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I have noticed that the desire to see God's promises fulfilled (nothing wrong with that of course), drives the human spirit to "predict" or "hope for" the end always in their life time. The pattern is

I don't think you're a bad example. I find your posts encouraging and I'm sure a lot of other people here do. I think some of the "complainers" may just be working out their own demons, or I hope they

One thing I've had hammered into me over the past decades of pioneering, studying w/mentally ill people, people who were out of jail, homeless people, professors of anthropology, teachers of farsi at

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4 hours ago, xero said:

I was counseled on how I walked up to the stage and that my shoes weren't shiny.

That doesn’t matter. I haven’t worn shinable shoes in years. What IS important is that you don’t go onstage the wrong way, entering from behind the quarter-walls. Forget the fatties. THAT ought to be outlawed:


In fact, there is some reason to think that God brought about the pandemic to shut down KHs because too many brothers were doing that.

4 hours ago, xero said:

So I'm used to taking a "What can I learn from this situation?". "I'm getting counsel. Is it biblical? Maybe. Does the brother think it is? Yes. Do I? Maybe. Do I have to tell him what I think? No. Is it good counsel for someone, even if not me? I'm sure it is somewhere and some time. Are you too proud to listen? No. Even if I think it's off."

I like this. It reminds me of Mark Twain. He told of the boy who complained that he got a spanking for something he didn’t do. The old man said, “Well—in that case it was for something you did do that you should have gotten a spanking for but didn’t!”

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2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:
4 hours ago, Anna said:

Xero: One brother once asked me "Have you ever wondered why you haven't been appointed as an elder?" I think I shamed/surprised him by saying "I think it's because Jehovah hasn't decided it's time yet."!

Perfect 👍👏

Oh dear, surely you don't still believe that God chooses the Elders. 

You are missing the point. Whether God does or doesn't, the assumption is that he does in the sense that the person qualifies as per the qualifications for an elder as stated in Timothy. And yet some elders may rely too much on their own biases in selecting elders, instead of looking to the qualifications in the Bible. For example they could frown on the fact that the person's shoes aren't shiny enough. So they are judging the man from a man's point of view. So by saying "because Jehovah hasn't decided yet" you are throwing the ball back in their court and maybe "shaming" them into realizing that the man they are judging as unqualified, may in fact be more spiritually minded than them. 

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22 hours ago, xero said:

So I asked before and I'll ask again. Was your experience all negative, or were there just aspects of it you found you simply couldn't reconcile?

Well, you asked, so here it goes.

My experience was more negative than positive, but I held on for over 30 years.  I could not reconcile the hypocrisy that my elder husband had to deal with, I couldn’t reconcile with the clicks, the pressure of privileges and esteem based on works, the blatant stupidity of elder shepherds who ignored single mothers, widows, and women with children. Many times meeting for service, and elder would put two mothers and their children together in one group, while the elders buddied up with single sisters. My husband did his best to be a good elder; he was preferred by those in the congregation for shepherding calls.  He was known as a humble man, who didn’t care if his shoes were polished, or that he wore a blue shirt with a tie that didn’t match. He didn't conform to the elders' set of rules, and finally left them to their hypocrisy.   My sons were chided by individuals in the congregation for wearing colorful shirts - they should have been white.  Absolute stupidity. One son quit college because an elder told him he should be ashamed for choosing college over pioneering.    Everything that the organization expects is outward perfection, which mirrors the pharisaical leadership of Jesus' day.  The heart of this organization is full of sin.  

I couldn’t reconcile with the excuses that the leadership gave for their membership as an NGO in the UN. Today, they are still NGOs in other countries.  Their hypocrisy is commonplace, when there was a day that this was considered being "part of the world".   They work right along with the governments they say will be destroyed. They invest heavily, while expecting their members to live in poverty.  They hide their child abuse problem, sweeping their false prophesies under the rug…and the shunning, the disfellowshipping.  I would hope that a disfellowshipped one would choose to sit by us during a meeting,  just so I could give that person a reassuring smile of love.  It is not a loving provision to treat one as "dead".  This is evil.

