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8 hours ago, Anna said:
8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I would like it if there was a little more organizational pushback on some of the charges leveled against us.

I understand why they don't if pushback is to be understood as a defense in order to sway the "enemy" to your side. They know they will never convince the "enemy" so what's the point in trying? BUT if it was done for the benefit of those who are not "enemies" but genuinely want explanations and answers to those charges, then I think it would be a good thing. But they're not looking at it like that.....

Pushback?  They are suing "apostates" for hate speech. Is that not enough pushback?  This is followed by Morris' murderous rant against "despicable apostates".  No turning the other cheek there.  

This letter addressing Mr. Morris, was not written by me ,or Pearl Doxsey:


Dear Brother Morris, 10/1/2020

It is my sincere hope that this letter finds you calmer and less agitated.  I watched your video broadcast and saw how disturbed you became when talking about the destruction of “apostates.”  I feared for you as you became overtaken with murderous desire as you held, lit, and blew out a single small matchstick.  What spirit overcame you brother?  Whose father were you imitating?  Carefully consider John 8:44 and Isaiah 33:1.  Why do you assert God and Jesus are murderers when we are told through scripture who the murderer from the beginning was, the wicked one, the destroyer.    Ultimate justice will certainly come though through God and Jesus who have the ability to either protect or surrender individuals to the wicked one, but why do you project onto Them your own craving for destruction?  Who will be protected, false prophets with false teachings?  

*False teachings such as Jehovah has a physical “mountain-like organization.” Where in the scriptures did the Father or Jesus ever tell people to attach themselves to an idol organization for salvation?  Nowhere!  But, the scriptures do prophesy of such a detestable thing to occur. Prophetic warnings abound throughout the Bible regarding the waywardness of God’s people, today, among a false prophet in the spiritual Temple of God, among his chosen…a detestable deed…subjugating anointed under the authority of not anointed Gentiles, elders/overseers.  What have you done!  “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?  If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are” (1 Cor 3:16,17). 

* False teachings such as Armageddon is a physical battle with God and Jesus using actual fire to destroy all those who are not a Jehovah’s Witness.  Look up the scriptures referenced, words are fire and swords (Jer. 23:29; 1 Peter 1:6,7; Psalm 104:4; Prov. 25:18; Psalm 55:21; Rev. 19:15; 1:16; 2:16).  Fire and sword are used by God’s prophets to destroy lies by false prophets. “That is why I will cut them down by means of the prophets; I will kill them with the words of my mouth. And the judgments on you will shine as the light.” (Hosea 6:5).  

There you stood in the video broadcast, a bold-faced false prophet spouting false teachings, referencing Isaiah 66, condemning yourself.

15 Look, the LORD will come with fire -
his chariots are like the whirlwind -
to execute his anger with fury
and his rebuke with flames of fire.
16 For the LORD will execute judgment
on all people with his fiery sword,
and many will be slain by the LORD.

22 “For just as the new heavens and the new earth that I am making will remain standing before me,” declares Jehovah, “so your offspring and your name will remain.”
23 “And from new moon to new moon and from sabbath to sabbath, All flesh will come in to bow down before me,” says Jehovah.
24 “And they will go out and look on the carcasses of the men who rebelled against me;
For the worms on them will not die,
And their fire will not be extinguished,
And they will become something
repulsive to all people.”

By the same word the present heaven and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly. – 2 Pet. 3:7.  

Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot listen to my word.” – Jesus, [John 8:43].  



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43 minutes ago, Witness said:

Many other religious organizations, follow more closely the understood definition of “charity”, while the org. appears to be clueless. 

Actually it sounds like the WT was one of the few organization’s doing it right. Outfits accepted the food boxes but were unwilling to take on the costs of distribution. The only example (from thecounter.org article) of actually bringing the food to the recipients, rather than making them come to some parking lot to retrieve it, is the WT. 

And since (weren’t you ridiculing them over this?—if not, your allies were) JWs are the lowest income faith, almost by definition they will be among the intended beneficiaries. As Anna said, in her congregation, food boxes were delivered to the most needy. Same here. And then, if it turned out they felt others needed it more, they were encouraged to share with any of those they knew of.

If there were any foodstuffs left to rot or spoil, it had nothing to do with JWs.

