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Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood


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44 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Your hypocrisy is evident, TTH:

Come now. Since the purpose of impeachment is to remove a sitting president and he is going to be gone in less than a week anyhow, I think there just may be some grandstanding going on.

You may have noticed a Republican member of Congress means to file impeachment proceedings of Biden over Ukrainian matters. From now on nobody will do anything at all in those two Houses except try to impeach the other. Great system of human rulership that you advocate.

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On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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44 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Come now. Since the purpose of impeachment is to remove a sitting president and he is going to be gone in less than a week anyhow, I think there just may be some grandstanding going on.

The point of impeaching this criminal asshole involves more than just getting rid of him. It involves ensuring that a criminal don cannot ever again hold office, and better establishing the principle that criminal presidents will not be allowed to get away with criminal activity -- such as inciting insurrection.

44 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You may have noticed a Republican member of Congress means to file impeachment proceedings of Biden over Ukrainian matters.

So what? It will go nowhere. Also keep in mind that some of these idiots are Qanon members, gross racists and other sorts of criminals and undesirables.

44 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

From now on nobody will do anything at all in those two Houses except try to impeach the other. Great system of human rulership that you advocate.

I don't advocate any kind of rulership. Once again you're jumping to assholian conclusions.

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8 minutes ago, AlanF said:

I don't advocate any kind of rulership

Your hero does.

19 hours ago, AlanF said:

Thanks for the compliment! I have the utmost admiration for Mencken and his writing.

What is democracy, he said, but “the pathetic notion that individual ignorance adds up to collective wisdom?”

He is a good writer. I have adapted his comparisons to other areas. Such as “When searching religion, look for the people who are individually praised but collectively maligned.”

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22 hours ago, AlanF said:

Young-Earth Creationism has one major banner: a universe far younger than science proves.

Young "earth" in your mind means young "universe" .... lol. The person who only reads one language and corrects everyone elses speech does not understand the difference in these two concepts ? - lol- does not understand his own language and very quickly calls other  people "morons and idiots" ........for misspelt words. 

Most young earth scientists do not believe in a young universe....... the earth was formed when the universe began......... but the life on earth came much later......as the bible says..... . In fact, young earth scientists often say there is contamination of much older rock in the fossils which dates them further back..... . 

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22 hours ago, AlanF said:
On 1/14/2021 at 9:18 PM, Arauna said:

I listened to a talk by klaus Schwab and Elon musk. I also listened to a podcast.  These people believe in scientism - a religion.

LOL! Yet more conspiracy theory nonsense.

My, for such a smart man you are uninformed. You never listen to Elon musk? You never go to the world economic forum website? Do you ever watch economic news? 

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30 minutes ago, AlanF said:

The point of impeaching this criminal asshole

Given Biden’s laudable goal of “healing the country,” this may not be exactly the way to do it, given that half the population chose him and that most of them think his contention of election shenanigans quite possible.

2 hours ago, AlanF said:

You obviously support his incitement to insurrection.

In fact, his time appears to have come and gone. The constant contention  between he and his adversaries has tired me out. It has been almost as bad as a discussion with you.

I do take note of Rubio’s words regarding some of his cabinet picks, that they will no doubt be “polite and orderly caretakers of America’s decline.” As you well know, however, JWs do not favor the home team government but look to God’s Kingdom to overrule them all. It is the “polite and orderly” we have not seen for awhile that will be a refreshing change of pace. “Ascending or descending is a political judgment that will not be a Witness’s primary concern.

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23 hours ago, AlanF said:

But of course, you'll never do that.

I think I have watched more Dawkins debates than you ever did! Lol.   It really shocked me when he spoke about alliens seeding earth...... I did not think he would say such a dumb thing..... I thought he was a little more sophisticated than that!  After this I could not respect anything he said ....

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