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Akua Donkor and Jehovah's Witnesses


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The presidential candidate for the Ghana Freedom Party Akua Donkor has vowed to sack all members of the Jehovah's Witness Church from all government institutions and send them to the markets.

According to her, effective December 7, if she wins the presidential election, there is no way Jehovah's Witness members will work in the government sector during her regime.

She explained that it beats her imagination how a group of people whose religious principles frown on voting to elect a government will eventually benefit from that government after others have voted to form it.

Akua Donkor said this in an interview with Kofi Adoma, stressing that the religious group must not reap where they did not sow.

“When I become president, no member from the Jehovah's Witnesses will be allowed to have government work, you don’t want to vote, who should vote for you to go and work at the government office,” she questioned.

Read more: https://www.pulse.com.gh/filla/ill-sack-all-jehovahs-witnesses-from-the-government-sector-akua-donkor/fwz8frq

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The Muslim government is not stopping terrorists from attacking Christians in most vicious ways. Christian villagers have been murdered and daughters taken as slaves.   This is not a surprise in such

Pretty much this, and the attacks are, ironically, only focused on Christian Minorites, i.e. US, UK backed forced handing a defenseless Christian village over to ISIS just because they wanted the land

and yet the people who directly voted AGAINST  her—I wonder if she sacks all of them.

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The Muslim government is not stopping terrorists from attacking Christians in most vicious ways. Christian villagers have been murdered and daughters taken as slaves.   This is not a surprise in such a corrupt country. Many people have already lost their jobs but it seems that Satan is really starting to use governments to put the screws on us. 

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58 minutes ago, Isabella said:

She explained that it beats her imagination how a group of people whose religious principles frown on voting to elect a government will eventually benefit from that government after others have voted to form it.

and yet the people who directly voted AGAINST  her—I wonder if she sacks all of them.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

and yet the people who directly voted AGAINST  her—I wonder if she sacks all of them.

Last night, I was just reading some old US newspapers on newspapers.com, for 1872, 1876, 1880, etc. This was one of the most common complaints for all the state jobs every time a new party came into power. He would reappoint all the state jobs for the new party no matter how efficient or experienced the previous person had become. This worked out to be pretty much the equivalent of sacking all the persons who voted against you.

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9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

people who directly voted AGAINST  her—I wonder if she sacks all of them.

Now that is truly an 'African' thought. That is exactly what has happened many times in Africa. That version of "democracy" is clearly understood in Africa. Mugabe starved the area of people who did not vote for him but voted along tribal lines.

The current head of WHO (ethiopian) did the same. He withheld medicine and food from 2 million ethiopians. .... this is contested by those who like him and say it is spreading fake news.  The same with Mugabe..... it was so unbelievable to the western mind that most did not believe it. 

This idea of retaliation is spreading...... soon it will be in USA. 

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On 11/7/2020 at 1:22 PM, Arauna said:

The Muslim government is not stopping terrorists from attacking Christians in most vicious ways. Christian villagers have been murdered and daughters taken as slaves.   This is not a surprise in such a corrupt country. Many people have already lost their jobs but it seems that Satan is really starting to use governments to put the screws on us. 

Pretty much this, and the attacks are, ironically, only focused on Christian Minorites, i.e. US, UK backed forced handing a defenseless Christian village over to ISIS just because they wanted the land back in the past, being one example. Something I have pointed out many, many times. As what was said in the past, there are Christians who are not touched due to the fact they are already enticed by Babylon vs. the minorities, who don't ascribe or entertain the idea of siding with those who are against them.

As what was said, there are grave things taking place as of recent and it is only going to escalate. There are now groups out there that are shifting their attention to minorities, that includes your faith community. So tread carefully.

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23 hours ago, Arauna said:

The current head of WHO (ethiopian) did the same. He withheld medicine and food from 2 million ethiopians. .... this is contested by those who like him and say it is spreading fake news. 

