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8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Attacking Jehovah’s Witnesses appears to be your sole concern. It does not matter to you if you sell out God in the process.

You see, here you go again. Another attack. You know that what you say is not true, but you still have to say it don't you ?

Maybe you have been here too long, that is your choice. 

I attack the things that Jesus attacked, so I do not 'sell out' Almighty God in the process. 

8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

That makes you just another “ignorant moron” in his eyes.

Yes but then you think the same of me, and constantly say so.

9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Yet you are thick as thieves with him,

Please show me where and how. 

9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

approving any anti-spiritual diatribe of his,

And you can quote an example of this ? 

As far as it seems to me, he is an Atheist. So there is no way I'm going to agree with him about spiritual matters. 

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I have noticed that the desire to see God's promises fulfilled (nothing wrong with that of course), drives the human spirit to "predict" or "hope for" the end always in their life time. The pattern is

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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

Well it seems as if JWs have no conscience about Child Sexual Abuse Earthwide within the Watchtower/JW Org. JWs just brush it off by saying, 'Well no one is perfect'. 

And it seems that JWs have no conscience about teaching lies to people on the door to door ministry. 

Actually i don't know what JWs do have a conscience about. 

If you see a crime, you have a responsibility to address the crime. I remember when someone asked me when I was on the street "what about Michael Jackson?". I said "He's not in my congregation. I can't speak to any of that." Likewise I can say in the decades I've been in no hint anywhere I've been that anyone is in support of or colluding with anyone to suppress abuse. Do I wish this sort of thing never happens anywhere? Yes. Do I think we'd be free from whatever infects the rest of human society? No. Do I have details on how the corporation WTBS has handled issues? No. 

Do I divorce myself from every human organization whose members have ever deflected from God's moral standards?


I render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and to God the things which are God's.

Any judgement and any further actions which others take are up to those who view these things.

I see all organizations today as human because they are. I'm not a Catholic and I don't believe the pope is the vicar of Christ. I don't believe any organization is the vicar of Christ either. That said, I have to associate with those who I believe are doing the work "irregardless" (Tom) :) of their real or imagined deficiencies.

Nothing is more like fingernails on a chalkboard are the voices of those who instead of singing God' s praises, praise the images of men or organizations created by men. Just stop the idolatry already.

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8 hours ago, xero said:

BTW - You know you've gotten into one of those stupid internet discussions as soon as you see people parsing people's words like they're playing checkers w/someone in the park. Hopping ...over...phrases.

Well I like to actually read what a person writes, then think on it, then reply.  In this comment here I've no idea what you are saying. As for your previous comment, it is just JW waffle. You are an Elder, you know what goes on and you will also know what has gone on in the past.  If you don't know, then you belong to an Organisation that you know nothing about. Add to that, that you are a 'police officer' with certain powers, in an Org that you know nothing about. 


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15 minutes ago, xero said:

BTW - You know you've gotten into one of those stupid internet discussions as soon as you see people parsing people's words like they're playing checkers w/someone in the park. Hopping ...over...phrases.

I kindof like the happy haha face. Why wouldn't anyone like that? 

Makes me think of how people have lenses on the world.

New Microaggression Goggles Help You Find Something Offensive In Any Situation


U.S.—A new pair of Microaggression Goggles has been made available for people who want to find something offensive in any situation.

"Are you tired of having to search for something to be oppressed by?" a voiceover says in the ad. "With our patented microaggression-tracking technology, you won't have to search any longer. Now, you can instantly identify up to 100 things to be offended by in any conversation."

The product will detect a wide range of microaggressions, including the following:

  • White privilege
  • MAGA hats
  • Smiling at you without your consent
  • Manspreading
  • Mansplaining
  • Manbreathing
  • Manexisting
  • Lack of avocado toast
  • Cultural appropriation
  • Cultural exclusion
  • Being hateful toward women
  • Being too friendly toward women
  • Not liking The Last Jedi

You can back the goggles for $99 at a base level or spend $4,999 on a deluxe edition that includes a white guy who will follow you around so you can claim to be even more oppressed. The Kickstarter creator believes they will ship within the next decade.


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Just now, 4Jah2me said:

Well I like to actually read what a person writes, then think on it, then reply.  In this comment here I've no idea what you are saying. As for your previous comment, it is just JW waffle. You are an Elder, you know what goes on and you will also know what has gone on in the past.  If you don't know, then you belong to an Organisation that you know nothing about. Add to that, that you are a 'police officer' with certain powers, in an Org that you know nothing about. 


I was wondering when we'd get to the implicit nazi collaboration comparisons.

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8 hours ago, xero said:

I was wondering when we'd get to the implicit nazi collaboration comparisons.

If you wish to consider yourself in that way, so be it. 

But the Elders do have to act like policemen in the congregation. Now here in the UK. laws are made, and the police have to carry out those laws. So it is in the Watchtower / JW Org. The GB makes rules and the Elders have to enforce those rules. 

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29 minutes ago, xero said:

“Are you tired of having to search for something to be oppressed by?" a voiceover says in the ad. "With our patented microaggression-tracking technology, you won't have to search any longer. Now, you can instantly identify up to 100 things to be offended by in any conversation."

WHOA! I need me a pair of these! I am entirely too nice to several around here and I let altogether too much slide by!

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29 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

If you wish to consider yourself in that way, so be it. 

But the Elders do have to act like policemen in the congregation. Now here in the UK. laws are made, and the police have to carry out those laws. So it is in the Watchtower / JW Org. The GB makes rules and the Elders have to enforce those rules. 

I haven't enforced any GB rules. Just what's in the bible.

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

Hoping for the end implies faithfulness and humility. Predicting a specific time period for the end implies presumptuousness and haughtiness.

Yes, this clarification is important.

Unfortunately, those who are taking the lead, and believe they are in charge of producing food at the proper time, feel, and have felt, the need to put their hope into a definite prediction of sorts, rather than just talking about a hope.....that is sometime in the future. Hence we have a reworking of the 'Generation' although as far as I am aware no one requested "new light" on this. 

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50 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

To their credit, Russell and Rutherford and Franz and the current GB have all given good evidence that they hoped for the end. Sometimes a strong hope for the end will cloud one's judgment about the rationality of predicting a specific time period for the end. But there is a big difference in hoping for the end, which is always proper, and predicting a specific time period for the end, which is ALWAYS improper, according to Jesus. We have examples set before us in the Bible showing the folly of trying to predict the time period. The Bible gives many reasons why this is foolishness to try to predict the time period.

Hoping for the end implies faithfulness and humility. Predicting a specific time period for the end implies presumptuousness and haughtiness.

I can understand making predictions. I can't count the times I thought to myself during a meeting "Shhh!...I'm just looking at Daniel again...nothing to see here holy spirit..." as if the answer is in plain sight but hidden unless you look really quickly when Jehovah's not looking....

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