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On 2/12/2021 at 6:54 PM, xero said:

The pain comes always when people put their trusts in nobles, the son of earthing man to whom no salvation belongs. No one should abdicate their Christian conscience to an organization, and yet what are people to do? Worship alone? Form yet another defective church?

Ps 146:3 - Do not trust in nobles,
in a son of man,who cannot save.

The entire Psalm 146 is relevant to those who decide not to trust “nobles” – the dual rulership of the organization. Their eyes were opened by the grace of God, and they are no longer held spiritually and emotionally captive to false teachings; although they realize this could mean the end to any relationship with family or friends. (2 Pet 2:1-3; Matt 19:27-29) Jesus tells us this loss would happen to those who know that his teachings are far superior to those of men. (Luke 11:46; Matt 15:14)   This spiritual judgment of “death” translates into a victory of freedom, to pursue truth in Christ. (John 16:2; Heb 13:13; Rev 13:15; 11:1-3,7)  A relationship with God and Jesus develops without intervention from “nobles”.   Have you disfellowshipped anyone for rejecting the GB, the organization, or its teachings?  You don’t seem like the type who would go along this regulation. 

“The Lord protects resident aliens
and helps the fatherless and the widow,
but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.” Ps 146:5

How does He frustrate the ways of the wicked?  The evidence is in Wt’s constant renewing of failed teachings. (Isn’t there now “new light” about the sheep and the goats?)  He can also “send” a lying spirit upon those who refuse to serve Him in truth, preferring to follow their own heart’s desires of gaining material wealth, prominence and power over others. (1 Kings 22:22; 2Thess 2:9-12) (Luke 22:24-27; 4:5-7;1 John 2:15-17)  Failed teachings do not have their source in the Spirit of Christ. Nothing ‘poisonous’ would come from the lips of one speaking Christ’s truths.  (Matt 12:34; Luke 6:43; 1 Cor 10:12; Heb 12:15; Prov 5:3-6; Rev 8:11; 17:15)   God voluntarily removes His Spirit from any anointed who “fall” from His grace. (1 Sam 6:14; 1 Cor 5:1-5)   

Why do JWs trust in the words of men who cannot save even themselves, from their own adulterous tongue? (Ps 5:9; James 1:26)

Two spiritual nations inhabit the organization – “Israel”, the smaller nation, has put its trust in elders/”Gentiles”, and arrogant leaders of “Israel” (if they are all anointed). The elders act as nobles – “princes”; even called such in the magazines. (Jer 23:1,2)  This larger nation has the authority to keep “Israel” in check, according to the regulations of those in charge. (2 Thess 2:3,4) Is this scriptural?  No.  But it has happened numerous times to the physical nation of Israel.  Although this rulership is called “shepherding”, it is an internal force of evil to instill power over God’s people.  The accusatory remarks about the anointed being mentally unsound, that they may be fakes, (I’m not saying it can’t happen), etc.; have their source in the accuser himself.  He demands to sift God’s saints “as wheat”.  (Job 1:10; Zech 3:1,2;  Luke 22:31; Rev 12:10) He did the same to Jesus Christ, through the religious leaders.  (Matt 12:24-28)

You say you love to read and research the scriptures.  You must see this has happened time and again where God has allowed nations to overcome Israel.  And why? They choose false teachings and idolatry over giving God exclusive devotion to Him and His decrees through Jesus Christ.   This organization is not the Israel of old where the prophet Moses led people through the wilderness, but that is exactly what JWs translate the organization as today.  There are sly connections made of the GB to Moses. What blasphemy.   In comments such as, “come to Jehovah’s organization for salvation”, or ‘when the slave passes decrees, these decrees come from Jehovah and must be obeyed’…we see idolatry in its most blasphemous form.  We have God's decrees already written down.  Are we to add to the Bible?  The only “organization” now, is through the Body of Christ – it is not a physical apparition built on a mountain that JWs expect their studies to stream to.  (John 4:21-24; Acts 7:47-51; 17:24-27; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22) 

Satan has one last shot of wiping out God’s holy people. (Rev chapter 12)  It took something “different” to turn "Israel's" hearts from God this time, to lead them into serving an idol that promises salvation.  It has been well manipulated and developed over the years, becoming a sinful inclination to admire and love  - the “Beast” that “makes war with the saints”. (Dan 7:23; 8:10; Rev 11:12; 13:7)  God has allowed this test to fall upon them. (Luke 22:31,32)  This is the essence of the Great Tribulation and the divisive war of Armageddon.  (Joel 3:14)

