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Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood


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I'm making a catch-all place for the discussions on these topics that were currently under different topics/subjects. As I move old posts into this new topic, the oldest ones will appear to identify t

On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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14 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

In other words, they are whatever you want them to be. Your video says just the opposite. 

I think that most people can figure out who has the syndrome. It ain't rocket science -- except to its sufferers.

Just like most people can see who is really dumb in the old Jay Leno videos, where he interviews people so dumb they can't locate U.S. on a world map. Or who can't figure out the answer to "who's buried in Grant's tomb?"

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13 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

What do you mean “waste of time?” Short of being crucified, there is no better way to test ability to keep oneself “restrained under evil.”

It's mightily entertaining watching two dummies high-fiving each other. Although you're probably an order of magnitude brighter than Arauna.

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On 1/6/2021 at 8:47 AM, Arauna said:

Peer reviews  are also not acceptable because it just means that scientists stand together to protect their turf

They tend to. It is like what Max Planck wrote: “

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”

Michael Shermer, the well-known skeptic, quotes Max on this—he is aware of it, and he seems to think it a mere tendency that can be averted by simply taking in more knowledge. (just like the crafter of Alan’s DK video thinks that taking in more knowledge is the cure to Dunning Kruger effect, rather than the far more effective ‘taking in more humility.’) It is all intellectual with these characters. They so easily blind themselves to the corrosive effect of ego and money. 

Though to be fair, one can also read too much into the “all things written beforehand were for our instruction” that we may never do as they did. When the errors of Peter or Moses are illustrated with the notion that ‘now that we have reviewed their mistakes, we will not make the same,’ I say, “What—are you kidding me? We’re going to outshine Moses or Peter? Of course we’ll make the same.”

On 1/6/2021 at 8:47 AM, Arauna said:

it just means that scientists stand together to protect their turf and do not have any respect for the truth.

I don’t think this latter part is fair, that they “do not have any respect for the truth.” What I think happens is that they have constructed a system in which new truths are nearly impossible to reach them unless they build upon old truths, after which they may tweak them a little bit. Despite comparisons to how scientists threw over the earth-centered view of the solar system for the sun-centered, revisions of that magnitude simply cannot happen today.

Shermer’s quite proud of this, how science is structured so as to not be easily overturned by upstart ideas—it keeps out the “pseudoscience,” he maintains. That it does, but it also keeps out genuine challenges to “real” science. When push comes to shove, science is no more immune than anyone else to a horror of thinking that maybe certain foundational stones of what it is built might be off. They circle the wagons when ideas are substantially challenged no less than anyone else. They are as prone to resist new thinking as is anyone else. They are too proud of the structure they have built, and have built it too rigid to consider fundamentally challenging ideas.

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9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

They circle the wagons when ideas are substantially challenged no less than anyone else. They are as prone to resist new thinking as is anyone else. They are too proud of the structure they have built, and have built it too rigid to consider fundamentally challenging ideas.

I presume you are talking about your GB and Watchtower / JW Org here. 

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

do not have any respect for the truth.

Today in science if you go against the main thought - you will be ousted.  Just think of transgender issue,  or the Covid 19 issue.  If you go against the organizations in control ( the money behind it)  you lose your voice - forever. 

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Are koalas clean or unclean animals?

But more important questions are:

How did seven pairs of koalas (or two pairs) travel from Mount Ararat to Australia? And what did they eat along the way? It is very picky in food and eats only the leaves of certain species of eucalyptus. For Koala this is actually the only food and survives, as well as two species of opossum , exclusively feeding on this plant.  Koalas consume up to 400 grams (14 oz) of leaves a day.

"Polar bear", who was not polar bear in pre-Flood time ..., Why and how did the "polar" bear leave Ararat to live at the North Pole, when they had never seen snow and ice? When did he change the color of his fur?

Did fecal gases harm human and animal health in period of 1 year captivity of Ark? Where did Noah throw the animal and human feces in that 1 year period?

..... and so on and so on?


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26 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Are koalas clean or unclean animals?

But more important questions are:

How did seven pairs of koalas (or two pairs) travel from Mount Ararat to Australia? And what did they eat along the way? It is very picky in food and eats only the leaves of certain species of eucalyptus. For Koala this is actually the only food and survives, as well as two species of opossum , exclusively feeding on this plant.  Koalas consume up to 400 grams (14 oz) of leaves a day.

"Polar bear", who was not polar bear in pre-Flood time ..., Why and how did the "polar" bear leave Ararat to live at the North Pole, when they had never seen snow and ice? When did he change the color of his fur?

Did fecal gases harm human and animal health in period of 1 year captivity of Ark? Where did Noah throw the animal and human feces in that 1 year period?

..... and so on and so on?


Don't expect rational responses from these dodos.

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4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Are koalas clean or unclean animals?

But more important questions are:

How did seven pairs of koalas (or two pairs) travel from Mount Ararat to Australia? And what did they eat along the way? It is very picky in food and eats only the leaves of certain species of eucalyptus. For Koala this is actually the only food and survives, as well as two species of opossum , exclusively feeding on this plant.  Koalas consume up to 400 grams (14 oz) of leaves a day.

"Polar bear", who was not polar bear in pre-Flood time ..., Why and how did the "polar" bear leave Ararat to live at the North Pole, when they had never seen snow and ice? When did he change the color of his fur?

Did fecal gases harm human and animal health in period of 1 year captivity of Ark? Where did Noah throw the animal and human feces in that 1 year period?

..... and so on and so on?


The only way anything to do with the flood and the aftermath is possible, is that supernatural powers had to be involved. When all those animals came out of the ark I doubt there was any food for them after the earth had been under water for nearly a year. I don't think this reasoning (supernatural power) is far fetched if you believe that supernatural powers were used to gather all the animals into the ark, and preserve them and the people in the ark for nearly a year in the first place....without all dying of malnutrition and suffocation. If we believe God created everything, how hard could it be for him to shuffle all those creatures around the globe and keep those cute koalas fed on eucalyptus at the same time? As for the polar bear, what does evolution say about how it got its white coat? The gene was there somewhere in the post flood brown bear couple. Just miraculously speed up "evolution", and logistics, and voila, you've got a white bear family living in the north pole 😁

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4 hours ago, Anna said:

The only way anything to do with the flood and the aftermath is possible, is that supernatural powers had to be involved.

The only way is ... faith. If you have faith than all sorts of explanations that WTJWorg thinks they have to put in print or on JWTV it all becomes unnecessary. Saving money and energy invested in all such material things (Gilead schools, congresses, seminars, etc.) would be significant. Because why waste time proving something for which “faith” is quite enough. :))

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