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@Srecko SostarThank you for posting the "proof".  It’s interesting to note how the organization lived up to its agreement to support the Charter of the U.N.  It is easy to find news and articles in the Awake magazine on the U.N./United Nations for those years of the organization’s membership.   During that time period and in that magazine particularly, it wasn't all about the UN as the "Beast" of Revelation, but relating to its works world-wide.  

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Mr Chavez - she is too worked up to understand much.  All her efforts are much ado about nothing  and a  'manufacturing of outrage'.  I joined UN press to get news too!  There was no other source

The following quote bears repeating, posted two days ago, on another JW forum: Please see the study article, “Their Refuge–A Lie!” in the June 1, 1991 Watchtower, noting paragraphs 1, 10 and 1

Not necessary, according to the U.N.  So, what was their reason for joining Watchtowers prophesied Beast, as an NGO?  What is their reason today for doing so in other countries.  How many JWs will con

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2 hours ago, Witness said:

During that time period and in that magazine particularly, it wasn't all about the UN as the "Beast" of Revelation, but relating to its works world-wide.  

WT writers of Awake magazine using words that shows how UN is/was powerless in many worlds events, wars primarily, but how their work is commendable and how JW members render due respect to UN as any other government because they are here with God's permission and how some form of government is necessary to maintain order and law in society.

The Awake magazine using Bible verses that are, that have wide application. Read this please: Clearly, the United Nations does not have the ability to bring world peace. Its members and supporters are all imperfect humans, notwithstanding their lofty goals. The Bible says that “to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.” (Jeremiah 10:23) Furthermore, God warns: “Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.”—Psalm 146:3.

Two facts are supported with Bible verses which are "a double-edged sword". One edge is for UN and other edge is for GB. First, earthly man is unable to direct his steps, and second, do not put your trust in man. And what JW members can learn from this? If they listen better to what anyone is telling them on JWTV, then they will wonder why GB leaders are inviting their members to show them their trust and why GB thinks that they are able to manage/direct their own steps?

Did the UN “accomplish these aims”? Did it get the nations to unite their strength and maintain peace and security? No, not so far, although the UN has sincerely tried to be a significantly better way than the League of Nations....Jehovah’s Witnesses firmly believe that the United Nations is going to play a major role in world events in the very near future. No doubt these developments will be very exciting. And the results will have a far-reaching impact on your life. We urge you to ask Jehovah’s Witnesses in your neighborhood for more details on this matter. The Bible clearly paints a picture showing that the United Nations will very shortly be given power and authority. The UN will then do some very astonishing things that may well amaze you. And you will be thrilled to learn that there is yet a better way near at hand that will surely bring eternal peace and security! - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/101991643

For 50 years the United Nations organization has made notable efforts to bring about world peace and security. Arguably, it may have prevented a third world war, and the wholesale destruction of human life through the use of nuclear bombs has not been repeated. The United Nations has provided millions of children with food and medicine. It has contributed to improved health standards in many countries, providing, among other things, safer drinking water and immunization against dangerous diseases. Millions of refugees have received humanitarian assistance. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1995720


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On 11/21/2020 at 8:31 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

although the UN has sincerely tried to be a significantly better way than the League of Nations.

“Notable efforts”, “sincerely tried”, “provided”, “contributed”, “assisted”.  It sounds like  the WT was successful in supporting the UN Charter. 

But, during the same time period, in another magazine…

To trust any man-made substitute for God’s Kingdom makes that substitute an image, an object of worship. (Revelation 13:14, 15) Thus, encouraging reliance on political institutions, such as the United Nations, for peace and security is an illusion, a lie. 

Even a revived UN can never bring peace and security. God’s prophetic Word shows that the United Nations organization with its member nations “will battle with the Lamb [Christ in Kingdom power], but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them.”—Revelation 17:14.  w91 6/1 p. 19-20


“What is this symbolic creature’s source of authority? Why, none other than Satan, the dragon! And just imagine! To this political monstrosity a two-horned beast (the Anglo-American World Power) is seen to make an “image,” now known as the United Nations. Many are coerced to worship the wild beast and accept its “mark” by doing things its way and letting it rule their lives. But Jehovah’s Witnesses staunchly reject the demonic mark of the wild beast!”  w91 5/1 p. 22-23

This is so ironic!  We see the Wt. accepted the UN’s “mark” by supporting/doing things the UN’s way - supporting their Charter -  while slandering it with vile comments, in another titled magazine, most likely not made evident to the UN. 