Have you ever wondered why the leadership repeatedly warns of the GT positioned on the doorstep, but no matter what devastation may occur in the world, they still haven’t laid down that card?  What’s stopping them?  How many JWs have died from covid? How many are in prison, some for many years? How many earthquakes and natural disasters, uprising in the governments, will it take for them to say, “it’s here”?  Do they know something that JWs don’t - that the GT is really about the saints (“kings of the earth” Rev 1:5) conquered by their lies?  (Rev 16:13-16)  And that the "signs" are not literal but spiritual?  (Luke 8:10; 17:20,21)

“Woe to you who long for the day of the Lord!
What will the day of the Lord be for you?
It will be darkness and not light.
19 It will be like a man who flees from a lion
only to have a bear confront him.
He goes home and rests his hand against the wall
only to have a snake bite him.
20 Won’t the day of the Lord
be darkness rather than light,
even gloom without any brightness in it?”  Amos 5:18-20

Darkness represents Satan’s deceit, leading to death.  “Light” represents Christ and his truths, leading to eternal life. 

Matt 4:16; John 1:5; 8:12; Col 1:13; 1 Pet 2:9; 2 Cor 6:14; Eph 5:14…etc.

The true shepherds, chosen by God through anointing, (Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9; Eph 2:20-22) have put their trust in nobles instead of Jesus Christ and God to lead them.  They have neglected their role to teach the people His laws.(Mal 2:7; Heb 8:10) “Israel” is oppressed by men – again! (Jer 50:33; Col 2:8; Rev 13:10) They can continue to languish behind Wt’s walls of darkness, allowing men to rule over them; or, as Revelation shows, they turn to Jesus Christ for freedom and truth. (Rev 3:18)  Any JW can and should, do the same.  (Rev 18:4-8; Matt 24:15,16)

“Happy is the one whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord his God”  Ps 146:5

Although elders are believed to be God’s shepherds, they are in fact only herders, hired to keep “Israel” surrounded with the GB’s falsehoods and oppressive rules. (Rev 9:1-5;13:11,12; 20:7-10)   Even dogs can herd sheep, and follow the commands of their master.  (John 10:7-13; Matt 24:48-51; Rev 9:1-5; 13:11,12,8; 17:8; 22:15; Matt 6:24)

You seem to be a kind man, but your position as an elder ruling over/”sitting” in the spiritual Temple of God is a very dangerous one to be in.  (1 Cor 3:16,17; Rev 13:5-7; 22:10-14)  The “man of lawlessness” sitting in the Temple of God, is the exalted heartbeat of the fourth “beast”/organization – and you, as an elder, contribute to that heartbeat.  (Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:1-4,8,9-12)


I apologize if there are mistakes in scripture







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53 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

challenges (like bringing along several small children).

I think the general climate (I’m talking about the period between 1970 and 2015) was for the JW family to participate together in all theocratic activities, with young children from an early age to “adapt” to the assembly. It also means participating in the field ministry.

I remember a situation of a married couple who loved pioneering service (general, 90 hours) who traveled many kilometres in a car with a small child (from when she was a baby onward). That little girl was about 4 or five years ( in the middle to the end of 1980) old when a provincial overseer (CO) said to that brother (an informal meeting was at a some brother's house in Rijeka), "And why are you dragging that little kid around with you?" This greatly upset that married couple and these two brothers were often in verbal confrontations on many issues.
So perspectives are different on many things. One thing is said and expected from the podium, another is done in real time and on the "field". :))

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3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Well it has in some ways. It's given me a better conscience, but of course I have a long way to go to have a good conscience.

I have also spent more time in personal Bible study, but of course there is so much that I don't understand. I think that is because the Bible is meant for the Anointed not so much the Earthly class. But it is good for basic guidance.  I have purchased one other study bible and intend to purchase the new Berean Study bible when it is released in March. the idea is to read each and to compare. Well it will encourage me to read a Bible even more.  

I have been able to post information online about the CSA problem Earthwide in the Watchtower / JW Org, which I wouldn't have done if I'd stayed in the Org. (That would have been hypocritical) The reason for posting it was to warn others of the Pedophilia, but also to warn JWs that people in the world know about it.  The warning for JWs was to say that they might get abuse or attacked because of the news about the CSA.  (I think this has happened in America).

