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Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood


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I'm making a catch-all place for the discussions on these topics that were currently under different topics/subjects. As I move old posts into this new topic, the oldest ones will appear to identify t

On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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49 minutes ago, Arauna said:
On 12/28/2020 at 5:15 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

, I got it that we are out of sync with the majority scholastic view on this matter. So? We are out of sync with the majority scientific view on the origin of humankind, too.

Bravo! true! and be proud of it!

Kind of ???? reasoning.  WTJWorg somehow holds on position how life on Earth begun before 6 Creative Days and that one (JW members) should not really believe that fossils (plant and animal) are millions of years old. 

The word “day” as used in Genesis can refer to long periods of time. In fact, at Genesis 2:4, the word “day” is used to describe all six days of creation.

The Bible’s narrative allows for the possibility that some major events during each day, or creative period, occurred gradually rather than instantly, perhaps some of them even lasting into the following creative days.*** .... How long, then, were the creative days? The Bible does not say; however, the wording of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 indicates that considerable lengths of time were involved. -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102010234

But, at the same time WTJWorg scholars speaking how God's (Jesus') Kingdom is literally 1000 years long and as such is last part of 6th Creative day, which 6000  years ended in 1975 CE. By that they came to general conclusion how each Creative day last 7000 years. Or, if not every single day, but this final 6th Day have to be 7000 years long. :))) This is WTJWorg Chronology too!  

*** another example of "overlapping" :)))

Insight into/about WTJWorg doctrines leads us to conclusion how, TIMELINE or WTJWorg CHRONOLOGY about 1000 year Kingdom and about Creation Day are not synchronized. 

And as i see, TTH and Arauna don't care nothing about that, but are very proud how their Organization standing in such impossible position.

You making problem about 70 years, but have no problem about thousands or millions of years !!?? Dogmas and chronology about 607 BCE to 1914 CE and 1975 CE, as one part, in connection/relation to 1000 years of (future) Kingdom and Length of Creative Days, as second part, destroys your hopes and theology every single day, and you are not aware of that.

You can't have both. Awake!

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Arauna said:



On 12/28/2020 at 9:15 AM, TrueTomHarley said:
I got it that we are out of sync with the majority scholastic view on this matter. So? We are out of sync with the majority scientific view on the origin of humankind, too.

Bravo! true! and be proud of it!


Rather, be ashamed of it.

Recognizable humans have existed as such for more than 2 million years. Their ancestors have existed for about three times that. A great deal of evidence indicates that a variety of human species have existed just in Europe and Asia during the last 60 thousand years and more -- Neanderthals, Denisovans, probably one other similar to them, and others more distantly related like Homo floriensis and perhaps even Homo erectus. The DNA of the first three is found in all non-Africans today, in percentages ranging from 1% to 5%. All of this is impossible within the Watchtower's 6,000 year timeframe for humanity.

Archaeological remains abound. Gobekli Tepi in Turkey is something like 12,000 years old and is obviously far older than 6,000 years, even to non-archaeologists. Some 74,000 years ago the giant volcano Toba in Sumatra erupted and killed perhaps all but a few thousand humans on earth due to drastic cooling of climate. Above the ash layers in India have been found human artifacts that indicate that another wave of migration out of Africa occurred within some 15,000 years of the eruption. On and on goes the evidence of humans living in Africa, Europe and Asia for tens of thousands of years, and in the Americas for at least 15,000 years.

The Bible and the Watchtower Society are out of sync with reality.

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1 hour ago, AlanF said:

The DNA of the first three is found in all non-Africans today,

LOL - one can now determine the number of generations from the DNA......   and it does not go  far back.

1 hour ago, AlanF said:

Gobekli Tepi in Turkey is something like 12,000 years old

LOL Turkish propaganda.  The "handbag" is similar to the symbolism in ancient Assyrian depictions.  We all know that the dating of artifacts is a BIG scam.  One has to give the layer of the earth it was lifted from and then a mathematical formula is aplied to determine age.  If one does not give the layer of the earth it came from - different labs give totally different dating results for pieces of the same artifacts.

