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After reading this string of comments, the person who created the topic video on 1975, has this to say,

"The truth is quite nuanced about 1975. The conventions were where we went to be ‘taught by God’ and there we heard clearly that 1975 would bring the end.

The publications were more cautious, or should I say devious, because they hinted at what 1975 would bring.

Fifty years after those conventions the recordings are very rare. Had we all the recordings of every convention during that time the evidence would be incredible. The fact we have as many mentions of 1975 from so few recordings also speaks volumes.

The facts are the WT spoke out of both sides of its mouth, just as it does today on so many shaky topics. This gives fawning apologists the opportunity to self deceive and point to certain publications to deny what was spoken in Gods name at the conventions.

A clever strategy worthy of Satan himself."

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I agree. But where did they get the date from? Those who were serving with a date in mind didn't just pull the date out of thin air did they?

My first ever meme to call my own. I figured if I could make one here, I can make one anywhere!

The Governing Body never ever said that 1975 was the end of this world, All that is written in the publications  is that it was 6,000 years since Adam`s creation, and people read that as a sign in the

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1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

I believe the ignorance lies with you as a self-proclaimed anointed. Man doesn't need man's approval, however they do need God's approval. Man seeks that approval by their fine works and by keeping God's and Christ standard of a good Christian life. Romans 12:1-2

Your claim is nothing more than an insult to that standard by your personal action. Instead of being a unifier, your actions divide. You cause strife. You misrepresent scripture. Your claim, there is no need for gatherings, therefore Kingdom Halls are not necessary. Joel 2:6, Hebrew 10:25, Matthew 18:20, Acts 2:1-47

Yet, you speak of being in contact with other anointed in your group. What is a group that speaks over a phone, the internet, by smoke signals, a unit. Therefore, your claim is false, as Jesus taught unity, and gatherings. Where there is a gathering in unity, There is God's Holy Spirit.

Whose approval are you seeking by going against the teachings of Christ. You say ignorance, explore that definition carefully.


Style, way of living that John the Baptizer practiced as a his (God's) way to serve God, which was visible to the people, was unusual and strange. Did he needed approval? And from whom? ....the ways of the Lord are strange. :))

I recall Jesus teaching:  Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. Lk 12 51 In this context, what we can expect from Jesus' followers, to bring peace or division ... ?


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2 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Your claim, there is no need for gatherings, therefore Kingdom Halls are not necessary.

I have never said that there is no need for gatherings to study God's Word.  If this was true, I wouldn't point out the many times I have here, of the preventative measures of your elder body against the anointed gathering as one body, under their Head, Jesus Christ.  They are told that gathering  to study the Word of God, threatens the organization's unity  It surely doesn't effect God or Christ, since it is spoken in His Word, that this unity of the anointed, brings about the completion of the Temple.  (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:19-20)

It's like you said:

2 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Man doesn't need man's approval, however they do need God's approval. Man seeks that approval by their fine works and by keeping God's and Christ standard of a good Christian life. Romans 12:1-2

Rom 12:1,2 - "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

Firstly, this is about the anointed gathering under Christ.  And, I wish the anointed and all JWs, would see the directional impact that this scripture should have on their heart and mind.  There is much conformity to the approval of men in the WT.  You are blind to it.  

What I have stated, is that there is no need for an organization, your "mountain", set in place by the earthly standards of men, to lead us to salvation.   

Zech 4:6,7


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CC asks  What is the Church?

The 'church' as you want to call it, is the True Anointed ones, the Body of Christ. 

It is NOT a building built with hands. It is not of human making. 

But your GB is trying hard to crush the True Anointed because your GB are jealous of them.  Your GB have blood on their hands and will pay for their sins. F&DS indeed, I don't think so. 

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On 11/18/2020 at 3:44 PM, César Chávez said:

This is why, you are as confused as "witness" John. Try studying scripture. Only the "true" anointed would not be confused by this.

This is why JWs are so lost, because they are so jealous of the True Anointed that most JWs blind themselves from truth. 

JW's are in for such a shock when Almighty God through Christ reveals who the True Anointed remnant really are.  It will be then that every JW will have to be humble and have to admit that they were serving the GB. They will have to repent and turn around and start to serve God through Christ, as the Bible tells us to. 

I think many JWs will leave the CCJW org because they cannot humble themselves. 


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7 hours ago, César Chávez said:

By all means John, tell me how you know that “witness” is a true anointed. What kind of Christian life does God accept with those that promote conspiracies, lies and mislead God’s sheep?

When did God personally certify to you, witness is anointed when you claim the Watchtower GB are not? Please show this proof by scripture where God accepts double standards to satisfy you as a prophet, since you know witness to be a true anointed. Take your time.

When did I ever write that Witness is of the True Anointed ?  You are looking for fault in me when it is not there. 

I do believe in a True Anointed Remnant, but I've never said or written about who is part of it. How could I ? It is not my place to judge.

Maybe re-read what i wrote. Such as this 

JW's are in for such a shock when Almighty God through Christ reveals who the True Anointed remnant really are. 