JWs live as naively as possible, closing their heart and minds to the sin that is all around them.  This can only occur through demonic intervention.  (2 Cor 11:3,4; Rev 18:4-8)

I wanted to understand the anointed Body of Christ.  Before I came to realize what “Armageddon” is really about, I wanted to gather them together, and care for their physical needs. Before my husband died this last August, we had owned a large piece of property where together with our sons, built a small solar house over many years.   There, I thought, I had enough room to allow them a safe haven during WT’s physical teaching of the Great Tribulation/Armageddon. (Joel 3:14-16; Rev 16:13-16)  I knew this Body was important, but now I truly understand that the Kingdom will not arrive until the last faithful anointed is sealed. (Zech 4:8,9)  JWs don't see this, they believe their organization will bring them safely into the "paradise".  But God has another plan for the mountain of sin. (Rev 8:8)

 I realize that the majority of the anointed inside will not gather, for fear of losing the life they have, under a dual power lording it over them. (Matt 10:39) Or, they love unrighteousness, over truth. (2 Thess 2:9-12)   They are held spiritually captive, and they are too weak to fight it. (1 Tim 4:1; Col 2:8; Rev 13:10)  They will not gather as one body under Christ, while the elders must gather, as their Head the GB, expects them to.  Surely, you see the hypocrisy.

The "camp of the saints" is surrounded.  This will not occur a thousand literal years after Armageddon, since those saints will be ruling with Christ then.  It is happening NOW...in the organization - Satan's magnum opus to destroy those in Christ, with a flood of lies.   (Rev 12:1,2,13,15-17; 16:13-16; 20:7-10)

22 hours ago, xero said:

What of your beliefs do you have with which you can share with the wider group of people in the world who refer to themselves (and believe it) as "Christians".

My beliefs are written in many places here.  Isa chapter 2 speaks of Mount Zion rising, and those who put trust in a false “mountain” will see it become level ground. (Zech 4:7)    This is the time of “small beginnings”. (Rev 4:10; Amos 7:5) It didn't happen when Russell came on the scene teaching that the Great Pyramid was God's stone witness.  It didn't happen with Rutherford, who was imprisoned for a book filled with strange fables, that the clergy and the government were up in arms about.  It has happened because the elder body has risen from the ground up, and now is granted total power over God's saints.  (Joel 2:1,2; Dan 11:36; Rev 13:5-7; 9:3,4)   Anointed “kings of the earth” have gathered, (Rev 1:5; 5:9,10) and many with them, and they are teaching truth outside of the WT.  The Marriage Feast does not come after Armageddon, it begins with the unveiling of Revelation.  (Rev 1:1,11:1-3; Matt 17:11; Mal :1-3,18; Rev 3:18) This understanding is reaching around the world. Those leaving the “apostate city” are invited, since many who were expected, refuse to attend.  (Matt 22:1-10; 25:6-10)


YHVH's Genuine Mountain


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1 hour ago, Witness said:

Well, you asked, so here it goes.

My experience was more negative than positive, but I held on for over 30 years.  I could not reconcile the hypocrisy that my elder husband had to deal with, I couldn’t reconcile with the clicks, the pressure of privileges and esteem based on works, the blatant stupidity of elder shepherds who ignored single mothers, widows, and women with children. Many times meeting for service, and elder would put two mothers and their children together in one group, while the elders buddied up with single sisters. My husband did his best to be a good elder; he was preferred by those in the congregation for shepherding calls.  He was known as a humble man, who didn’t care if his shoes were polished, or that he wore a blue shirt with a tie that didn’t match. He didn't conform to the elders' set of rules, and finally left them to their hypocrisy.   My sons were chided by individuals in the congregation for wearing colorful shirts - they should have been white.  Absolute stupidity. One son quit college because an elder told him he should be ashamed for choosing college over pioneering.    Everything that the organization expects is outward perfection, which mirrors the pharisaical leadership of Jesus' day.  The heart of this organization is full of sin.  

