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A few videos which exemplify where things are going


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I am lazy. I suppose I also don't want people to get the idea that I have any original ideas. I want to positively affirm that.

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On 2/9/2021 at 12:00 PM, 4Jah2me said:

I don't watch videos. If people cannot write it then i can't be bothered with it.  Copying and pasting is lazy, put it in your own words. 

Gasp!! For once, I share the same viewpoint as 4Jah. What is the world coming to?

I’ve nothing against videos. Knowing the source, I may well squeeze these in. It is just that I can read the same material in 10% the time, so that is usually what I hold out for. Because it is @xeroI’ll watch at least one.

It is amazing how many opposers with a lay a lengthy video on your lap—sometimes an hour or more—with the directive, “Here—watch this!”

Oh, yeah—I’ll get right on it! There is such a thing as “Introduction that arouses interest.” Do these people have nothing to do with their time?

”I am well along in life. I have reached the point where I take only those cases that interest me. And my interest in your case is dwindling.” - Hercule Poirot

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2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Gasp!! For once, I share the same viewpoint as 4Jah. What is the world coming to?

I’ve nothing against videos. Knowing the source, I may well squeeze these in. It is just that I can read the same material in 10% the time, so that is usually what I hold out for. Because it is @xeroI’ll watch at least one.

It is amazing how many opposers with a lay a lengthy video on your lap—sometimes an hour or more—with the directive, “Here—watch this!”

Oh, yeah—I’ll get right on it! Do these people have nothing to do with their time?

I am lazy. I suppose I also don't want people to get the idea that I have any original ideas. I want to positively affirm that. :)

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1 hour ago, xero said:

Watched it! I had a friend who was IN it. :)  (as an extra....)

That's one of the movies I love to watch occasionally, in my list of favorites. Thankfully for watching it I did research and learned the pro's and con's of drinking gatorade. 

Thanks for the video's btw, nice to see some fresh material on this site.

Just a side joke, I had a friend post last year that he was seeing snowflakes hitting his windshield, (here in the SW NM US we don't get a whole lot of snow). So he posted he was seeing snowflakes hit his windshield and I replied on his thread....'I hope your not driving your car through protesters again'.

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