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6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You suck it up and carry on.

Absolutely, maybe that's the problem, they threw their all behind speculation and are now so embittered they cannot carry on.  

So there are 2 ex-anointed here or more?  Pride seems to be their problem.  "Through the dust" must have just passed them by.

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I agree. But where did they get the date from? Those who were serving with a date in mind didn't just pull the date out of thin air did they?

My first ever meme to call my own. I figured if I could make one here, I can make one anywhere!

The Governing Body never ever said that 1975 was the end of this world, All that is written in the publications  is that it was 6,000 years since Adam`s creation, and people read that as a sign in the

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9 hours ago, Anna said:

I would hope that we will have learned our lesson, and remember Jesus's words.. "concerning the day and hour nobody knows..."  So setting any kind of date, by anyone, would hopefully be seen as plainly wrong.

That's what, "We'd wait and see" means.  

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9 hours ago, Anna said:

So by your reasoning, it's like if Armageddon came on December 1st 1975. Now imagine we can see into the future like Jehovah can:  A Witness would have knocked on your door Saturday morning December 2nd and planted a seed which would have grown and seen you get baptised a few months later. Well oops.....sorry Derek, obviously too late! By that time you will have been pushing up daisies for several months already.

Does that kind of reasoning make sense to you?

Anna...lighten up, Derek has a very well defined sense of humour. 

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Wow, the JWs join forces to worship their GB and their CCJW org. They hang on every word of their masters the GB. So be it. 

@Emma Rose I have never said I am of the Anointed. I have said I am not Anointed. I have also said I probably will not survive Armageddon. However I did leave the CCJW because of the Child Sexual Abuse problem Earthwide in that Org and I do make a point of warning others of the dangers that are in the CCJW. If Christ judges me as wrong and as wicked then I will die at Armageddon. But what I do, I do with a good Christaiin conscience. 

@derek1956 I hope you are happy with the silly things you post. 

@Anna  You are very level headed in all this. You can see both sides as usual. Thank you for your  input. 

@TrueTomHarley I hope you are well. I love your input. You are funny whether intentional or not. 

Appologies to anyone I've missed. I think one of Witnesses' points is that with the Leaders of the CCJW getting things wrong many times over a long period of time, how can anyone trust the Leaders now ?

The GB admit to not being inspired so all they do is guess, and 'err'.  Of course they will get some things right. If you make 100 guesses, 10 of them could easily be right. 

New members on here may not know of the serious Child Sexual Abuse / Pedophilia problem Earthwide in the CCJW. I would suggest you do your own research. Australia, Canada, America, The Netherlands, the UK. Just to name a few.  

Any JW denying this is deliberately blinding themselves. 

I left the CCJW for the reason above. I could not encourage people into such an organsation. Each of you is entitled to your own opinion of me. However I wish Warmest Christian Love to you all. 


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17 minutes ago, derek1956 said:

This one one idiot that that joins their mates 4 jahto me I have never seen so many idiotic posts like yours I hope Satan is very proud of you. Soon you`ll be gone from here for good because you too like them other little rats can not take the heat even when it1s on low


There's a drop down menu at the top right-hand side of the page and ignored users, he's best put there.

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18 minutes ago, Emma Rose said:

Anna...sadly I don't think you have a sense of humour.  

I don't call what Derek posts a sense of humour either. Calling people rats, idiots, and judging that they will die....is that a sense of humour to you? 

Sadly, not only do I think he lacks a sense of humour, but he evidently lacks in other departments too....

Now Tom, there's a sense of humour 👍

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5 hours ago, derek1956 said:

To answer your question about someone knocking on my door, no chance I was in the forces and no civilians was allowed on base, I was in Cyprus at the time

It was a hypothetical situation I used for the sake of illustration. Or did you really assume I thought I knew your circumstances?

And if you think you are being humorous with your reply, then I don't believe that, it appears more like you have nothing better to say. 

If you don't have a proper answer, then it's ok to say you don't know. After all, you have been lecturing others about humility...

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13 minutes ago, Anna said:

Now Tom, there's a sense of humour 👍

I have even put the finishing touches on the Peace & Security prophesy that I floated by the other day:


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