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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Once again the 607 topic branches out into a side shoot.  @Anna and @Srecko Sostar  are talking about the 'instruction' or 'false instruction' from the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org. 

@Arauna has mentioned how things are going from bad to worse, and how governments will ban Christianity. 

So. what you have right now is an Organisation earthwide, governed / controlled, and directed by 8 men in America. They are an easy target for governments and opposition.

Whereas what I've suggested will be in place is the True Anointed Ones, living in different countries around the earth. God through Christ could easily communicate with the Anointed, via angels and Holy Spirit.  It would probably be easier for each country to hide it's own Anointed ones. 

God through Christ directed the apostle Paul separately to those Apostles in Jerusalem, giving Paul as much authority as the others.  We know this because it was Paul that wrote letters instructing the congregations. 

But going on what you have now, have your GB put any plans into action ?  It would seem most likely that Warwick and all other Bethels will be gone. Probably JW Org online will also be gone. So how do your GB intend to communicate ? After all it seems that none of you believe in miracles anymore. 

@Anna mentioned about 'obeying orders without question', but surely some kind of organised 'formation' would be involved. How will your American GB give instruction earthwide ? Or is the idea not to have any plans. Will they just go into total panic as the GB watch the Organsation fall ? 

No, I think God through Christ will have True Anointed Ones placed in different countries. And I think they will be in place well before the great tribulation begins. God is a god of order not disorder. 



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I think the idea IS to have plans. But personally I don't think we should need plans as God can save anyone anywhere at any time regardless where they are. Only the ones who "worship" the organ

Dear sister, I don't think anyone here was questioning Jehovah.

To make little digress. "Wait on JHVH" is the best advice given in publication. But this recommendation is functional only for "final thing", for example Armageddon.  In all other "earthly" issue

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56 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

Or is the idea not to have any plans

I think the idea IS to have plans. But personally I don't think we should need plans as God can save anyone anywhere at any time regardless where they are.

56 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

Will they just go into total panic as the GB watch the Organsation fall ? 

Only the ones who "worship" the organization might panic.

56 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

So how do your GB intend to communicate ? After all it seems that none of you believe in miracles anymore. 

I think at that time supernatural things WILL happen, because after all, Armageddon will be from a supernatural source, and to survive it, will have to involve miracles.

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Why are you questioning Jehovah? Through his holy spirit, our beloved governing body receives instructions! Just reading  about your topic really makes me wonder, are you even one of Jehovah's Witnesses? If you were, you wouldn't ever question our heavenly father, Jehovah! When you dedicate you life to serve Jehovah, you belong to Jehovah, and he through his holy spirit directs our Governing Body! You develop a close relationship with Jehovah, through our faith, and our trust we believe in Jehovah, and I'm so proud to say, that I have now for 48 years now, and over 8 million and growing everyday, people of the world are accepting Bible Studies, to develop their own personal relationship with Jehovah! Right now, were all living in a Pandemic, thousands of people are dying everyday, sadly 5,000 of our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters have passed away from Covid19! Jehovah has promised us in Romans 5:12: All those in the Memorial tombs will hear his voice... all our loved ones will be resurrected from the dead! So we just need to trust and rely upon Jehovah, for his protection from The Great Tribulation coming soon!!!! Also Jehovah always takes control over everything in his own due time!  The construction of Warwick began in September 2015, and was completed in April! On April 29, 2017, Saturday, hosted the second of two special open-house receptions, drawing a larger crowd, then the first event!  In a few years the construction of Ramapo will begin in 2022 and will be completed in December 2026, all with the backing of Jehovah, according to his will! So never question Jehovah!!!!!


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@Shirley Lowery  you are confusing Almighty God, with 8 men running a group of Organisations. 

I am not one of JWs, but i was one for long enough to know the lies and deceit and false predictions of your Leaders, from the 1960's onward. And I know enough about the Child Sexual Abuse / Pedophilia in the Watchtower / JW org / CCJW Earthwide, to know that God and Christ do not favour your organisations. 

You might take note that my questioning was not toward Almighty God. If you had bothered to read my original comment properly you would find that i have great faith in God through Christ. I was questioning those 8 men that control you. 

I think you need to do some research about your GB, they have in fact admitted that they are not inspired of God's Holy spirit. They admit that they get things wrong. 

And it seems quite funny, no sad actually, that you are putting your trust in such material things as buildings, Warwick and Ramapo. JWs seem to need material things and men to put their trust in.  And also strange that the GB say that 'we are in the last part of the final day of the end of this system' BUT you are looking forward to Ramapo being completed in 2026.

