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Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood


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I'm making a catch-all place for the discussions on these topics that were currently under different topics/subjects. As I move old posts into this new topic, the oldest ones will appear to identify t

On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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On 1/18/2021 at 8:28 PM, Ann O'Maly said:

Tectonic plates do not move rapidly. Read

With evolution everything moves over millions of years - so slow in fact that fragile life can be destroyed by natural disasters ...... oh I forgot about the goldilocks conditions...... there were no disasters so life can develop by chance.

Fossil record proves disastrous events...

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58 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Don't read books of people who says the earth was "seeded " by alliens... I doubt his logic after hearing that with my own ears.

You only read Cretinist material. But not even their books.

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55 minutes ago, Arauna said:

You have debunked NOTHING!  Insults is not a form of logic, evidence or debunking.

I've debunked EVERTHING. The fact you refuse to read books, links, arguments -- anything but Cretinist nonsense-- proves that you simply refuse to look. You're intellectually dishonest. Of course you are, having been trained by a dishonest cult.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Don't read books of people who says the earth was "seeded " by alliens..

Alan has already explained this, no doubt with many an insult. This was a trap that Poor Richard was led into, a trap that Alan himself would have been smart enough to avoid.

1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Insults is not a form of logic, evidence or debunking.

Well, you’re on to something there.


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True Tom Harley said:


1 hour ago, Arauna said:
Don't read books of people who says the earth was "seeded " by alliens..


Alan has already explained this, no doubt with many an insult. This was a trap that Poor Richard was led into, 

Wow! You actually were correct for once! Congratulations!

Now let's see if you can convince your idiot girlfriend.


a trap that Alan himself would have been smart enough to avoid.

Probably not. Ben Stein and company are smart cookies. Thoroughly dishonest, but smart.

Of course, assholes like Stein can only pull that off once. Most popularizing scientists have been forewarned. And Stein has been so thoroughly discredited that no scientist will ever talk to him again.


  1 hour ago, Arauna said:
Insults is not a form of logic, evidence or debunking.


Well, you’re on to something there.

She's right to  a limited extent, but her implication is thoroughly dishonest. I usually first tackle debunkings fairly objectively, and resort to insults when a person shows himself too dishonest or ignorant to accept facts, or in Arauna's case, even to look at them. Arauna is particularly noisome since she combines Young-Earth Creationism with obsolete JWism and then proclaims her righteousness and superior intellect. She actually refuses to accept what Watchtower publications have clearly said. She's an apostate but too stupid to know it.

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11 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

So they are humans. Men and women.

Physically yes, as proven by the fact they can be put to death in the flesh.  But on the inside they are spirit persons. As the apostle Peter made clear.  They are happy to cast off thier physical body to move on to something far greater. 

The problem is, us humans can only see physical things with our physical eyes.  But in my opinion the True Anointed can see the spiritual things too. They have to know they have that heavenly calling and they have to know exactly what it is. 

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19 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

as a trap that Poor Richard was led into

He would not have said it if it was not a possibility in his mind. Don't fall for that apology.  I would never say such a thing - no matter how much pressure I am under.  This is really a lame excuse !!!

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