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"Magadangate: A Governing Body member gets the gospels wrong!"


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"Reviewing the 2020 Annual Meeting Part Three) For the first time on camera, a Governing Body member gets the Bible wrong merging two different stories about Jesus into one. And the for some reason, the holy spirit did not stop this error featuring as part of the most illustrious event in the Jehovah's Witness calendar."



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What are you downvoting, Allen?  The fact that the GB member was exposed for his stupidity?  I remember watching him create his drawing, thinking how confusing his account seemed. What was his point,

"Reviewing the 2020 Annual Meeting Part Three) For the first time on camera, a Governing Body member gets the Bible wrong merging two different stories about Jesus into one. And the for some reason, t

This is was written by apparently devout JWs who saw Jackson's demonstration: Did anyone noticed around minute 30, br. Jackson explains account of Jesus in John ch. 6. But in this explanatio

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13 hours ago, Witness said:

And the for some reason, the holy spirit did not stop this error


What are you downvoting, Allen?  The fact that the GB member was exposed for his stupidity?  I remember watching him create his drawing, thinking how confusing his account seemed. What was his point, I thought.  But, I didn’t investigate it, and moved on.  I appreciate how the maker of the video drew my attention to Jackson’s melding of two Bible accounts, into his own.  After realizing this mistake, I thought to myself how many people were used in filming just his part of the meeting, and no one questioned his demonstration of this account about Jesus, as inaccurate. 

So, what are you downvoting?  Are you downvoting Jackson – that he should have done better research, even pray about his demonstration to be in harmony with scriptures?  Or, are you downvoting someone who isn’t a JW, but found the error? 

What concerns you more?

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I laughed after I watched this video. He is so confident in his research against those in responsibility over the brotherhood. What Jackson states is the truth not an error at all. that chapter of John is a long traveling scene if it is shown in dialogue and placed where it occurred on a timeline. It starts with a feeding of 5000, then evening fell so a bit of time went by when the disciples boarded the boat for Capernaum. they rowed 3-4 miles as the Bible account tells us they saw Jesus walking upon the sea. So the next day the crowd that was on the other side of the sea, saw the little boat, but no one on board, all had left. 

Jesus feeds the 5000 which is recorded in all the Gospels accounts, after which he walks on water; then he feeds another 4000 men which is only recorded in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew. yet what Bro Jackson was telling us about was the video series about Jesus and the work entailing to place the dialogue within the timeline and whereabouts it happened. No error, no mistakes 4 perspectives being melded to bring unity and understanding. But those outside will not get it. We are not blind or dumb. We are quite educated and read well enough to see what you seem to have missed, sir.  The video series will be almost as if we are there, the work put in this will be uplifting. Those returning from the grave will get great insight in the King who came to earth and lived among us then gave up his life for us, for this they have been brought back to life!!!!

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On 2/27/2021 at 9:44 AM, John Houston said:

We are not blind or dumb. We are quite educated and read well enough to see what you seem to have missed, sir. 

This is was written by apparently devout JWs who saw Jackson's demonstration:

Did anyone noticed around minute 30, br. Jackson explains account of Jesus in John ch. 6.

But in this explanation actually two different accounts of Jesus are mixed, one in Matt 15 where he feeds 4,000 people then takes a boat to Magadan, with the account in John chapter 6 where he feeds 5,000 and walks on water to Capernaum.

In br. Jackson’s version of John 6, Jesus walks on water to Magadan, then treks to Capernaum on foot.

Only John 6 never mentions Magadan. Magadan only appears in the separate account in Matt 15 where Jesus took a boat there.

I've once again went carefully through "Jesus - The Way", chapters 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 just to be sure.

These are definitely two different accounts. I've taken some text parts from "Jesus - The Way" chapters here:

MATTHEW 14:13-21  MARK 6:30-44  LUKE 9:10-17  JOHN 6:1-13

Jesus and his disciples went to Capernaum and head for an out-of-the-way place east of the Jordan River beyond Bethsaida. There will soon be about 5,000 men, and he will feed them all.

MATTHEW 14:22-36  MARK 6:45-56  JOHN 6:14-25

He then dismisses the crowds and instructs his disciples to get back in their boat. They are to head toward Bethsaida and then on to Capernaum. As for Jesus himself, he withdraws to the mountain to pray alone that night.

After some time Jesus observes the boat from a distance. The waves of the sea are being whipped up by a strong wind, and the apostles are ‘struggling to row, for the wind is against them.’ (Mark 6:48) Jesus descends from the mountain and begins walking over the waves toward them.

Soon they reach the plain of Gennesaret, south of Capernaum. Now Jesus is back on the western side of the sea, in the area of Capernaum.

JOHN 6:25-71

Jesus teaches in a synagogue in Capernaum.

MATTHEW 15:21-31  MARK 7:24-37

After having issues with the Jews, he heads for the regions of Tyre and Sidon in Phoenicia, many miles to the northwest.

MATTHEW 15:32–16:12  MARK 8:1-21

Then he goes to region of Decapolis (east side of Sea of Galilee). There he makes another miracle feeding 4.000 men.

After Jesus sends the crowds away, he and the disciples cross by boat to Magadan, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Here, Pharisees accompanied by some of the sect of the Sadducees try to test Jesus, asking him to display a sign from heaven.
Realizing what their motives are, Jesus replies his famous words: “When evening falls, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is fire-red,’ and in the morning, ‘It will be wintry, rainy weather today, for the sky is fire-red but gloomy.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but the signs of the times you cannot interpret.” (Matthew 16:2, 3)

Then Jesus tells the Pharisees and Sadducees that no sign will be given them except the sign of Jonah.
Jesus and his disciples get in a boat and head toward Bethsaida on the northeast shore of the sea.

Promised Land.png


Another JW responded:

I wondered about this too.  I tried to see if I was missing something that Bro Jackson presented but looking at the accounts it seems that after feeding the 4000 Jesus went to Magadan and after feeding the 5000 he went to Capernaum.  The walking on water took place after feeding the 5000.  Can we get to grips with this presentation? 

On 2/27/2021 at 9:44 AM, John Houston said:

The video series will be almost as if we are there, the work put in this will be uplifting.

You do know that the GB said it will take years to develop.  Is the time at hand, or not?

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