I was hoping that many more people would leave the Org but it seems, as I've said, that congregants are just 'turning away' so as not to see the immorality or false teachings. 

I comment on here also to warn people of the Pedophilia and to give encouragement to others that have left the Org. 

So yes, it has strengthened my faith in God through Christ because I'm not leaning on other humans.

The 'isolation' from being shunned hasn't bothered me because i have a lovely wife and a great son to share all my time with. I do feel sadness for those that are totally alone physically even though they may feel closer to God and Christ. 



You know I've been studying this phenomenon for a long time. I decided to look at other non-trinitarian groups as well just to see what they had to say and how these were doing w/scandals. I've looked at non-denominational non-trinitarian groups as well. I've looked at some who say they believe in the trinity, but everything they say about Jesus and Jehovah indicate they are henotheists and not trinitarians at all. I haven't found a group yet which hasn't been touched by one scandal or another.

I would say this doesn't surprise me. It also doesn't surprise me that a lot of CYA goes on in organizations. I find it quite disappointing. So that's why when I'm asked to pretend that our organization is the purest of them all. I can't. I don't know. How am I supposed to know?. I'm sure that the people I see in the congregations have the best of intentions and yes there have been exceptions, but all the failings I see are human failings. Even the way certain things are handled. I mean what are you to do when you're not a professional in these areas and you are honest with yourself.

I suppose I would have (and still do) belay any instruction that I can't internally agree with.

But we're back again. I've been going through prophesies which emphasizes specific events as being interpreted specific ways and unless you insist on a few key points, you find that it all gets rather ambiguous.

Take the little horn in Daniel. If you look at it w/o the lens you currently have you might conclude other things.



(In this one it's Donald Trump)

So I suppose I may be treading water (I wish I could walk on water) But rather than spending my time in defense of a narrow set of ideas, I focus on the practicality of living as a Christian. Not particularly thrilling to some, but necessary.

I'm still asking/searching and knocking but my focus is trying to wrap my mind around what I can and can't know from scriptures.  When I read the eisegesis done w/Rev. 11 I have to roll my eyes a bit now.  (But I could be very wrong too, maybe it's right, but it seems forced) I keep this to myself because it invariably leads to a call on the mat and a flag salute. (Sorry Scooter...I follow Jehovah, his Son and the Bible) Also, these questions are MY problem. Not someone elses . I don't need to drag anyone along w/me and my private investigations.

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2 hours ago, xero said:

So that's why when I'm asked to pretend that our organization is the purest of them all. I can't. I don't know. How am I supposed to know?.

This might help:

“Out of nowhere a scholar has appeared who talks dispassionate sense on the subject of child sexual abuse as it relates to Jehovah’s Witnesses and is unswayed by secular jingoism. Are/were you a Jehovah’s Witness who was abused as a child? That is very bad, Holly Folk agrees, but she cautions such ones that they must be on guard not to be abused a second time. It may happen at the hands of those who mostly feign interest in their trauma so as to enlist them in their greater goal of taking down a religion they hate. “All I ask is that you consider, for a moment, that you might be being used again, by people who care little about achieving justice for victims,” she says.”

More... https://www.tomsheepandgoats.com/2021/02/holly-folk-speaks-to-child-sexual-abuse-among-jehovahs-witnesses.html

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2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This might help:

“Out of nowhere a scholar has appeared who talks dispassionate sense on the subject of child sexual abuse as it relates to Jehovah’s Witnesses and is unswayed by secular jingoism. Are/were you a Jehovah’s Witness who was abused as a child? That is very bad, Holly Folk agrees, but she cautions such ones that they must be on guard not to be abused a second time. It may happen at the hands of those who mostly feign interest in their trauma so as to enlist them in their greater goal of taking down a religion they hate. “All I ask is that you consider, for a moment, that you might be being used again, by people who care little about achieving justice for victims,” she says.”

More... https://www.tomsheepandgoats.com/2021/02/holly-folk-speaks-to-child-sexual-abuse-among-jehovahs-witnesses.html

This is helpful.

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“Both official reports and media often confuse ‘institutional’ abuse in religious settings and abuse happening in families that happen to be religious.” HF

"Next move will be to hold Walmart responsible for abuse that has occurred among their shoppers"- True Tom

Yes, I would say that is the crux of the matter. 

