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“Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Rev 21:2

It is interesting how our past nagging questions we may have had as JWs over the years, resurface once we learn of the true understanding of God’s Word. I once asked an elder before a meeting, if he could explain Rev 21:2. How would the holy city, a “heavenly” organization of God, Jesus, the angels and the 144,000, come down to earth from heaven? It is taught that not even Jesus will return to the earth after Armageddon, and certainly not the “144,000” anointed, sealed in heaven. (Rev 14:1)

(Gen 28:12; John 1:51; Heb 1:6; 9:28)

The elder could only tell me that the earth and its inhabitants would be a recipient of its heavenly blessings, but not that “New Jerusalem”, the “heavenly organization”, would exist on the earth. I understand now that this discrepancy was an early subconscious crack developing in in my spiritual cache of Wt. teachings, that I had once come to trust. (Ezek 13:3,5,7) The truth about this scripture was purposefully stifled, to make room for the lie. That lie is the organization; a counterfeit “great mountain”, that would survive Armageddon and be the new “land” in the Kingdom.

Down to today, the organization is said to be the nucleus, the “new earth” that had its beginning in 1919. It is important to remember, that 1919 carried with it, a large bag of rejected and forgotten doctrine that would surprise JWs today…if, they researched their history. They may even realize that the promotion of their “house of pure worship” as beginning in that year, is an outrageous lie.

(Isa 65:17-19; 2 Pet 3:7,13; Ps 37:10,29; 2 Cor 5:17; Rev 21:1,2; 19:7,8)

This inhabited “land”, together with its buildings and congregations, is taught to be God’s house where JWs reside in a spiritual paradise. (2 Kings 17:9-12; Isa 46:5) (Ezek 13:10; 1 Thess 5:3)

Micah 4:1,2 is used to support the organization’s lie:

“Now it shall come to pass in the latter days
That the mountain of the Lord’s house ( The Greek word means “dwelling habitation, temple”)
Shall be established on the top of the mountains,
And shall be exalted above the hills;
And peoples shall flow to it.
2 Many nations shall come and say,
“Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
He will teach us His ways,
And we shall walk in His paths.”
For out of Zion the law shall go forth,
And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”

In John 14:4,23 Jesus said,

“In My Father’s house are many dwellings; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

The dwellings that Jesus had in mind were not in the form of an earthly organization 2,000 years into the future. If God questioned David’s desire to build Him a house, why would He desire earthly habitations today? (2 Sam 7:6,7)

“If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make our dwelling place with him.”

Throughout the history of God’s people under covenant, the “dwelling”/house of God had always been the tabernacle/tent and the temple. That dwelling place of Spirit changed with the coming of Jesus, from the earthly, physical temple, to a temple built with “living stones”. (Acts 7:48,49; John 2:19-21; 1 Pet 2:5,6; Eph 2:19-22)

Do you not know that you are God’s temple and the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 1 Cor 3:16

At the rejection of His Son, God made it vividly clear of His rejection, of a house that had become filled with blasphemy. The curtain enclosing the Most Holy, the sacred abode of God, was torn apart at the time of Jesus’ death. (John 8:40; Matt 21:37-45; 27:50,51) Jesus predicted the end of God’s promise made with Israel as a nation, stating that what the Jewish leaders had self-righteously ‘created’, would no longer have any connection with the Father. (Ezek 8:6; Jer 22:5; Matt 24:2; Mar 7:6,7; Matt 21:43,42; 23:37,38)

“Listen carefully: your house is being left to you desolate [completely abandoned by God and destitute of His protection]!” Matt 23:38 AMP

Mount Zion was a reference to the city and temple of Jerusalem. The nation of Israel, God’s “land” was referred to as “Daughter Zion”. (Isaiah 8:18; Psalm 74:2; Jer 3:14) (Zech 9:9)

Under the New Covenant, a spiritual mountain called “New Jerusalem” - the Temple and House of God - was established on the Body of Christ. (John 4:21-24; Gal 4:22-26,28, 31; Heb 8:6; 1 Cor 12:27; 3:16)

