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6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

ar as I remember Christ did not participate in the "Judicial commissions/committees" of his time... 

As far as I remember the congregations were not yet completely established. There were only disciples who followed him.  He was not part of the Jewish Sanhedrin and went into the synagogue to read the Hebrew scriptures.  

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... apparently not, as it IS up to God ...

I request that all upvotes that might otherwise go to CC, who disdains them, be bestowed upon me instead. I need all I can get to counter the deluge of downvotes from 4Jah. Never could there be

(Proverbs 26:17) Like someone grabbing hold of a dog’s ears Is the one passing by who [meddles in] a quarrel that is not his. I have had hundreds of very similar exchanges with Allen/Billy/Cesar

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14 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

begged the Elders NOT to contact the police?

This is a common problem - family members beg elders to not tell the police.  This is why I say that many here do not think of how the families feel or think. They do not think of the family dynamics, except about the reporting. 

I have mentioned on this forum before how a young boy who touched his cousin out of curiosity was sent to a reformatory and branded a sex offender for the rest of his life......  BUT the people here do not really want to look at the nuances and the pain this brings a family or the victim....... the smell a pound of flesh and use this subject to keep on beating and beating JWs. they are not reasonable.

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25 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

do you blame me for not calling anyone here of Christian fellowship a brother,

Then why do you come here?  You yourself say - have discipline..... discipline the mind!  Walk the talk buddy!  I know I am a Witness - but if I am not good enough to your standards,  go read the watchtower we studied today!

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12 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

! I'm disciplined enough to fight for God and Christ.

You may be using  a hammer when a sharp sword is needed. Do you really think there are NO witnesses here? You have judged us all? You are deluding yourself if you think your personal brand of JW is the only kind.  There are principles we all have to adhere to and I have not proven unfaithful to Jehovah.  If I have - show me what I said which was unfaithful to the word of god -  except landing myself in a stupid cat standoff with you (for a silly sentence with less than 10 words). It was NOT Jehovah's ego that was hurt - it as yours.

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That odd passage at 2 Kings 22 in today’s Watchtower sidetracked me temporarily as I began to think of mischievous modifications and uses that I could put it to.

“So he said, ‘You will fool him, and what is more, you will be successful. Go out and do that.’”

CC had better start behaving—that’s all I can say.

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27 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

That odd passage at 2 Kings 22 in today’s Watchtower sidetracked me temporarily as I began to think of mischievous modifications and uses that I could put it to.

“So he said, ‘You will fool him, and what is more, you will be successful. Go out and do that.’”

CC had better start behaving—that’s all I can say.

This passage is not often examined, but it highlight's how Jehovah allows his heavenly administration latitude in making suggestions and applying the same. This "Divine Council" has a lot of discussion in various circles. My thoughts in this regard are that the 144k are to be additions/replacements for the defective ones. This, though then elevates previously lower forms of life, like humans, albeit w/everlasting life, w/having "life in themselves", something the others in the spirit realm have been thought not to possess, needing some manner of sustenance to keep alive. These replacements, the 144k will apparently be elevated to essentially immortal status. It is the ultimate answer...Jehovah says "I know my work w/humans is good, and further these selected ones can be trusted with even what other faithful in the spirit realm don't possess."...

Anyway...my thoughts on that....

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

As far as I remember the congregations were not yet completely established. There were only disciples who followed him.  He was not part of the Jewish Sanhedrin and went into the synagogue to read the Hebrew scriptures.  

It can be. Some or enough patterns in New Jew congregations was from Old Jew system, as i can see. Eg. Apostles have meetings without presence of woman, as in case immediately after Jesus death. Jesus had spiritual meetings with apostles but their wives and children were not present. Sort of Men's club. Yes, Jesus made some extensions while speaking with women, but many important meetings were without women, without families of disciple. Perhaps their wives were not interested in new movement or been preoccupied with care for family. 

 By the way, when we talk about women and apostles. The 3 Gospels report that the women saw the empty tomb and went to tell the apostles. However 1 Gospel (according to Mark) says that they did not go to tell anyone anything. Some explanation?


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4 hours ago, César Chávez said:

and God inspired them to be published. Learn then.

Yes, i am learning exactly now. Please, will you clear here, about what God inspired them to be published? 

4 hours ago, César Chávez said:

So, Jesus didn't go before the judgment of the Pharisees and before the Roman court. Good to know how much knowledge you bring to the table.

Oh dear God! Stick to context of comment. Jesus didn't act in roll of elder in Judicial Committee with another 2 elders and making decision about brother X or sister Y. I hope God will bless you this time and you will see the point :))).

4 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Since I'm not your keeper and your state of mind is in question, I have to ask silly questions because of silly thoughts you have. 😏


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27 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

It can be. Some or enough patterns in New Jew congregations was from Old Jew system, as i can see. Eg. Apostles have meetings without presence of woman, as in case immediately after Jesus death. Jesus had spiritual meetings with apostles but their wives and children were not present. Sort of Men's club. Yes, Jesus made some extensions while speaking with women, but many important meetings were without women, without families of disciple. Perhaps their wives were not interested in new movement or been preoccupied with care for family. 

 By the way, when we talk about women and apostles. The 3 Gospels report that the women saw the empty tomb and went to tell the apostles. However 1 Gospel (according to Mark) says that they did not go to tell anyone anything. Some explanation?


These sorts of differences in gospel account differences has been discussed by dozens and dozens of individuals... I don't use solely WT material in going through all these issues, however literally 5 seconds of searching provides the lazy one w/a banquest https://answersingenesis.org/jesus/resurrection/christs-resurrection-four-accounts-one-reality/


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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

This is a common problem - family members beg elders to not tell the police.  This is why I say that many here do not think of how the families feel or think. They do not think of the family dynamics, except about the reporting.

Yes, i think i recall you or someone else mentioned this issue, about family members wish about not reporting. It will be interesting to hear more about this. About JW members (or as general) not reporting to police and also, how about not reporting to elders too.

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The reason there is an expression “skeletons in the closet” is that throughout history, people have succeeded in keeping them there. It is only in modern times that any sin of any degree is expected to be reported to others. 

Some ought be, no doubt. Others not so much. But the idea that the involved parties, even the victim him/herself, has NO SAY in the matter is uniquely of our time.

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