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Trump himself passed them out in our congregation. [No, I’m kidding—there will always be someone to take it seriously]  And if there was anything hush-hush about the program, that never reac

@TrueTomHarley I can't believe how delusional you are.  False prophets are AMONG YOU.  Have you forgotten already, the long line of falsehoods your leaders have pushed onto the people?  And all failed

"Is it lawful for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” 23 But detecting their craftiness, He said to them, 24 “Show Me a denarius. Whose image and inscription does it have?” “Caesar’s,” they s

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9 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Wow! HAHAHA!!!

In a previous incarnation, Cesar told me: “You keep out of my way and I’ll keep out of yours.”

That works well enough. Look—it’s the internet, not the congregation. There’s only so much one can do in coming together. You can’t even be sure that people are who they say they are.  It is enough that he settles on the side that is right, even if he does take a flamethrower to not just enemies, but even ones who would call themselves allies, though less rigid.

And as long as I’m at it, how about this one on Why Jehovah’s Witnesses do not respond to accusations:


Don’t misunderstand. This is not a reproof to anyone. Or if it is, it is mostly to me. Probably I should mull over it more. But as Anna said, each one has his/her own specific reason for being here. It is safe to say that NO Witness here is typical, excepting only those who come, stick their toe in the water, make a comment or two, and then disappear, never to be seen again.

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Definition of equal  (Entry 1 of 3)

1a(1)of the same measure, quantity, amount, or number as another
(2)identical in mathematical value or logical denotation EQUIVALENT
blike in quality, nature, or status
clike for each member of a group, class, or society provide equal employment opportunities
2regarding or affecting all objects in the same way IMPARTIAL
3free from extremes: such as
atranquil in mind or mood
bnot showing variation in appearance, structure, or proportion
4acapable of meeting the requirements of a situation or a task
bSUITABLE bored with work not equal to his abilities
It seems how Paul speaking about economic or financial equality. This is, for sure, sort of social involvement, activity inside one specific group or society that existing inside human society as such. This is sort of socioeconomic conceptual influence on congregations. Perhaps something new for those period. Later we can see similar attempts to achieve such a status for the society of a people, a nation in a country. French revolution and later Communist Revolution sought to achieve equality for their people. And not only in economic status, but in many others - about education, gender, health, race etc. We would call that today - human rights.
Well, Paul's social activism perhaps brought some results in those days. What sort of social activism is today inside WTJWorg? GB solicit or makes petition for donations of all kind. Publicly known reason is, as they say, for "Kingdom interests". What is well known is this. Donation money, it is not used so that brothers in an assembly can pay rent, electricity or water expenses, buy their children books for school, and so on. Using donation money or money that WTJWorg collect in other ways (stocks, real estate sales etc) are not intended for poor members for reason to became less poor or equal to brothers who are materially rich, as Paul imagined for Christian congregation in 1st century.
Charity status of WT and all WT entities or sister companies are for reason to not pay taxes and to receive money from state (where law of country provide such privileges). 
Is there a way for GB to turn Paul’s imagination into reality today?
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3 hours ago, César Chávez said:

It's a stretch to find a JW in good standing in this place. Someone like me that tells the truth is "never" liked

Come, come—I didn’t insult you. Why do you carry on as though I did? You are not exactly Mr. Rogers, you know. Moreover, that advice from you has worked for the most part—I have stayed out of your way, and you have stayed out of mine. What is wrong with that? We’re not enemies. You’re abrasive, but that doesn’t make us enemies.  I had no particular person in mind when I posted that jw.org link about not responding to all accusations.

But now that you bring it up—

Since you excoriate anyone who deviates a single iota from what has been published, why do you not heed this one? Everyone else’s answer is simple: they don’t follow each item to the nth degree, and in the case of those who oppose, they don’t consider it at all. But you do. So why do you not follow this bit of counsel?

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9 hours ago, César Chávez said:

By this view, would it be okay by God to tax and have that money used for war?

In old Bible times of Israel's kings, taxes are used for wars. In the name of God. Was that ok or not, i don't know, but this is just comment on your interesting question. :))


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6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

We’re not enemies. You’re abrasive, but that doesn’t make us enemies. 

I like this perspective about people's relations. It is true how our character can bring difficulties or easy time with different individuals. In general, and same is in JW congregations.

9 hours ago, César Chávez said:
On 10/20/2020 at 2:02 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Don’t misunderstand. This is not a reproof to anyone.

Oh! I understand what your rebuke is. With or without a meaning.  Funny how ex-JWs can get away with it,

We, ex JWs worked very hard to get this status :))) 

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3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

In old Bible times of Israel's kings, taxes are used for wars. In the name of God. Was that ok or not, i don't know, but this is just comment on your interesting question. :))


Tax in Bible vocabulary have few meanings:

1- Mandatory, compulsory labor for king/kingdom. 

2- Payment given to the kingdom as recognition that the subjects recognize their domination by the kingdom is called, "offering."

3- King Solomon levied the Tenth-Tax on the residents which was a regular tax to pay for his expenses.'

4- The people of Israel recognized silver and gold products only as war-booty (not products that should be used for trading)

5- To pay for the great building expenditures, Solomon imposed an additional tax on the residents aside from the Tenth-Tax, which was used to pay for Temple and Palace expenses.

6- Solomon began to charge a tax from the traders who entered his country, Trade Tax.

7- Later kings of Judea abolished the three additional methods of creating revenues; the special additions to existing taxes, sale of state property, and compulsory labor.

8-  At first, the tax was only collected from agricultural property. Beginning in Solomon's time, taxes were collected from the trade.

9- Revenues for support of the Priests and Levies, also a need to conduct Temple repairs from time to time.

....and many other 

David's and Solomon' fiscal policies are interesting. One is king of War and other was king of Peace. 

For instance, when Solomon formed his 12 districts for the purposes of taxation and supplying the needs of his court, he did not include Judah (1 Kings 4). Judah apparently had tax-free status.


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31 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Once again, was that before or after Christ?

Also, you didn't answer the question, when did man get the "authority" to question God?

Before or after Christ, is that matter? People lived even before the coming of Christ. Israel lived before, too, and were under Law of God. And that Law regulate war actions of Israel.

What is meaning of your question? 

About second question. People don't need "to get the authority" for direct questions towards anyone, even god. It is obtained by birth. :))

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On 10/15/2020 at 3:51 PM, Emma Rose said:

Jehovah will decide that.

Well actually your god Anthony (bourbon) Morris already decided that this jehovah of yours is going to wipe out all apostates, so he and you who worship and agree with him (Tony Morris) have judged all apostates worthy of death. Just one more reason why you are guilty of idolatry..

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On 10/15/2020 at 5:53 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Rats! Caught in the act once more!

Very well. My bluster got the better of me. To clarify, only Srecko is going after God’s people with a machete. 4Jah is using a knife. And Witness, appropriately enough, is using a battle axe 

And your governing body are doing it from the inside, crafty fellows!

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