Can we trust an organization that speaks evil and good out of the same mouth? 

“Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12 My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.”  James 3:11,12

So, what really is…the man-made substitute for God’s Kingdom that defines the Beast of Revelation?  Who really is…the false prophet/two horned Beast of Rev 13:11 that guides the first Beast/organization? 

It is the only organization that knows who God’s “saints” are, and who “makes war" against them, by blaspheming the role of the appointed priesthood designated by God. (Rev 13:5-9)   It is the only organization that guarantees "peace and security".  (1 Thess 5:3)  If any “reject” this organization’s mark, they are “killed” - disfellowshipped.  Rev 13:15

On 11/21/2020 at 8:31 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

Furthermore, God warns: “Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.”—Psalm 146:3.

 "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles."

After all, they are beasts.

 "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things (a man made organization)  rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen."  Rom 1:21-23,25




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12 hours ago, Witness said:

This is so ironic!  We see the Wt. accepted the UN’s “mark” by supporting/doing things the UN’s way - supporting their Charter -  while slandering it with vile comments, in another titled magazine, most likely not made evident to the UN. 

Left half of brain is for UN and right half of brain is against UN?  :))

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I believe this was already debunked, granted, a UN Resolution in regards to an NGO was never found among them. If I remember correctly, you stated you did not know much about these things and wish to not know, but we are back at this again.

This is all in regards to the United Nations' charter and Resolutions, which was presented several times, even with the UN as a source, but it was widely ignored.

That being said, you are going about the same rambles of which you were corrected on before, with the UN being a legitimate source who noted everything in regards of charters and resolutions from the 1940s onward.

It is unhealthy to continue with repetitive banter.



@César Chávez If there is no UN charter and or a resolution, the claims of the JW faith being part of the UN is misinformation, to which ironically, the parrots, have been corrected on this before, with legitimate information. I don't see why feral soldiers on an empty battlefield continue to swing a worn sword aimlessly into the air in front of them as if their opponent is physically there.

That said, the United Nations and those who are among the charter and are of the resolution will [forever] be an enemy, an adversary, granted in the past several weeks into the pandemic, some of us has seen what the the public are unware of. As I recall, assuming you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you are deemed an enemy by such. As I pointed out before the UN has always been, and still are, on a Conquest for Security while their religious faction seeks Peace.

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On 11/20/2020 at 10:15 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

First picture shows what was criteria in the year 1991/92.

According to text:

1) NGO is to help the build public understanding and support for UN programs and goals

2) NGO must have national or international standing

3) NGO must have to support the Charter of UN 

4) NGO must have broadly based membership

5) NGO must posses the resources for effective outreach


The following quote bears repeating, posted two days ago, on another JW forum:

Please see the study article, “Their Refuge–A Lie!” in the June 1, 1991 Watchtower, noting paragraphs 1, 10 and 11.
Paragraph 1 calls Christendom “that apostate religious organization.” Why apostate?
Paragraph 10 asserts that “she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations–this despite the Bible’s warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God.”
To support that assertion, paragraph 11 quotes an unnamed “recent book” which reports that “no fewer than 24 Catholic organizations are represented at the UN.” How were such organizations represented at the UN?
The unnamed book quoted in paragraph 11 is New Genesis by Robert Muller. (See attachment #1.) The sentence immediately preceding the portion quoted by Watchtower states, “All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations.
Why did Watchtower omit that significant statement?
In the same year as that 1991 study article, the Watchtower Society also became accredited to the United Nations as a non-governmental organization, and served as publicity agents for the UN for the next 10 years–reapplying each consecutive year–until the alliance was exposed by the Guardian newspaper in October 2001, whereupon Watchtower withdrew its membership. (Watch Tower admits its affiliation to its Branch Committee in attachment #2.)
Notice that Watchtower’s letter refers to the Guardian article as “published allegations by opposers,” yet later states that “we are grateful that this matter was brought to our attention.” No mention, however, is made of the June 1, 1991 study article.
According to a public statement issued the UN’s Department of Public Information (UN/DPI), registered NGO’s had to “share the ideals of the UN charter” and “have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and a proven ability to reach large or specialized audiences.” (See attachment #3.)
What is Watchtower policy regarding individual JWs who do what their organization did?
“A person might renounce his place in the Christian congregation by his actions, such as becoming part of an organization whose objective is contrary to the Bible, and, hence, is under judgment by Jehovah God. So if one who is a Christian chose to join those who are disapproved of God, it would be fitting for the congregation to acknowledge by a brief announcement that he has disassociated himself and is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.” (Sept. 15, 1981, Watchtower, p. 23, par. 15)
“In joining the YMCA as a member a person accepts or endorses the general objectives and principles of the organization. . .Hence for one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to become a member of a so-called “Christian” association would amount to apostasy.” (Jan. 1, 1979, Watchtower p. 31)
According to the standard by which it judged Christendom to be apostate, and in light of Jesus’ words at Mathew 12:37 that “by your words you will be condemned,” should the Watchtower Society be viewed as an apostate religious organization?
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24 minutes ago, Witness said:

