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Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood


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18 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

so says our own resident Proud Boy

Mr Harley has a habit of bringing politics into a discussion.   But lets be honest here the biggest Proud Boys are the Governing Body of the Watchtower / JW org.  Those Proud boys on the streets are fighting the US governemnt, BUT, the GB proud boys  are fighting against God and Christ. 

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I'm making a catch-all place for the discussions on these topics that were currently under different topics/subjects. As I move old posts into this new topic, the oldest ones will appear to identify t

On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

so says our own resident Proud Boy

A better example of projection could hardly be found, from a pro-Trump moron.

You yourself have accused me of being a Leftist. You're so stupid you can't even get your insults straight.

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12 hours ago, Anna said:

The only way anything to do with the flood and the aftermath is possible, is that supernatural powers had to be involved.

That's right. ALL of the rationalizations for the reality of a global Flood 4,400 years ago evaporate in the face of physical facts.

But think about the implications of the use of supernatural powers. The world of mankind was so wicked that God decided to destroy it, along with nearly all animal life. That's using a hydrogen bomb to swat a fly. After all, didn't just one angel kill 185,000 Assyrians in one night? Why wipe out everything?

This doesn't even touch the fact that there is no physical evidence whatsoever for a recent global Flood. What kind of physical evidence should be present globally? Do a little research on the "MIssoula floods" that occurred some 12,000 to 18,000 years ago in the U.S. in Washington, Idaho and Oregon. The devastation from even those huge floods is small compared to what a global flood would have produced worldwide.

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16 minutes ago, AlanF said:

You're so stupid you can't even get your insults straight.

It is impossible that a master taunter as yourself would not understand, knowing your political views, why I would refer to you as a “Proud Boy.” 

I want to see another Donald Duck explosion. Don’t let me down on this. You never have. Don’t start now.

I even entertain the theory that @JW Insiderkisses up to you (not to say that he does agree with your core chronology) more than he would otherwise simply because if he does not you will launch into such a tantrum of insults that you will screw up his thread that he has worked so hard to keep exclusively devoted to his topic of interest. I’m not completely sold on my theory, in fact I don’t know that I believe it at all, but it is still worth making the point to underscore how impossible it is to deal with someone of higher than average IQ coupled with the EQ of an infant.

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5 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Mr Harley has a habit of bringing politics into a discussion.   But lets be honest here the biggest Proud Boys are the Governing Body of the Watchtower / JW org.  Those Proud boys on the streets are fighting the US governemnt, BUT, the GB proud boys  are fighting against God and Christ. 

The comparison between the Proud Boys and anyone else, as several posters have done here, is completely stupid. Those idiots are extreme right-wing types politically, largely racists and white-nationalists. Fundamentally they're Fascists.

On the other hand, the GB is mostly politically neutral -- but they're certainly Fascists in their worldview.

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2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is impossible that a master taunter as yourself would not understand, knowing your political views, why I would refer to you as a “Proud Boy.” 

I understand perfectly. That's precisely why I've said you're completely stupid -- your comparison is inept and inapt.

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5 minutes ago, AlanF said:

I understand perfectly

Of course! This will be on your grave marker.

It is like the cute story of when my 5-year-old walked away from the door and said, “Why did that lady say there is too much of me?” What she had actually said was, “You’re too much!”

But in your case, the 5-year-old’s reasoning is spot-on, proving that wisdom comes from the mouths of babes: There is too much of you.

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22 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Of course! This will be on your grave marker.

It is like the cute story of when my 5-year-old walked away from the door and said, “Why did that lady say there is too much of me?” What she had actually said was, “You’re too much!”

But in your case, the 5-year-old’s reasoning is spot-on, proving that wisdom comes from the mouths of babes: There is too much of you.

Continuing with the inept and inapt, cute little stories and metaphors.

I've sometimes wondered at the desolate mindscapes of people like you. Life is simple -- as if they're barely above chimps.

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2 hours ago, AlanF said:

After all, didn't just one angel kill 185,000 Assyrians in one night? Why wipe out everything?

If humans are incorrigible, what do animals have to do with it? The destruction of "evil animals" that were herbivores ... and some of them became carnivores after they came out of the Ark? :))

I am of opinion how that was local flood that affected all people and animals of that particular earth where Noah lived. 

... earth was corrupt in God’s sight - Gen 6. Here we see expression tat is not literal. Earth can not be corrupt but people are what God have in mind. In Joseph's days and famine Bible text say: .

Moreover, people of all the earth came to Egypt to buy from Joseph, because the famine had a strong grip on all the earth- Gen 41

Do you really think how people from China, India, North America, Africa, Australia etc. came to Egypt to buy grain?


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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If humans are incorrigible, what do animals have to do with it? The destruction of "evil animals" that were herbivores ... and some of them became carnivores after they came out of the Ark? :))

I am of opinion how that was local flood that affected all people and animals of that particular earth where Noah lived. 

... earth was corrupt in God’s sight - Gen 6. Here we see expression tat is not literal. Earth can not be corrupt but people are what God have in mind. In Joseph's days and famine Bible text say: .

Moreover, people of all the earth came to Egypt to buy from Joseph, because the famine had a strong grip on all the earth- Gen 41

Do you really think how people from China, India, North America, Africa, Australia etc. came to Egypt to buy grain?

One or more local floods most likely contributed to the Flood legend over a long period of time. As the story was retold, as happens with all legends, it got bigger and badder. It was a cool story to tell over the campfire, and as travelers went their way they told the story to those they met. Thus the story was propagated around the world.

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The Apostle Paul wrote letters to Timothy.   Below is a scripture from one of those letters.

Berean Literal Bible     2 Timothy 3 : 16
"Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness," 

In place of the words God-breathed  the GB / Watchtower use the word inspired.

However, the only scriptures available at that time were the Hebrew writings, because the Greek writing would not all have been written or gathered together.  So it would seem that Paul is referring to the Hebrew scriptures. 

1. So it would seem that some people here do not believe that the Hebrew scriptures are 'God-breathed'. 

2. It strengthens my faith and belief that the Scriptures are only meant for the True Anointed ones. 

3. It shows the lack of faith in others.

Some people try so hard to give reasons / excuses for their lack of faith.  Those same people and others try to put physical meaning and explanation into spiritual things.  Why do they bother ?  Why do they waste their own time ?  You either have faith and believe God's word, or you don't.  If you don't then why not just go off and enjoy the life you have.  Reading God's word purely for the purpose of saying that you don't believe it, that just shows you lack faith, it does not pove God wrong. 

Maybe think on this. If you do not believe that God could flood the whole Earth, then you may not believe that God will Cleanse the whole Earth.  Ye of little faith. 

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