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Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood


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2 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

plates do not move rapidly. Read an Earth history book sometime.

I have seen a simulation of the rapid movement of Pangea  during the flood.  

All the events you guys describe happened by one little mutation by one little miracle mutation over billions of years when earth was perfectly stable .....is not mathematically possible.  It would take one protein to be built this way ...... longer than the universes existence..... 

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On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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4 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

Tell that to the finches on Daphne Major!

Well, as I understand that situation, mutations played little or no part in it. Rather, natural genetic variations -- not mutations -- were selected by environmental conditions. So the situation nicely showed how natural selection acts upon variations from any source. 

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4 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I have seen a simulation of the rapid movement of Pangea  during the flood.  

Creationist simulations in no way represent reality. Pigs can fly in simulations.

4 minutes ago, Arauna said:

All the events you guys describe happened by one little mutation by one little miracle mutation over billions of years when earth was perfectly stable .....is not mathematically possible. 

The earth has never been stable.

As for maths, go right ahead and present some here.

4 minutes ago, Arauna said:

It would take one protein to be built this way ...... longer than the universes existence..... 

Not even wrong.

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2 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

There's going to be a small stream coming down Annie's everything if you don't stop, Arauna 🤣🤣🤣 You're killing me!

I've already spit out my coffee a few times.

Arauna is a weird combination of ageing, obsolete JW and young-earth creationist. Even though Mommy Watchtower explicitly downgraded YECism as "unscriptural and unscientific" forty years ago, she's stuck in what she learned as a Watchtower drone sixty years ago. 

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32 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Hundreds of millions of fossils have been found over

Yea, all different species in graveyards which were formed by water in catastrophic motion........ only adults of the different species........ fully  formed and twisted in unnatural positions.  Adults were running for their lives when they were swept away. 



Lol: A friend recently asked me this question: If I gave you all the necessary elements to build a piece of bamboo and I added to that unlimited time - would you be able to build it?   I said yes - with eons of time I am sure I could figure it out!  
Then she said: Here is the catch: you may not use your brain – just leave it to chance!   (Without my intelligence I can have eons of time but will not accomplish anything.)
This is an answer to the question about 'entropy' being able to 'build' up complex working machines in perfect sequence out of random chaos.

It cannot hit the jackpot over and over in sequences of billions of times unless it is somehow orchestrated. 






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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Yea, all different species in graveyards which were formed by water in catastrophic motion........ only adults of the different species........ fully  formed and twisted in unnatural positions.  Adults were running for their lives when they were swept away. 

More Creationist nonsense.

1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Lol: A friend recently asked me this question: If I gave you all the necessary elements to build a piece of bamboo and I added to that unlimited time - would you be able to build it?   I said yes - with eons of time I am sure I could figure it out!  
Then she said: Here is the catch: you may not use your brain – just leave it to chance!   (Without my intelligence I can have eons of time but will not accomplish anything.)
This is an answer to the question about 'entropy' being able to 'build' up complex working machines in perfect sequence out of random chaos.

It cannot hit the jackpot over and over in sequences of billions of times unless it is somehow orchestrated. 

Wrong again. Look:


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1 hour ago, AlanF said:

Well, as I understand that situation, mutations played little or no part in it. Rather, natural genetic variations -- not mutations -- were selected by environmental conditions. So the situation nicely showed how natural selection acts upon variations from any source. 

I thought mutations played a role too? Something to do with ALX1? I'm not going to pretend I understand the ins and outs of it, but if Table 2 in this article is anything to go by ...

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8 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

I thought mutations played a role too? Something to do with ALX1? I'm not going to pretend I understand the ins and outs of it, but if Table 2 in this article is anything to go by ...

The overall article concerns general evolution in the Galapagos, not just what happened in the 1970s-1980s situation, where a drought resulted in finches with larger beak sizes, which later reverted to the normal average size when the drought ended. Evolution has gone on for some 6 million years, so of course mutation and the other effects listed in Table 2 apply. But mutation cannot have been a factor in the drought situation, because it happened way too fast, and then reversed. Mutations do not generally reverse.

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On 1/18/2021 at 9:42 AM, Ann O'Maly said:

I see. Are you saying the 'true anointed remnant' are not men and women, and they have no tune to call?

Yes, the True Anointed Remnant are not men and women in one sense.  

They no longer belong to this earth. So they have no reason to want things of this earth or of this life.  I think the apostle Paul made it clear at one point that he was ready to give up his earthly life for a much better life as a spirit person, but that he realised he had to stay alive as a human to encourage others and help build congregations.

 God does not see then as 'men and women'. God sees them as spirit persons, and spirit persons have no gender.  Jesus said that he was no part of this world andthat his disciples were no part ofthis world either. So, whilst we as humans, may look and see the True Anointed Remnant as humans, God and Christ see them as spirit persons. They are part of the body of Christ. 

But you will chalenge this because you are a 'physical' person and can only understand physical things. Whereas servants of God through Christ, are more 'spiritual' people and can understand both the spiritual and the physical things. 

As a side note: I think the GB of the Watchtower are physical people and cannot understandspiritual things. 

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It all sounds a little 'gnostic,' 4Jah2me. Do you believe the 'true anointed remnant' have a dual nature, i.e. they are spirits inhabiting a physical body? Does this mean the 'true anointed remnant' cannot err in matters of interpretation or doctrine?

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