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Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood


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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

There is more than enough geological evidence.  The flood was a very violent event as I said before.  Everything on earth was destroyed.  Most of the dinosaurs were deposited in graveyards hundred of miles long which were  gullies.  The water pushed the dinosaurs into gullies. .... and it was adults which were buried.  Most adult animals had lost their babies along the way of running to higher ground as the water moved in.

All over the world the deposits of dinosaurs are found in long gullies - china, USA etc. Most of these animals are also in positions which show that they were dumped there in violence on top of one another. Their bodies often in twisted shapes.

There is much more evidence but if one only reads literature that proves the opposite - that is what you will believe. 

The catastrophic destruction of men and animals by an overwhelming flood in the days of Noah, 2370 B.C.E. -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200001150

 According to WTJWorg and your explanation, Noah and his family and many other people of his time lived together with dinosaurs, tyrannosaurus and many other prehistorical animals?? 

That would mean how God decide to destroy some sort of  animals and to save other species. But how that is in harmony that all animals God created was good? So, dinosaurs didn't make God fell happy anymore, but he stayed good with crocodiles? :))

Fossils and deposits of dead animals speaks about past time, but dinosaurs and similar species are much much older then 4390 years. 

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This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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15 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Fossils and deposits of dead animals speaks about past time, but dinosaurs and similar species are much much older then 4390 years. 

Yes, about 13,000 years old or less, according to Watchtower tradition. But birds and such are as much as 20,000 years old.

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On 1/6/2021 at 8:47 AM, Arauna said:

Apart from this - the math does not add up and I will not even go into the protein and nano-technology aspects which prove evolution a myth or a religion

When I mentioned to Alan that various mathematicians had ruled anything other than micro evolution undoable based on probability alone, he responded: “LOL! Those mathematicians are almost ALL creationists...”

Of course! The masters of that joined-at-the-hip branch of science, mathematicians, calculate all that is involved and declare the odds against it happening greater than all the atoms in the universe! Freed from this inconvenient truth, the evolution proponent continue merrily to build their castles in the sky.

You would think that if you demonstrate one position is impossible, that would mean that the competing position must be true. If your car keys are not in your purse, after you have turned it inside out and searched every square millimeter of it, they just might be in your ignition. This obvious logic doesn’t wash with evolutionists. This is due to the ballyhooed “fallacy of negation,” which uncovers for them that if you discredit one position, the observer is not forced to accept the other. 

The “fallacy of negation” is not rejected when it is in the evolutionist’s interests to embrace it, however. For example, on the other thread, notice how Alan maintains that not even finding the  “poop” of the wandering Israelites means that they were not there and did not wander. 

The rules of science that Shermer outlines have a number of “heads I win, tails you lose” aspects to them. He doesn’t put it that way of course, but he does concede that “science is not equipped to evaluate supernatural explanations of observations. Without passing judgement on the truth or falsity of supernatural explanations, science leaves their consideration to the domain of religious faith.” (quoted from the amicus brief to the 1987 Supreme Court) He does not go on to say (as Alan would) that because their consideration is left to “the domain of religious faith,” that means they are BS. Possibly he does not even think that, since he points out that many scientists believe in God, and he does not say (as Alan would) that they are deluded fools.

One of the “heads I win, tails you lose” components of science, with regard to the above mentioned “fallacy of negation” that can be suspended when it is in their interests to do so, is the stipulation that “a new theory needs evidence in favor of it, not just against the opposition.” Coupled with the above statement that science is not equipped to examine supernatural explanations, it means advocates of creation will never catch a break in their court.

Shermer appears modest enough (unlike Alan) to recognize this, as he reiterates that the inability of science to evaluate spirituality means no opinion is rendered as to the “truth of falsity” of spiritual [supernatural] matters.  It is a drawback of his system, and he seems to know it. He doesn’t condemn what he can’t measure. 

He is like the mechanic that shows up with a toolbox of wrenches, only to find that a screwdriver is needed, upon which he says “Sorry, I can’t fix the car.” Then his assistant Alan shows up with his toolbox also equipped with only wrenches. Upon learning that a screwdriver is needed, he declares screwdrivers are only the imaginary tools of superstitious morons.


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12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

LOL! Those mathematicians are almost ALL creationists...”

That is how these people think - they label someone - and then (in their mind) they have answered and dealt with the matter sufficiently !

They refuse to look into it...... because they are afriad they may have to let go of their 'religion'.