I couldn’t reconcile with the excuses that the leadership gave for their membership as an NGO in the UN. Today, they are still NGOs in other countries.  Their hypocrisy is commonplace, when there was a day that this was considered being "part of the world".   They work right along with the governments they say will be destroyed. They invest heavily, while expecting their members to live in poverty.  They hide their child abuse problem, sweeping their false prophesies under the rug…and the shunning, the disfellowshipping.  I would hope that a disfellowshipped one would choose to sit by us during a meeting,  just so I could give that person a reassuring smile of love.  It is not a loving provision to treat one as "dead".  This is evil.

JWs live as naively as possible, closing their heart and minds to the sin that is all around them.  This can only occur through demonic intervention.  (2 Cor 11:3,4; Rev 18:4-8)

I wanted to understand the anointed Body of Christ.  Before I came to realize what “Armageddon” is really about, I wanted to gather them together, and care for their physical needs. Before my husband died this last August, we had owned a large piece of property where together with our sons, built a small solar house over many years.   There, I thought, I had enough room to allow them a safe haven during WT’s physical teaching of the Great Tribulation/Armageddon. (Joel 3:14-16; Rev 16:13-16)  I knew this Body was important, but now I truly understand that the Kingdom will not arrive until the last faithful anointed is sealed. (Zech 4:8,9)  JWs don't see this, they believe their organization will bring them safely into the "paradise".  But God has another plan for the mountain of sin. (Rev 8:8)

 I realize that the majority of the anointed inside will not gather, for fear of losing the life they have, under a dual power lording it over them. (Matt 10:39) Or, they love unrighteousness, over truth. (2 Thess 2:9-12)   They are held spiritually captive, and they are too weak to fight it. (1 Tim 4:1; Col 2:8; Rev 13:10)  They will not gather as one body under Christ, while the elders must gather, as their Head the GB, expects them to.  Surely, you see the hypocrisy.

The "camp of the saints" is surrounded.  This will not occur a thousand literal years after Armageddon, since those saints will be ruling with Christ then.  It is happening NOW...in the organization - Satan's magnum opus to destroy those in Christ, with a flood of lies.   (Rev 12:1,2,13,15-17; 16:13-16; 20:7-10)

My beliefs are written in many places here.  Isa chapter 2 speaks of Mount Zion rising, and those who put trust in a false “mountain” will see it become level ground. (Zech 4:7)    This is the time of “small beginnings”. (Rev 4:10; Amos 7:5) It didn't happen when Russell came on the scene teaching that the Great Pyramid was God's stone witness.  It didn't happen with Rutherford, who was imprisoned for a book filled with strange fables, that the clergy and the government were up in arms about.  It has happened because the elder body has risen from the ground up, and now is granted total power over God's saints.  (Joel 2:1,2; Dan 11:36; Rev 13:5-7; 9:3,4)   Anointed “kings of the earth” have gathered, (Rev 1:5; 5:9,10) and many with them, and they are teaching truth outside of the WT.  The Marriage Feast does not come after Armageddon, it begins with the unveiling of Revelation.  (Rev 1:1,11:1-3; Matt 17:11; Mal :1-3,18; Rev 3:18) This understanding is reaching around the world. Those leaving the “apostate city” are invited, since many who were expected, refuse to attend.  (Matt 22:1-10; 25:6-10)


