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11 hours ago, AlanF said:

Why not Brahma? Why not Zeus? Why not the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Why not? Because Brahma was born from a golden egg...... Later to  come forth from a lotus that issued from Vishnu’s navel.

Because Zeus was a child born of a couple of Titans, whose father ate five of his other siblings.

Because the flying Spaghetti Monster is the stuff of imagination just like the two previous mythological creatures. You and I can both come up with our own imaginative being and call him god.

You obviously believe that the Bible God, as you call him, is also the stuff of imagination. Considering how imaginative people can be, then the origin of God as presented in the Bible is positively boring. The description of creation is also boring. The only time the narrative gets a little adventurous is when God and the heavens are described in books such as Ezekiel and Revelation. But then we are told that these are merely visions and symbolic depictions, not that angels really have wings and God rides in a chariot with wheels that have eyes.

The Bible presents the creator in a completely unique way, compared with the description of all other "gods" in mythological writings. The Bible is also completely unique compared with the gobbledygook of other so called spiritual texts.

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This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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15 hours ago, AlanF said:

LOL! What writing skills? To write properly you have to think properly.

The Librarian has specifically said that my writing is quite good. Is she an ignorant moron, too?

16 hours ago, AlanF said:

But why the Bible God? Why not Brahma? Why not Zeus? Why not the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Why not AlanF?

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3 hours ago, Anna said:

Bible is also completely unique compared with the gobbledygook of other so called spiritual texts.

True, there are scriptures which refer to the spirit of god which is translated as "active force" or dynamic energy.....  The spirit of God  is never latent - always moving and active..... and the name of God is the same - the name He gave himself.  "He causes to become" is what it means and ........ in fact, he is always 'causing to become' because his energy even keeps the universe active.  If his energy is removed the universe will collapse.

But is seems AlanF thinks himself a scholar of languages as well because he refuses to accept that the bible uses the correct word when it says YHWH used his active /dynamic energy to create the stars.  He tries to make the texts ineffectual ........ BUT despite this - the bible is superior because it has a main theme, what I think of as an ongoing  'project going throughout the bible" and it has a timeline with milestones that need to be reached.  A project is run by a project manager!!  Many milestones have already been reached and this indicates that the last milestones of Armageddon, 1000 year reign will definitely also be realized.

An example of two of the milestones are: God brought Israel (offspring of Abraham according to the promise to him) out of Egypt without a war.  The most powerful nation on earth with many forts on its border just let Israel walk out with their gold and silver together with some Egyptians who went with them. ...... (hmmm). They then entered the land god promised them and defeated powerful and wicked nations to take the land...... As a chosen vehicle of Jehovah,  this nation would have ups and downs but eventually the son of god (jesus Christ) was born (as promised) which provided the legal guarantee for all of mankind to be redeemed.

These are just two of the many main milestones in the plan (or project of god) which has been administered throughout the ages.  Humans who lived in different time periods, spanning hundreds of years apart in some cases,  wrote about this main theme in 66 books without help from another human.  This indicates a higher authority which inspired it...... and provides proof that it is totally different to other holy scriptures.  The bible itself convinces me that it is the word of god by this main theme or project (which I call the restoration project of the earth) to complete fruition. As predicted - god will soon prove that humans cannot rule themselves and will ruin the earth (Rev 18:11).  God will have to step in to save us from ourselves.

Ephesians 1:9 & 10 " by making known to us the sacred secretk of his will. It is according to his good pleasure that he himself purposed 10  for an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, to gather all things together in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.l Yes, in him 11

This morning I read the Moabite stone again.  It is a pagan inscription where Israel was defeated but it uses the name Yehovah and it tells how Moab defeated 3 cities of the Israelite northern kingdom under Omri and killed its inhabitants (viciously for their pagan god). ........... How nice that a pagan stone confirms the nation of israel's existence and the name of their god.  (I just added this note because AlanF will say they did not exist or some other lame excuse in order to not believe the bible and its "project manager" who tells us about the conclusion and outcome of his restoration project.) I use these terms because it is project management terms and it a fitting analogy for the bible's total message.


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I'm reminded of one criminal justice class I took. We got to interview a number of ex-felons. One thing that I learned from this is that people always give the most noble reason they can for their argument, though this is rarely the real argument. Often if you keep probing for their reasons you come down to something like...