The book I mentioned before is a scholar and mathematician - 

The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions is a 2008 book by David Berlinski. It discusses atheism and religion, defending the religious point of view. He is not religious himself but makes these arguments because he can!  I guess he does not know where to start to be religious.  He is born a Jew and does not know where to search for the biblical truth.... or just not interested....


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On 1/1/2021 at 5:13 PM, AlanF said:

claim no answers were given

I did not claim that - this is a lie.  Yea - I have a life ... I do not spend all my time on here .   I have read some answers on other websites and was not impressed.... that is why I still believe in YEHOVAH.

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On 1/1/2021 at 4:17 PM, Ann O'Maly said:

Influenza A/H1N1 (Spanish 'flu was a strain of this) still exists.

I am Clueless heh? 

I just typed this in and guess what?

It is interesting to note that the H1N1 flu strain that caused the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic was extinct until very recently. This strain has been recently resurrected to allow for its scientific study and is closely guarded in a containment facility in Atlanta, Georgia.Mar 20, 2018

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

That is how these people think - they label someone - and then (in their mind) they have answered and dealt with the matter sufficiently !

After he (Alan) sends the mathematicians out to the pasture, not wishing to deal with their evidence that squelches his theorizing, and (Shermer) lets them remain there, he (Shermer) brings them back when it suits his purpose to do so. 

Regarding SETI (search for extraterrestrial life) he declares that at present  the verdict is “unambiguously ambiguous.” He should say the verdict is that there is no life outside earth, for elsewhere he makes a big show of how science should say, “This is what we know about such-and-such at present.” Well, at present, we “know” that there is no extraterrestrial life. Shermer acknowledges not a trace of it has been found. Yet why does he waffle on the verdict, saying that the evidence is ambiguous? Because of the mathematicians that he previously vanquished! This time their probability comes in handy, and he relies upon “What are the odds, what with all the galaxies, and all the stars, and all the planets, and all the planets at just the right temperature, that life has not evolved there as it does here?”

The mathematicians may inwardly grumble that, “Well, you didn’t listen to us in the first case, why are you listening to us now?” but if so, they don’t say it. They are glad to be readmitted into the heady club. 

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

extraterrestrial life

According to the Bible, extraterrestrial life not only exists but exists in abundance.......

The Bible indicates that it is very unlikely that God at this point has created intelligent physical creatures on any planets other than our own.....


Here we have opinions, .... "guided by spirit" of course. :))


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On 1/1/2021 at 3:17 PM, Ann O'Maly said:
On 1/1/2021 at 2:07 PM, Arauna said:

The biological mathematics are so messed up.  Ie. The rate of mutations ........ one can take the flu of the great war WW1. This virus has already gone extinct. Due to the number of mutations it has not survived. 

Influenza A/H1N1 (Spanish 'flu was a strain of this) still exists. The Spanish 'flu virus just evolved and diversified into other strains of H1N1, most notably that which caused the 'Swine 'Flu' pandemic of 2009. A lot of us are even vaccinated against this 2009 distant descendant of the 1918 strain every year. (Source.)

Arauna's quote:

"It is interesting to note that the H1N1 flu strain that caused the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic was extinct until very recently. This strain has been recently resurrected to allow for its scientific study and is closely guarded in a containment facility in Atlanta, Georgia." (Arauna's source - a review of a book about the Spanish 'flu)

You haven't negated anything I said. Read my source.

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18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

extraterrestrial life not only

I do not believe that other "thinking " creatures equal to humans exist.  The bible tells us about angels and demons and humans who can understand "morality".  

The reason I give is this:  when Adam and eve were disobedient they created a universal issue which had to be resolved. Jehovah allowed humans to rule themselves to prove that all government independent from jehovah would fail....... this would not have been necessary if there was other moral life in the universe which had remained faithful to jehovah .....or even unfaithful.... because the issue would have been resolved there. Instead jesus provided the ransom sacrifice here on earth. So it was here that the issue was first challenged.  

I am aware of more and more programs on internet pushing the existence of extra-terrestrial life.  Soon they will try to give evidence of this to mislead many away from the bible..... in fact the way sumerian history (to prove alliens) has been twisted is shocking.  But the gullible will believe this - because the ransom is tied up with the universal issue. Those who do not understand the ransom fully will fall for this propaganda.

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19 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

(search for extraterrestrial life)

I have seen quite a few old programs where Dawkins (one of the high priests of evolution) says that alliens could have "seeded"  the earth.......he  said this during debate..... This explains where life came from?  Negating the question and answering it with a side-issue.  


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