YHVH's Genuine Mountain


You're absolutely right about the hypocrisy. It's all there. The cowardly behavior of some too. I understand too that some are closing their eyes to the deficiencies of yet another organization. I don't fault them for being human. I think of the parents of the man born blind who was healed, but for fear of getting kicked out of the  congregation failed to put their faith in Jesus, the one who healed their son. I don't fault those leaving because of any pain they've suffered at the hands of those they'd come to trust. So many have left and some have stayed. To me this is all in fulfillment of prophesy as well. To me it's all wheat and weeds until the end. There won't be any perfect organization now any more than there was in the 1st century. People can choose to stay or choose to leave and there's pain either way. The pain comes always when people put their trusts in nobles, the son of earthing man to whom no salvation belongs. No one should abdicate their Christian conscience to an organization, and yet what are people to do? Worship alone? Form yet another defective church? The history of Christianity is filled with these experiments in purity, but in the end all of them are impure. One has to determine how to live as a Christian in the midst of all this and try as much as possible to focus on what is for up-building. As to what people make of various prophecies and how these are interpreted, I'm certain that we won't know w/o any doubt or force-fitting what these mean until the time these things take place. I'm so sorry you lost your husband. I do appreciate your telling these things openly.

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3 hours ago, xero said:

You're absolutely right about the hypocrisy.

No. She is not absolutely right about the “hypocrisy.” She does not forgive it. She too quickly converts human inadequacy into hypocrisy. She does the very opposite of Jesus when confronted with the “hypocrisy” of his twelve. He forgives them up to 77 times. He patiently corrects them once again when, on the night he knows he is to die, they have begun squabbling over who is the greater—the most childish of concerns.

Jesus forgave freely. Witness does not. Not at all. Possibly she did at one time. But she doesn’t anymore.

4 hours ago, Witness said:

Many times meeting for service, and elder would put two mothers and their children together in one group,

Let us say that a given meeting for field service consists of 32. Three are elders, each of whom have their wives, and one of them also has 2 children. Two of those three elders work full time and only get out in service on the weekends. One of those two missed service last weekend and has butterflies himself. Of the other adults, about half are weak and look forward to working with those stronger. Scattered among them are three other children. Six have their arrangements pre-made, and are not open to being arranged differently. Four of the adults have to leave early. You have an assortment of vehicles that carry 4 persons each, 5 max. You (check with 4Jah on this) are not one to separate children from their parents. Two publishers arrive as you are forming groups. The two unaccompanied mothers have 5 children between them and two car seats. One of them arrived in a two door car because her husband is unbelieving and doesn’t like 4 doors. 

Arrange the car group for me. I don’t disagree with everything you say. All the same, arrange the car group for me.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

No. She is not absolutely right about the “hypocrisy.” She does not forgive it. She too quickly converts human inadequacy into hypocrisy. She does the very opposite of Jesus when confronted with the “hypocrisy” of his twelve. He forgives them up to 77 times. He patiently corrects them once again when, on the night he knows he is to die, they have begun squabbling over who is the greater—the most childish of concerns.

Jesus forgave freely. Witness does not. Not at all. Possibly she did at one time. But she doesn’t anymore.

Let us say that a given meeting for field service consists of 32. Three are elders, each of whom have their wives, and one of them also has 2 children. Two of those three elders work full time and only get out in service on the weekends. One of those two missed service last weekend and has butterflies himself. Of the other adults, about half are weak and look forward to working with those stronger. Scattered among them are three other children. Six have their arrangements pre-made, and are not open to being arranged differently. Four of the adults have to leave early. You have an assortment of vehicles that carry 4 persons each, 5 max. You (check with 4Jah on this) are not one to separate children from their parents. Two publishers arrive as you are forming groups. The two unaccompanied mothers have 5 children between them and two car seats. One of them arrived in a two door car because her husband is unbelieving and doesn’t like 4 doors. 

Arrange the car group for me. I don’t disagree with everything you say. All the same, arrange the car group for me.

Well it totally depends on what amount of damage the hypocrisy .( that’s the only point I’m addressing here) .which is there...actually did...and we are not and nor will we be for many years be like Jesus ....In  The ability or power...of forgiveness ...but we can try....I think that’s what your saying Tom.

I think what certain ones here have done.....is  allowing their pain..and often a extreme pain ...a righteous anger ...turn to resentment and bitterness that may even be justified....BUT...it then it controls them....thus satan has got them either way.

