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9 hours ago, AlanF said:

You're just too dumb to understand.

You shouldn’t just dissolve into a mass of hurling insults, Alan. I actually take pleasure when you do that. It means I’ve “won” and like Cool Hand Luke you keep coming when you have nothing.

It’s like watching those old Donald Duck cartoons when a thoroughly frustrated Donald goes ballistic. I love that part.

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On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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58 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Explaining a metaphor to Ann that any child would instantly understand,

th study 8 Illustrations That Teach p. 11


Make sure that the features of your illustration really apply to the lesson you are teaching so that your listeners are not distracted by mismatched elements.


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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You shouldn’t just dissolve into a mass of hurling insults, Alan. I actually take pleasure when you do that. It means I’ve “won” and like Cool Hand Luke you keep coming when you have nothing.

LOL! Trying to reason with you is like trying to pick up mercury with your fingers. So I don't try anymore.

3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It’s like watching those old Donald Duck cartoons when a thoroughly frustrated Donald goes ballistic. I love that part.

Not hardly. Did you watch the Dunning-Kruger cartoon I linked to? Probably not -- it's too complicated for you.

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2 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

th study 8 Illustrations That Teach p. 11


Make sure that the features of your illustration really apply to the lesson you are teaching so that your listeners are not distracted by mismatched elements.


TTH hasn't the mental horsepower to do that.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You know, it started as a joke. Explaining a metaphor to Ann that any child would instantly understand, it reached the point of my posting a tree fallen across the road with the comment that it was blocking “Evolution Row.”

Of course, that was a reference to Desolation Row, and I afterwards posted the lines with that phrase.

Sometimes something gets in your head and you knock it around a bit and come up with something more. “Evolution” Row is actually not a bad interpretation of the song. Take this portion:

At midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew
Come out and round up everyone that knows more than they do
Then they bring them to the factory where the heart-attack machine
Is strapped across their shoulders and then the kerosene
Is brought down from the castles by insurance men who go
Check to see that nobody is escaping to Desolation Row.

Anyone familiar with the Bible (as Dylan is—he did a stint as a born-again Christian. Listen to Slow Train Coming, for example, and you’ll see he is thoroughly familiar with scripture) will know who is “all the agents and the superhuman crew.”

At the darkest time, they round up everyone “who knows more than they do.” Well, nobody knows more than does the “superhuman crew,” so it must be a reference to those who think that they they know more than others, who think that are very smart indeed and that take great pleasure in parading their knowledge before everyone else, quick to disparage anyone in their path, ones who don’t suffer fools gladly—and a fool is anyone who disagrees with them.

Despite their self-heralded knowledge, they are “rounded up” and processed, as though in a “factory.” The knowledge that they take such pride in is nevertheless death-dealing, like a “heart attack machine strapped across their shoulders,” with “kerosene” thrown in for good measure. 

Despite their knowledge being death-dealing—settling for a few dozen years lifespan at best and then eternal blackness—nobody must escape this tripe. “Insurance men” see to it. Nobody will escape from Evolution Row. (Of course, Dylan actually wrote “to Desolation Row,” not “from,” but it was probably a typo.) Let us not forget that the evolution teaching (in its full measure— not counting the intelligent design variety) is desolation to the Bible based hope of living forever on a paradise earth.

Naw, I don’t really think Dylan had that in mind. Other stanzas don’t so readily lend themselves to that interpretation. But it’s not a bad interpretation all the same. Dylan often writes in a stream of consciousness and doesn’t necessarily have any underlying message. It’s like decrypting Kafka. The tone is distinct, but the underlying words can be taken any number of ways.

You continue proving my point: you have a 1 horsepower brain in a 1000 horsepower world.

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14 hours ago, AlanF said:

Here's a good video for you. It's animated, so you should be able to understand it:

“Hi! Here’s a video that insults you! Please watch it. It only takes 10 minutes”

For crying out loud, Alan. If you don’t have a life, why should you assume that is true of everyone else?

Please contact your ally @Ann O'Maly, who counsels from the school guidebook. See if you can work on the point ‘Introduction that motivates.’ See if you can imitate her manner, while you’re at it. She makes points every bit as substantial as you without being personally nasty at every step.

Had you presented it in an adult way I might actually have taken a look at it.

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36 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

“Hi! Here’s a video that insults you! Please watch it. It only takes 10 minutes”

For crying out loud, Alan. If you don’t have a life, why should you assume that is true of everyone else?

Please contact your ally @Ann O'Maly, who counsels from the school guidebook. See if you can work on the point ‘Introduction that motivates.’ See if you can imitate her manner, while you’re at it. She makes points every bit as substantial as you without being personally nasty at every step.

Had you presented it in an adult way I might actually have taken a look at it.

Naaaah. You already know you'd have a lot of trouble with such rocket-science.

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On 1/2/2021 at 2:20 PM, AlanF said:

Naaaah. You already know you'd have a lot of trouble with such rocket-science.

Okay—I did watch it.

Sigh....it is the Child’s game of King of the Mountain played on an intellectual plane by Adult Children—to the same self-aggrandizing end and with the same pushing and shoving techniques.

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16 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Okay—I did watch it.

Sigh....it is the Child’s game of King of the Mountain played on an intellectual plane by Adult Children—to the same self-aggrandizing end and with the same pushing and shoving techniques.


You still haven't enough mental horsepower to understand how well it applies to YOU.

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20 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Nor have you mustered up the effort to explain why you think it does.

I've done so many times. Again you show you haven't the mental wherewithal to understand -- which is why you so well fit descriptions of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

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