Notice that Watchtower’s letter refers to the Guardian article as “published allegations by opposers,” yet later states that “we are grateful that this matter was brought to our attention.” No mention, however, is made of the June 1, 1991 study article.

To whom they are grateful? To Guardian or to opposers? :))) 

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Then if that is the case, do you have any information of an legitimate NGO Resolution and or Charter? If there is no Charter and or Resolution (something that majority of NGOs have) then the claim is nothing but a whistle in the wind, as you, have been corrected on this already. To resurrect the dead in terms of the current discussion, isn't good for anyone's health, unless you are trying to undermine newcomers on this platform.

Everyone to this day know how the Guardian operates, which seems to be the case with recent events concerning the 2020 Presidential Election in the US

That being said, people who know this stuff are right on this matter, people who aren't, tend to Frankenstein the matter.


Now, to repeat myself from the last time; last year - Jehovah's Witnesses/The Watchtower was an NGO (registered without signature in the 1991 after being informed to gain access to library resources, having registered as a DPI NGO in 1992) with a DPI status only, let alone go into detail of the DPI NGO documents regarding any one registering as an DPI NGO. A DPI means Department of Public Information. There is also another meaning regarding other things, UNDPI which stands for United Nations Department of Public Information. It is a department of the Secretariat of the United Nations that is tasked with raising public awareness and support of the work of the United Nations through strategic communications campaigns, media and relationships with civil society groups, as it stands today, the information on this matter can be found on their own website: http://www.un.org/en/sections/departments/department-public-information/index.html

In the United Nations' system, there are NGOs who are associated with ECOSOC which stands for and or means Economic and Social Council, and there are NGOs affiliated with, as already mentioned, the DPI, again, meaning Department of Public Information (DPI). In the history of the Jehovah's Witnesses affiliation with being an NGO, to which they were verified as to registering without a signature, for in the early 1990s, no signature was ever require in those days for the form that they used, for such was a simply fill in what is being asked of you.

Furthermore, most people, even those who buy into conspiracy tend to quote and confuse what a DPI is to an ECOSOC, vice versa confuse the two when in reality, both of such are different - ECOSOC I will go over shortly in my other response. To be brief and simple - They do not know the difference in NGOs affiliated with DPI status and a ECOSOC status, which is [this status] in fact quite common with NGOs nowadays.


Claim: that the NGO share the ideals of the UN Charter;

According to the 1946 General Assembly Resolution 13 concerning the purpose and activities of the DPI, which is to, according to the link to the website, to promote to the greatest possible extent and informed understanding of the works and purposes of the UN among the people of the world. For they are to use NGOs to provide the public with information about the UN.

It is not a resolution about NGOs supporting the charter of the UN nor is it a resolution about NGOs supporting the goals of the UN, or the sharing of ideals within the charter itself, more so NGOs part of the system posed by the UN.

The core purpose of DPI NGOs was primarily to provide the public with information about the UN. Which is vastly different from the opposite affiliation, ECOSOC. Resolution 1296, which was the first thing to have been written in the charter itself (also check out Article 71) to summarize, it says ECOSOC may make suitable arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations which are concerned with matters within its competence. Such arrangements may be made with international organizations and, where appropriate, with national organizations after consultation with the Member of the United Nations concerned.

