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Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood


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True Tom Harley said:


47 minutes ago, AlanF said:
I don't advocate any kind of rulership


Your hero does.

I have no heros. You're projecting again.


  20 hours ago, AlanF said:
Thanks for the compliment! I have the utmost admiration for Mencken and his writing.


What is democracy, he said, but “the pathetic notion that individual ignorance adds up to collective wisdom?”

I agree very much with that. Just look at Jay Leno's "man on the street videos".


He is a good writer. I have adapted his comparisons to other areas. Such as “When searching religion, look for the people who are individually praised but collectively maligned.”

That bit of wisdom is only partly applicable. Most religious people I know -- Catholics, Protestants, Muslims -- are individually very fine people. But their organizations are trash. The Catholic Church is a prime example. So is the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.

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On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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35 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Young "earth" in your mind means young "universe" .... lol.

Wrong. The "young-earth" moniker I use is merely shorthand for the entire nonsensical enterprise, which encompasses young-earth/universe, old-earth/young-life and many other bits of garbage.

I you'd actually read posts, you'd already know this.

35 minutes ago, Arauna said:

The person who only reads one language and corrects everyone elses speech does not understand the difference in these two concepts ? - lol- does not understand his own language and very quickly calls other  people "morons and idiots" ........for misspelt words. 

I do that only with arrogant morons like you who are too proud to be corrected.

35 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Most young earth scientists do not believe in a young universe.......

Nonsense. The two biggest YEC organizations do: the Institute for Creation Research and Answers in Genesis.

35 minutes ago, Arauna said:

the earth was formed when the universe began......... but the life on earth came much later......

Yeah: 4.6 billiion versus about 3.6 billion.

Of course, until about 1980 the JWs taught that life began 27,000 years ago. Today most JWs have no idea what they believe.

35 minutes ago, Arauna said:

as the bible says..... .

It says no such thing.

35 minutes ago, Arauna said:

In fact, young earth scientists often say there is contamination of much older rock in the fossils which dates them further back..... . 

Yes, and they say the earth and universe are only 6,000 years old. And so do obsolete dinosaurs like you.

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11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You’re entire premise is wrong on so many things:

I don't know if you have accidently or deliberately side tracked on my comment. I did not even mention the CSA problem in my comment. My comment was more about the Leaders of the Watchtower Soc / Org  being puffed up with pride, and running in front of God and Christ, to declare that they knew the 'day and the hour', many times.

As for some “American scholar of religion Holly Folk " having any importance, I think not. Americans are born and bred on a diet of 'collateral damage'.   That's what they know, that's what they live by.  

That is one reason the Leaders of a True Organisation serving God, cannot be all American.  

Let's say the British Government have murdered thousands of people in wars over the years.  So in the opinion of Holly Folk it would be fine if I murdered only a few people then ?  Child Sexual Abuse is as bad as murder in God's eyes. But of course 'Holly Folk' is not a spiritual person. Neither is anyone that says CSA is ok in small numbers.  CSA is NEVER OK. 

BUT remember Tom, it wasn't me that started on this subject, it was YOU.  

On 1/15/2021 at 4:47 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

To underestimate the gravity of what you do not know is a human tendency that will afflict all to some degree

Back to your comment. This is a serious problem with the Leaders of the Watchtower and the CCJW. 

Your leaders pretend to know the things they, in reality, have no idea about.  If they stuck to basic Bible truth they might actually start to serve God properly.

Hence I admit to not understanding the Bible fully, as the Bible was written for the True Anointed, not for me. 

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41 minutes ago, Arauna said:

My, for such a smart man you are uninformed. You never listen to Elon musk? You never go to the world economic forum website? Do you ever watch economic news? 

Elon Musk is a smart man, but also something of a crackpot. I don't generally follow crackpots.

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On 1/15/2021 at 12:09 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

Don’t bite Arauna. Annie’s

Listened to a long speech by Charles Schwab two days ago.  The 4th industrial revolution and biological tracking together with universal payments is real - no kidding!

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41 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Given Biden’s laudable goal of “healing the country,” this may not be exactly the way to do it, given that half the population chose him and that most of them think his contention of election shenanigans quite possible.

Half the population of the world consists of idiots. So what? Trump is the ultimate huckster and told them what they wanted to hear. It's easy to fool people by doing that. Look at you.

As George Carlin said in his comedy routine: Do you realize how stupid half of all people are? And the other half is stupider than that!

41 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I do take note of Rubio’s words regarding some of his cabinet picks, that they will no doubt be “polite and orderly caretakers of America’s decline.” As you well know, however, JWs do not favor the home team government but look to God’s Kingdom to overrule them all. It is the “polite and orderly” we have not seen for awhile that will be a refreshing change of pace. “Ascending or descending is a political judgment that will not be a Witness’s primary concern.

America, along with the rest of the world, is certainly in decline. I'm glad that I'll be dead before I see the worst of it.

As for your non-existent God's Kingdom, it didn't come when Jesus said it would, it didn't come when C. T. Russell said it would, and it's not going to come at all. You and your ilk will die without seeing it. Just as end-times proclaimers have always died.

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3 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Listened to a long speech by Charles Schwab two days ago. 

That wasn't Charles Schwab. It was Klaus Schwab:

  • World-renowned economist Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum
  • Charles Robert Schwab is an American investor and financial executive. He is the founder and chairman of the Charles Schwab Corporation. He pioneered discount sales of equity securities starting in 1975. His company became by far the largest discount securities dealer in the United States.
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32 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I think I have watched more Dawkins debates than you ever did! Lol.

I don't think so. I've met him in person several times.

What you've watched are Creationist distortions of such debates. And you know it. That's why you're afraid to give a link to any of them.

32 minutes ago, Arauna said:

It really shocked me when he spoke about alliens seeding earth...... I did not think he would say such a dumb thing.....

You have no wits to understand that it was Ben Stein who tricked him into saying that. And it was Stein and his lying Creationist movie makers who edited the film to make it seem like Dawkins came up with the idea on his own.

32 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I thought he was a little more sophisticated than that!  After this I could not respect anything he said ....

You were supremely fooled by the Creationist makers of Expelled -- just as you've been fooled by your Watchtower masters.

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8 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Do you realize how stupid half of all people are? ...the other half is stupider......I'm glad that I'll be dead ... it didn't come....it didn't come... it's not going to come... You and your ilk will die

“Mr. President, Alan’s popping in for a visit.”

”Oh, my God.”

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