It's a false claim that's also contested by those who don't particularly like him, but who have noticed that there is no evidence for the claim. The claim is thoroughly debunked, whether you like the man or not. 😉

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3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

false claim that's also

You believe the far left press - I know Africa- I have seen the callousness, the murders, the hunger and the extreme corruption of its leaders as well as the communist influence on the culture..  I know the murderous and violent mentality - you do not. Your naivity about Africa, present times in China (not that of a few years ago) and other subjects do not give me much hope about your insight. To you I sound like a crazy skeptic   but I have not lived in the American dream or the American bubble.  So let us just leave it at that. 

You can quote all the articles from far left press as you like..... I just think you think too much of your perceptive abilities and are taken in with your own "research capabilities"  which frankly, does not stand up to the immoral world we are living in today and the 'big brother dystopia'  which is already hanging around in most countries of the world and most people have not put 2 and 2 together yet. 

Researching the way you do was good enough 20 years ago.....  To do a Google or other search is not enough for the times we are living in. So pasting down a lot of articles may convince others - but I have lived it....... what about all the articles you do not see because of suppression of the real news.

The world is going downhill fast and the 'media propaganda'  is one of the main reasons for it. Owned by only 5 people in the world, the skewed media is killing all independent media that is still in existence. Soon we will only see the news they want us to see.  1984 was written by a man who had LIVED and fought for communism. He knew what he was talking about.  I suggest you read it again. 

As I said to you before - even the super capitalism in the world now resembles the ideology of karl Marx.  Communism and super capitalism are working together to create a new world order to bring "peace and security".

A world governed by a central body dictating one morality and ONE policy in a totalitarian way is on the horizon. And it is almost here. This is the UN bible prophecy (image of the beast) going into fulfillment right now as we speak. Bible prophecy is going into fulfillment where you will not be able to 'buy or sell ' if you go against the "one idea" promoted by a totalitarian government and break the "peace" by thinking independently.

Satan cannot bring peace to this world by allowing freedom of thought like jehovah does.  He will control all thought....... including research and press.  I have said this to you so many times...... but you have never even considered the possibility....... because you trust only your own understanding.

I do not trust my own understanding because people like you force me to continually re-evaluate my thinking...... and in fact..... I am prepared to think differently when I see 'evidence' to think differently.  But your firm belief in "rewritten 'history"  (as they are doing with Islam and many other things which promote the distopia) .... makes me think that I am correct.  Time will tell of course....... 


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On 11/9/2020 at 3:01 AM, Arauna said:

1984 was written by a man who had LIVED and fought for communism. He knew what he was talking about.  I suggest you read it again.

Quite the opposite. Orwell never lived and worked for communism. He even worked for British Intelligence for a time ratting out communists. He had some interest in democratic socialism, free health care, etc., which is a far cry from communism. But he was a confused, racist, antisemitic, conflicted man. And his issues with Stalin especially, which was the primary driver for writing "1984," were not about Stalin's communism, but about fears of Stalin's supposed capitalism. (A lot like some of the fears people have of China's market-oriented communism that you mention later in your post.)

On 11/9/2020 at 3:01 AM, Arauna said:

I know Africa- I have seen the callousness, the murders, the hunger and the extreme corruption of its leaders as well as the communist influence on the culture.

What you and I have seen is apparently pretty much the same thing. But this has nothing to do with your consistent inability to provide any evidence whatsoever for you repeated claims against Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Ethiopian biologist, public health researcher and official who has served since 2017 as Director-General of the World Health Organization. Merely repeating someone else's racist rhetoric, apparently without any attempt or ability or desire to look into the lack of evidence, is the kind of thing that can make one guilty of warmongering and racism themselves, without even knowing what they are doing. Just because he is African, and knowing that some Africans are corrupt, should be seen as a vile and despicable reason for accepting anything bad someone has claimed about an African person. In this case, I think you need to look at evidence, not just racist or hateful claims.

On 11/9/2020 at 3:01 AM, Arauna said:

which frankly, does not stand up to the immoral world we are living in today and the 'big brother dystopia'  which is already hanging around in most countries of the world and most people have not put 2 and 2 together yet.