I've never claimed to be a prophet. Once again you are making false accusations against me. 

I don't need time to call you out on your mistakes and false statements. 

And as for God accepting those that promote conspiracies, lies and mislead God’s sheep " God doesn't accept such ones. Hence your GB are not acceptable to God or Christ. 


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21 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Who anointed the baptist to undertake his calling,

Good question.

Bible verses are interesting about this. Few fragments from Luke 1:

1) But the angel said to him: ...; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son,...

2) ... he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born.  

3) And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, ...

4) When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

5) He asked for a writing tablet, and to everyone’s astonishment he wrote, “His name is John.”  Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free, and he began to speak, praising God. 

6) Everyone who heard this wondered about it, asking, “What then is this child going to be?” For the Lord’s hand was with him.

Other examples in Bible speaking about oil, water, dove, flaming tongues, power to do miracles .... as proves of HS in someone. Do you know that Shepherd Book speaking about Spirit who FLOW in Congregation. If the imperfections of those serving on the body are allowed to cause strained relations, the flow of Jehovah’s spirit can be restricted and the congregation may be adversely affected. - page 16. ....... Neglecting to care for such matters can hinder the flow of Jehovah’s holy spirit to the congregation. - page 79.

Flow? To move in a continuous and smooth way. To move in or as if in a stream. HS is compared with  Water. 

"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” But this He spoke of the Spirit,...." 

Well, are WTJWorg and GB and JW's  want to be just, only GUIDED by spirit, but were never INSPIRED because The RIVER does not FLOW IN YOU?  I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring

filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born ... 

the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Do you really need prove for other people anointing? :))


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19 hours ago, César Chávez said:

So far, you have proved God anoints those who he, chooses to be Shepherds within the flock. How do they fill that position if not by good works. What are the qualifications. Don't be dismissive of the requirements and standards in scripture to satisfy your personal opinion.

Now, John "stated" witnesses are jealous of true anointed. Where's his proof, God made him a prophet to make such as outlandish claim. Where is your proof, the GB are NOT anointed by the lives and responsibility they lead.

Show me in scripture, where lies, misrepresentation and an advent of conspiracy, fill that anointed role. You want to pick up the mantle for John, by all means, so that proof.

JWs seem to approve of the GB saying that Anointed ones should not gather together, and the GB saying that the Anointed ones would be working 'against the Holy Spirit' if they did gather together.  If JWs do not protest against this then they are supporting the GB in beating the their fellow slaves as mentioned in Matthew 24 v 48 & 49

 “But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ 49  and he starts to beat his fellow slaves and to eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards

Now why would JWs support their GB in beating the Anointed Ones ? Why wouldn't JWs rather make it known that they disapprove of the  GB's actions ?  Proof is in the actions of the GB and in the actions of those that worship the GB. 

The GB ARE beating the True Anointed and the GB could be considered as eating an drinking with drunkards, because the GB use dishonest Lawyers and dishonest legal practices. The GB also seem more concerned with money than with people's suffering. 

The GB have proved themselves to be disloyal to God and Christ by calling themselves the F&DS and by exalting themselves above all other people on this earth. Whereas the True Anointed are truly the highest people on this earth, the ones that Jesus dies for. Ref. Revelation 5 v 9 & 10.

 And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, 10  and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth"

And this is why your GB are so jealous, Because Christ died for the True Anointed Ones.

There is so much proof that honest hearted ones can see. Anyone that stays in the CCJW and continues to worship it's GB and the Elder system, will pay the price. Just as those that remained in Jerusalem in 70 C. E. payed the price. 

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Wasn't this song played for a couple of dances before?


On 9/6/2018 at 1:40 PM, Space Merchant said:

According to facts the whole 1975 thing (well as to what I have made note of as of late) was of man's existence since Adam and people being told to be vigilant for anything can happen. Not once did anyone say the world is coming to an end, in the case of the Jehovah's Witnesses, it would make them seem foolish to say such, granted the preaching of the gospel has never ceased prior to, during 1975 at all, and there are several who say this, while the majority is being flagged by former members of the faith. Another factor is there are those who are aware of some JWs, who had since left the faith, took it upon themselves to commit their own actions, assuming the end of the world would come, which is foolish on their part for they heard very clearly.

Because one would have to be very honest with themselves, if the Bible tells you that the preaching of the gospel is to be done, preached to all the nations. In their Christology it is said there will be a time when they would totally cease preaching 100%, and we have not seen any of them happening now, in 1975 or in the past. Granted the gospel has to be preached first and according to them God will soon decide when to cease the gospel preaching, technically being a sign of the work being done, and you wouldn't see a JW in sight, as someone would say, JWs would just vanish without a trace.

If anything, some Jehovah's Witnesses may be bad hearers, or forgetful hearers assume otherwise, JW group B being in the wrong, while JW group A, who heard everything were in the right.