A later resolution was later integrated by ECOSOC concerning NGOs,

ECOSOC, regarding Article 71 of the charter, recognizing that arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations provide an important means of furthering the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Considering that consultations between the Council and its subsidiary organs and the non-governmental organizations should be developed to the fullest practicable extent, Approves the following arrangements, which supersede those set out in its resolution 288 B (X) of 27 February 1950 — ECOSOC Resolution 1296 (XLIV) Arrangements for Consultation with Non-Governmental Organizations; 23 May 1968

This same resolution states about an ECOSOC NGO(s)  that one shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations.

Those who skip upon details to mislead and or confuse people, who boast that your faith community has agreed to support totally the United Nations were not taking in anything and everything regarding a DPI, but rather, using information regarding ECOSOC resolutions to go after some gullible Jim and Tom who would take information without dwelling upon more information for themselves, therefore, such ones tend to confuse the two, an NGO with a DPI status, and an NGO with an ECOSOC status, more so, they also fail to see how DPIs are totally separate from the UN department.

Since the NGO status of the Watchtower was only a DPI, and never was an ECOSOC (which if they were, it would have destroyed the Jehovah's Witnesses long time ago), so since resolution 1296 never applied to them since, again, never was an ECOSOC NGO.

have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and a proven ability to reach target or specialized audiences, such as educators, media representatives, policy makers and the business community;

To be brief, I never seen them promote and or bring to claim anything in terms of a single world government that is Orwellian under the hands of man. Nor has it ever been seen among them showing support and or promoting things such as Agenda 21 for example, for such things are of the United Nations interest, and the majority knows what the United Nations is attempting to do.

have the commitment and means to conduct effective information programs about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins and pamphlets, organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting cooperation of the media.

This is often brought up, but to be brief, this can be refuted, that is, if you have said books or what have you in your possession, specifically anything in connection to whatever you have in the 1990s. Back in 1991, the Jehovah's Witnesses were informed of how they are able to gain access to library resources, and we know the result, they had to apply to be a DPI NGO in 1991, and finally verified in 1992, which allows them access to said resources, still a DPI NGO - not an ECOSOC NGO. Because of said access, they have been using the resources to their benefit, using the facilities available to them for the purpose in harmony with the DPI itself — to educate the public on the role and activities of the UN. To prove the organization is doing so, they must send copies of the organization's journal to the DPI as proof, which some on this notion tends to draw the conspiracy of UN area 52-qsue, Alex Jones level of conspiracy. After all, their purpose was to gain access to said resource. There is nothing wrong said action of acquire this resource, and it shows that they are making use of the resources, and attempt to promote values contrary to the UN charter. It is a sensible precaution on behalf of the DPI and completely appropriate. Those who dwell in conspiracy tend to focus on 1990 books and state that JWs are pro-UN and promoting to the public, not the resources they seek, but instead, the ideals of the United Nations. They also bring claim JWs are of the New World Order, again supportive of Agenda 21 - which as someone as myself who has dwelled on NWO information for a while, a long time, this can be spoken of as falsehood information to mislead people. And that being said, I well end it there should you feel the name to say something.

As for other information because I know this is brought up to - 

Only registered representatives of participating States, Partners for Co-operation, OSCE Institutions, NGOs, think tanks or others can submit documents to the ODIHR Documents Distribution System for distribution during the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting. ODIHR bears no responsibility for the content of such documents received for distribution, and circulates them without altering their content. The distribution by the ODIHR Documents Distribution System of documents received does not imply any endorsement by ODIHR and is without prejudice to OSCE decisions, as set out in documents agreed by OSCE participating States.

DPI NGO have representatives and they are able to send those who represent them to OSCE meetings. And regarding their history, it is in regards to Religious Rights, the freedom to practice faith and to profess it in the face of religious persecution and or discrimination.

