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I'm making a catch-all place for the discussions on these topics that were currently under different topics/subjects. As I move old posts into this new topic, the oldest ones will appear to identify t

On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

For the life of me, I cannot take this fellow seriously. With a level of abuse (granted, I provoked it here, but it is just so much fun. And this is not really an example of it) that is off the charts, it is virtually the only thing about him worth mentioning.

I can’t imagine why the Librarian (that old hen) puts up with him, when she has dropped the abuse hammer on others. Poor CC suffers it every time you turn around—not necessarily unjustly, but certainly no worse than this fellow. Even Brother Fullalove (me) triggered an abuse complaint long ago.

I can only think that when commenters answer him without rebuke, or at least reproof  (most do not make that error) it is because somewhere through probably painful experience in life they have learned what is expedient with abusive men.

When charlatans like TTH can't successfully attack the message, they attack the messenger.

Some messages:

Prove your probability calculations against "evolution", or give pointers to sources that do.

Prove that your God -- the God of the Bible -- exists.

Prove that "God is love" is compatible with "God is a monster" -- both of which ideas are proved by multiple Bible passages.

Of course, you can't do it. You're a fraud and a laughable bluffer.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Maybe aliens?

Nope. That's pure science fiction. Science fiction that Creationist liars claim comes from proper scientists. Science fiction that disingenuous idiots like you latch onto because you hate the truth.

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Here we find TrueTomHarley continuing his usual bluffing that he knows all about evolution/creation when he demonstrably knows nothing. TTH has never read a proper science book on evolution or evolution versus creation. The most he's read is perhaps a Creationist book or two, such as from the Creationist Watchtower Society, and some online Creationist material -- all of which has been debunked by proper scientists over the past 25+ years.

This, despite my having recommended a dozen or more proper science books to him and other posters.

Furthermore, TTH has clearly violated "Christian neutrality" by espousing the criminal goals and philosophy of 'Donito Trumpolini', aided by his getting most of his world news from criminally irresponsible "news" media like Fox News, Newsmax and OAN. He has even quoted Fox arch-liar Sean Hannity virtually verbatim.

TTH thinks he's a great writer, but has never exposed his crappy writing to professionals such as are found in a good college English course. The writing reminds me of the laughable dialogs found in Watchtower "Bible dramas".

In short, TTH is a fine example of the Dunning-Kruger effect -- someone too ignorant to understand how ignorant he is.

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1 hour ago, AlanF said:

Here we find TrueTomHarley continuing his usual bluffing

It is you who makes sweeping statements that are wrong.

1 hour ago, AlanF said:

TTH has never read a proper science book on evolution or evolution versus creation.

I have read at least two, one of the Sean Carroll books and one of Carl Zimmer. I give Sean considerable credit, though in the end I saw no reason to join him. A 3-part commentary of his work is included (along with other material) here:


1 hour ago, AlanF said:

Furthermore, TTH has clearly violated "Christian neutrality" by espousing the criminal goals and philosophy of 'Donito Trumpolini',

I have said i rather welcome the relative peace and quiet now that he is gone.

1 hour ago, AlanF said:

aided by his getting most of his world news from criminally irresponsible "news" media like Fox News, Newsmax and OAN.

When I get news via television, it is usually CBS, rarely Fox. I probably have visited Newsmax, but that is because I visit everywhere, I do not know what OAN is. I have never listened to a complete Sean Hannity. A few times while driving, I have caught maybe 30 minutes, but such times are very rare. There is no broadcast I go out of my way to watch or listen to.

For every conservative source I follow on Twitter, I follow a liberal one for balance. I don’t pursue any of them overmuch. Nor would I describe any of them as “criminal.” You are the calcified one here, not I.

1 hour ago, AlanF said:

TTH is a fine example of the Dunning-Kruger effect

You only use this expression as a sophisticated means of insult. You would have no interest in it otherwise. 

It is just like when you make assumptions about me and every one of them is wrong.

1 hour ago, AlanF said:

TTH thinks he's a great writer, but has never exposed his crappy writing to professionals such as are found in a good college English course.

Actually, I routinely do this and the quality of my writing takes their breath away. Unfortunately, deprived of breath they die, and so cannot properly praise it.

The above paragraph is called humor. Look up the word in the dictionary, along with imagination, metaphor, and hyperbole. Your parched writing might suffice for instructions on installing a toilet, but otherwise it is just too-rigid, too condescending, and Lord knows, too insulting to endure.

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:


You are the false accuser - hmmmm that reminds me of someone!

Nope. TTH has often expressed support for Trump. You're like the ReTrumplican Senators who see Trump's evil but excuse it for political reasons.

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12 minutes ago, AlanF said:

TTH has often expressed support for Trump

Lol - in your mind yes - because you are so far gone you do not even know how far beyond help you are.  Just the mention of Mr T's  name triggers you into thinking someone is a T supporter

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Just now, Arauna said:

Lol - in your mind yes - because you are so far gone you do not even know how far beyond help you are.  Just the mention of Mr T's  name triggers you into thinking someone is a T supporter

I suppose Paul's use of his Roman citizenship would have been made him a supporter of the Roman Empire by the logic of some as would using it's roads or any of the downstream advantages of the Pax Romana. 



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