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45 minutes ago, AlanF said:

because he believes in aliens seeding life on earth"

I sent you the proof in a video where Dawkins willingly talks about aliens that seeded the earth - lol .... but you pretend it does not exist....   I watched many of his videos .... and debates... I was not impressed .... so why should i waste my time further to read a book of his....  I will not waste my money?  I rather read about the cell construction and about "Information" which exists in every living thing as well as the  order of the universe - natural law.  This tells me there is a creator! 

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On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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13 minutes ago, Arauna said:

All of these 'secret goings on and other conspiracies"

I think it may have been a conspiracy to inject Alan into our happily bickering site so that everyone is tempted to throw up their hands in disgust and leave. 

It is like a brother’s comment yesterday on how we know there is an earthly resurrection because, plainly, the unrighteous are not going to heaven per Acts 24:15. Whereupon he envisioned that if they were, would it not resemble that mob storming the Capitol building? I haven’t been able to get the image our of my mind since of that same mob of riffraff storming the pearly gates.

And now along comes Alan, as though with horns and painted face, storming our fine 2nd home of a forum where all of us get to hone our writing skills.

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36 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Prove that my proof of your disproof of my disproof of your disproof of my proof of your horrendous adhominem is wrong. Then you might have something besides the “heads I win/tails you lose” rules of your mommy world.

That’s what I’M talking about.

You haven't tried any form of proof whatsoever. Lying moron.

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36 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Brutus conspired to kill Caesar;  Lenin conspired to bring about a revolution; CIA has conspired to arrange the fall of several other governments; MKULTRA covered up their tracks regarding the torturous secret psychological experiments on unknowing American citizens, Operation Paperclip arranged for Nazi criminals to come to USA secretly, acquire research positions under new names......and perpetuated their crimes on US soil.

All of these 'secret goings on and other conspiracies" in your mind do not exist because people are not sinful and wicked. Conspiracies are not possible - especially if one puts your trust in a human government with censoring capabilities........ Now I wonder who of us (me or you)  is living in "Alice in Wonderland " with "Goldilocks weather conditions" where life springs from nothing and people never sin or do bad things such as "conspiring"?

I've told you several times now,  you ignorant moron: the fact that SOME conspiracies exist does not indicate that YOUR favorite conspiracy theories exist.

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24 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I sent you the proof in a video where Dawkins willingly talks about aliens that seeded the earth - lol .... but you pretend it does not exist.... 

Continuing your lies.

I told you -- but more importantly SHOWED you -- the ORIGINAL video where Dawkins said no such things. Rather, the film Expelled was carefully edited to take Dawkins' words OUT OF CONTEXT.

You're such a pathological liar!

24 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I watched many of his videos .... and debates... I was not impressed .... so why should i waste my time further to read a book of his....  I will not waste my money?  I rather read about the cell construction and about "Information" which exists in every living thing as well as the  order of the universe - natural law.  This tells me there is a creator! 

Exactly as I said: you're heavy into confirmation bias.

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19 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I think it may have been a conspiracy to inject Alan into our happily bickering site so that everyone is tempted to throw up their hands in disgust and leave. 

It is like a brother’s comment yesterday on how we know there is an earthly resurrection because, plainly, the unrighteous are not going to heaven per Acts 24:15. Whereupon he envisioned that if they were, would it not resemble that mob storming the Capitol building? I haven’t been able to get the image our of my mind since of that same mob of riffraff storming the pearly gates.

And now along comes Alan, as though with horns and painted face, storming our fine 2nd home of a forum where all of us get to hone our writing skills.

LOL! What writing skills? To write properly you have to think properly.

Your skills are like the old joke: When they handed out brains I thought they said trains and I missed mine.

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14 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Because he is mommy.

You're projecting again.

14 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Read and watch some more. Maybe that will do the trick.

Good advice in general, but not for someone as intransigently, militantly stupid as Arauna.

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14 minutes ago, AlanF said:

stupid as Arauna

Calling me stupid  is a badge of honor.  If someone like you (with No logic whatsoever and as gullible as they come) was in any way positive towards me, I would know I was in trouble! 

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8 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Ah, thanks for correcting me..... I forgot .... Dawkins is a mommy... and he produces milk which make people believe in make-believe.

Dawkins is irrelevant to the proofs for evolution. It proved long before he wrote a word, and is proved by dozens of other authors.

You continue, as most JWs do, to believe crap on the basis of someone's supposed authority rather than on facts.

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4 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Calling me stupid  is a badge of honor.  If someone like you (with No logic whatsoever and as gullible as they come) was in any way positive towards me, I would know I was in trouble! 

No surprise at such inanity.

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