To quote myself because I did speak on this before:


Now, OSCE. Because the fact that the Jehovah's Witnesses have representatives there and or any religious denomination who attended the OSCE, does not automatically make them part of the World's Religious System, UNLESS, said religious groups are the one's pulling the strings behind everything and aiding that of superpowers, governments, United Nations decisions, and the like, those who have been upgraded from their DPI NGO status of course. In addition, the JWs, were an NGO with a DPI status - not an ECOSOC status, and the focal point in regards as to why such a thing is in this sense is in terms of Religious Human Rights - the ability to preach, proclaim, profess, pray, read, observe, essentially - the ability to practice one's faith without any form of consequence and or opposition.

In addition, it wouldn't make sense that the Jehovah's Witnesses helped in making decisions either besides defending religious/human rights regarding their own community, for instance, a French NGO had robbed them financially, Russia has been targeting them prior to the Kremlin Election and the Pope visit with Cyrill, Spiritual Power gain from Antarctica and the eventual ban. When it comes to the religious restorationism denomination of Jehovah Witnesses, for they, and others, had to deal with one category in the realm of persecution, to the Jews, they had to deal with Anti-Semitic actions from various folks, even from the likes of, to some extent, the UN’s; a convolution of discrimination and persecution as SoG puts it, on the other side of the spectrum, it is also the same case with other Christians and even those of Islam in the past in other instances.

Defending religious rights to prevent a cease of worship and or practicing of a faith doesn't equate to being part of the world and or the world’s religious system, for anyone with some sense and logic can see that i.e. if someone took all your bibles and burn them and commit to harm and injury, even torture to stop you from partaking your faith and worship – surely you’d speak up and go about things prayerfully. You really need to understand what OSCE even is (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), there is information about it that can be found online (easily), but it seems you are one-sided, always, and surprisingly, you get your information from a guy who cannot tell the difference between a trust fund and a cereal box, thus misleading information misleads, and you, have been misled, hence why I called you ignorant, as is the same with the trust fund discussion, therefore the actual OSCE source itself should be looked at thoroughly, it should be examined, act least get a majority of information together to make a case and or to better understand something.

The OSCE conference the representatives of civil society sit with governments on an equal footing. Its extensive attendance list also included representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses at the time, in past events regarding OSCE, some individuals from Poland, Russia, Germany, and or any personnel in the European area(s) that attended i.e. an OSCE event in September 24 - October 5, 2007, which is equal to in this sense to most if not all events.


And finally this old quote:


Now, it is no surprise regarding the state of the Watchtower in the early 2000s and their status as an NGO associate. To be very brief, they never met a criteria, nor have they ever been sponsored/affiliated to the point whereas they have been or is obligated to do the bidding of the United Nations – which will be quite a monster of a nightmare to which they will end up abandoning their beliefs; after all, there mistake has not led them to become a faith that is open to Interfaith practices and ideologies. For this is quite obvious granted a Religious Movement (all of them the fruits of the same tree) within the United Nations that has been gathering religions of the world to enact on the agenda of the United Nations, i.e. never once you have seen the Watchtower advocate for unifying of all religions for the betterment of co-existing, seeking world peace by means of man’s hand rather than God’s, for, this is obvious because they have alienated themselves from Mainstream Christendom, reasons why they are seen and or called a sect and or a cult by others because, as Trinitarians put it, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not follow Mainstream Christendom (The core being the Triune Belief and practices) or the fact that Christians need not be organized because such is not something a Christian should do (and yet this form of thinking negates the First Century Christians and their practices as read in ancient church documents and the history we see in the Bible) or there is no need to proclaim the message (and yet the ministry and spreading of the gospel is riddled in the Greek New Testament), they never took a stance with other religious leaders for religious goals to satisfy the United Nations, they never had their say collaborating with any agenda presented to them.

The only thing they have done was take any information they get in order to cite something and or the like in terms of the resources in of itself – as is with everyone else, furthermore, The Watchtower, or Jehovah’s Witnesses in general tend to do anything and everything in order to prevent a cease in religious worship, and this is where OSCE comes in in terms of Religious Rights, which includes the right to and or the freedom to practice, which they have, which I have, which you have.

Someone defending their faith and preventing it from being ceased isn’t being part of the world, nor is it in connection to the Globalist Agenda, or the United Nations conquest for peace in terms of a One World Religion (for there is credible information on the religions who 100% side with the United Nations is with the conquest in play by the UN in terms of religion, which is in connection with their agenda).

