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33 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

there is so much astronomical data and tablet and inscription evidence from the entire Neo-Babylonian period.

The astronomical data was linked to spells and events that could take place.  I read through the old king lists years ago and there were no dates linked to them or data that could  determine the date. These were later interpreted by scholars and while there is some degree of getting the succession right - the dates are by no means accurate. We start to see more accuracy with the olympiads. 

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Let me try to lay this out for you (although this is more for any interested readers' benefit than for yours). The stars, planets, and Moon are components in a giant sky-clock that keeps perfect time.

Since love doesn't keep account of the injury and covers a multitude of sins, I will not go back and show you what you have actually said. Besides, I've never wanted to make this into a contest of who

Most of what CC says is just bluster he finds randomly, evidently by Googling key words. And if it he doesn't quite understand it, he must think others won't understand it either, and therefore he thi

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3 minutes ago, Arauna said:

False - you accuse me of what you yourself do.

Such a liar! I accept what the Insight book says as regards coming up with 539. You've explicitly rejected it.

3 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I have looked at the olympiads and other evidence when your forefathers were still running with apes.

I don't think you want me to respond to that in kind.

And of course, as JW Insider has pointed out, and the Insight book confirms, the Olympiads are in no way as reliable as the consilience of secular data, data ranging from what the Insight book describes to the many lunar eclipses recorded in such tablets as JW Insider has detailed.

Your crippled mind is simply not up to the task of chewing on this rocket science. Give it up!

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1 minute ago, Arauna said:

I read through the old king lists years ago and there were no dates linked to them or data that could  determine the date.

Then you agree with exactly what I have stated about the kings lists from the very first page of this topic. There are no BCE dates linked to them. But of course there really is data that could determine the date. That's how the INSIGHT book could determine that the king before Cambyses was Cyrus.

3 minutes ago, Arauna said:

These were later interpreted by scholars and while there is some degree of getting the succession right - the dates are by no means accurate.

As it turned out, when all the then-contemporary evidence was combined with all the king lists, they turned out to be completely accurate from even before the Neo-Babylonian period. Completely accurate from the Neo-Babylonian period through the Seleucid/Hellenistic period, and could therefore be tied to later eras. They match the TENS OF THOUSANDS of Neo-Babylonian clay tablets. So far, no exceptions.

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2 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Such a liar! I accept what the Insight book says as regards coming up with 539. You've explicitly rejected it.

What! I wonder who is the deceiver. 

However, I am not going to challenge Insider or you...... I do not trust you... you cherry pick  from insight book what fits your opinion.   I do not have time to argue with you or your "poop" theories.   I rather read my insight book. 

I am pretty sure that bible chronology will withstand the test of time. It needs no stars foretell to justify it. The stars were used for superstitious purposes...... if you know babylonian culture well you will know this. It was not used for dating.   It was used for predictions..... and their calculations were done in multiplications of 60 as well. 

I read through chronological events today again. The bible is an excellent time keeper - not as unreliable as ancient writings.  Modern scholars have co d up with these star devises which are not airtight. 

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

We start to see more accuracy with the olympiads. 

I see that you couldn't find anything that showed the WTS is willing to rely on these Olympiads. There was a time when they began to, but as you could see in reading INSIGHT, they reject the dates that Olympiads would have given them. And those BCE dates tied to the Olympiads come from astronomical confirmations, anyway.

It's not like there was an Olympiad "dating system" during the Neo-Babylonian peirod. There were just records from a lot of the Olympic events, undated, just like records from the Babylonian Chronicles, except they were about the games, not about the feats of the kings. From various records about the Olympiads, which didn't have any BCE dates on them, some secular historians well after Nebuchadnezzar, well after Cyrus and after Artaxerxes decided to start pinning some events to them working backwards.

Of course, the WTS rejects their supposed accuracy, by rejecting the Olympiad dates at the time of Artaxerxes, and instead relies on astronomical data instead, according to the INSIGHT book.

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41 minutes ago, AlanF said:


Especially if secular dates are based on the wrong biblical tkings.  .....

.. I have come to a moronic conclusion that you are brilliant.......  in insults!  Hoping to see evidence of real scholarship....... not poop theories.... 

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1 hour ago, Ann O'Maly said:


(Sorry.... could not copy entire quote:  ) Your reasoning is sloppy. If one works back from babylonian era dates and it does not make sense in the time of asurbanipal - then logic should tell you there is a problem with your later dates.......  they all should fit in and make sense. 

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

INSIGHT book mentioned all these pieces of Babylonian/Persian archaeology

I have read through it many times ... I know what is there..... BUT I also know that bible chronology is more important . Insight will mention secular evidence when it corroborates biblical timeline. I read through the biblical timeline again today wherein every biblical event fits in perfectly!  I am inclined to accept this as I am aware from my reading of babylonian history that it is not set in stone.  

Human scientists set themselves above jehovah. ..... and I know many scientists....... worked with them. Saw their egotism. They leave out facts and skew things to fit their theories.

CC mentioned their programs for the eclipse calculations, it reminds me of the carbon14 testing calculations...... it is what they do NOT tell you ghat is most importent not what they tell you. 


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