This did not require buildings or any organizational efforts by men, since as Jesus told his foundation stones of God’s House, it was he and his Spirit, who would prepare THEM as “dwelling places”, in his Father’s House. (John 14:7; 1 Cor 6:19; Eph 2:10; Phil 1:6; Heb 3:6; 13:20,21; Col 1:19)

“Daughter Zion” became a new promise, a “new creation”, and God’s dwelling place in Spirit. The selection of a new spiritual priesthood to serve God under Jesus their High Priest, had begun. (1 Pet 2:5; Rev 5:9,10)

Over the following 2,000 years, God would specifically choose individuals to become His spiritual dwelling - His inhabited “land’ and “holy city”. (Rev 14:1) These individuals are a household of priests/kings, prepared as the Bride of Christ. ( 1 John 2:27; 1 Cor 3:9; 2 Cor 11:2; Eph 2:20; Eph 5:23-27,30,32)

It was not until this Temple was reaching completion that a counterfeit “Zion” appeared, kindled by the desire of false prophets, who had left their covenant in Christ. (Zech 5:5-11; Isa 28:15; Prov 5:3,4; 1 Cor 6:15,16; 1 Tim 4:1; Rev 8:10,11;13:11; 17:1-3,5)  

To clarify, the organization has split the definition of Zion into two parts. One is strictly a “heavenly organization”, where the 144,000 are said to reside. The other, is the earthly organization that sails through Armageddon and keeps building its “house”/houses, while apparently receiving direction through Holy Spirit. One priesthood will reign in heaven, while a counterfeit “priesthood” in the elder body, will reign as princes on the earth; unless this doctrine changes with “new light”, once the Harlot/governing leaders are removed. (Rev 17:12,13,15-18)

Always, what we visually see with our eyes, can hold more instant gratification than what we must “see” spiritually. (1 Cor 2:14) The concept of God’s House as the organization, has developed using visual appeal, and seems to be the mountain of Micah 4:1,2 to be established in the last days. However, within this blasphemous house, God’s authentic “house” of “living stones” has accepted the seemingly indestructible, mighty, yet counterfeit mountain…as belonging to God, and vital for their salvation. (Isa 46:3-5; 57:13) They have forgotten that they are specifically, the dwelling, “land”, home, of God’s Spirit. (2 Cor 6:14-18; 1 Cor 3:9) As a result, they have no idea of how their role would fulfill Rev 21:2.

All this confusion of what and who comprise the House of God, is accomplished at the determined hand of Satan. (Luke 22:31; Matt 24:3-5.21-25; 1 Pet 5:8; Col 2:8; Rev 13:1,2,6,7,10; 12:3,4)

Without being fully cognizant of their role as God’s House, they have easily slipped into idolatry by putting their hope in what men have created. (Rom 1:25; Rev 13: 4,11,12) The promise of salvation through the earthly organization, is chosen over their sole salvation in Christ; and chosen over his promised Bride/Holy City coming down out of heaven to be with mankind. (Isa 62:5; Rev 3:12; 21:9,10)

Yes, the dwelling/House of God will be on the earth, as well as in heaven. The anointed angel messengers will serve Jesus as the “new creation” – both human and spirit. (Ps 37:11,29; 2 Cor 5:17; 1 Cor 15:44; 1 Pet 1:23; Heb 12:22,23)

“And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.” Rev 21:3

The early tabernacle was a mobile dwelling of God’s Spirit. (1 Chron 17:5) How fitting that God returns to His first plan to be with His people, before men desired to build Him a temple. (Acts 7:48-50) In Christ, His tabernacle/temple has become a mobile, spiritual dwelling, through the presence of His anointed, sealed priesthood on earth and in heaven, serving with Jesus Christ. As priests, they are to teach the people God’s laws. (Ezek 44:23; Mal 2:7)

Could they fulfill this requirement of teaching, if they never stepped foot on the earth to be among God’s children? (Isa 66:7-11; Rev 22:17)

Micah specifies this:

“For out of Zion the law shall go forth,
And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”

The counterfeit priesthood/elder body teach by the corrupt doctrine and laws of men, and who judge in unrighteousness, blasphemy, and in partiality. (Jer 8:8; Ps 35:19,20; 2 Thess 2:3,4,9-12; Rev 13:5,6)