It is also hypocritical, granted if you were in that position, you’d do the exact same to prevent a cease of your faith to practice, to cease anything and everything in connection with religious worship to God, and so forth, or in short – a total cut of and or alienation from God 100%, therefore, you end up dying Spiritually without even succumbing to anything sinful act that lands you a position of Expelling, therefore an Excommunication by means of allowance of termination of worship, of faith and service, depriving you, purposely. And I am 100% sure, Witness, you would never want that to happen to you, or would anyone want that to happened to them, but granted with the conquest for peace and number of movements and actions taking place, this is the case for some people, even Christians.

Now, The Wild Beast consist of those trying to reshape a couple of things, education, government and religion (as I have told you before, as to others), in addition, we have the financial system regarding world banks as well, now regarding religion, this is why I said a number of times and before that NGOs who are sponsored and signed up, including as to what they are affiliated by, to be on board with the United Nation's planning, their agendas, are the ones to look out for, for they are the real threats, mainly if they dip their hands in what has already been mentioned. There are well over thousands upon thousands of NGOs, the number of NGOs worldwide is estimated to be 10 million and counting, and some of them do not/has not signed on with the United Nations (but in this day and age, the majority join because they want more, hence why they shoot for the requirements for the criteria), for they want access to something and or resources to use for their own benefit and not having to do any legwork for the United Nations while others have that same milestone, but affiliated with decision making and the like for the UN. Those who do sign on, are the ones taking action in various areas of the world, i.e. Africa, The Middle East, Greece, Italy, majority of the EU, The Caribbean, and most importantly, The United States of America, whereas the United Nations have several cards up their sleeves regarding the Americans, to which one of these cards caused an abundance of anger back in August 11-12 of 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia regarding their response to the First Amendment; to which we know what will happened to Christians should that be tampered with. Regarding religion, there are many big players who are sponsored NGOs with an affiliated status i.e. ECOSOC or UNESCO, UNICEF, etc. who is on the side of the United Nations and doing the work of the United Nations, a DPI can’t really do much if they do not have the other ones mentioned tied down to them. We have examples out there who known, there is the Elijah Interfaith Institute, otherwise known as the E.I.I.

They’ve been around since the late 1990s, and what makes them a threat is the direct connection they have with powerful religious leaders, one in question, Pope Francis. They are affiliated in regard to United Nations affairs by means of UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

NOTE: UNESCO participates and fully supports the work of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) – which is the UN principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and recommendations on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as for implementation of the internationally agreed development goals. It further serves as the United Nations’ central platform for reflection, debate, and innovative thinking on sustainable development where many of UNESCO’s mandates and priorities are being discussed.

NOTE: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) or in French, Organisation des Nations unies pour l'education, la science et la culture, is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) based in Paris, France. Its declared purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedom proclaimed in the United Nations Charter. It is the successor of the League of Nations' International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation.

And speaking about the Vatican, they have several NGOs stem from their own branches from the E.I.I. such as the Carmelite, an NGO, who is sponsored, and it is not just a DPI, but also affiliated with ECOSOC, hence allowing a voice of theirs to be intertwined with UN affairs, they also have met the criteria to actually take part in any action and or dealings of the United Nations, in turn, being in total submission to them, in addition, this NGO , is comprised of religious lay men and women from around the world who are members of the Religious Order of Carmelite and or its affiliated Congregations and Institutes within the Catholic Church itself, for it is at the service of the people they serve and the people to help them meet goals for the betterment of themselves; the supported and the supporters, and the goal for them is the exact same as all religious NGOs who are on the side of the United Nations – Issues of Peace and unifying of the faith; as I told Mr. Butler before – Interfaith.

NOTE: It can be said that the Catholic Church has well over 15-20+ NGOs with affiliation to and or sponsorship of ECOSOC, all of whom maintains in total submission to the United Nations goals and decisions and so forth, even into this very day and onward.

On the other side of the spectrum, we have the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Watchtower, who were formerly an NGO (no one is a former NGO, the status is ink to paper, paper to ink), and DPI affiliated, however, it was never sponsored at all. Nor do they have a DPI status that has never, if not, ever been flagged for renewal or changed into or tied with ECOSOC and or other. The Jehovah’s Witnesses became associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) back in 1992.