(In answer to 'So why did you stab him?")

"I didn't like the look on his face."

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1 hour ago, xero said:

Often if you keep probing for their reasons you come down to something like...

(In answer to 'So why did you stab him?")

"I didn't like the look on his face."

This reminds me of a skit I used to do about Jezebel.

Jezebel: ”I’m looking for some good-for-nothing men.”

Good-for-nothing man: “Um—that would be me.”

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22 hours ago, AlanF said:
Why not Brahma? Why not Zeus? Why not the Flying Spaghetti Monster?


Why not? Because Brahma was born from a golden egg......

So what? The Bible gives no origin for its Gods.


Later to  come forth from a lotus that issued from Vishnu’s navel.

So what?


Because Zeus was a child born of a couple of Titans, whose father ate five of his other siblings.

So what? Maybe that really happened. Just as a talking snake convinced a naked woman to eat some fruit and initiate all manner of mayhem.


Because the flying Spaghetti Monster is the stuff of imagination just like the two previous mythological creatures.

So is the Bible God. Is that God the epitome of love? Or the epitome of monstrousness? Can't have it both ways. Occam's Razor suggests that the entire concept is imaginary.


You and I can both come up with our own imaginative being and call him god.

Precisely the point. That's how the Bible God came to be.


You obviously believe that the Bible God, as you call him, is also the stuff of imagination.

I don't merely believe it. I've proved it. Do we have "the God of love"? Or the God of monstrousness? Or neither?


Considering how imaginative people can be, then the origin of God as presented in the Bible is positively boring.

The Bible presents no origin of its Gods.


The description of creation is also boring.

As well as wrong.


The only time the narrative gets a little adventurous is when God and the heavens are described in books such as Ezekiel and Revelation.

Yes, at least as "imaginative" and crazily fantastical as any other myths.


But then we are told that these are merely visions and symbolic depictions, not that angels really have wings and God rides in a chariot with wheels that have eyes.

But plenty of other myths are also understood that way. So what? They're all crazy.


The Bible presents the creator in a completely unique way, compared with the description of all other "gods" in mythological writings. The Bible is also completely unique compared with the gobbledygook of other so called spiritual texts.

"Unique"? What does that mean in terms of the stories reflecting reality? The Adam and Eve story is unique, but it certainly doesn't reflect reality. Judaism and Christianity and Hinduism and Buddhism and many other religions teach valuable and useful truths, as well as gobbledygook. So what? If they didn't, they'd have died out long ago.

The point is: do these religions teach only reality?

Humans as such have existed for two million years, modern humans for some 300,000, and humanoids for something like five million years. Poof! goes the Adam and Eve story.

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8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The Librarian has specifically said that my writing is quite good. Is she an ignorant moron, too?

The Librarian is entitled to her opinions. I guarantee that, in any writing course I've ever taken, your writing would be judged of a quality between D and C.

8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Why not AlanF?

Exactly my point.

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7 hours ago, Arauna said:

True, there are scriptures which refer to the spirit of god which is translated as "active force" or dynamic energy..... 

I've proved that this phrase "dynamic energy" is totally misleading and wrong. The original Hebrew merely means "great power". The concept of energy was invented by 19th-century scientists.

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2 hours ago, xero said:

I'm reminded of one criminal justice class I took. We got to interview a number of ex-felons. One thing that I learned from this is that people always give the most noble reason they can for their argument, though this is rarely the real argument. Often if you keep probing for their reasons you come down to something like...

(In answer to 'So why did you stab him?")

"I didn't like the look on his face."

You've now slid into completely meaningless garbiage.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This reminds me of a skit I used to do about Jezebel.

Jezebel: ”I’m looking for some good-for-nothing men.”

Good-for-nothing man: “Um—that would be me.”

I love it! Meaningless garbiage answered by more meaningless garbiage.

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9 minutes ago, AlanF said:

The Adam and Eve story is unique, but it certainly doesn't reflect reality.

I see you answered Anna but not the main theme of the bible.  You ignore that which indicates that there was a choice involved with adam and eve and it is about godly rulership and morals...... I guess that was too hard to answer or just dismissed ...... lol. 

 The bible has a logical and consistent theme which is knitted into the fabric of the entire bible - this proves the bible was inspired by a higher entity who had a timeline with milestones.... which has been completed on time.

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