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I'm making a catch-all place for the discussions on these topics that were currently under different topics/subjects. As I move old posts into this new topic, the oldest ones will appear to identify t

On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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35 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

thinks only JW's will survive

I have never said that!  That is your assumption smarty-pants!   I hope that I will be thrown in prison with a few non-witnesses who stay firm and refuse the new morality which will be pushed on everyone!  I will have a ball preaching to them!

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

lol - you do not get it.  The world is soon going to be more totalitarian.....under a technocracy....... and you will love it.  You will love it when others cannot 'buy or sell' because of not accepting the "new post modern morality" which will be forced onto everyone as the family values are being destroyed. Your atheist compatriots will be running the world and will ban all religion.....as they have done in the 20th century in all communist countries..... Here is the catch.  It was prophesied by Jehovah and the enemies of god is going to fulfil every word in revelation 17, & 18.

Why do I call it atheist neo-communism \ communalism?  I again listened to the poems  of Karl Marx being read this week........ He hated god so much that he swore he would get revenge on god by using an atheist and materialistic philosophy to get control of the entire world ... the second step was to get this " regime / philosophy" to suppress all religions so that no-one can qualify for the grace of god. All people will be forced by the regime to let go of all morals..... as they are doing now. This atheistic philosophy killed 100 million people and was ruthless in the 20th century with gulags, killings and starvation.... this is what is waiting for the world now.

People who do not go along with the new free for all sexual standards -which will destroy the family - (as china are now separating children from parents) will be cancelled, liquidated and thrown into prison.

You will feel so happy... I am sure.... but then (if you are still alive) you will see the heavy hand of Jehovah as he annihilates his opposition for once and for all.  When human science and Satan oppress humankind - God will have to step in to save humans from their own sinfulness and wickedness.  Jesus refused the kingdoms of the world when it was offered to him by satan..... this new bunch of technocratic dictators will accept and run the world on materialistic and atheistic lines.  They will even promise people ever lasting life in a computer - lol.

Have you listened what some of these technocrats are saying about the 4th industrial revolution?

Still nothing but braindead conspiracy theory garbage.

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3 minutes ago, AlanF said:

till nothing but braindead conspiracy theory garbage.

Read the two books by a guy like yourself - a wonderful atheist that believes that human's brains must be enhanced by chips and being connected to a computer - matrix style... to live forever.  They do not for one moment think that someone can unplug them! That is the level of their intelligence

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1 minute ago, Arauna said:

Read the two books by a guy like yourself - a wonderful atheist that believes that human's brains must be enhanced by chips and being connected to a computer - matrix style... to live forever.  They do not for one moment think that someone can unplug them! That is the level of their intelligence

Are you a QAnon member?

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Just now, AlanF said:

Are you a QAnon member?

Lol - ha-ha-  - I do not trust any political human or any human organization at present.  Too much corruption and propaganda going on - propaganda dividing people and propaganda leading to Armageddon.

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