@TrueTomHarley What do you think Tom ?  Is there another 6 years to go ? Or are we in the final part of the final day of this old system of things ?  If the GB are spending your money on building another 'tower to the heavens' then they must think this old system is going to last for a long time yet. 

Sorry Shirley but I think you should do your own research into your GB and into it's organisations and real estate offices.  

I love God through Christ, not through your GB. 


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To make little digress. "Wait on JHVH" is the best advice given in publication. But this recommendation is functional only for "final thing", for example Armageddon. 

In all other "earthly" issues we have permission to act as we think is the best. That would include to react in a second, or next day. That would mean to make plan/plans for shorter or longer period in future, and we can consider such patient attitude as sort of "wait on".

Your brothers in Russia, let’s take that example, are also waiting. On what and on whom?
JW's sent millions of letters, and millions of prayers. WTJWorg lawyers sued Russian government. Russia did not respond on your letters and JHVH did not respond on your prayers. World Courts in EU or worldwide done what they are done.

What instructions (that are not practical from human standpoint) GB gave and giving to Russian JW's? Do you know? If yes, inform us please.

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3) At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (4)  - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/pl/r1/lp-e?q=w13 11%2F15 20

You must obey the law, because it’s illegal to break the law. - John Doe

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. - Rom 13

“We must obey God rather than men. - Act 5

Please tell me, which of this claims are Circular Reasoning?

1) GB teach Russian JW that they must obey secular authorities.

2) After that they said to them that they must obey God rather than men.

3) And, on top of that, they tell them that they have to be ready to obey the (special) instructions that will come from GB.

What Russian JW's doing to obey secular governments laws? What they are doing that causes their arresting and in imprisonment? They are in very original situation, because all assemblies are outside the law. Well, is it individual conscience and understanding allowed how to harmonize two sort of obedience? And the third sort - obedient to GB, which is in fact under "men", human factor? 

If JW's decide to be disobedient to Rom 13 rule, than have to be prepared on consequences. Same is with Act 5.

But when JW's choose to obey GB instructions, question arise: Whom they (JW) respect and obey?  

It would not surprise me to hear how GB gave instruction to Russian elders and JW's, to have secret meetings, to have forbidden literature and so on. To be in prison not looks very "practical and sound". But it seems how GB giving exactly such directives to them. (there is a possibility that some JWs have resented other people, privately or because of preaching zealousness, so they are now denouncing them)



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19 hours ago, Shirley Lowery said:

Why are you questioning Jehovah? Through his holy spirit, our beloved governing body receives instructions! Just reading  about your topic really makes me wonder, are you even one of Jehovah's Witnesses? If you were, you wouldn't ever question our heavenly father, Jehovah! When you dedicate you life to serve Jehovah, you belong to Jehovah, and he through his holy spirit directs our Governing Body!

You’re entire statement is very confusing.  God, organization, and the beloved GB, are melded into your concept of obedience and love for God; which are the pitfalls of centralized religion, centralized authority.   To worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23,24) requires one’s heart to be fully committed to God and Christ, not to an established, worldly religion. (they are all worldly religions)  But the spiritually immoral “kings” at 1 Kings Drive in Warwick, have replaced Jesus Christ.  This is obvious by no mention of him in your comment. (1 Sam 8:6-20; Ps 2:1-12 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Sam+8%3A6-20%3B+Ps+2%3A1-12&version=WEB )

Anyone, whom Jesus Christ sends to speak “truth”, which is “good fruit”, should exalt him, and not themselves – and certainly not an organization they have created.  (John 13:20; Matt 7:15-20; Luke 14:11; 2 Cor 10:4,5; 11:20)  Any who exalt themselves, reject both the Father and the Son.  Even Jesus Christ didn’t exalt himself.(Heb 5:5; Phil 2:9-11)  

Obviously, in your vision is only the GB; oh, and the elders not anointed.  Well, where are the rest of the anointed ones?  Could it be that Jesus has something to tell you through them? (Mal 2:7; 1 Pet 2:5,9; John 14:26)  If that anointed Body could unite in truth under the Spirit of Christ, think of the spiritual blessings all JWs would receive. (Rom 12:3-8; 1 Cor 12:12-26) This is what God expects, but your beloved GB direct the elder body not to allow this. (Matt 24:48-51; Rev 13:6,7,11,12)

What will JWs do when these prophetic harlots/”kings” are gone?