We actually agree on the immoral world and big brother dystopia, and I'm sure we agree 100% on the Akua Donkor video and article in the original topic here. But believing the worst about those who give evidence of being the worst, doesn't give us the right to just automatically believe the worst about those who give evidence of trying to act honestly. Those with the wherewithal to look into this will probably find that just as many people are fooled by far right media as are fooled by far left media.

On 11/9/2020 at 3:01 AM, Arauna said:

Researching the way you do was good enough 20 years ago.....  To do a Google or other search is not enough for the times we are living in. So pasting down a lot of articles may convince others

I can tell already that you know absolutely nothing about what I consider to be valid research methods.

On 11/9/2020 at 3:01 AM, Arauna said:

what about all the articles you do not see because of suppression of the real news.

It should never be about articles, it should be about evidence. There are a lot of people in the world today who hear a video on Youtube that starts out "This is news that is being suppressed . . . " and they eat it up as if it's going to be true. Some Youtube videos will be well-researched and might even provide video evidence. But even video evidence is something to be careful about. I can think of dozens of examples, but you might even remember how this one was shared and retweeted millions of times:


Turned out in that case that the video of a Chinese soldier beating a Uyghur Muslim for having a copy of the Quran, was actually "fake," as stated here:

A video that has been viewed more than a million times since it was posted January 1, 2019 on social media purportedly shows a Chinese soldier beating a Uighur Muslim for having a copy of the Koran. The video is actually from 2017 and shows an Indonesian soldier hitting a thief.

Even here, one should be skeptical of the claim that it wasn't what it was purported to be. But when the original video is found, and you can see it really was from a couple years earlier, and that the earlier video didn't have a Chinese flag pinned inside it, you are just starting to get somewhere with evidence. And if you know the political war-mongering or ideological reasons why it is so common for this type of fraud to be promoted, then it might make sense in fitting into another pattern of evidence. It actually still becomes only a tiny bit of evidence of the probability that that real evidence must be scarce if it has to be doctored and faked. But tiny bits of evidence never tell a whole story. It's a lot of work weighing evidence, and we end up trying to find people we can trust to do this, since no one has time to do it all themselves. And then we must remember, again, how easy it is to be fooled when we trust people. People will often build a trustworthy reputation on a specific matter, only to squander that trustworthiness in the promotion of their own ideological agenda.

On 11/9/2020 at 3:01 AM, Arauna said:

As I said to you before - even the super capitalism in the world now resembles the ideology of karl Marx.  Communism and super capitalism are working together to create a new world order to bring "peace and security".

That's a common far-right claim, but the specifics usually lead to a dead-end, mostly because they show a complete (sometimes purposeful) misunderstanding of all schools of Marxist thought.

On 11/9/2020 at 3:01 AM, Arauna said:

Satan cannot bring peace to this world by allowing freedom of thought like jehovah does.  He will control all thought....... including research and press.  I have said this to you so many times...... but you have never even considered the possibility....... because you trust only your own understanding.

Quite a harsh judgment. I hope I'm not judged even more harshly for pointing this out. Weighing evidence is, by definition, the consideration of as many possibilities as we can. Yet, we all have limitations. However, a person can go too far in the direction that your claim might take them. Not you personally so much, but I've seen it happen where people will say that their own far-right conspiratorial sources are much better than research and press, because all these trusted channels are controlled by untouchable powers. Sometimes this turns out to be true, of course. But I've seen some of these same persons turn against just about any science research just because a lot of science papers are biased towards the their powerful sponsors. They end up being driven into their own echo chambers, but not realizing they are being led there by a cacophony of dangerous voices. 

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5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Orwell never lived and worked for communism.

He fought in the Spanish war - and I never said he was not a leftie.  But he understood extreme socialism very well because he lived it in the trenches 

That is why both his books are comments which reflect the communistic system.  So what do you think of Animal Farm and 1984?  Will these kind of things happen in a transparent society with freedom of speech or will they take place in a society where there is suppression of transparency and there is only ONE ruling party choosing both sides of an election? I am want to know you view on this....  your personal opinion - not someone else's please!

