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Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood


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11 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The guy is a piece of work. Sometimes I fear his cherished evolution is true and that he is the final product. In that event, the end of all things will come far quicker than by any of the scenarios you have floated.

I also have not yet made the comparison (for the sake of kindness, but kindness is utterly wasted of this fellow) that while he looks forward to his death, you and I awake looking forward to the day, in an atmosphere of overall joy. Maybe THAT is the ultimate assessment of what one’s beliefs do for a person.

He really really REALLY should have stayed where he was. He would have a more pleasant personality if he had.

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This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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13 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Maybe THAT is the ultimate assessment of what one’s beliefs do for a person

He has absolutely nothing I can learn from or wish to imitate - an empty shell  of death ... a lover of death, not life.

He cannot even the celebrate the wonders of the lives of the animals in creation.  Their magnificence in design.  The Platypus is an anomaly in every aspect of its features. The sea horse has a square tail and the male carries the eggs and gives birth to them., the sex organs of the hyena is like no other ... there are just too many things to mention that to argue with someone who loves death.

I rather talk with an atheist who has been misled.  He is an atheist because it replaced his religion. he wants to do as he pleases.  This is the reason most people do not choose sides with Jehovah. They think that following their own desires gives them freedom BUT they are still slaves.

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19 hours ago, AlanF said:

Every word of this nonsense was borrowed from Young-Earth Creationists.

Those are my very own words deary - I do not need creationist to open my mind and the things I wrote came from my own research! And thinking things through by myself! If by chance I use the same phrases it is because i came to the same conclusion they did. 

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50 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Those are my very own words deary - I do not need creationist to open my mind and the things I wrote came from my own research! And thinking things through by myself! If by chance I use the same phrases it is because i came to the same conclusion they did. 

Just because that idiot thinks his wisdom is displayed by categorizing arguments and reasonings doesn’t mean that I have to. I don’t even know what arguments are “young earth” and what are not, nor to I care. It is like he is competing with The Librarian (that old hen), anal about her Dewey Decimal System. Me, I just try to deal with what makes sense.

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6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I lost nothing. I asked my mathematician friend, “What are the chances of life originating spontaneously?”

”Greater than that of all the atoms in the known universe,” he said.

Just the usual Creationist out-of-the-ass 'calculation'. I.e., NO CALCULATIONS.

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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

You just don't get it....... do you?  And don't bother with more cursed name calling....... it rolls off our backs.  Cursing others is not a valid rebuttal........ lol.  You sound very desperate when you call us names

Still no links to mathematicians. Still NO CALCULATIONS.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I also have not yet made the comparison (for the sake of kindness, but kindness is utterly wasted of this fellow) that while he looks forward to his death, you and I awake looking forward to the day, in an atmosphere of overall joy. Maybe THAT is the ultimate assessment of what one’s beliefs do for a person.

He really really REALLY should have stayed where he was. He would have a more pleasant personality if he had.

LOL! Belief without evidence will certainly get you into The New World where you can pet your lion and tiger.

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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

He has absolutely nothing I can learn from or wish to imitate - an empty shell  of death ... a lover of death, not life.

Yes, you lost your ability to learn a long time ago. Young-Earth Creationists don't count.

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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

Those are my very own words deary - I do not need creationist to open my mind and the things I wrote came from my own research! And thinking things through by myself! If by chance I use the same phrases it is because i came to the same conclusion they did. 


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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Just because that idiot thinks his wisdom is displayed by categorizing arguments and reasonings doesn’t mean that I have to. I don’t even know what arguments are “young earth” and what are not, nor to I care.

Nearly all Watchtower 'arguments' for creation and/or against evolution are from either Young-Earth Creationists or Old-Earth Creationists or the like. You don't realize it because the Watchtower plagiarizes and fails to give credit.

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6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I lost nothing. I asked my mathematician friend, “What are the chances of life originating spontaneously?”

”Greater than that of all the atoms in the known universe,” he said.

This is among the most ignorant things you've managed to say: Not only is it incoherent language-wise, but you've got things ass-backwards as usual.

The number of fundamental particles -- not atoms -- in the universe has been estimated at about 10^80. So according to what you would like to have said, the chances of life originating spontaneously are greater than one in 10^80. Exactly opposite of what you should have said.

Probabilities are by definition numbers between 0 and 1 -- which you obviously know nothing about. What you apparently meant to say, but have not the mental wherewithal to understand, is that your imaginary friend told you that the said probability is less than one in 10^-80.

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