From the article:

The USDA paid generously, in part, because it wanted those companies to take on the job of distributing the boxes as well. The plan was called "truck-to-trunk." The companies were supposed to take their food boxes directly to local food bank distribution points and drop the boxes into the trunks of waiting cars.

Witnesses did better than that. They delivered it directly to homes.

During the pandemic, many food banks have been running short of volunteers to do this job.

Didn’t happen here.

But many food banks, including Cooper's, said that food box contractors refused to do it. Some of them didn't even have the refrigerated truck required to do the job.

Again, not so here.

No one outfit can do everything, but JWs fully comply with the program, and waste nothing. There were apparently many that did not, and if the story is correct, some of them never intended to. Any faith-based organization guided by Bible principles is not going to forget Galatians 6:10: “let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith.” Since you claim to be a true anointed, surely you know this. 

You’re just a bitter old crow.



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6 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Actually it sounds like the WT was one of the few organization’s doing it right. Outfits accepted the food boxes but were unwilling to take on the costs of distribution. The only example (from thecounter.org article) of actually bringing the food to the recipients, rather than making them come to some parking lot to retrieve it, is the WT. 

Maybe many organizations are actually following USDA guidelines:

Billed as a “truck to trunk” program, the USDA's Farmers to Families Food Box program is intended to streamline distributions by having vetted companies pre-pack fresh, healthy food into family-sized boxes that can be easily slipped into waiting cars.

This was verified by Travel Well Holdings.


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Quote @Anna  Are we willing to admit mistakes and not try to justify or gloss over them? Why would we even want to justify mistakes? Wouldn't it be like saying we do not sin? 

Mistakes. Something done accidentally. The 'glossing over' is pretending that things are mistakes when they were actually deliberate.  Deliberate sin is surely worse than mistakes. 

This is how the GB and their helpers are so wicked, because their sins are deliberate. The 'beating up' of the True Anointed is deliberate sin by the GB, and by Elders of congregations that uphold GB rules. 

Tom says he doesn't mind being ruled over by the Elders. In fact Tom said he places the Elders above himself. Oh dear, well that just proves the point really.. Well I'm sure that the truth will come out and the True Anointed will be placed in their proper position when God through Christ is ready to do so. 

That is where my faith is, in God through Christ, not in the CCJW or GB through the Elders. Spiritual not physical. 

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9 hours ago, Witness said:

Elders offer to throw the food away, instead of offering it to other organizations in need.  Is that doing it "better"?

It is not. One thing flied through my mind about "throwing the food away". You can imagine the following situation: You work in a company, you are a hard worker, diligent, responsible and so on. The situation around you is such that other workers are waiting for their time to pass, they are not interested in the job, they do not have self-initiative, they do not care. Company management does not run a firm in a good way. After a lot of time in such a work environment, a diligent worker has had enough of everything and says: so what am I trying to do, why am I annoyed because of someone else's reluctance? And then because of that he raises his hands and lets some damage happen in the company or some work is not done. Perhaps some of these elders are also in such a mental state that they don’t care why the food box is thrown away.

Charity means helping. Each JW assembly is a "charity company". Not only do they help themselves but also others who are not "theirs".

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9 hours ago, Witness said:

Maybe many organizations are actually following USDA

If you have a definite statement to make, you do not start with “maybe.” Your statement sheds no light on anything other than you hate the JW organization, which we all knew already.

In fact, if the counter.org article that began this thread is correct, there were none that did follow their view of USDA. They all had food distributions in their parking lots, you had to fetch the food quickly before it rotted, and run through a gauntlet of prayer services or ‘soul-salvations’ in the process. Only the JWs complied with the requirements of the program, insofar as the article states.

17 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

One thing flied through my mind about "throwing the food away"

I have no idea where this comes from. I think Witness just made it up. It is not in any of the articles cited and if there are any statements about food being discarded, they are not associated with JWs. At the same time, if there were to be found any instances of this I would hardly be shocked. Have you ever had food in the fridge go bad because you did not eat it (or distribute it to someone else) in time? But on a large scale? No.

However, if you want me to state that the Watchtower did not go all out to fix the world’s broken system, I will concede the point. That does not mean that they abused anything, and it seems from the counter.org story that they were the only group that did not.

