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Neighbours becoming enemies

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Out walking today I noticed how people are avoiding each other more then ever.  They look at each other as if they do not trust each other.  Of course the 'virus' may be the main problem but is it the only problem.  Naming it 'social distancing' did no help, but was that done deliberately.  It brought to mind the words from the scriptures 'like sheep without a shepherd'.  I often think it is my 'old age' that puts fear into me. When I was young I longed for 'excitement' but now I just want 'peace and security'.  It is impossible to separate happenings in this world from God's word..... 2021, a 'new year' but it will of course bring with it new problems.  I am in England but I care not about Brexit or politics, I care about people. Are any of you, in any country, noticing that neighbours are distancing more or becoming more suspicious of each other ?  Or is it just my frame of mind ? 


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I would imagine every locale  is different.  Where I am, wearing the masks seem to be a minor hinderance to most; as if they are adapting to the restriction put on a normally outgoing and friendly peo

@Space Merchant   I do not trouble myself with trying to know what the governemt is doing.  Neither do I trouble myself with what the UN is doing.  We know that the whole world is in the power of the

Absolutely!  JW's makes every effort to separate themselves from "world". As product of that work they formed "Spiritual Paradise" and inner spiritual connections. In such atmosphere and conditio

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14 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Out walking today I noticed how people are avoiding each other more then ever.  They look at each other as if they do not trust each other.  Of course the 'virus' may be the main problem but is it the only problem.  Naming it 'social distancing' did no help, but was that done deliberately.  It brought to mind the words from the scriptures 'like sheep without a shepherd'.  I often think it is my 'old age' that puts fear into me. When I was young I longed for 'excitement' but now I just want 'peace and security'.  It is impossible to separate happenings in this world from God's word..... 2021, a 'new year' but it will of course bring with it new problems.  I am in England but I care not about Brexit or politics, I care about people. Are any of you, in any country, noticing that neighbours are distancing more or becoming more suspicious of each other ?  Or is it just my frame of mind ? 


I would imagine every locale  is different.  Where I am, wearing the masks seem to be a minor hinderance to most; as if they are adapting to the restriction put on a normally outgoing and friendly people.    They are for the most part, still themselves, which is probably not the case everywhere. 

Sometimes though, I feel the pandemic is all a demonic setup to magnify 2 Tim 3:1-5 as having its fulfillment in the world. But, further down in 2 Timothy it states,

"In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived."  

Does the GB know what being persecuted for following Jesus Christ is all about?  Nope, they are insulated by their own doctrine.  They are "lovers of themselves".  Imposters use deception to put on the air of "godliness".   2 Tim 3:1-5 describes the environment in the organization.


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On 12/29/2020 at 6:42 AM, 4Jah2me said:

Out walking today I noticed how people are avoiding each other more then ever.  They look at each other as if they do not trust each other.  Of course the 'virus' may be the main problem but is it the only problem.  Naming it 'social distancing' did no help, but was that done deliberately.  It brought to mind the words from the scriptures 'like sheep without a shepherd'.  I often think it is my 'old age' that puts fear into me. When I was young I longed for 'excitement' but now I just want 'peace and security'.  It is impossible to separate happenings in this world from God's word..... 2021, a 'new year' but it will of course bring with it new problems.  I am in England but I care not about Brexit or politics, I care about people. Are any of you, in any country, noticing that neighbours are distancing more or becoming more suspicious of each other ?  Or is it just my frame of mind ? 


Because you do not see it, of what me and Kosenen has been talking about. The United Kingdom is about to get into a situation that will be very troublesome and grave, outside of the pandemic, think of it as this, a small animal trying to outright a big vicious predator; cannot escape, but only closing in on to the inevitable.

Your Establishment, as is done elsewhere, are using the pandemic, soon to be endemic, to control the people, as is with control, thus you can easily become a sheep to these people, to give up everything and want to hold their hand.

What damaged your country is the fact they executed the Lockdowns, which caused more harm than good, far worse than other methods they are trying to use.

You do not have to care about politics or the Brexit, all they need to do is sow in influence, thus control and fear takes place and you wanting their help. Their actions can effect ANYONE who is not aware, as me and Kosenen made clear in the past regarding world powers and the incoming of the Mark of the Beast.

To add more fuel to the fire, they are now pressuring people for a vaccination, NOT TELLING YOU, some problems people were having. When the big problems coming in, you will really see who is truly a friend and who is truly a foe, regardless of sex, religion, background, for once a system breaks you in some way shape or form, it can easily influence you once you are fed fear.

That being said, the UK government did something recently that will hurt you even more, indirectly even. If you do not give in to fear and influence of the government, you have a chance, even when you are in a big struggle.

Keep an eye on the real enemy, as I told you before the branches of Babylon and the Wild Beast are moving wildly prior to and during the pandemic, even the United Nations, this is why in the past I told you to focus, but seeing how things are now, it is up to you to apply that counsel. When I say this, it may be a lot, but it is for a good reason outside of facts and evidence.

Always let this sink in:

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. "

The pandemic has no effect on me let alone the influence of high powers, the perks and benefits of my culture I would say, as is my faith and know who is the real threat.

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@Space Merchant   I do not trouble myself with trying to know what the governemt is doing.  Neither do I trouble myself with what the UN is doing.  We know that the whole world is in the power of the devil, and we know that the Judgement must come. We also know that things will get much worse around the earth because the devil know he has only a short time left. Do you want me to live in fear ?  

