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DF'ed for gluttony?


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I have noticed they are getting a little chubby, that does tend to happen with age. I would by no means call them obese though. Plus, as I mentioned, you don't know people's circumstances. In any case

Perhaps some do dedicate to an organization. But the same can be said for a true believer anywhere. People are always making idols out of something, someone or even some idea. Whomever you obey,

Alas, this fine thread has devolved into a cat fight. But I’ll bring it back on topic, thus redeeming myself in CC’s eyes. I’m not entirely sure how I fell from his good graces. This is pretty

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5 hours ago, xero said:

Because there are some fatties out there who need some discipline. :)

I agree. It is a sin against your body if you fill it with unhealthy food and eat to excess. Why? Because you clog your arteries, get diabetes, ruin your joints and a host of other ailments directly associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, one of which is gluttony. I would say it's tantamount to smoking, unfortunately it's hard to define. How fat is too fat? How much food is too much food? Where would one draw the line? What would be the criterion for counseling someone and for forming a judicial committee? So unfortunately, it is impossible and will never happen. Unfortunately too though, these obese brothers and sisters are giving a bad witness. Perhaps if they realized this, they would try and live healthy for Jehovah, if not for themselves.
Also of course, some really cannot help it because of certain medical condition or medication. This is only a small percentage though. But you will not know everyone's circumstance, and if the elders were to pry into reasons why someone is fat, then that would border on harassment. So I don't think anyone will be disfellowshipped for being fat anytime soon, if that were the case, then congregations in America would go down by half 😂

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2 hours ago, Anna said:

Unfortunately too though, these obese brothers and sisters are giving a bad witness.

I don't suppose you have taken a good look at the governing body lately? Surely you've noticed a growth spurt among a few, such as A. Morris, G. Jackson, M. Sanderson, with K. Cook and G. Loesch not far behind.  Wow. that's 5 out of 8.  

Or, are they not considered part of the "brothers and sisters" who are "giving a bad witness"?

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

Surely you've noticed a growth spurt among a few, such as A. Morris, G. Jackson, M. Sanderson, with K. Cook and G. Loesch not far behind.

I have noticed they are getting a little chubby, that does tend to happen with age. I would by no means call them obese though. Plus, as I mentioned, you don't know people's circumstances. In any case, I am wondering why, if you have such an aversion to them, you even know what they look like lately. Do you have an unhealthy obsession with them?

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24 minutes ago, Anna said:

I have noticed they are getting a little chubby, that does tend to happen with age. I would by no means call them obese though. Plus, as I mentioned, you don't know people's circumstances. In any case, I am wondering why, if you have such an aversion to them, you even know what they look like lately. Do you have an unhealthy obsession with them?

I tuned into the annual meeting.🙂


25 minutes ago, Anna said:

Plus, as I mentioned, you don't know people's circumstances.

Obviously, from the looks of one of them, his obesity - yes - stems from too much alcohol.  

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2 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

If one dedicated their life to God then one should care for the body as well as the 'spirit'. But as JWs dedicate their lives to the JW Org I suppose they don't care. 

Perhaps some do dedicate to an organization. But the same can be said for a true believer anywhere. People are always making idols out of something, someone or even some idea.

Whomever you obey, you worship. So if you find yourself obeying and internally transferring the authority to command away from Jehovah or Jesus or the Bible, then you're in dangerous territory.

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7 hours ago, xero said:

Perhaps some do dedicate to an organization. But the same can be said for a true believer anywhere. People are always making idols out of something, someone or even some idea.

Whomever you obey, you worship. So if you find yourself obeying and internally transferring the authority to command away from Jehovah or Jesus or the Bible, then you're in dangerous territory.

Um, sounds reasonable but JWs DO get baptised into the JW Org.

NO mention of : Matthew 28 v 19.  "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, .." 

That is such a simple but direct instruction, BUT the JW org refuse to follow it. 


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