The library card statement is indeed true in regards to them, for they wanted to have access on health, ecological, and social problems from a United Nations library, of which they had been using for many years prior to 1991, for in this year, that is when they have been told in order to gain access to these libraries and or resources, they must be an NGO to gains aid access and they have submitted an application of NGO registration which during those days took time to be verified (in 1991 an NGO to sign a DPI requires no signature), this was the case with any and every NGO prior to the changes made regarding the United Nations and NGO relationships in 1994, to which said relationship has been worked on, and a new foundation being created, that being said, this is the result of their status of being an NGO with DPI status in 1992, more so, due to this new found status, they had access to these libraries, in addition, in the year 1998 (parallel from 2014-2005 revisions in the world of NGOs) during the 53rd United Nations General Assembly regarding a new era and partnership with NGOs, as seen by this source (Paragraph) which shows us clearly how everything and anything pertaining to the world of NGOs is on a crash course for change: http://www.un.org/documents/ga/docs/53/plenary/a53-170.htm

NOTE: The Jehovah’s Witnesses and or entirety of the Watchtower, unlike ECOSOC sponsored and or affiliated ones does not support and or has shown ANY support to the Agenda 21. Let that sink in. Nor have they mentioned anything pertaining to ECOSOC sponsorship and or affiliation, hence, promoting United Nations’ agenda, ideologies, and resolutions, more so, a lone DPI, regardless of whichever NGO cannot do such unless they are also tag-teamed with ECOSOC (and all in connection with ECOSOC)

We can also pinpoint that there is a visible and yet obvious reveal that the United Nations relationships with NGOs be it ECOSOC and DPI is among said changes according to that document. Furthermore, in the late 1990s regarding global policies, an ECOSOC affiliated NGO has been publishing information regarding the United Nations, that both the worlds of the ECOSOC and DPI NGOs world is rapidly shifting into new territory, for there is all that pertains to activities, the needs, and changes of office. As with other events regarding documents, both lost and found in conjunction with what was mentioned in the last sentence.

The United Nations itself even stated that association of NGOs who are of a DPI status doesn’t constitute their incorporation into the United Nations’ system, nor does it entitle associated organizations or their staff (staffers) to any kind of privileges, immunities or special status and or other.

The only reason Jehovah’s Witnesses got cut-off the latest version of NGO criteria rules was the result of the Jehovah Witnesses’ resignation [resigning]. For if they had continued, they’d break everything they stand for should they take in the sponsors and be affiliated with UN groups that allows them to have their voice in the matter of world affairs on the behalf of or in behalf of the UN itself and their circle of allies, and the Jehovah Witnesses’ religious faith and it’s community would not be under control of their church leaders whose dwelling place is in Orange County Warwick, rather, that of which they would have submitted themselves to if they had not resigned, meaning, all the world religious leaders, even its branches and connections, the Jehovah’s Witnesses would be a part of it, even affiliated with ECOSOC and their connections, in turn, they’d break away from their Restorationist roots like their counterparts and being open to and embrace Interfaith teachings and practices, even, ironically enough, be open to the belief of Mary being the Father of God (accepting it because they are of the interfaith), they’d be open to Triune Godhood Doctrine thus becoming Trinitarian (for currently they are primarily Non/Anti-Trinitarian and should they accept since most religious ECOSOC NGOs accept this, the JWs have no choice but to embrace the Trinity), they’d be open to holiday celebrations coming back into their churches (because interfaith counterparts partake in said holidays) and they would also submit to the Interfaith practices of the One World Religion (being among the religious leaders for seeking and being on a conquest for peace and religious co-existence), they have no choice but to submit, more so, you’d see their leaders at the Summits with other religious leaders and perhaps even the Kairos and Together events, side by side with Kenneth Copeland and the other Charlatans, which takes place on a yearly basis, as well as throwing their political neutrality in Gehenna itself, in which they will encourage all active and practicing Jehovah’s Witnesses to partake because they are in total submission to the One World Religion Banner of the United Nations, and all things, they will get sponsor after sponsor, one after another, even renewals of status, making the Jehovah’s Witnesses in this “Else-World based scenario” of a reality a big threat, and an enemy against True Christians, a big one due to those on said conquest on the behalf of the UN.

