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Just now, Arauna said:

Lol - ha-ha-  - I do not trust any political human or any human organization at present.  Too much corruption and propaganda going on - propaganda dividing people and propaganda leading to Armageddon.


You trust all those brainless conspiracy theorists and Young-Earth Creationists. Hypocrite!

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On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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2 minutes ago, AlanF said:

conspiracy theorists

 I guess the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar never existed.... how naive can one be! !.  Call everything that you do not agree with a conspiracy... when right throughout history there were terrible conspiracies!.  It seems YOU are the one who have swallowed the propaganda that all humans are wonderful, sinless and would not hurt a fly.... not even conspire to hurt a fly!   That is what this new great reset wants you t believe.

I kinda understand now .....  how you came to believe the jibberish, infantile theory called evolution.

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1 minute ago, Arauna said:

 I guess the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar never existed.... how naive can one be! !.  Call everything that you do not agree with a conspiracy... when right throughout history there were terrible conspiracies!.

Conspiracies exist, alright. Look at what Donald Trumpolini just did.

The fact that some conspiracies exist does not in any way imply that your favorite conspiracy theories are real.

But that's way too hard for your little ass-brain to grasp.

1 minute ago, Arauna said:

I kinda understand now .....  how you came to believe the jibberish, infantile theory called evolution.

Still 'thinking' with your ass. You prefer Young-Earth Creationist nonsense, even though Mommy Watchtower says it's "unscriptural and unscientific". And of course, you're far too stupid to realize that you're an apostate because of it.

So are you going to admit that your Creationist sources lied about Dawkins believing in aliens? Nope. You're too proud.

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16 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Look at what Donald Trumpolini just did.

Not interested in your peeves. I do not take sides in politics remember?

You on the other hand, quickly put people in categories ... so you can get rid of them...or call them something not worthy of consideration - dehumanize them. You have bought hook line and sinker into the new post modern philosophy. 

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21 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Young-Earth Creationist nonsense,

You categorize me because you cannot believe that such an %$s-brain like me can come to my own conclusions.... how arrogant you are!   Remember the old saying: arrogance comes before the fall!

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Not interested in your peeves.

My comments about Trump are straight facts, said to illustrate my point. Which you're simply too stupid to get.

1 hour ago, Arauna said:

I do not take sides in politics remember?

But your partner in stupidity does. You should straighten him out.

1 hour ago, Arauna said:

You on the other hand, quickly put people in categories ... so you can get rid of them...or call them something not worthy of consideration - dehumanize them. You have bought hook line and sinker into the new post modern philosophy. 

Wrong on all counts -- unless you call pegging a stupid person as stupid as putting them in categories. Something that all people do as a matter of course.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

You categorize me because you cannot believe that such an %$s-brain like me can come to my own conclusions.... how arrogant you are!   Remember the old saying: arrogance comes before the fall!

When you parrot standard Young-Earth Creationist fare -- something that I'm painfully familiar with -- I know what you've been absorbing.

And you still refuse to acknowledge that Dear Mommy Watchtower condemns your parrotings.

Such a transparent hypocrite.

And still unwilling to admit that you were wrong about Dawkins, having been duped by your YEC sources.

Oh, and perhaps you should offer some help to TTH in calculating his anti-evolutionary probabilities. He really needs help, since he obviously has no clue what he's even trying to calculate. Perhaps you should begin with kindergarten arithmetic.

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12 hours ago, AlanF said:

cknowledge that Dear Mommy Watchtower 

The violin comes in at this section of the song called:  bla, bla, bla!  

Here is a graceful way of saying it in an old Gershwin song!  Lol.  I do not take your taunt seriously!


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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

Here is a graceful way of saying it in an old Gershwin song!  Lol.  I do not take your taunt seriously!

It's immaterial to me that you're an apostate from Mommy Watchtower. But you know it, and everyone else knows it.

I've never seen such gross hypocrisy from any JW before!

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