The universe cannot come from nothing. Energy had to come from somewhere.


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1 hour ago, AlanF said:

layers in India

Why do you not rather talk about the highest mountains in the world which all have  fossils from the sea in its layers.  and the Cambrian explosion which brought forth in ONE layer all the different fossils and all are fully developed!

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12 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Why do you not rather talk about the highest mountains in the world which all have  fossils from the sea in its layers.  and the Cambrian explosion which brought forth in ONE layer all the different fossils and all are fully developed!

1. It's off topic,

2. Do some reading on Earth history, plate tectonics, and geological time. 🙄

@AlanF, may I suggest that, rather than have Anna's thread go off track, a new one might be started on human existence/development, etc.?

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Arauna said:


1 hour ago, AlanF said:
The DNA of the first three is found in all non-Africans today,


LOL - one can now determine the number of generations from the DNA......   and it does not go  far back.

How many generations? What evidence do you have for your answer?

Of course, you'll never answer, because you, as usual, are just pulling crap out of your ass.


  1 hour ago, AlanF said:
Gobekli Tepi in Turkey is something like 12,000 years old


LOL Turkish propaganda.

Nonsense. International teams of archaeologists have studied the site.

More crap out of your ass.


The "handbag" is similar to the symbolism in ancient Assyrian depictions.  We all know that the dating of artifacts is a BIG scam.

We do, eh? Again -- evidence.


One has to give the layer of the earth it was lifted from and then a mathematical formula is aplied to determine age.  If one does not give the layer of the earth it came from - different labs give totally different dating results for pieces of the same artifacts.



The universe cannot come from nothing. Energy had to come from somewhere.

Where did God come from? How about his "dynamic energy"?

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Arauna said:


 1 hour ago, AlanF said:
The Bible and the Watchtower Society are out of sync with reality.


The religion of evolution (which poses as a science) is out of whack with reality.

Ah yes. The 'reality' that says that life on earth is only 27,000 years old. The 'reality' that says all birds came before any land animals.

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Arauna said:


 1 hour ago, AlanF said:
layers in India


Why do you not rather talk about the highest mountains in the world

They're not relevant to the Toba eruption of 74,000 years ago.


which all have  fossils from the sea in its layers.

I already explained this to you. Is your ancient wizened memory that bad? Look up "plate tectonics" and how the tectonic collision of India with Asia over the last 50 million years raised the Himalayas and uplifted the marine floor.


and the Cambrian explosion which brought forth in ONE layer all the different fossils and all are fully developed!

I already debunked that nonsense. There is no ONE Cambrian layer -- there are many. Do a little research on the Grand Canyon and you'll see.

But as I've said many times, Arauna: you're "research" consists solely of reading Young-Earth Creationist propaganda, supplemented from time to time with Watchtower propaganda. And you don't understand enough to realize that even the ignorant Watchtower writers know enough to reject Young-Earth Creationism.

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Just now, Ann O'Maly said:

Do some reading on Earth history, plate tectonics, and geological time

I have,  and I have come to the conclusion that the earth-wide flood is responsible for the layers we see on earth today.... and the movement of Pangea as it is today.  There is a model which explains much of it.  The flood was a destructive event with tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanos erupting and major movement of Teutonic plates  There are many geologists who say that there are too many unexplained phenomena when one holds onto the theory of evolution. 

 According to you - that which immediately puts and end to your endless speculation about evolution is of-topic - lol.

If you had an answer it would not be off topic

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8 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

1. It's off topic,

2. Do some reading on Earth history, plate tectonics, and geological time. 🙄

@AlanF, may I suggest that, rather than have Anna's thread go off track, a new one might be started on human existence/development, etc.?

You're right. From here on I won't respond to Arauna's ignorant off-topic rants.

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