – God’s spiritual Temple in Christ – followed by a corrupt organization at the last minute?  Blasphemy and deceit. (Rev 13:1,4,5-8) 

If anyone perceives the “man of lawlessness”/disgusting thing – the elder body – “sitting” in the Temple of God, they are to flee from  the organization.  Mat 24:15-22






A nation of people plus proselytes organised to worship Jehovah, 'is' an organisation.  

"...built with riches that Satan has been given authority over."  The same riches King Solomon is so well known for? 1 Kings 10:14  Jehovah told Solomon He would make him rich.  It is the 'love' of money, not money itself, that is the root of all evil, money is for a protection.  

Those two lovely anointed sisters were extremely active whilst alive, they were an excellent example.

Many of Jehovah's people have been hailed before courts throughout history, it is nothing new.

I have to marvel at what a genius Jehovah is, His word is like a two-edged sword, able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.  Jehovah is constantly refining His people.

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