5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

big brother dystopia

That is what Orwell describes so well.

5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

it should be about evidence. T

Good luck to find good evidence these days or anything else - we are already living under suppression of truth and evidence - fake numbers, fake scholarship, fake specialists - paid and bought for.  There is no more reality or truth.... Satan's system has already winning completely!

5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

video evidence is something to be careful about

Agreed.  I like it when documents are produced to prove what was going on....... but sometimes these also disappear once it is discovered that people know about them and they were forgotten in some obscure place..... to be discovered and then be removed.


5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

common for this type of fraud to be promoted

Yes - main stream media will NEVER DO THIS only independent news do this.  Their reporters are so good and truthful they do not follow the policies of their media Moghuls.  They are smart too!   They will ask a perpetrator of a crime - did you do it - and if the answer is no.... they will publish it all over the media that they were innocent and not even bother to investigate!.   This is not how I learnt reporting but for the last 20 years this is how it has been done.

5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

That's a common far-right claim

I think you know very little about far right by saying this.  Far right loves all forms of Capitalism because they believe in trickle down economics of corporations.  They do not stop monopolies (that is why US government is in such as mess) and they  like capitalism so much that Aien Randt  is an icon. They do not realize the weaknesses in both the systems and argue that one is better than the other. 

I do not take sides with any of this because all these human systems are garbage.  I merely point out the similarities in extreme capitalism and extreme socialism (communism).  They are now working together to bring in a secular world order which will fulfill bible prophecy.  All the global corporation owners have "charities" which do not pay taxes but give their money to organizations which further their goals of control and their greedy pockets.

5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Weighing evidence is, by definition, the consideration of as many possibilities as we can. Yet, we all have limitations.

Do you really weigh evidence?  When your writings criticize the GB in so many subtle ways.  My personal   opinion is this: you hide behind so-called evidence which amounts to throwing a lot of other peoples opinions together to prove a point.  You believe in presenting both sides so faithfully (political correctness even to the point to present the case even for  wicked reasonings) that you may err at seeing the truth of a matter and full-out choose sides with Jehovah. 

While I do not contest that you are a good person with excellent qualities, a superior feeling of moral high ground could get one into trouble. I do say that you are misled by your own opinions and own standard of morality...... and not accept Jehovah's standards of rejecting that which clashes with his Word. Your own opinion is more important.

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5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

about any science research just because a lot of science papers are biased towards the their powerful sponsors.

Two science papers came out which PROVED that hydroxychloroquine does not help Corona.  It received massive media attention.  When it was rejected  a month later by the scientific world because of manufactured numbers and payments etc. - no one in the press publicized it except one medical website. 

BUT now the rejection of this medicine for Corona is almost universal.  It is NOT allowed to be prescribed in first world countries.  A doctor can lose his medical license if he goes against the protocol and the UN rule is enforced. I used this medicine for quite some time for RA and used it twice during this Corona time.  I am almost sure I had the virus  in February 2020 because I preached to Chinese and Arab tourists in Tiblisi for at least 2 hours a day.

  I self-quarantined before these measures became  public and used the medicine before Trump mentioned it on media. After this everything was overreaction and damnation.  Many people died who could have been helped by this safe medicine (but elderly life to them is worthless because it is politics and power that are more important).

This example tells you how dystopic the world is and how untrustworthy EVERYTHING is.   Truth is almost no longer available.  Even wikipedia etc is run by the media Moghuls who all invest the in the same companies. For example: Gates has invested in all the vaccine, food producing, digital tracking companies and have funded all the right people to promote a specific agenda.  it seems that the rich have all the right inside information..... 

Even our preaching of the truth has halted to some extent.... and this is the only truth I accept and believe in, I believe these promises from Jehovah is the only reality. However, we are humans and want to make sense of things even if we know there is no transparency and we are being played..... by Satan's propaganda which is moving the world into only ONE position....... that of total opposition to Jehovah's incoming government..... as clearly indicated at Revelation 19. 

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