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Thought for the day- walking in the name of Jehovah

Emma Rose

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Thought for the day: Jehovah is God's name.  It was originally in the Bible in over 7,000 places but has been removed by various bodies due to superstition etc.  Micah 4:5 For all the people will

Psalm 83:18 "May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth" The online King James Bible has retained the name Jehovah in this verse.   The n

Do you think it's possible for someone who is not yet aware of the importance of God's name, to feel they have relationship with him? I know my grandpa loved God, and talked to him as if he was a

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8 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

To know God's name Jehovah, is more than just an awareness of it's existence.  


Do you think it's possible for someone who is not yet aware of the importance of God's name, to feel they have relationship with him?

I know my grandpa loved God, and talked to him as if he was a friend. But he never had the opportunity to realise the importance of using God's name.

What about those through the centuries, who may have been anointed, but may have only vaguely been aware of God's name, and in some cases not even known it.

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The title 'Elo'him' is used in the Hebrew scriptures for the following:

Jehovah (the true God)

Dagon (Philistine god)

Nisroch (Assyrian god)


The Greek term for God, Theo-os for:

The true God

Zeus (Roman Jupiter)

Hermes (Mercury Novel)

It is essential to distinguish the true God by the use of His personal name Jehovah.

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Jehovah will have His message preached to the extent He has foretold, there may be ways that reach those that have yet to hear, that we are unaware of.  Who would have thought, as recently as last year, that we'd be carrying out that preaching work using electronic means.

It is not outside of the realms of possibility to consider Jehovah able to 'know' how a person 'would' react had they heard the good news.  That's not what I'm saying will happen, I'm simply saying all things are possible with God, and some of those things may fall within the following scripture:  Isaiah 55:9 - "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So my ways are higher than your ways And my thoughts than your thoughts"

That is what faith and knowing Jehovah results in, absolute conviction that what He has said He will do, His way.

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5 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

It is essential to distinguish the true God by the use of His personal name Jehovah.

It is indeed, especially when someone happens to be from a non Christian culture with all kinds of gods. Then like the apostle  Paul, you need to identify which god you are talking about, and familiarize them with the one and only true God, the creator, whose name is Jehovah.

When you talk to "Christians" they only believe in the true God, the God of the Bible. Although of course many times he is part of a "pretzel", the trinity. And many times, when you talk about Jesus, they think you are talking about God. It's always good to establish first, exactly what they understand under the term god. And then you can move forward with showing them that God and Jesus are separate beings, and that God also has a name. I had a Bible study once, who was previously an atheist, and for her, it was no problem to understand that Jehovah is the creator, and that Jesus is his son. She didn't have the baggage of the trinity belief.
And then I had a return visit, where the lady just couldn't get past it, and just kept insisting Jehovah is a triune God, and when pressed as to the scriptures which clearly show Jesus is God's son, she said it was a mystery. And that was that.

I have a very good book, written by a brother, Brian Holt, called "Jesus-God or the son of God?" It is chock full of scriptures, many that haven't been covered by the org. and it's great for anyone who wants to spend hours and hours studying to disprove the trinity. I never did, but it's there for reference if I need it.

In the field, I have found that it is sufficient to show a few fundamental scriptures, where Jesus is clearly talking about God being his father, because there is no point with reasoning  beyond those fundamental scriptures with a die hard trinitarian, because they are simply unwilling to reason.

It is good to mention also, that when someone is praying to God with a sincere heart, even when he doesn't know His name, and believes He is Jesus, the Universe, or some other god, Jehovah knows who he is praying to. And He lets Himself be found. How else would He be able to send someone to them if he didn't hear their prayer?

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@Emma Rose When I started studying with JWs, way on back in the 1960's, they said God's name was YHWH.

Then they said it translated into Jehovah. Um, YHWH = Yahweh or at best Yehowah. 

As has been discussed many times on here the letter J did not exist.  If you and others are prepared to just believe all you are told by your GB through the Watchtower magazine, that is your choice. 

Have the GB changed God's name to JHVH and if so when ? 

None of us 'earthly folk'  know the truth because we are not inspired of God's Holy Spirit. And the GB have admitted to not being inspired too. 

Whilst I can fell your sincerity coming through, and that is not sarcasm, I do not pretend to know truth from lies, about God's true name.  I now only use the words 'Heavenly Father' or 'Almighty God'  in my prayers. 

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6 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

It occurred to me, after speaking Jehovah's name in Hebrew out loud, just what a beautiful language it is and what a beautiful name belongs to Jehovah, in any language.

I love the sound of Hebrew, it is a beautiful language. We were just watching an Israeli film with English subtitles. 

It would be cool if we spoke Hebrew in the new world. Chinese, not so much (I apologize to the Chinese 😁, to me it just doesn't sound very attractive)

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