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DF'ed for gluttony?


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I have noticed they are getting a little chubby, that does tend to happen with age. I would by no means call them obese though. Plus, as I mentioned, you don't know people's circumstances. In any case

Perhaps some do dedicate to an organization. But the same can be said for a true believer anywhere. People are always making idols out of something, someone or even some idea. Whomever you obey,

Alas, this fine thread has devolved into a cat fight. But I’ll bring it back on topic, thus redeeming myself in CC’s eyes. I’m not entirely sure how I fell from his good graces. This is pretty

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23 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Are you suggesting the Watchtower GB are turning away from God and Christ, by using the same instrument that guided Jesus by which he made it a spiritual command to obey? Once again, think about it. I understand why such apostates like Anna and John Butler would give you an up vote. I'll give you an opportunity to respond before I make my emotion clear.

Keep in mind, certain medical conditions give the appearance of gluttony, which no one here is qualified to make that determination by sight, especially someone with poor insight like "witness". That makes this argument moot in its face. However, I was referring to spiritual food, that is a condition "demands" proper understanding and interpretation.

I'm not sure what instrument you're talking about. No offense, but are you using google translate?

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49 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

No offense taken. That suggestion comes from idiots like Anna, Insider and TTH. If you can't understand what you personally right, I can't help you!

Well then. Can you tell me if you're a native English speaker?

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On 2/12/2021 at 1:53 PM, xero said:

Because there are some fatties out there who need some discipline. :)

Alas, this fine thread has devolved into a cat fight. But I’ll bring it back on topic, thus redeeming myself in CC’s eyes. I’m not entirely sure how I fell from his good graces.

On 2/12/2021 at 11:42 PM, Anna said:

I have noticed they are getting a little chubby, that does tend to happen with age. I would by no means call them obese though. Plus, as I mentioned, you don't know people's circumstances.

This is pretty much the standard in the land in which they live. They by no means are out of place. I think one reason no one gets too serious about clamping down on “fatties” is that the causes are difficult to quantify. 

I have known people to eat like hogs. It’s no surprise when they get fat. But I’ve also known people to eat sparingly and still put on weight. Moreover, cutting food does not necessarily make them lose weight. You would think it would but it doesn’t.

There is an acronym of SAD, “Standard American Diet,” which is sad in that it virtually assures packing on the pounds. Look at any TV show of 50+ years ago and note how rail thin the backdrop characters are as opposed to today. The processed foods, meat and potatoes, high carb, high sugar diet is conducive to overweight even without overeating, even with moderate exercise. Add a sedentary lifestyle, which comes with the job for some of these guys, and the waistlines start to swell. 

Alas, there is chicanery in the food industry. Fast food will make you bigger than a house. But even regular sold food will point one that way... Google and you can find how that campaign to go low-fat was actually started by the sugar industry in order to deflect damage from their own offerings onto someone else and sell more stuff. Starchy, sugary food is very addicting yet is not on the list of what anyone would call gluttonous. Everything is high sugar, even things you would not suspect, such as ketchup.

I think some weight campaigners cease being such when they reach a certain age and find that, even though they eat no more, even though they were once thin, they start to pack on the pounds with the same diet as before. 


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Stopping the door to door work probably stopped a lot of exercise for JWs.  I used to love the door to door out in our Devon countryside around the farms. Of course I believed the message then so it was a good feeling too. But exercise equipment is cheap enough so no real excuse to stop exercising. I have a stepper, a sit up bar that fits under a door, a chin up bar which fits into a doorway, all cheap and chearful stuff. I have a skipping rope too, but tend to hit the light bulb on the ceiling :) .

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Alas, this fine thread has devolved into a cat fight. But I’ll bring it back on topic, thus redeeming myself in CC’s eyes. I’m not entirely sure how I fell from his good graces.

This is pretty much the standard in the land in which they live. They by no means are out of place. I think one reason no one gets too serious about clamping down on “fatties” is that the causes are difficult to quantify. 

I have known people to eat like hogs. It’s no surprise when they get fat. But I’ve also known people to eat sparingly and still put on weight. Moreover, cutting food does not necessarily make them lose weight. You would think it would but it doesn’t.

There is an acronym of SAD, “Standard American Diet,” which is sad in that it virtually assures packing on the pounds. Look at any TV show of 50+ years ago and note how rail thin the backdrop characters are as opposed to today. The processed foods, meat and potatoes, high carb, high sugar diet is conducive to overweight even without overeating, even with moderate exercise. Add a sedentary lifestyle, which comes with the job for some of these guys, and the waistlines start to swell. 

Alas, there is chicanery in the food industry. Fast food will make you bigger than a house. But even regular sold food will point one that way... Google and you can find how that campaign to go low-fat was actually started by the sugar industry in order to deflect damage from their own offerings onto someone else and sell more stuff. Starchy, sugary food is very addicting yet is not on the list of what anyone would call gluttonous. Everything is high sugar, even things you would not suspect, such as ketchup.

I think some weight campaigners cease being such when they reach a certain age and find that, even though they eat no more, even though they were once thin, they start to pack on the pounds with the same diet as before. 


There are a lot of factors relative to weight. One can be satiety issues w/the brain. Not everyone's brains are getting the feedback mechanism as well as others. There's also related to this leptin sensitivity. Also issue w/inborn microbiome in the gut. Factors w/in control are things like avoiding foods which rapidly transit to glucose. This means avoiding most grains. Some are intolerant to lactose. Diets w/more fibre, not much in the way of fruits which transit to glucose rapidly. High protein and fat, but not trans fats, say olive oil, hemp oil, walnut oil, black seed oil, pumpkin seed oil. Eating at certain times of the day, say like intermittent fasting (eating once or twice a day). Certain supplements like berberine are also useful w/regard to keeping blood sugar in check. Exercise (walking or cycling) something most can do. Strength training. Then be sure you keep a pattern. Weigh yourself daily to monitor the needle's direction.

If you have a spiritual program, you should have a physical program as well. Healthy mind, healthy body.

Buying cases of scotch to drink at home, on the other hand. Not such a great idea.

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