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Revelation Chapter One. Well I do say I don't understand scripture. Help please

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What do you mean they never even mentioned page 9, you idiot? It was studied paragraph by paragraph. See how @xerosays he has been comparing many different sources for Revelation interpretation

Your exactly right brother....I often think as you just articulated..we know so much but really so little....Jehovah loves a seeker..a searcher of the scriptures...but that doesn’t mean the reward wil

I've just started reading Revelation. This time I'm trying to concentrate on every word.  An old, wise, Elder once said to me, "Every thing in the Bible is there for a reson. It's not just to ta

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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

But the GB don't understand it and cannot interpret it either. So who do You think should understand it ?

For my part I'm waiting on a True Anointed that God, through Christ, will guide with Holy Spirit to understand it and to give instruction from it. After all it was written by Holy Spirit, so it's sort of like in code. And it needs the Holy Spirit to decipher the code. 

I'm hoping to buy the Berean Study Bible next month when it is released. but I'm not expecting to understand it much better :) .. 

I don't think anyone will understand it until the fat lady sings.

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16 hours ago, xero said:

but when people act as if they have it all figured out, I just think "I don't know. Seems stretchy from here."

For all the brouhaha about the Revelation book being THE TRUTH and YOU’D BETTER BELIEVE IT OR ELSE!! It plainly says that it is not to be taken that way.

From page 9: “It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible. Like Joseph of old, we say: ‘Do not interpretations belong to God?’ At the same time, however, we firmly believe that the explanations set forth herein harmonize with the Bible in its entirely.”

Don’t quite buy this portion or that? It’s not an issue. It is then “state of the art” interpretation, but nobody says it must be spot on in all aspects. If you burst into a Kingdom Hall Rambo-like with a flamethrower you may encounter some trouble, but otherwise nobody says you have to eat up every word.

Still I am not sure what is so terrible about it. I still think it more than serviceable. Other than a few places where they might have said, as Morgan Freeman did to Miss Daisy, “We’re not going to worry about what’s in the middle?” (some of those early conventions, which I always thought were stretching it) I think it holds up well.

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Repetition for emphasis, and then for the book to be removed and discarded. 

You are so paranoid. You can download it on the JWLibrary app right now.

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10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Don’t quite buy this portion or that? It’s not an issue. It is then “state of the art” interpretation, but nobody says it must be spot on in all aspects.


11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

From page 9: “It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible.

Oh no, BUT the Rev' book was studied three times, and they never even mentioned the page 9 bit, which was carefully hidden amongst other writing, which was placed on top of a picture and written smaller than the 'normal' writing. Yes I'm looking at it as I type this. 

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41 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

Oh no, BUT the Rev' book was studied three times, and they never even mentioned the page 9 bit, which was carefully hidden amongst other writing

What do you mean they never even mentioned page 9, you idiot? It was studied paragraph by paragraph.

53 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

So why did your GB / Org write the Revelation book pretending to understand it ? Why couldn't they just be humble and say 'We don't know' ?  

See how @xerosays he has been comparing many different sources for Revelation interpretations? Ask him if he has found one with the preface: “This is probably a load of manure, but I’m putting it out there anyway. I have nothing else to do with my time.”

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On 2/17/2021 at 2:08 PM, xero said:

I've been reading others interpretations and these haven't been helpful either.


Rev 1:1 - "The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show *his servants* what must soon take place."

Matt 17:10,11 - And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?”  11 Jesus answered and said to them, “Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will restore all things.


Mal 3:1-3 - “Behold, I send My messenger,
And he will prepare the way before Me.
And the Lord, whom you seek,
Will suddenly come to His temple,
Even the Messenger of the covenant,
In whom you delight.
Behold, He is coming,”
Says the Lord of hosts.

2 “But who can endure the day of His coming?
And who can stand when He appears?
For He is like a refiner’s fire
And like launderers’ soap.
3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver;
He will purify the sons of Levi, (the Levitical priesthood)
And purge them as gold and silver,
That they may offer to the Lord
An offering in righteousness."

Rev 11:1-3 - "Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. 2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will give power to my *two witnesses*, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”

"Then he answered me and said, “Do you not know what these are?”

And I said, “No, my lord.”

14 So he said, “These are the *two anointed ones*, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth.”  Zech 4:13,14


"in order that they may all be one" John17:21Eph.4:13 -- Rev. 12:6 reads; And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that THEY should feed her there a thousand two hundred sixty days." Rev.11:3,7Matt.24:281Cor.10:17Isa.41:27Eze.14:22 --- For those seeking to understand the correlation between prophecy and current events among the Chosen Ones, as well as the Organization who call themselves witnesses of Jehovah.”



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On 2/18/2021 at 10:14 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

What do you mean they never even mentioned page 9, you idiot? It was studied paragraph by paragraph.

So tell me which paragraph their confession was written in. Give me page number and paragraph number

No, it was written in amongst other sentances over a picture. That is not a studied paragraph or certainly wasn't brought out in the group i was in. 

But it is rather strange that they say "Does not interpretation belong to God".  Yet they say they are the Faithful and Discreet Slave, through whom 'God talks'. So what exactly are they trying to say ?  Were they saying that God was withholding the information ? 

There they were studying God's word, whilst writing this Revelation book, and thinking they are the 'true slave', yet not having confidence in God to supply them with holy spirit to get the information right or true. To the point that they feel it necessary to put in a disclaimer. Who were they not trusting, God, Christ, or themselves ? 


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2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

No, it was written in amongst other sentances over a picture. That is not a studied paragraph or certainly wasn't brought out in the group i was in. 

You know, now that you mention it, I do recall that when the assigned reader read that paragraph....

“It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible. Like Joseph of old, we say: ‘Do not interpretations belong to God?’ At the same time, however, we firmly believe that the explanations set forth herein harmonize with the Bible in its entirely”

....he was taken out back and shot. I thought even then it was an overreaction. 

Yes, I think you’re on to something, 4Jah. March on.

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8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You know, now that you mention it, I do recall that when the assigned reader read that paragraph....

“It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible. Like Joseph of old, we say: ‘Do not interpretations belong to God?’ At the same time, however, we firmly believe that the explanations set forth herein harmonize with the Bible in its entirely”

....he was taken out back and shot. I thought even then it was an overreaction. 

Yes, I think you’re on to something, 4Jah. March on.

Such a shame that you only quote PART of the 'paragraph', just the bit that suits your purpose. But it was not an inclusive 'paragraph' anyway, not one with a question as all the others were.  

Oh how you show your worship of your GB.  All Elders together then, bow down and worship the 8 men of your GB. There now, see how happy it makes you. 


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I remember just about everything from the revelation book and follow world politics. If you have seen any of my writings you will notice that I have written about the "image of the beast" already having power behind the scenes. UN is now setting world policies and the agreement they made with the WEF just about 2 years ago basically confirms that JWs was spot on from the first revelation book.

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