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Redress groups risk losing charity status (update)

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We know this is not actually new news but is just an update

Institutions refusing to join the national child abuse redress scheme face losing charity status through new laws planned by the Morrison government.

The government has for months threatened groups failing to join the abuse scheme that they risked losing their charity status and would be banned from receiving federal funding.   The wheels are turning on that threat, with the government planning to introduce draft legislation to parliament in the year's final sitting fortnight to tweak charity laws.

Social Services Minister Anne Ruston said institutions facing an application for redress were expected to join the scheme.

Jehovah's Witnesses, Kenja Communications and the Lakes Entrance Pony Club are some of the groups holding out.

"We've been extremely disappointed in the behaviour of the Jehovah's Witnesses," the minister told ABC radio on Friday.

"We have spent a lot of time trying to explain to them what we think is their moral obligation to participate in this scheme but they have to date declined to do so."

Survivors can't be given redress unless the institution they were abused by has joined the scheme.

The scheme can offer counselling, a direct response from responsible institutions and a redress payment.  ... There are 80 institutions the government hopes will join by the end of the year, and about half are charities. ...The proposed laws change the definition of a basic religious charity to remove a religious institution's eligibility to be classified as one if it has been named in a redress application but refuses to join....A new charities standard would also require registered charities to take all reasonable steps to be part of the scheme if a claim has been or was likely to be made against them. Assistant Charities Minister Zed Seselja aid the changes could result in some institutions being deregistered as charities.   "Deregistration would result in the entity losing access to a range of commonwealth benefits, tax and other concessions," he said. ... About 150 redress claims can now be processed after another 70 institutions joined the scheme. .. More than 8700 applications have been made in total but only 4221 have been processed. ... Head of survivor advocacy group Blue Knot Foundation Cathy Kezelman has applauded the government for the charity plan, saying the groups are not taking responsibility.

"Every survivor living with the long-term impacts of trauma and abuse is one person too many," Dr Kezelman said.

"It is time for zero tolerance to the systemic ducking and weaving and abject moral decay institutions failing to join the scheme perpetuate."

Separate repost says 

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse shocked the nation as it highlighted the systemic failures of thousands of our mainstream institutions. To have 80 institutions abrogating their moral and human responsibility for the often irreparable harm caused to child under their watch is indefensible.

It is impossible to reconcile religious or community groups purporting to do good works while at the same time presiding over a complete lack of accountability or responsibility for lives lost and decimated.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses is but one of these recalcitrant institutions; but the scale of the crimes within, with allegations involving 1800 children and 1000 perpetrators, squarely places it front and centre as one whose active intransigence is reprehensible. The government is to be commended for its strong stance.


Every child who is sexually abused is one child too many. Every survivor living with the long-term impacts of trauma and abuse is one person too many. It is time for zero tolerance to the systemic ducking and weaving and abject moral decay institutions failing to join the scheme perpetuate.

Blue Knot Foundation welcomes the legislation being introduced to parliament to strip charities not signing up to National Redress Scheme of their charity status, said Dr Cathy Kezelman AM in response to the Federal Government’s legislation to strip organisations which do not sign up to the National Redress Scheme of their charitable status.

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Not defensive at all, according to what was brought forth the last time we spoke, it is 100% correct. The claims (News Corp) is regarding the money situation or these rumors that were going aroun

https://7news.com.au/politics/redress-groups-risk-losing-charity-status-c-1659571 We know this is not actually new news but is just an update Institutions refusing to join the national child

Quote @Space Merchant This isn't anything new.. No that's why the topic is an UPDATE.  You seem very defensive of them thought not actually being one.  Quote "I recall claims the lot of you

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The scriptures say to be obedient to the Superior Authorities, because those authorities stand in place by God's hand.

I don't see the scriptures saying for humans to judge what Almighty God allows to be in place.  

What the Australian government is asking for does not go against God's laws or Christ's instructions. 

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This isn't anything new... Since the whole Redress thing, JWs are still operating. Second, I recall claims the lot of you pointed out, which to this day is still unfounded, YET, some of the claims a subset of people are preaching as a truth, which proves it is more of a hate-a-raid thing going on instead of the focus on the ReDress itself.

Elsewhere, some Aussies are not worried too much on this, but the actions of the police, as pointed out before.

On the other side of the spectrum, you have children of violent abuse being ignored.

That being said, not much of a win for anyone, just another measure, another door, abusers can pick the lock to because it seems the most people of world doesn't know how to teach their own people how to protect their kids properly.

I'd also like to point out the CSA group I have been with for a couple months now, know this situation, and they agree with me despite them brining it up.

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  Quote @Space Merchant This isn't anything new..

No that's why the topic is an UPDATE.  You seem very defensive of them thought not actually being one. 

Quote "I recall claims the lot of you pointed out, which to this day is still unfounded, "

Remind us then of these claims.  

One thing that occurred to me as funny was your first sentence that reminded me of a scripture.  Quote SM.

This isn't anything new... Since the whole Redress thing, JWs are still operating. 

2 Peter 3 v4

and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”

Just because YOU cannot see any changes, doesn't mean things continue as they were. 

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On 11/30/2020 at 7:12 AM, 4Jah2me said:

  Quote @Space Merchant This isn't anything new..

No that's why the topic is an UPDATE.  You seem very defensive of them thought not actually being one. 

Quote "I recall claims the lot of you pointed out, which to this day is still unfounded, "

Remind us then of these claims.  

One thing that occurred to me as funny was your first sentence that reminded me of a scripture.  Quote SM.

This isn't anything new... Since the whole Redress thing, JWs are still operating. 

2 Peter 3 v4

and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”

Just because YOU cannot see any changes, doesn't mean things continue as they were. 

Not defensive at all, according to what was brought forth the last time we spoke, it is 100% correct.

The claims (News Corp) is regarding the money situation or these rumors that were going around prior to the Redress coming to a conclusion, to which were proven unfounded, granted there was no evidence; and when you were asked, along with the others, nothing was ever said. Yet a few months ago you and the others profess it as a truth when present day, this so called "truth" is unfounded still. The irony of it all, you guys attempted to educate someone on the difference between Alt-Left and Alt-Right with a silly representation of a video - what a joke.

As of recent, the JWs are indeed still operating in Australia AFTER the Redress. Last I checked, anything related to the Redress or the latter a group and or institution DOES NOT CEASE FROM EXISTENCE despite the outcome. You have to be living in a dream world to assume after these events that suddenly a group or institution simply vanished from the country, that is silly. In regards to the Redress, as pointed out just because they do not acknowledge and or submit to such, does not mean they are gone. This also goes for the police in Australia and other authorities, who, although they get the blame in this too, are still operating as normal, but this time, with a history.

I have seen the changes, in regards to what YOU wrote, there is no update, that is what I am referring to. Since June, we already know what the Redress Scheme was going to do to a number of groups and what transpired after that, and looking at recent news, it reflects that. Nothing big has happened every since then, hence my response. If you really wish to correct me, tell me something that WAS NOT SAID in regards to the Redress that is new now. Apparently - nothing.

That being said, in regards to the Redress prior to, during and after, we know what changes were made, and since then, there was not much of an update after June (last recent being July) because the Redress made it clear what it's intentions were for those that did not sign with them oppose to others who rather stick to the Court System.

The last known update was, like I said, back in June, the only recent, was news in July about the Redress Scheme.

Next time if you are going to quote the Bible out of context, use it in the right situation, apparently, using that verse here regarding an event that has last been updated months ago isn't going to help you, and a specific verse, I have used time and time again, has already countered you in this regard, hence the lack of discernment and understanding on your part.

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