About the book, this is hat Old Man Eli had to say: The book Life Everlasting - In Freedom of the Sons of God, released at a series of district conventions held in 1966, pointed to 1975. Right at the convention, as the brothers examined the contents, the new book triggered much discussion about 1975." - Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom; pg. 104, Declaring the Good News Without Letup (1942-1975)

The book in question mentioned 1975 3 times (I could be wrong, replied on PDF source to see if they match up accordingly)

  • [1] According to this trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years from man's creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 C.E.
  • [2] cited (1975, 6,000 years from man's creation end. 29)
  • Other quotes (not in book/or whatever) “In the years following 1966, many of Jehovah’s Witnesses acted in harmony with the spirit of that counsel [the main point about not being specific about what might happen]. However, other statements were published on this subject, and some were likely more definite than advisable. This was acknowledged in The Watchtower of March 15, 1980 (page 17). But Jehovah’s Witnesses were also cautioned to concentrate mainly on doing Jehovah’s will and not to be swept up by dates and expectations of an early salvation.” (page 104) | "There were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year (1975) was more of a probability than a mere possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated." - Watchtower, 1980 March 15, p.17, par. 5

For the claim made by opponents "The Watchtower strongly implied the end would come in 1975." is as false as their other claim that JWs own parts of companies in electronics, lingerie and weapons, of which the same people claim the churches of JWs having weapon bunkers below. Also remnants of that strong video proof still linger about on the internet, thus further making such opponents in greater error, but what to expect from those [some among them] who would attempt to use the current President (The Orange-Haired One) to take down a single faith group?

I too believe the end will come, but no one knows for certain, for the Bible says no one knows the day or the hour, not even the sons of the Most High, that being the angels, not even the only-begotten Son, Jesus knows, only God the Father knows (Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32, Acts 1:7). In the same sense, it is like a teenager throwing a party while his or her parents are out of the house, but little does he/she knows that the time the parents will return home is unknown, not the best example, but it seems to fit the bill here.

That being said, although the end is indeed near, one should not be roaming about, caught with his pants down as they say when it does happen, by that time it would be too late, mainly when you, prior to the day see less and less preachers out there, be it true or false. It is one thing to be in agreement/disagreement with a faith........ Unless they are mainstream Trinitarian folk..... But one must know what is fact and what is not fact, but on occasion some of us tend to jump to conclusions, even though we, are the same ones who put forth actual fact previously - happens to me sometimes.

As far as I know, even to this day, you still see Jehovah's Witnesses everywhere, in the streets, at the houses, in the parks/schools, perhaps even in the bushes and trees as well, trying to evangelize people and speak of the gospel and a day will come when such places you would not see them at all, and eventually those who are adhering to the message, they too will be gone also, others may be in silence because they know what time it is.

The only source that I cannot find anymore is the ExJW who was ran off of YouTube by the ExJW community (who got his whole channel deleted because of that one video despite 99% of his videos being strong criticism of JWs and what can be changed) who got his video deleted, likewise, with what was done to Mr. Cedars' friend.

The irony here too is the claim is the JW said the world is to be destroyed in 1975, but no one can bring up a legitimate quote of this at all, in addition to that, every Christian knows that before the end, the preaching of the gospel is to cease 100%, yet, people were still preaching around that time.

That being said, the sound of the mic dropping is far louder than Palpatine throwing the senate.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Wasn't this song played for a couple of dances before?

Yes. And they’ll continue to trot out 1975 again and again. It’s the technique. Answer the question and the rascals merely repackage it and run in through again. 

Nonetheless, @Anna, with better motive, asked if it was likely such a thing could ever happen again.

There are two ways to answer this question: 

“No.” As Mark Twain said: “A cat that sits on a hot stove will never sit on a hot stove again. Nor will it sit on a cold one, for they all look hot.”

”Yes.” Are you kidding me? It was 6000 years countdown from Adam, per Bible chronology. AND, coupled with the 1000 year reign of Christ to commence after Armageddon. It doesn’t call to mind the 6:1 Sabbath arrangement of God? 

Come now. You think they’re going to snooze through that one? They’re the watchman, after all. It’s an irresistible type/anti-type situation. Given the monumental alignment of the planets, it’s a wonder they didn’t make the call far more forcefully than they did, instead of merely stating it was a possibility, which Charlie presently escalated into a probability. They have to make a call on something like that. It is a sorry watchman, peering through the gloom, high up in his perch, that sounds the alarm only when the prow of the approaching ship smashes through the gunwale and pinches his toes.

”No.” The above is actually reassuring. Because such monumental circumstances will not repeat for a long, long, time—and it took such monumental circumstances to put the call on the back burner that some soon moved to the front. Three or four years after 75, I recall some rep saying, “We’ve sailed past all the markers.” What can that mean except, “We’re done?” No more calls like that—until the next time—but there shouldn’t be a next time, for that kind of a setup doesn’t happen everyday. Now we get things like “deep in the last days,” the “end is just around the corner,” and “the last of the last days.” Why not see if you one can hold out till “the last of the last of the last days?” 

Everyone gets one failed end-date call within a lifetime. It’s in the rules. It’s a sign of staying alert. Jump the gun in the race and do they shoot you with it? No. It’s not a big deal. They just start the race over.


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