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DF'ed for gluttony?


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8 hours ago, César Chávez said:

What makes xero an expert on what that member bought.

I just asked if his comment was related to that topic. I don't care how much booze the GB buy.  I actully thought the booze topic was not necessary. I don't drink any alcohol but if others want to it is their choice. 

I think the 'fat' topic is a bit strange too, but it seems some are enjoying it. 

8 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Be careful what your stupidity is insinuating your pathetic jerk. That will get you summoned to a court of law. 

Now this shows that you ARE Billy the Kid. It's exactly the same pattern you used to accuse John Butler about the GB. 

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I have noticed they are getting a little chubby, that does tend to happen with age. I would by no means call them obese though. Plus, as I mentioned, you don't know people's circumstances. In any case

Perhaps some do dedicate to an organization. But the same can be said for a true believer anywhere. People are always making idols out of something, someone or even some idea. Whomever you obey,

Alas, this fine thread has devolved into a cat fight. But I’ll bring it back on topic, thus redeeming myself in CC’s eyes. I’m not entirely sure how I fell from his good graces. This is pretty

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1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

This POST was poorly thought of.

It was not poorly thought of. It is as valid as any other. And it was not @xero(now added to your list of villains, I see) who brought the GB into it. It was the wicked witch of the west up to her old tricks.

1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

I actully thought the booze topic was not necessary.

It wasn’t. It had nothing to do with anything.

It is a perfectly valid viewpoint to say this is an apostate site. But having done so, what a bizarre example to set in playing continual pit bull on it, as though some self-appointed Theocratic Enforcer, when the theocratic organization itself will say stay off of it—and in the process, bringing up gossipy stuff that even none of the opposers thought to bring up!

I can see why @JW Insiderhas speculated he might be an opposer himself, determined to portray Witnesses as abusive and intolerant. Lots of attacks here. Straighten up and fly right, CC. Behave yourself. You are capable of good content. But get that anger under control. Otherwise, not only with the Librarian (that old hen) toss you on your ear once again, along your instantly recognizable new profiles—most will applaud her for it.

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4 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Be careful what your stupidity is insinuating your pathetic jerk. That will get you summoned to a court of law. I was referring to JTR's behavior as an anti-witness with a poor excuse of acting civil, that that idiot Anna didn't have a problem with, nor anyone else here. I remember someone saying, they were going to miss him.  Yet she called me a TROLL when in fact people like you are the TROLLS. That means she is also Anti-Watchtower. That makes her a TROLL and an Apostate to.

I miss him ...

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On 2/13/2021 at 10:58 AM, Anna said:

I agree. It is a sin against your body if you fill it with unhealthy food and eat to excess. Why? Because you clog your arteries, get diabetes, ruin your joints and a host of other ailments directly associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, one of which is gluttony. I would say it's tantamount to smoking, unfortunately it's hard to define. How fat is too fat? How much food is too much food? Where would one draw the line? What would be the criterion for counseling someone and for forming a judicial committee? So unfortunately, it is impossible and will never happen. Unfortunately too though, these obese brothers and sisters are giving a bad witness. Perhaps if they realized this, they would try and live healthy for Jehovah, if not for themselves.
Also of course, some really cannot help it because of certain medical condition or medication. This is only a small percentage though. But you will not know everyone's circumstance, and if the elders were to pry into reasons why someone is fat, then that would border on harassment. So I don't think anyone will be disfellowshipped for being fat anytime soon, if that were the case, then congregations in America would go down by half 😂

 Nor should they..this thread is stupid....brothers and sisters are dying out there.. being  tortured..thrown into prison...losing their employment..families turning on them...their faith tested to the max!!!!!!

And the worse is yet to come for many of us

and this is the Calibre of point of discussion...c’mon..people!!!

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1 minute ago, César Chávez said:

And yet, he had abusive language, When did you see the Librarian "BAN" him for that poor behavior. That's the hypocrisy I was alluding to with John Butler. Jah2me didn't mind his abusive language nor did TTH, Insider, Anna and people as yourself. But they are willing to call me on it. TTH, has threatened me with "banning" me again. That's my point in a nutshell.

Well I hope you don’t get banned..I don’t see why you would..probably for the reason you have quoted above..

Yes I liked JRT...for a number of reasons of which I won’t go into here...but yes I also winced as some of his phrases.... but I got him...

As to abusive  language..well I tend to be surrounded by it normally...so what you and some others here class as abusive probably wouldn’t bother me too much..

personally if I’m honest I dont really know who’s who..or who’s what..here...

But I would object strongly if you were banned...

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2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Well, you DO raise an excellent point here.

"Also, do not take to heart every word that people say; otherwise, you may hear your servant calling down evil on you; for you well know in your heart that many times you yourself have called down evil on others." - Ecc.7:21-22 (This might be a good one too)

Though I confess to speaking thoughtlessly as with the stabs of a sword on occasion. Shame on me for that.

(the question of course that occurred to me now, was whether the servant in the aforementioned was discreet or not.) No matter. Because it does say before this "..every word that people say". Maybe he didn't say it. Maybe he said it and didn't mean it that way. Maybe he said it, meant it in that way and I needed to hear it.


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4 hours ago, Thinking said:

Nor should they..this thread is stupid....brothers and sisters are dying out there.. being  tortured..thrown into prison...losing their employment..families turning on them...their faith tested to the max

Yes that is true, but it doesn't mean someone can't raise a question regarding something that appears not as serious as those things you mention. I think it is a fair question though since the Bible clearly condems gluttony. I merely gave my opinion. Now I have found this article in a Question from readers in the 2004 WT:


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7 hours ago, César Chávez said:

How many perfect people do you know TTH?

None. You do realize that the Terminator reference was to Alan, though, I trust.

7 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Now, by just seeing someone, can you tell if that person has diabetes, or another medical condition that will contribute to someone’s weight gain?

No. All good points.

Sometimes, probably not often enough, I write out a comment and then sit on it for awhile, even to next day. If I still feel it good to go, I let fly. Sometimes I think the remark is better canned or put elsewhere.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

None. You do realize that the Terminator reference was to Alan, though, I trust.

No. All good points.

Sometimes, probably not often enough, I write out a comment and then sit on it for awhile, even to next day. If I still feel it good to go, I let fly. Sometimes I think the remark is better canned or put elsewhere.

Good advice for me to follow too.....

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