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Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood


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19 minutes ago, xero said:

I see that you refuse to concede the point amply made that w/o abiogenesis - no evolution of any kind can take place.

I concede no such thing. You merely assume that The Argument from Present Ignorance proves your point.

You failed to understand my point about deistic creator entities. Can't you read?

Remember that various intelligent people once "proved" that man could never fly. They were wrong.

I reserve judgment on abiogenesis and the existence of creators.

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This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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13 minutes ago, xero said:

You really are invested in this. What do you plan on doing to wrestle the bulk of the planet away from their delusions? Tell me you have a plan.

I need do no such things. The Watchtower religion is going down the tubes of its own weight. Although I think I've played a small part in this decline.

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10 minutes ago, xero said:

Sweet! Now I don't have to study it. You know you could probably make a living out of this if you put your mind to it.

Now you've assumed the standard JW position: ostrich with head in sand.

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9 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Mostly wrong. Your ideas obviously don't come from talking with real atheists, but only what your religious prejudices influence you to think.

You don't even realize that your last statement makes no sense: one cannot hate what one does not believe exists. I don't hate Santa Claus.

For those like me, raised as JWs or in some other sort of fanatical religion, realization that their religious leaders are incorrigible liars often lead inexorably to questioning the existence of God, or of any gods. Eventually they realize that there is no actual evidence for any gods. Note that the Argument From Ignorance is not an actual argument.

So you do fall into one of the boxes.


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8 minutes ago, AlanF said:

I need do no such things. The Watchtower religion is going down the tubes of its own weight. Although I think I've played a small part in this decline.

You should know that if it's a cult, any disconfirming information will be reinforcing and if it's not it won't matter either. So if it is a cult, you've done a disservice to the service you've been hoping to render, if not you've simply been wasting your time. On the other hand, this is a theraputic, safe place for you to unburden yourself.

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2 minutes ago, xero said:

So you do fall into one of the boxes.


If I do, so what?

It remains that there is no positive evidence for any gods.

It remains that the God of the Bible is logically impossible: the New Testament states that "God is love" and that God is so concerned with his creatures that he knows when a sparrow falls to the earth. Yet this Creator created a world of life that consists of a great many predators that have caused untold pain and suffering to their prey for more than half a billion years. Since reality cannot contradict itself, at least one of these things is false. Either way, creation by the Bible's God is debunked.

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5 minutes ago, xero said:

You should know that if it's a cult, any disconfirming information will be reinforcing and if it's not it won't matter either. So if it is a cult, you've done a disservice to the service you've been hoping to render, if not you've simply been wasting your time. On the other hand, this is a theraputic, safe place for you to unburden yourself.

Not all cult members are that stupid. I've helped upwards of a hundred JWs realize that it's a destructive cult and quit. Most are too dishonest and/or comfortable to care about trivialities like truth.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Be precise. With what toppings?

Cones from Cedars of Lebanon.

So, TTH: when are you going to supply the probability calculations you said you were working on?

Of course, by now you know that you can't. But you're too much of an arrogant cultist to admit it.

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