Can we agree that since JWs comprise .01% of the world’s population, what they do or do not do will not make a difference to the world’s success? If they did nothing but offer flowers to passerby on the street, they would not spoil the world’s efforts to save itself.

Frankly, I don’t see what’s so horrendous about even the “abuses” the article attributes to some church groups. Even if I find those abuses distasteful, still food is distributed to anyone who comes to fetch it. The counter.org article just reflects jealousy, in my view, that people of faith will do more to solve ills than do secular people, who are more apt to address it through massive agencies and then spend the rest of their lives on lawyers prosecuting the abuses and corruption that inevitably occurs. If people of faith want to call attention to what implants the generous spirit within them, why should the humanists not be able to live with that? They just loath God. Sometimes I think they would rather let people starve than to see them fed but preached to.

The problem with getting the food out is one of distribution, not supply. Here, Witness reveals herself as the hateful wench that she is as she repeatedly says, “Who needs organization?” Duh. That is exactly what is needed—it is not a supply challenge, but one of distribution—and that’s what Jehovah’s people excel at, and that is why they get the food out more effectively than anyone else. 

Now, to take up Witness’s statement again as a speculation, not as an indictment that it obviously lacks the strength to become, though she thinks it does—let us entertain it as a speculation, though the counter.org gives no hint of it...

The counter.org is a secular humanist organization, and as such I can readily believe it would pass over without comment any faith-based organization doing the work “properly.”. They are just jealous that people of faith will do what they cannot motivate their own to do on a scale large enough to get the job done, and so they malign the people who are getting it done. Even the Watchtower, with its firm stand on God’s kingdom as the ultimate answer, will say things of the greater world like, “True, some good has been accomplished, but....” But the counter.org article highlights nothing but what it thinks is bad.

So I’ll entertain Witness’s thought as a speculation

10 hours ago, Witness said:

Maybe many organizations are actually following USDA guidelines:

Maybe. What she means is that maybe there are some faith groups who are helping the world’s broken distribution system and keep their mouth’s shut about God as they are doing it. And maybe there are. More on this later, hopefully today, but maybe not till tomorrow or even Monday. My wife is after me to do some things that she foolishly thinks need doing. After I wet-vac all the rainwater in the house, hopefully I will have time to complete this comment.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I have no idea where this comes from. I think Witness just made it up.

This is not the only place where people are talking about the food boxes and relating their personal experiences.  

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

In fact, if the counter.org article that began this thread is correct, there were none that did follow their view of USDA. They all had food distributions in their parking lots, you had to fetch the food quickly before it rotted, and run through a gauntlet of prayer services or ‘soul-salvations’ in the process. Only the JWs complied with the requirements of the program, insofar as the article states.

As was the case in the video I posted, the food was delivered to an assembly hall.  From there, it had to be delivered to individuals in the congregations; which took time, and could compromise the freshness of the produce that you keep harping on.  This particular household was alerted of the food to arrive at their house, they declined saying they were fine.  The elder ignored their request and eventually left it on their porch. 

Is this respecting the couple’s wishes to pass it on to someone who could use it? Did you reject the box that you first received? I remembered you speaking about it.   In this congregation, it was also promoted as a provision from God; when in actuality, it was the food banks reaching out to all religious organizations, with no partiality to faith.  Once the food boxes are delivered to the elders, there IS partiality of faith.  If they find they have a surplus of rejected boxes, will they reach out to those outside of the organization as the food banks did?

I can only guess the reason that particular Branch wanted secrecy, is because they aggrandized the source of food as from “Jehovah”/”organization”.  They hid the full truth, fabricating and following their own guidelines.

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Even if I find those abuses distasteful, still food is distributed to anyone who comes to fetch it.

Nice admittance.  

12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You’re just a bitter old crow.


Better to be a bitter old crow than found eating crow, when the organization is brought to its knees.  

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I have no idea where this comes from. I think Witness just made it up. It is not in any of the articles cited and if there are any statements about food being discarded, they are not associated with JWs. At the same time, if there were to be found any instances of this I would hardly be shocked. Have you ever had food in the fridge go bad because you did not eat it (or distribute it to someone else) in time? But on a large scale? No.

Have to ask: What @Witness made up? Food boxes? Food boxes distribution to JW members? Circumstances around distribution inside JWorg? Additional "Letter" from "JW Disaster Relief Committee"? Content of that "letter"? etc.

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