(Hos 13:9-11; Jer 4:30; Ezek 23:35,37-41,45,29,30; Rev 17:1,2,6,12,16,17)

19 hours ago, Shirley Lowery said:

So we just need to trust and rely upon Jehovah, for his protection from The Great Tribulation coming soon!!!! Also Jehovah always takes control over everything in his own due time!  The construction of Warwick began in September 2015, and was completed in April! On April 29, 2017, Saturday, hosted the second of two special open-house receptions, drawing a larger crowd, then the first event!  In a few years the construction of Ramapo will begin in 2022 and will be completed in December 2026, all with the backing of Jehovah, according to his will! So never question Jehovah!!!!!


I suppose the GB will choose which buildings will survive Armageddon.  This appears to be their choice, since @Srecko made very good points under …  https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/topic/88359-witnesses-sell-elim-buys/

Buildings come and go, according the kings’ whim.  Your confusion about preparation for Armageddon is interesting.  As a JW you are told to let go of this world’s pursuits; while the GB are in pursuit of all that this world provides.  Armageddon takes place in the valley of decision – in the deep recesses of our heart.  We can choose to rely on men and their vacillating whims, ideas, and teachings; or we follow and obey the teachings of only…Jesus Christ. (Joel 3:14)


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@Witness It would need a new topic but I do wish you would explain exactly what you think Armageddon is.

Quote Armageddon takes place in the valley of decision – in the deep recesses of our heart. 

I presume (I know I should never  presume) that most of us here believe that Armageddon is the destruction of this 'world' and the setting up of a 'new world' here on this Earth. The 'world' only being the way of life on Earth not the planet.  So Armageddon removes the Devil and his demons, and removes all those humans judged as wicked.  Then those judged as 'worthy' will be carried through to the 'new world' / new way of life here on earth. 

But I don't think that is what you believe. I think I've read words from you that Armageddon is already in action ???  Are you saying it's in the mind / in the heart ? 

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In reply to my statement, our beloved  Governing Body, I can say this from my personal meeting of some of our Governing Body Members!  These are most friendly, kind, and caring men I've ever met!  In 2006,  I met Br. Samuel F. Herd, at one of my Circuit Assemblies!  In 2010, I met Br. David Splane at my "REMAIN CLOSE TO  JEHOVAH"  District Convention, and I've met Br. Stephen Lett, twice. The first time I met him was in 2012, at our "SAFEGUARD  YOUR HEART" District Convention, and in 2015, at our "IMITATE JESUS" District Convention. Another has changed since then, now it's not called "District" it's been renamed "Regional". I have the original photos taken with them too!  These imperfect men were appointed to our Governing Body, that Jehovah entrusted though his holy spirit to take care of his Worldwide Organization. Now, there is so much for these appointed members to take care of, now they have appointed helpers to different committees. In 2020, this was the first time ever, The Governing Body, through Jehovah's holy spirit guiding them, had to make several major decisions. First, was the decision about The Memorial, since it couldn't be held at our Kingdomhalls, it was announced  in a letter from The Governing Body, that  we had to have it on Zoom!  So, we had to have the Memorial Celebration in our own private homes, on that most sacred night, and some had  prepared  the  unleavened bread, and had a glass of wine next to it, and displayed their beautiful table settings with their precious emblems!  The next major decision that had to be made was what to decide about having our "ALWAYS REJOICE" Regional Convention. We couldn't hold it in other countries, like they used to have years ago, because of the Pandemic, so another letter from The Governing Body, said, we were going to have all 3 days on JW Stream, but it was by invitation only, and it was sent to all our emails! We happily viewed it different days and  enjoyed all 3 days of our most needed Spiritual Food. Yes, I personally feel that  these appointed imperfect men,, is our beloved  Governing Body, also referred to in the Bible, as The Faithful and Discreet Slave! These 8 appointed imperfect men: Stephen Lett, David Splane, Gerrit Losch, Geoffrey Jackson, Samuel F. Herd, Mark Sanderson, Anthony Morris 111, and newly appointed Kenneth Cook Jr. are a small group of mature Christians who provide direction for Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. Their work is twofold: They oversee the preparation of Bible- based  instruction through the publications, meetings, and school's of  Jehovah's Witnesses! They look to the Universal Sovereign, Jehovah, and to the Head of the congregation, Jesus, for guidance. You can find all this information in my reply on J.W. Org!

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