There will be no room in the Kingdom of God for falsehoods spoken by men, for their idolatry and rejection of God’s Temple. (Zech 8:3; Rev 14:1,4,5;22:14,15) There will be no more counterfeit pursuits created by Satan to destroy the New Covenant in Jesus Christ, and the faithful members of his Body. (Rev 19:20; 20:9,10; 1 Cor 15:24-26)

In 1952, the organization stated that if a religion is not teaching God’s will accurately, then its members are “missing the mark”, regardless of how sincerely they may conform to the organization’s will. It used Matt 7:23 to explain that the contrary desires of persons or organizations are lawlessness in God’s sight.

The “man of lawlessness” raises itself up in the Temple of God by “sitting”/ruling over the anointed priesthood. It is the composite “Gentile” elder body that willingly “acts” as priests. (Dan 11:31; Matt 24:15; Rev 13:1)( 2 Chron 13:9;23:6,7)

What would the early writers of this 68 year-old article think, if they could perceive that their words would eventually point to their own organization as the source of “lawlessness” in the last days? Would they realize that this organization is a “rebellious house”, soon to be left desolate? (2 Thess 2:3,4; Matt 5:13; Rev 11:1,2;Matt 7:24-27; Rev 8:8)

Ezek 12:1,2 - The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, you are living among a rebellious house. They have eyes to see but do not see, and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious house.”

Ezekiel 13 describes the false divinations uttered by the prophets of Israel, as a “flimsy wall” of failed predictions, repeatedly “whitewashed” amid promises of peace. (Ezek 13:10,15,16; 1 Thess 5:3) As a sign to the people, Ezekiel was told to dig through a wall, and take his belongings with him. (Ezek 12:1-6)


Pearl Doxsey explains:

When we ourselves "bore a hole" in the "wall" we once trusted in, this is the exact "hole" we leave through, just as Ezekiel did. Our minds and hearts abandon the wicked "city" which exists within the confines of those teachings. The very "hole" we have dug away, is the one our mind and heart "leaves" through. The "hole" in the "wall" is the lie we have discovered, and the very hole which frees us, and provides our route of escape.

Ezekiel leaves in "darkness", because this is how spirit reveals these things to us, and where our private decisions and conviction are conceived (Matt 10:26-28).

The more we dig (as Ezekiel did), the flimsier that wall becomes. If we never dig, we stay imprisoned inside falsehood. Remember too, the first things Ezekiel saw, were the "elders" inside the Temple (only the priests belong in there --'disgusting thing in holy place' –(Mark 13:14; 2 Chron 23:6; 13:9; Num 3:10) and their disgusting images/idols (Ezek 8:3,5,6,9-11).

These events are prophesied for the end as well (Rev 13:14,8; 2 Thess 2:4; Dan 5:23; Rev 11:2; Matt 24:15; Dan 9:26,27).

The "holy place/holy ones/holy city" in the time of the end, are the anointed priests (1 Cor 3:16; 1 Pet 2:9,5; Rev 5:10; Eph 2:21,22).

These are being trampled and displaced by the trespassing Gentiles, whose image is being worshiped by all God's people (Dan 10:14; 11:31-39,45; 12:7-13; Rev 13:7,8)

Pearl Doxsey 

However, in the last days…

“the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established
as the highest of the mountains;
it will be exalted above the hills,
and all nations will stream to it.

3 Many peoples will come and say,

‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
to the temple of the God of Jacob.
He will teach us his ways,
so that we may walk in his paths.’
The law will go out from Zion,
the word of the Lord from Jerusalem

He will judge between the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.

5 Come, descendants of Jacob,
let us walk in the light of the Lord.” Isa 2:2-5


 https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/ - Pearl Doxsey

The Destroyer and his Family


Wall/Christ’s Side

Jacob’s Ladder - http://jacobsladder-obadiah.blogspot.com/)

Image may contain: sky, text that says ''Who are you, o great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone With shouts of "Grace, grace to it!" Zech. 4:7 4:7'



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