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I laugh at you JWs trying to clear your own conscience, just so that you can continue your 'comfort zone' way of life. Your social club. For that's what it is. 

Deliberately twisting truth and deliberately denying CSA in your 'oh so precious Org'. You continue to serve your GB, your 'F&DS', your heroes.  

Oh yes of course some of you admit, well yes it does happen, but it's because people are 'only human'. and then you go on to compare it to the 'world'. How really sad it is to compare things to the 'world' which is run by Satan. It seems you compare the Org on the same level as the 'world'. Very strange as the Org is supposed to be 'no part of the world'. But you people drag it into that 'world'. 

Let's take anna's stupid comment. Or was it tom's ? 

16 hours ago, Anna said:

"Next move will be to hold Walmart responsible for abuse that has occurred among their shoppers"- True Tom

Can you see how this is so stupid ?  Walmart shoppers are not employed by Walmart. Walmart have no responsibility for it's shoppers in that respect.  BUT the GB and all it's 'official' ranks are the responsibility of the Watchtower / Org. 

(I'll ask one more time. What has happened to that 25 + year Pedophilia database that the GB and it's Lawyers are hiding away ? Have the GB done a deal with the Feds ? Or is the new president going to make pedophilia legal ? )

16 hours ago, Anna said:

“Both official reports and media often confuse ‘institutional’ abuse in religious settings and abuse happening in families that happen to be religious.”

I don't think so. I think it is you that is confused. Because what has happened, and has been proven in courts, is that the Watchtower / JW Org has hidden the CSA by Elders and Ministerial Servants. Yes those 'highly thought of brothers' that abuse their own children and others, have been kept hidden in congregations, because the children have been frightened into keeping quiet. 

Oh well, it's lunch time here in Devon, England, and eating lunch is more positive that trying to teach truth to you that just want your ears tickled by your superiors. 

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If just cracks me up when someone downvotes a comment that undermines whatever they harp on—as though without a downvote, nobody would have any idea they might disapprove. 

It’s even more so when people downvote insults to themselves. Duh.

I think I’m going to collect a few insults and upvote them all as a subtle means of ridicule.

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I do think Tom's reference to the outside source which distinguishes between institutional abuse and abuse in familial non-institutional settings is important. The source noted 1-2% of any given population having issues in this regard. This same percentage appears to be present among those identifying as JW's. These are humans w/the same failings. What's at issue is what it is that's suggested - conflating institutional abuse, Sunday Schools, Camps and the like w/paid clergy/laity vs abuse which happens in a home and later reported on.

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13 hours ago, Anna said:

“Both official reports and media often confuse ‘institutional’ abuse in religious settings and abuse happening in families that happen to be religious.” HF

"Next move will be to hold Walmart responsible for abuse that has occurred among their shoppers"- True Tom

Yes, I would say that is the crux of the matter. 


4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Can you see how this is so stupid ?  Walmart shoppers are not employed by Walmart. Walmart have no responsibility for it's shoppers in that respect.  BUT the GB and all it's 'official' ranks are the responsibility of the Watchtower / Org. 


4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Because what has happened, and has been proven in courts, is that the Watchtower / JW Org has hidden the CSA by Elders and Ministerial Servants. Yes those 'highly thought of brothers' that abuse their own children and others, have been kept hidden in congregations, because the children have been frightened into keeping quiet. 

HF aka Holly Folk from Cesnur (strange organization indeed) speaking about "family abuse" inside JW organization/congregations as something that is real problem in WTJWorg. She explained/stated how cases of CSA in WTJWorg are not "institutional". Let see. 

How many parents / guardians have committed CSA to their children? When this became known, then the "institution" through WTJWorg elders, took "institutional measures" in this regard.
How many JW members regardless of status (rank and file, MS, elders) have committed CSA over other people's children? When this became known, then the "institution" through WTJWorg elders, took "institutional measures" in this regard.

In both cases, the WTJWorg institution became involved in "family" relations or "private" relations between members and decided that such a case was within the jurisdiction of WTJWorg, a "religious-business institution". Moreover, WTJWorg has over time established a “procedure” or “policy” on how such matters should be dealt WITHOUT involving “secular institutions”.
So please, who wants to tell stories here and blur the eyes of others? HF and Cesnur for sure. Who else?

On the other hand, if WTJWorg has had a problem with “domestic violence and family abuse” to such an extent throughout all these decades, than we need to seriously ask - where has the “WTJWorg institution” failed?

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