Surely this would be a victory for you, Witness (a fairly good one), if that was the case, if that was the reality, but unfortunately it is not. True Christians know who their enemy is, we know how the United Nations have been operating since the day CNN founder, Ted Turner said what he said in the early 2000s, we know how to evade the governmental, financial, the educational system and the religion of the Wild Beast, but you cannot see past your fingers on your own hands or the toes on your foot, on this matter, therefore, if you are as unaware of this matter and who is who, who is truly the real enemy in the battle of Christendom, let alone being acceptive of conspiracy (which I believe this is about the 10th or so time I called you out on this), then I say you, truly, your ignorance casts bigger shade of shadow than the stones of old that sit, to this day, in the ruins of Babylon.

Anyone can make claim the Watchtower was an NGO, ink to paper, that is and will forever will be with them for an NGO is still an NGO, although some see such as a mistake, but not realizing at all about the biggest bullet they had dodged when the changes have been set in motion within the world of NGOs according to the UN document. But one cannot claim them being affiliated with the United Nations affairs and the agenda that will soon come to pass, 2020 and onward, especially Agenda 21 of all things, for if they are not and or have no affiliation to and or sponsored to ECOSOC (for if that was the case, any JW who speaks of the UN, even debate strongly on the matter til the sweat of their brow hits the ground, should the Watchtower having been in connection with ECOSOC which is the puppet from the branches of the UN – all their words would be of hypocrisy, all their words would be indefensible to which the Jehovah’s Witnesses would end up as fools, jesters in the court), only then your claim of affiliation – would have been very true, however, since this isn’t the case, it falls flat, and using conspiracy befits the claim of you being ignorant, as you were before, as you are now, as is with any conspiracy you bring forth in continuous beckoning calls with no legitimate information on what has been brought up.

It is one thing to accidentally be misinformed of something or someone. But to go to great lengths to use the backing of one-sided information when the truth is actually out there in this matter, mainly when it comes to NGOs, this can be said – the information regarding NGOs as with DPIs cuts like a hot knife through butter.

But seriously, the constant beating of a dead horse is getting old, mainly when the non religious can even see it, it is absurd....

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On 11/21/2020 at 2:32 PM, César Chávez said:

I guess you refuse to read the letters you just posted correctly. How about reading it through a truth eye. 

It also seems, you don't read my response to well either. How about posting the "1991 application form" versus what the misguided UN officer sent on his remarks. That person made no distinction between the 1991 form and the "revised" form he was talking about.

Was the UN language changed? YES! The Watchtower was not aware it had and when it was time to renew, THE WATCHTOWER REFUSED BECAUSE OF THAT NEW LANGUAGE!!

Therefore, POST the 1991 application or let it go, srecko. Ex-witnesses have no claim no matter how hard you try to subvert the truth.

Watchtower NGO_ Letter_Email to The Guardian.pdf 256.38 kB · 2 downloads


Essentially the point, no Resolution/Charter defeats the claims. The irony of this is that this is the same game play last year, but this time corrected twice.

The amuses me to see people who have no idea of the UN and it's history, explain it, mind you, one of these people say "they don't know nothing and don't make an effort to learn anything" pertaining to the UN.

A lot of us knew the changes the UN has gone through as well, especially for the NGOs.

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And yet another day, no charter was brought up, nor was there a Resolution... Just like last time.

A lesson proven if you lack the understanding of the United Nations or NGO DPI, best not to adhere to claims and commit it to as a truth.

That being said, stuff like this people should be wise not to play around with in terms of misinformation, mainly if you do not know something. We have a REAL enemy and this isn't the time to act foolish, as some here have already done so, not knowing the dangers and pointing figures when they shouldn't.

There is already a lot of smoke in the Interfaith space with the UN, red flags left and right, how what the UN has been doing which people are not paying attention to. For such nonsense regards to ignorance and stupidity of not knowing something only creates more problems - no one needs that, and no one has time for it.

A shame yet another year we have to do this again when the truth has been spoken, which is beyond JWs as a whole, or anyone for that matter.

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