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How to Conduct a Bible Study That Leads to Baptism

Patiently waiting for Truth

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Bible study ?  Maybe not. 

Part One 

2.  As long as Jehovah is patiently allowing people the time and opportunity to become Christ’s disciples, we want to do all we can to help them progress to baptism as quickly as possible. Time is fast running out!—  ( Threat ? )

7 As the teacher, you need to prepare well for each Bible study session. You can begin by reading the material and looking up the scriptures. Get the main points clearly in mind. Think about the title of the lesson, the subheadings, the study questions, the “read” scriptures, the artwork, and any videos that may help explain the subject. 

Remember that this is supposed to be a BIBLE STUDY, NOT a book study. However we can see that the instruction from the Watchtower are to study a Book. 

9.  impress on him how important it is that he prepare for each study session by reading the lesson beforehand and reflecting on how the material applies to him. Explain how to find the direct answers to the study questions, and show how highlighting only key words or phrases will help him recall the answer. 

2.Prepare for each study session

  • Read the lesson beforehand

  • Highlight key words or phrases that answer each study question

  • Think of how the material applies to them


Part Two


THE disciple-making work is a lifesaving work! How do we know? When Jesus gave the command that is recorded at Matthew 28:19, 20, he said: “Go, . . . make disciples . . . , baptizing them.” What do we know about the importance of baptism? It is a requirement for those seeking salvation. 

BUT no mention of Jesus words of How to baptise     In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  THAT IS a requirement for salvation

Again in paragraph two  “Go, . . . make disciples..... teaching them. 

3.  we want to know how we can help more of them to become baptized disciples of Jesus Christ. 

But the GB don't want people baptised as disciples of Jesus Christ, they want people baptised into the Organisation  (Read questions for baptism )

12 Talk openly about Christian dedication and baptism. After all, our goal in  conducting a Bible study is to help a person become a baptized disciple. Within a few months of having a regular Bible study and especially after beginning to attend meetings, the student should understand that the purpose of the Bible study is to help him to start serving Jehovah as one of His Witnesses.

I would have thought the goal was to get a person to form a good relationship with God through Christ. 

This next paragraph says it all really. 

 15 Regularly analyze the progress that the student is making. For example, does he express his feelings for Jehovah? Does he pray to Jehovah? (Ps. 116:1, 2) Does he enjoy reading the Bible? (Ps. 119:97) Is he attending the meetings regularly? (Ps. 22:22) Has he made any needed changes in his lifestyle? (Ps. 119:112) Has he started sharing what he is learning with his family and friends? (Ps. 9:1) Most important, does he want to become  one of Jehovah’s Witnesses? (Ps. 40:8) If the student is not making progress in any of these areas, tactfully try to find out why and then discuss the matter with him kindly but frankly. *

Most important ????  More important than forming a good relationship with Almighty God through Jesus Christ ? 

I have shown here how a so called Bible study is actually the study of a book and how the person studying is not taught the true way of getting baptised.  Also Part Two of the Watchtower study shows us that the main purpose of the preaching work is to gain quantity of new JWs.   Most important it says.  I'll leave that for you to decide.  


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About patient. GB gave instructions in previous periods of their history how to conduct Bible Study with interested person. They limited BS for 6 months. If person not make progress to be baptized in

Additionally, the baptizing agent must be a dedicated servant of Jehovah, even as was John. In these days of the established heavenly kingdom, who else is publishing the good news of God’s kingdom? Up

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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

Part One 

2.  As long as Jehovah is patiently allowing people the time and opportunity to become Christ’s disciples, we want to do all we can to help them progress to baptism as quickly as possible. Time is fast running out!—  ( Threat ? )

About patient. GB gave instructions in previous periods of their history how to conduct Bible Study with interested person. They limited BS for 6 months. If person not make progress to be baptized in such time period, JW needed to think about whether he should continue BS at all.

1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

3.  we want to know how we can help more of them to become baptized disciples of Jesus Christ. 

But the GB don't want people baptised as disciples of Jesus Christ, they want people baptised into the Organisation  (Read questions for baptism )


1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

15 Regularly analyze the progress that the student is making. For example, does he express his feelings for Jehovah? Does he pray to Jehovah? (Ps. 116:1, 2) Does he enjoy reading the Bible? (Ps. 119:97) Is he attending the meetings regularly? (Ps. 22:22) Has he made any needed changes in his lifestyle? (Ps. 119:112) Has he started sharing what he is learning with his family and friends? (Ps. 9:1) Most important, does he want to become  one of Jehovah’s Witnesses? (Ps. 40:8) If the student is not making progress in any of these areas, tactfully try to find out why and then discuss the matter with him kindly but frankly. *

This is very important what you have said. Excellent!

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Additionally, the baptizing agent must be a dedicated servant of Jehovah, even as was John. In these days of the established heavenly kingdom, who else is publishing the good news of God’s kingdom? Upon whom is Jehovah’s name, and into whose hands have his Kingdom interests been placed? Jehovah’s witnesses are the only ones, and hence it would only be proper that the baptizer be one of Jehovah’s dedicated male representatives of the New World society.Isa. 43:10; Matt. 24:14, 45-47. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1963402

From this is evident how candidate, who study Bible aka some WTJWorg publication, is preparing for entering into membership of WTJWorg and not necessary to become baptized disciples of Jesus Christ. 

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