The Virus and the Vaccine.  Here there might be a problem.  The scriptures say we should obey the superior authorities unless they contradict God's laws. UK law says Lockdown, so we lockdown.  Now if the vaccine is made law then it would seem we should obey that law.  What is your oppinion on this ?   Do you disobey your superior authorities ? 

I have suggested to my wife that the UK governemt may, in the future, 'run out of money'.  We receive pension payments, which could stop.  I have also thought that luxuries will lose their value so I'm looking at reducing my quantity of materal possesions.  BUT, then real 'cash' may soon be removed, everything may be by electronic payment, so we could loose control of our bank accounts ?????   Am i expected to live in fear ??? 

My only hope is that God, through Jesus Christ, will provide a True Annointed remnant to give honest hearted ones guidance in how to stay true to God.  Then whatever the devil may bring against God's people, it will not prevail. 

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On 1/1/2021 at 7:14 AM, 4Jah2me said:

@Space Merchant   I do not trouble myself with trying to know what the governemt is doing.  Neither do I trouble myself with what the UN is doing.  We know that the whole world is in the power of the devil, and we know that the Judgement must come. We also know that things will get much worse around the earth because the devil know he has only a short time left. Do you want me to live in fear ?  

The Virus and the Vaccine.  Here there might be a problem.  The scriptures say we should obey the superior authorities unless they contradict God's laws. UK law says Lockdown, so we lockdown.  Now if the vaccine is made law then it would seem we should obey that law.  What is your oppinion on this ?   Do you disobey your superior authorities ? 

I have suggested to my wife that the UK governemt may, in the future, 'run out of money'.  We receive pension payments, which could stop.  I have also thought that luxuries will lose their value so I'm looking at reducing my quantity of materal possesions.  BUT, then real 'cash' may soon be removed, everything may be by electronic payment, so we could loose control of our bank accounts ?????   Am i expected to live in fear ??? 

My only hope is that God, through Jesus Christ, will provide a True Annointed remnant to give honest hearted ones guidance in how to stay true to God.  Then whatever the devil may bring against God's people, it will not prevail. 

You don't have to, you can unknowingly reside with them verily easily, as many, many have. As said, they can get you indirectly. You have to be concern with the real enemy, likewise, of what God's people have been doing since Bible times, did you forget the verses concerning such? It isn't about living in fear, it is about being vigilant, however your past remarks comes to question.

The Scriptures also gives incite to taking precaution, for what you don't learn from MSM that the vaccine can pose a threat to those with underlying issues, there ahs been deaths even and complications of which the creators of the vaccine are not taking acknowledging. Moreover, there are those inflicted with scars due to the vaccine; even the powerful fake their shots and some would simply stated "they don't want to cut the line" hence why many, even the JWs, stated it is your choice to take it. There is no law to force someone to take a vaccine, however, authoritarian measures can and will, as stated before, hit you indirectly. The tragic thing is that in your case, this is coming faster in the EU whereas the US and the Islands do not have that issue, should things go Authoritarian, we have options and alternatives to counter, you however, do not. That being said, it should not be the government you go to regarding the vaccine, it should be your doctor.

Currency is going in that direction, some of the chosen ones like Solider of God, even Kosnnen here mentioned what I have been talking about for years. The US will get hit big due to the printing of money which will increase the value of, let's say, a gallon of milk. The rich are being Bitcoin because they know where the economy is going, likewise to those in the UK.

Again, you have to be AWARE. Just because you have money in a bank, does not mean it is yours... Do you never stop to think how they are able to quickly process currency and the like? Then again the unaware tend to be the victims in all this, as did many, be it of a faith or not, we already seen in happened in Washington several years ago and in the UK.

You say this, however, you cannot tell who is fighting the same fight with you. As with many, they become victim, which is no doubt a reality for some on this forum.

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On 12/30/2020 at 3:23 AM, Witness said:

2 Tim 3:1-5 describes the environment in the organization.


JW's makes every effort to separate themselves from "world". As product of that work they formed "Spiritual Paradise" and inner spiritual connections. In such atmosphere and condition today, and as in the past, Bible verses in 2 Tim have nothing with "worldly people", because even Paul addressed his Letter to Brothers and Sisters, Congregation/s as warning and advice how to maintain in faith.

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8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:


JW's makes every effort to separate themselves from "world". As product of that work they formed "Spiritual Paradise" and inner spiritual connections. In such atmosphere and condition today, and as in the past, Bible verses in 2 Tim have nothing with "worldly people", because even Paul addressed his Letter to Brothers and Sisters, Congregation/s as warning and advice how to maintain in faith.

Interesting.  They have created a condition where they believe the "world" of 2 Tim 3:1-5  includes everyone else on the outside.  The disciples of Christ left the "world" of their own people to follow him.  It seems clear that these scriptures were being applied to those they had left behind.  Sounds familiar, doesn't it.  

Just today, I was comparing the GB and their living conditions and status, to what Paul wrote in 1 Cor.  4:9-13:

"For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like those condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to human beings. 10 We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ!  We are weak, but you are strong! You are honored, we are dishonored! 11 To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. 12 We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; 13 when we are slandered, we answer kindly. We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage of the world—right up to this moment."

The governing leaders are so far from following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, or in the footsteps of the apostles whom they love to compare themselves with.  

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