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44 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

They have developed a network of AI-controlled supercomputers called Skynet and the goal is to replace human civilian and military airplane pilots with machines.

If so, it is because they have rented out Colossus—the Forbin Project from Blockbuster. It is a 1970 movie, dated, in which an experiment parallel to what you describe goes awry.


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On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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11 hours ago, Arauna said:

And the reality is: you  think this is goofy....... but this is what scientists are talking about and doing the research for. What do you think the company " neurolink" is about?  Just about wiring the brain to be able to walk again after an accident or .........some goal which is much more darker than this?  When the WeF talks openly about everlasting life in a machine?  I agree, it sound just as goofy as Dawkins talking about alliens seeding our planet with life.  

But this is the level of science these days..... the good things they discover is being wasted on stupid and unattainable goals because scientists now think they are gods to themselves. 

Pure conspiracy theory claptrap.

And Dawkins never said what you claim. Rather, he was tricked by Ben Stein into speculating. As part of an idiotic Creationist movie, Stein asked him: IF life did not originate on earth, then please speculate where it came from.

Your Young-Earth Creationist sources are showing.

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1 minute ago, TrueTomHarley said:

hehehe :))))))

Such an idiot!

The point is that Dawkins does not believe in any sort of Panspermia. That was Stein's contribution.

Much like my saying: "Hey TTH! If pigs could fly, where might they nest?" And you answered with speculation. And then I said: "See! That idiot TTH thinks pigs can fly!"


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2 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Much like my saying: "Hey TTH! If pigs could fly, where might they nest?" And you answered with speculation. And then I said: "See! That idiot TTH thinks pigs can fly!"

You would not speak so flippantly if you were more knowledgeable about Pig Science, a field in which they know more Pig Latin than you do the real stuff.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

With apologies to Colossus—the Forbin project:

”Alan has released another insult missile, Mr President!”

”Oh my God!”

Continuing to laugh at TTH's lame attempts at being clever.

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5 hours ago, AlanF said:

Dawkins never said what you claim. Rather, 

He said it more than once during debates........ I do not have to lie about this... he was quite a laughing stock.  The does not debate any longer but has llong discussions with other atheists. 

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11 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

saw it on TV. It's like something out of science fiction!

I listened to a talk by klaus Schwab and Elon musk. I also listened to a podcast.  These people believe in scientism - a religion.

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