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A question I always ask of the evangelical sorts (political, religious, anti-religious, environmental, whatever the cause)


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I like this question. It is a variation of “If you could solve any problem of the world, which one would it be?” It is given more import in that you ask it when people actually are trying to solve one

This reminds me of what the widow of the Doctor Seuss books said. He had vehemently resisted commercialization of his work during his life, but as soon as he died he was outmaneuvered. “If Ted could s

I do not try to be a jerk to you. I honestly cannot read you and so have no idea how to answer earnestly. That, and a certain innate playfulness, results in the comments that it does. To me, you have

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1 hour ago, xero said:

"By what process of reasoning did you determine that this was the one problem facing humanity that deserved your scare time and resources?"

Nothing to be confused about. People have scare time and resources. They allocate these by a process of reasoning. These should be able to explain the rational process whereby the decided to expend their energies in one place over another. This is especially so if they are evangelical in their zeal.

Connecting the dots.

The phone rings. You pick it up. On the end of the phone there's a solicitor who (we'll give the benefit of the doubt) is representing a cause of some kind. Let's say we even think it's not a bad cause. Our response might be.

"I'd like to thank you, 1st of all for choosing to be part of the solution, rather than a part of the problem. So many are unwilling to give of themselves these days."

*Pause as they blush*

Then follow this up w/the question. They should be able to answer this question.

As JW's it's an easy thing. The kingdom is the solution. Man's govts as well intended as some have been have always failed to deliver in one way or another. Death is still there. Justice is not punishment, but the complete repair of the wrong done. Choosing to learn about the kingdom and subjecting ones' self in advance of it's takeover is a benefit now and into the future. It doesn't mean being unconcerned w/the proximate evil, but it does place things in their proper perspective. Men w/o God, w/o the knowledge that justice will be done take it on themselves to try to bring about a utopia, and each and every time they try to put their hand out and eat from the tree of life and eat and live 'till time indefinite - they bring death, misery and destruction on their neighbors. It always happens. A proper estimation of one's station as a created, limited being will allow one to do what one can as palliative measures until the kingdom arrives - w/or w/o the assent of the planet.

On the other hand you have a myriad of causes, none of whom I've found can give a rational account for why their cause needs to have supremacy over all other concerns - these simply have gone where the winds of the moment have taken them.

Take "apostates" of any group - be these EX-JWs, EX-Mormons, EX-Muslims, EX-whatevers - these have causes, and usually it's not to say "This is the way, walk in it my people." it's "This is NOT the way, don't walk in it."

Very hard to live a life studying "disease" and "disorder" and studying "mental illness" to know what good functioning and a good life (insofar as one can have one now) is focusing on what's wrong.

People generally keep their balance when they are moving forward, using whatever positive momentum they have. As soon as they stop and try to statically stay in one spot, for fear of falling over, the more they fail.

BUT having diverged a bit, you can see that one simply has to be able to answer the question especially if one wants others to spend their own scarce time and resources in support of their peculiar cause.

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2 hours ago, xero said:

"By what process of reasoning did you determine that this was the one problem facing humanity that deserved your scare time and resources?"

I like this question. It is a variation of “If you could solve any problem of the world, which one would it be?” It is given more import in that you ask it when people actually are trying to solve one of them. I like it a lot, as well as the logical followup: Given that we have only so much time, where do we get the most bang for our buck?

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3 hours ago, César Chávez said:

At what point do you personally think, Jesus thought about politics, other religions such as Paganism of the time. Let's not confuse man's imperfection with the perfection that Christ lived and combined it with his heavenly father's perfection. The zeal is toward expanding Christ commandments, so the heavenly kingdom can and shall be established on earth, by a perfect body.

Therefore, the objectivity of resources, only applies when signaling time of vigilance which has nothing to do with man's politics. The FACT, this site promotes such things only confirms, this is NOT a witness friendly site. This site is no different from an apostate site where such things are disguised. However, this "confusion" was furthered by witnesses NOT in good standing here, long ago. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, Philippians 3:20

I'm not sure what it is you think I'm talking about.

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On 2/12/2021 at 8:20 PM, César Chávez said:

Hmm! Think about your post. Maybe it will come to you.

It's your usage of English which has me confused.

This doesn't parse into anything meaningful:

"Therefore, the objectivity of resources, only applies when signaling time of vigilance which has nothing to do with man's politics."

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1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

When you start with an obtuse thought about grammar and language, you start in the same path insider and TTH


2 hours ago, xero said:

This doesn't parse into anything meaningful:

Oh mother, tell your children,

not to throw away their decorum

Spend your life in sheer lunacy

On the World News Media Forum

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8 hours ago, César Chávez said:

I understand, since you are only a jerk to me and no one else. However, apply what you learned as an Ex-Elder and NOT throw the baby out with the bath water!

I do not try to be a jerk to you. I honestly cannot read you and so have no idea how to answer earnestly. That, and a certain innate playfulness, results in the comments that it does. To me, you have a way of issuing veiled, unpredictable, and sometimes unaccountable rebukes. But I have nothing against you, really. I just can’t follow your thinking.

”Come, is not the land big enough for the both of us? I’ll even grant you the greater portion, so that you can keep kicking the stuffing out of JWI and I will do other things.”

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