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Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood


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1 hour ago, xero said:

Sometimes that Babylon Bee knocks it out of the park. I like how at the atheist convention, musical entertainment is provided by Bad Religion. I suspect Alan was put in charge of that.

“We will not be taken in! We don't need the crutch of spirituality too many rely on!"

I have made before that the analogy is apt—religion is a crutch. The premise that we don’t need one is what is faulty. It is the fallacy of ad negatory substitutum. 

The premise that fits is of someone pulling himself through pig manure on all fours, too proud or too stupid to realize that a crutch would be useful.

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On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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17 hours ago, AlanF said:

Best to just bite the bullet and admit that Genesis is largely myth.

I listened to poetry of Karl Marx recently. The goal of communism is this:  Karl Marx hated God so much that he swore  revenge on God.  He decided to create a philosophy which would destroy all religion and take away all morality from human beings. Break up old culture, family bonds, property ownership - in fact everything which has stabilized modern societies which gave some human rights. He would use the idea that all outcomes for people must be equal.....an idea which came out of the French revolution. This will catch those in the net who are not spiritual but 'materialistic' to want more things to create the idea of equality of outcome.   This is why we see the west going godless, without morality, LGBTQ and transgenderism and sexual boundaries overturned, property rights will soon go too!  etc etc. and all those who scream for equality of outcome - which is totally different too equality under law. equal treatment and equal justice.

Marx wanted to get his revenge on God by creating a system which would suppress all righteousness (religion) with the end of his satanic goal would be to force all humans to obey animalistic and materialistic goals....... bottom line - all these people will be too unrighteous (no morals) for God to redeem.

Marx got a windfall -which was Darwinism -  a branch of satanic 'religion' which claims to be science but is not.  Look at the inroads it has made in mankind. Death and murder has been the result of atheism and Darwinism.  100 million humans starved and killed in the 20th century in communist countries...... and the west is going totally neo-communistic...at present too!....... only they call it a new name - the 'great reset' or communalism. 

Most universities are in the throws of this movement - one cannot even get a job if you challenge the "religion / trend of evolution and these new philosophies .....so it does not surprise me that AlanF is so full of himself.  It is temporary.  We are trying to do him a favor by showing him how indoctrinated he is..... but he seems to be a hopeless case of pride.

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Interesting that Nietzsche forecast this spirit. The evangelical atheist, the evangelical apostates, the social justice warriors all have their spirit animal exemplified in the tarantula.


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19 hours ago, xero said:

like Enoch, which clearly has mythological elements,

The book of Enoch is a 2nd century BCE  forgery of so-called things which happened before the flood with a lot of myths etc. included. This is responsible for misleading so many people at present.  The black Israelites love this book!  The lies it spews about Lilith (Adam's so-called first wife) etc. appeal to them.   

Both Enochs lived during the life-time of Adam and there was a flood in between but yet this person writes as though he has all the inside details... totally fake and it does not fit in with the rest of the bible.   The bible had been completed by Ezra in 5th century BCE.  Jesus quoted from all scripture except Ester.... but the Jews still celebrate the festivals for the deliverance of the Jews by Ester in Persia.

The Jews took some of these legends on in their oral tradition. .... it is no wonder that first century Christians were aware of it.

I listened to a little of the video you quoted. Be careful, while it sounds good, I realized it is not deep stuff at all. Because it does not confirm the sweeping statements it makes with scriptures that one can go and look up.  


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The fact that an inspired writer quotes from an uninspired source does not make the quoted statement false. There are dozens of places in Scripture that quote from uninspired sources such as:

  • 2 Chron 2:11-16 - King Hiram’s Order (in a letter) to provide materials for Solomon’s temple
  • Ezra 4:9-16 - Rehum’s Letter to King Artaxerxes
  • Ezra 5:7-17 - Tattenai’s Letter to King Darius
  • Neh 6:6-7 - Sanballat’s letter to Nehemiah
  • Dan 3:28-29 - King Nebuchadnezzar’s Decree after the fiery furnace
  • Acts 17:28 - Epimenides the Cretan, 6th Cent BC, “In him we live and move and have our being”
  • Acts 17:28 - Aratus of Cilicia, Didactic poem, Phaenomena, (An Invocation to Zeus), line 5, 270 BC, “We are his offspring”.
  • Titus 1:12 - Epimenides the Cretan, 6th Cent BC, “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.”
  • What many in a lot of churches don't realize is that in the period of the second temple period, Enoch was read, believed and accepted as generally telling the truth w/regard to the spiritual rebellion. Most don't realize that the business of bringing in humans and glorifying them to rulership in the heavens is as replacements for these rebels.  One might wonder why Jesus would use as an illustration the business of Lazarus and the Rich man - well they believed a number of unscriptural ideas - specifically the Pharisees (though not the Sadducees)...The pharisees were influenced by Enoch. (Then you have Peter and Jude quoting these (or at least appearing to) to make points...did they believe all of Enoch? Probably not, but did it matter? What mattered was that they acknowledged the rebellion in the spirit realm and that more than the deflection of Adam was a reason behind mans degraded state). Paul himself when he said "we have a wrestling, not against flesh and blood..." was acknowledging this spiritual rebellion.
    Of course this implicitly suggests that Jesus was much less concerned about clearing up issues w/regard to canonicity than he was about fulfilling his mission. It didn't matter if someone was wrong about some particular point not patently clear - all that would and will be cleared up in due time.  So no - it's not in the canon, but it's good to know what was running through the minds of people who were living in the 1st century.

         Maccabees isn't canonical either, and doesn't claim inspiration, but is a historical record.

       BTW - Who hasn't been annoyed at Jesus for the illustration of Lazarus and the Rich Man?

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

I listened to poetry of Karl Marx recently. The goal of communism is this:  Karl Marx hated God so much that he swore  revenge on God.  He decided to create a philosophy which would destroy all religion and take away all morality from human beings. Break up old culture, family bonds, property ownership - in fact everything which has stabilized modern societies which gave some human rights. He would use the idea that all outcomes for people must be equal.....an idea which came out of the French revolution. This will catch those in the net who are not spiritual but 'materialistic' to want more things to create the idea of equality of outcome.   This is why we see the west going godless, without morality, LGBTQ and transgenderism and sexual boundaries overturned, property rights will soon go too!  etc etc. and all those who scream for equality of outcome - which is totally different too equality under law. equal treatment and equal justice.

Marx wanted to get his revenge on God by creating a system which would suppress all righteousness (religion) with the end of his satanic goal would be to force all humans to obey animalistic and materialistic goals....... bottom line - all these people will be too unrighteous (no morals) for God to redeem.

Marx got a windfall -which was Darwinism -  a branch of satanic 'religion' which claims to be science but is not.  Look at the inroads it has made in mankind. Death and murder has been the result of atheism and Darwinism.  100 million humans starved and killed in the 20th century in communist countries...... and the west is going totally neo-communistic...at present too!....... only they call it a new name - the 'great reset' or communalism. 

Most universities are in the throws of this movement - one cannot even get a job if you challenge the "religion / trend of evolution and these new philosophies .....so it does not surprise me that AlanF is so full of himself.  It is temporary.  We are trying to do him a favor by showing him how indoctrinated he is..... but he seems to be a hopeless case of pride.

Marx is irrelevant to this thread topic.

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