Im Not  sure exactly what was said In This thread as I have blocked a couple but can pick up a fair bit.

what helps me..is remembering where Jehovah planted his son...right smack In The middle of his.....Then people...the most self righteous pious lot if there ever was...but ALSO there..were the wheat...and people struggling to serve their God .....and a lot that have been hurt forget that...and their anger consumes them and they are then a tool of the devil ....thus those that were the culprits..those  hypocrites...won.

I actually dont write this for anyone here ...because I know they will smart mouth my comment...but hopefully some one reading who has been hurt may be encouraged.

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11 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

How sad you are, having to twist even the scriptures to suit your purpose. 

Like I've said of you before, you sit on the fence, not knowing which way to turn. You say you are an Insider, giving information, but you are too frightened to stop serving your GB.  And you, like all other JWs, seem jealous of the Anointed. 

Every man and his dog on line now claims to be anointed....it’s hard to take any of them serious...why on earth would he or any one be jealous of them??...I’ve had my differences with JWI here..but I will stand up for him..on this..I think he’s  got a lot more guts and backbone ..than you give him credit.

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19 hours ago, Anna said:

So by saying "because Jehovah hasn't decided yet" you are throwing the ball back in their court and maybe "shaming" them into realizing that the man they are judging as unqualified, may in fact be more spiritually minded than them. 

I think you just like playing games. I think it is an insult to God. But then a lot of what JWs do is an insult to God and Christ. 


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14 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

No. She is not absolutely right about the “hypocrisy.” She does not forgive it. She too quickly converts human inadequacy into hypocrisy. She does the very opposite of Jesus when confronted with the “hypocrisy” of his twelve. He forgives them up to 77 times. He patiently corrects them once again when, on the night he knows he is to die, they have begun squabbling over who is the greater—the most childish of concerns.

Oh dear tom, twisting things again.

The comparison is not with the Twelve. The comparison is with the Pharisees.  And if you know your bible you will know what Jesus called the Pharisees. 

The Twelve were learning something new, a totally different way of life. They were not the teacher.

The Pharisees were well established and were supposed to know and teach the way of God.

The Watchtower / JW organisation are well established and should know and be teaching the way of God. 

There is a correct comparison. 

Witness is right about the hypocrisy. 

17 hours ago, xero said:

I don't fault those leaving because of any pain they've suffered at the hands of those they'd come to trust.

I think you totally miss the point, and i think many JWs twist things in this way, but the reason for leaving would more likely be, coming to understand that neither God or Christ are leading the Watchtower / JW org. 

I find it funny ( because I have the strength of faith in God through Christ ) that JWs have to lay the blame on those that LEAVE.  

The Twelve disciples and may others LEFT  the Jewish 'way of life' to follow Christ and to serve God properly.  



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6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

No. She is not absolutely right about the “hypocrisy.” She does not forgive it. She too quickly converts human inadequacy into hypocrisy. She does the very opposite of Jesus when confronted with the “hypocrisy” of his twelve. He forgives them up to 77 times. He patiently corrects them once again when, on the night he knows he is to die, they have begun squabbling over who is the greater—the most childish of concerns.

Jesus forgave freely. Witness does not. Not at all. Possibly she did at one time. But she doesn’t anymore.

Let us say that a given meeting for field service consists of 32. Three are elders, each of whom have their wives, and one of them also has 2 children. Two of those three elders work full time and only get out in service on the weekends. One of those two missed service last weekend and has butterflies himself. Of the other adults, about half are weak and look forward to working with those stronger. Scattered among them are three other children. Six have their arrangements pre-made, and are not open to being arranged differently. Four of the adults have to leave early. You have an assortment of vehicles that carry 4 persons each, 5 max. You (check with 4Jah on this) are not one to separate children from their parents. Two publishers arrive as you are forming groups. The two unaccompanied mothers have 5 children between them and two car seats. One of them arrived in a two door car because her husband is unbelieving and doesn’t like 4 doors. 

Arrange the car group for me. I don’t disagree with everything you say. All the same, arrange the car group for me.

Are you sure we weren't in the same congregation? FS sounds about right.

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